1H~WAYNE Need Large SuotTJH~ldHe;~ingLig~ting.C~ntest ...newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · C:;;~:' ~;~ ~-~~.:'-~~';J-~~.. ~-~~' ";;;~~~-~;~;;" - [PDF Document] (2024)


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  • 1H~WAYNE Need Large SuotTJH~ldHe;~ingLig~ting.C~ntest ...newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950...· C:;;~:' ~;~ ~-~~.:'-~~';J-~~.. ~-~~' ";;;~~~-~;~;;"


p ges 1 to 8 > I I·, > I 'I Need Large Suot - Anrxiety for Service For Aroused by lap Warfitre Wib'lBe,C<>J;lsidered. For This Week. ------------0 Red Cross Subscriptions in EFFORT S L R"d Wilford L' d fW '. U SM' Annual R<>l1 Call Exceed NEEuED TO DEFE T Siale' c!way co",mcssion ,,,11 ReSidences 10 Wayne and also U1 arge eSI enee In say 0 ayne, In . . arines, D<>I"lars. ATTACKING FOR' ES hold a hearing al Wayne th9 rural area are takmg on res· B G Receives Transfer to Wake Island Few house Fnday at 10 on the apph- 11\(> dccoralJons'for the hohdays, urns to round ,The American Red CroSs has cation of the c., St. P, M. & O. the> home deColatlOns belng enter- , __ , Weeks Prior to 8 0 unday Incident. I N THE international ,)'risis I d f' 'd d _ callnd uPOD in the V.il!' emer- which has finally draw this ral1roa tor permiSSiOn to 151::0n· e In contests durlOg the prc- 10 ralse a rrummu01 fund of Unue passenger tra1hs Nm,·. 4 and Chl'lstmas season. Harry Tidrick Farm Home WHAT MAY BE DON ' I Japan's brutal Rttack on Pacific 50 rmlhon to care for thls country into armed eoome ,the 5 between SiOUX City and Norfolk. W. S, BI'csslt'r IS 10 charge 01 Ihe I D d b E lsl<l.nds early Sunday mornmg rE'- natIOn's forces and to re- irpperatIve need is unity f ef- An appllcatlon to l',<;tabhsh bus home llg/'flOg cont(','.;t JIl to.... n A 5 y Ire TO HASTEN WAYNE'S sultmg In an esilmatf'd 3,000 c'asu. heve dlstrf'ssed clvIlians. Wayne fort and l purpose. Solidar ty in service between Wayne and WIS· s('clet commlttc'e v.11I do the )udg- on Roof. GROWTH, PROGRESS altle.s and heavy to county's shaFe of thIS sum IS $1,- the presence of real trou Ie is ner,1 Sf!t for hearmg at Norfolk mg l'lext .... eek and elller thclr re- J' \ShIPS and other property: Immp... A h b·t It . II {' of undl'1prm1Ocd ol'lgm 800 to a telegram re a" merlCan a 1. t S an WC'dlnesday, wal' poslponC'd and no purts December A\vards \\11l lAS Hl41 drav.s to a close we dIately aroused nnxlety about and or i:-sue a plOclamatlOn Friday sup- stand togethe and Wal<1-efJeld and perhaps from \Vm- radIo, automatIc Iron, four :'ilde I\lol"day allprnoon The home Wayne' a larger Il\el)(:,r-, more statlOn{'d In that region, have not portll1g this appeal [or aid 10 fight together when qang r ap- Side Iand arc expected to and lIght bill. lone of the outst:mdlng one".: In prosperous and more attractJ\e 1y..t been hf'ard from, but all arf' Strikes \vill ceas and attehd the SPsslon Friday. SIOUX: Vvayne county rural jJO.... L'1' dIS-lnelghborhoncl, \\as bUllt by the communIty What practIcal ad- news IS Indlca- ReSpOnIH'l Is Good. orkers 10 defense prod ctioR C1tyrS delegation ..... 111 ff'present the trlcl IS offenng prizes 101' rur9-IITldnCks al a cost of about $10,f)(K) dltlOns could he m the tlOn that thpy are saJe. Before the oufbreak of hostilitIes 'ill nse to their best erjldeav- stock yards, graIn c:\change and IJdl nms [J(:JI tICJlJatmg In d holiday some )('ars dgO Insurance \\as way of employmg and servIce. Fort Nichols 'near Mamla on the> wl'ok wl\h Japan, WaYI1!'! Subversive elements will be other gmu(ls In the cIty W 11 I ((Jl1test 1 h gl\lng InstItutions? Could our Island of Luzon, one of the Pl1rllp- county's Red Cross roll cull properly restricted, and npthing Swett artd H .. W. Barteb·\.... el:c . Play Is [\' iC<J.rlll'r on t p propelt). farm products be converted Into plOPS, Pr'arl Harbor at Honohilu, ""'as set IOf $97,5 Wm. Beekenhau· Will bt> allowed to cIty Tupsday to ('onsull V\ Ith .' S J)Jipfilhw.. '! beSIdes Ilve-ptock for lIawau, Guam, Wake and MIdway f. , chalrman of the drl\l', yester- With a solid floont and a1deter- mterests opposing dIscontinuance clJrntdy rJI,lnlcl, \\iiS j;)H'sc'nl('d ilt ," y, _ ., , , whIch ther{' would bf large and bore ,the greatest loss{'s. ay reported $1,06780 wlth rhined pull fior fmal tr umph. of the service, t fl(' audllorlum C\l!'nlng by hou:;e dId not ha\-c elec- gro.... Ing demand? IWhat Im- Some reports cIrculated state thilt -lE- * _x. I comple1C'. Among the receIpts bearing F, A Good ana Richard H. Lar- \\"yne Flayers <'1.<; <l featur(' of lhe ng. provcmenl.<;' are nedkd In the Guam. Wake and Midway Island..; 're $37 from Brenna, $57 from son are members of Ihe slate com- lfJl'l'-Chflstm:ls Hal ry Ml's'j;lflnck and theIr busmess dIstrict 01'1 elsewhere .. bed en takehn by Japs, and Speaking of Back in the Leslie, $34,05 from Deer Creek, ,I miSSIOn v.ho are expected here 'Ish('r waf; dlreclor. gran( dughter, .. ulh Render, \\erc 10 fown to makp here 0 er Ispate es In leate that days when settlers In the $67.50 from PluE c;reek, $26.75 cal fOGeign i eas, will Friday. They .... 'd1J take ('Vidence Setting of the pldy was i:I. I\:ewlnt When was more satlsfactor ? b <tny there have been mo\ed ,wpst \VOt't e o[len sltrugglm g from Sherman, '5035 from WII- increased su veillance. n the presented to the cnl Ire eomnm;SlOn ork apartment In I he Celst .... ere gh"To!Og to 1he harn r ahout 10 clock 'k' nrt\ on "'.k. Islahd. rlOusly to l{!?f'{l al oat, we bur. from Sh Jp,<;, 60 from other hand, false accu ations an dC'clslon lS entered. I followmg. 11an Is:;, Thpodore (' Sd\V the rool 0 the house afire. ,. ,-, , '-, " I d oUI seal ty wardrobe by Strahan. $6,5.50 from Hunter, between neighbors, frequfnt by- y roust; Goldby Slmnls, E. II(' hurned back 10 summon aul would hp glad to ubi Ish Wllfo LlndsaX. son of ttH't ,..mg a Jew pI S :year, We $532.15 from Wajne, $6130 from produc;ts of war hysteria, must C -d --. I Troth, Charile Gnrdon, l{pnry .t:.:. Wmslde lIre department and cnnstrucllvP sugge tlOns <'on- John LlOdsays of Wayne. has h('ell a mO\able pen IJ1 a \acant aJ- ,Carroll, and $4 trom Logan. Most me avplded in the detelrmined a to In ucllon Ll'y; MarjOrie Jeffrey, Ruth Ros_<;, neIghbors responded 1\10"1 of thc I('prOlng Waynp's fUI re If an}- stat,lOnrd at Wake .Island. He ey, and thus we \Vere lable to ,of Logan prec10ct :;uhsCrlptlons m l arc'1 to victory over attacJ<ing T A V I VI'. Foster, Leland F. Perry, HOr- furmshtng" and clothmg \\ere re- on0 h'ts lO mznd thmg that sC1'"\I d ehd d'"b the mar tines pt"ol years, "Old pollutll1g the \venl Into the WakefIeld fund In orces. and alien ideplogles. - I·e 1.1110 !\.1Jddleton, Robert A. Bartels; I","loved to sdfd y \\ould lend to the gro\1.th and an a ('en sen H;V'· Dixon county, SoliCItation lS be- Eagerness to help may better :-1ls. Lucy Duff, Grace Welsh Lut-I TIH' home bUlncd fast <Inri \\,is w\\plfl1r{' of thl' communIty \\e f1l'n tlH'y soar'd to $4, times mg donp this week In Chapm pre- be evidenced by Group -Fort Crook wouM he plpasf'd to know. pass- folks thIS week told that Wilford C":O£'·IIl.I'kaenr d " ,,','dlhde,tr,onParlcesiuncts <il.ctlvitles--not by pointllng flO· This Thursday 10 Take nl, Hamplon', IIdrry Fisher, VvalJy had dJ:;(,oveled till' hldZl' Flames 109 on to the had becn transferred Just la!o.t ere good. ) ' gel's of SUsplClon. l pUhhc should accom- month to Wake island. * * *, j y¥;:tlntso,d b (',., .. aare. /"....j Physical Tests. S\\I-ft, V Halold Cassel. did not1'ls(, more Ihan 10 feet mlo communJcatloft:.;, hut will Llew{'llyn Whitmore, son o[ th n It HlU'i.t 1'U Ihat the... '" ,.... '- , .... '- Jl J' -- -- the :ur and l!lele :;('{'med 10 be, nol be re\paJE'{j on l'l'{]HE'st ,. of drC'ssllJg a lad a halfcen- erpxpecls to havf'Hl1 records com- E N I Wayne county dralt i)oard)cx- N C f' \l'ty illtle "moke, C;lrl Wright, I Wayn("ls largC'r Ihan II IS R. Whltmores, is in the anny ry or morp <l '0 \\as llltk In pINe hy Saturday lIo will com- xpect ew ::aV pects II) rccp]\e soon two or t!lJ'('O ew on erence .... \\dS the rid) ::11 :11 tpn )l"'drS ago, but \\h.lt \\lll :1 Icorps at Nichols field. In lil,. mmel' the estmenl· was par-' pile fmal llnd names of lead- "Y. calls lor young men who wlil tal<(> I,ll In In 1ht oc Igll[)Ot hood, IlPOf t- sllmlllatf' <.:111! fa<;lpl' and more Ipprnps W0r? bas t;!9t yet 'u];'l1'ly llghl r leans p<lntH, cheap el'!'; mill{' nl'lvE'. WI"II Be "let phYSical tests In pn'par:Jllon 101' Is Now' Assured 'Islblc Irom il short 1_ gro\\lil? I h\m smc,e t1;le s .. unda Y I1't, i\Vu-hll st '3W hdl. bfII'P[OOI-1 mductlon Inlo SClVwe Though no ., '-' , artd,no und l'-garments. The In addItIOn to helpmg fInancial· word has been received as to how _, TIl(' TrrlJ(cks hd\t' not made _.- - It!; account hn t(1 h()o huilt up 10 I y . Waynf' county IS pC'rform1Og J R H late war deV0Iopnhc.'nts WIll afll'ct . d(lflnl\(' fulul'<' slayed R" Cd d ake care of \.\1Ot('f demand'sl othef servIces rn Ihe present WHf Mayor ames . a son procedure, c,dls JrkL'ly Plans for Tournatnent Will Mond"v nIght III Ihl' !Jousp lites on ucte U S forel's there, and the latter Ight dollars f l' a SUIt 01 emergency In the gewing pfO.lcct, Speaker for Ki anis faster than In Ihe past. Be Considered for Six Ion Ihe f(:Jrm and ha\ !Jpen \\Ith 1; f M:; IS a nd other tl1ln 1S correspondingly for which Mrs G L Rogers sel'"V- Pro ram Mond Vern Ollve[' Ncwbf'rry .... O!lll1- 5 hi· J rclatl\l':i and since I H' 'T d (aug tel' 0 t e . Itehf'lls igh and ne('de 10 outfit a fellow cd as (lJrector, 10 pain.; I of po.. g IY. t£'('red Monday mnrl11ng all Of' npws C 00 5 In anuary. I _ n orne ues ay \\ ho l1a\{' not yet had word 5m("e o resist Arctlc cold and to appeal' jamas and 20 layettes, ;':)0 PIl'C('S Amel'lcans should that In of hostllitres and hp goc's 10 FOlt W,,)J]r Slclnton, \Vlsni'l \\lq S B I lhe oUtlll(',ik of hostIlities. 'cspectablp Ihe cost up to in all, were ('ompl{'led Inst week. the future they Will be bhged 0 Crook thIS Thursday for ph)SICdl l'oll1! Pl'ndf'1 and W lkf'ildd top 19ns oug II - \ Dr W W Llppold, son-m-Ia,w of :around $2D which mad!: H devas- ThIS rcfugc'e elolhlng Wafi shlpped pay more In taxe than n check-up, , <"'l hools (ompnse a Be..... l' N Sh I Mrs. Lillie Mace Passes at 1 .J Ahprns was to leave Hono 4 jtating assault on the pig Saturday 10 New Jersey. IDc pa t, accorct!mg to MillOI' Roy Alhcrt I1ll1lz Iccl\l'S toddy :'\Ph!,l:;k<1 .Ith[('tlc conference ()I- or ear C 00 s l Home of Daughter in lulu last FrJday and was expected Mrs. R. W Ley was In charge Jame" ,Hanson of Fre}nt, w 0 to be Inducted. I g iI11zeci Monday ('vcnmg al WJS- . 10 an·He In Sa-n Franc.I...<;Co Wed- ** -x- of l)repal'Ing 30 kits, These are addressed Mo day f 1- Also HI thp gomg tortay Iwr, Supl T I j<'rJest, Wisner, \\cIS Block and Half of Pavina Saturday. I to San We remember no \etCl'lnanans and wJiI bc Hent as soon lQwing noonday luncheon at Ha el for phYSIC;-:l1 t('sis pr lOr 10 mdue:- chosen preSlrient Supt. Bllse \ Funeral ntcs fbI' Mrs Lillie h 0 mee 1m, , in Our community and no vaccma- lts dlre-ctlons come. Mr. Hanson is resl ent twn arc Melvm HImel' 1I0rst, Jlt- msrlO. Pender \I'ce pr('sldpnl and Are Nearing Completion 'M'Ice If! of Omaha held t aC d no lOformatlOn re- ,tmo 01 again$t dIseases. In the knJt1Img project Mrs. J. of the Hanson auditing lius William Fredellck Bawl', At- SupJ WdlJam's, West Pomt, Near Wayne Park.. 'afternoon 'at 2 o'dock hi'; when she left hog cholera'"broke-'out 'in a W. Jones tt!poJ;'t-s 22 sW'eaters -"pnt The speaker told tha 35 ph ired Henry Ffevept, Clarence Hen. f , fl'Om the home of her daughter, bn Mrs. and son.have. 'herd, It mRde Inroads, and Hnd tn others ready to go. Yarn Cent of all taxes are levIek! on real ry WJiham IIotlmann, CecIllChar Ips 'A ('onstltullon framen by Supt r uur t>lop SIgns were boug-ht hy Mrs Cora Hogan m \Vayne with . cen b ere more an a yea,r: hav- _ welc heavy, Our pig.s had has been recelved for 40 more estate State taxes are Prmce, Ah'm IJanll'l fJlP!rJch .MP)- J \\ Iitherland of Waynr- Wayne city council Tuesda), two the"Beckenhauer' servIce and the 109 . E'en among thE" famIlIes of the advantage of new ground every SWeaters- \\ hleh are now bemg after taxes that the er, Eldor LCIHJI d flau<..,s, NOll)('rt Thf" group mC'cts 'agam for near the .Clly and Hoffman mortuary of Omaha, and servIce men who were fcw days WhICh fact may have knitted for soldiers aOll I latter also provide for assessme$S Ben Ildrold Lud\\ Ig In January to name the conforence I t\\ 0 ncar the trammg school. TI1('se an Omaha minister In charge. at that time, ,d"": J;wlpc'{{ {ll'<-'Sl'!'\e hea,lth. We had Word thIS week states thdt sweal- on Imports and expor:ts, Mr. Ha _ Bauer, Elmer Chnst Henry Holst. and 10 plan a tourney \\tuch Wll! remo.... Rble s1gns which Vt-Ill be SerYlces w('re also held 10 Oma- John some PTophylaotlc home remcdles er.:'i arc n()\\- 1n great demand for Ison predicted that in 1942 tax s Thesp young m('n \ull relurn to he In adottlon to otlwr already at the l;choo! mtersectlOns ...... hen ha MondRY afternoon Burial was .,;'\. d which we used. _ ! saBol"s. Will not only be heaYler but \\ It Wayne to \\alt Cilll I "C,iwdul{'d J),-;\skl'lhall e\('tnts dllldren arc comJng and gOing. In Greem.... ood cemNery. I of .11' an -1(- .x- -- - --- --- tbE' expanded to greater scope e InformatlOn COI1f('ln1Og Supl Llthl'rland, Herma..n BtH'hr,1 The ,council sold ,the Ced S",:,an- Mrs Mac,C' dH'd Salurda;>- at the rvin 0 th... , d T "A"d Jllustratr'd thiS with the car tax. t1\e sen rcc excf>pt FI'ank Sulll\an and Axpl Bungaard I son \\.pst 4th :C1. horne of another daughter 10 Oma. IUS. S Tennessee n out im raglc eel ent I the owner pays 0J/Ily for pqs- cerlam data r1l'flOl'(j wenl to Wisner from hpl'(' Mon-! the west;)O f( (I o[ lots R, 9, 10 i::md h 'I h h dill f of a car, the sprmg I'a tlal, IS a 018 t1c'r 01 publl(' n'cord da) {'venmg 'for the nheetlng 11, block 9, CI a .... lord & Bl'f.lwn lere sea )ecn I or tiome Pearl Harbor. No ha-c; made us partial to pIgs and to R I "0 hlTlew tax of WII! be assessed on and IS a\';-ulahl(' 10 anyuno makmg -- - - ----.L -- laddltlOn to Wayne, lo :-"labcl Sa v- . come fror.n ther:t, but t.hls ship was mill1llcst \\i,hat might appear to be esu ts In eat C1ach one 'the of drlll,i- legltlmatl' 1OqUlIy, pI It IS Honor f"'ootball Men Idge for $I.90(J. .i\olrs. Mace ma:rIcd 10 1878 not mentiOned In the list a form of insanIty In considering Ihg Cl cal' The speaker qlso pr1e- not used to intc'llt'r, \\llh tl1(' or· A B 111 nd I The qly hd" (ompll'll'd pinll1g' ma sod housc at IonJa, Neb. near Charles Heckert Noms, speon I , tlyh,e I - - dlctf'd that Ihe federal sales talx dcrly luoc'tJOnlng 01 Ihe s('l('( 11\(' t anquet 0 ay onp block north and a h,ilf block Ne\\c8:;llp. She had !I\cd 111 Oma- !Jroulf'nant m the army. IS located ''-- '- d HarryCunningham,Victimof Whlch was lI1stituted In Octohe; service s_\"lrnl, lIu\\('\l'r, onlv \Vaynr high :;chool fooLban \\est from Ihe north\\!'st corner ha for the pa:;t 20 )ears. Her hus- at Scoflekl near Hono- tHey grunl, they arl' satIsfIed, not Crash in Omaha, Lived .' t I'" '1l1 k b authorlj(.c'\1 ofllCld)S Il1d) "(';Heh squad, aJ"o 1('lt('I' men from the of Bressll'J' palk ThiS l" probably hand, \\ho .... as a retired railroad IIUIIl HIS, grandfat er, Dr. T. B. I displeased a (ull ley e ex- 1'l'c()f'(ls, and m!ol mdl\OIl IS gl\{'n college and tr,llnJng school teams '\ all that \\Ill be completed thIS year man, died several years ago, I Heckert, and aunt, Mhrs.. Paul stomach \ .... hlcl1 1S l the acme of a Here Last Year. In the' past, l'tate lotr al taxes orally. Ph):;ICdl condillon, dc- \\111 be honorpd at a banqul'\ Spon- as wealhpr IS growing too cold to Sur.... lvmg Mrs. !'1ace are se\en e plg's dl'slrE;$ It ddcs not hJpe for Harry Cunnmgham, lreshman have been major. tax concern and pendency and pn'\·lous nulltary ne.}'(t Monday ('\'epIng by work WIth concrete. Mrs. Ellen Ross ed at K;rkman:s IS more, nor IS It satllSflcd less. at Wuyne' Slate Teachers college federal assessments ha\e been se1'\IC0 ate confldentlal. Wayne' Chamber of at I ------ - - -, -- Mrs. Estella Burger of corps and when'last heard from 'It knows notiling beyond 118 ap- las I y('ar brat/wI' of loan eun. mITIor Mr. Hanson looks l for an thc audItoriUm, About :200 are ex- Patrolman to {orne. Mrs. Hqgan of Wayne, Mrs. Rose he was at Pearl Harbor II }l{'tJte, and therefq.re, Wlth!plenty h 1. W Illcrease m federal tax to such ex- JlmmlE', son of Mr' and Mrs. \v'! pected, and the banquet I" open to lone of the hIghway patrolmen Dury of ArchIe, !'vIo, Mrs. Nina - f D' n to ('at, It worries about It tent t'hat this WIll be tht major P. Thoma!", f('ll from a f('nce anyone mterested. Coach J. H. wIll be at the COurt house In Brown of Garden City, 1\10, Mrs. F d rom h r h,olll'rt ·qUll.·tly grows, taltens and 'dIes to morning vjthen hls car plunged tax. I Thursday C\ ('llIng I and broke hiS MorrIson \\ I]] show motIOn Plc- to pass on Issumg ElslC' M.tller of... Dover, Del, and comba.t hunger evelrywherf'. It llfts over a cmbankment"'1 In Gowrnment bonds prior right arm ncar the \\1'Is1. tures of bIg football games. pumlts Mrs L(,t;Iore lrlpp{'n. of South cabled hiS pa,rents. th(' R. L. Fl:;.h- mortgages., ,1 wms wars anq fortI- OlTt'dha J}/I'n CunnmghnnI, 18, \\as to March 1, 1941, are not taxable I SIOUX Clly, [our sons, Albert of {("OlltlrJucd on Page Tw", (Jp('tall\CS Hats ott from NHj11'l 11(',11\-(,0 at Ih(' bul Ihosl' Issued since He Omaha, of D., tu tIll' l{)\\l:;. ;t. <ird -fnrne<.., rlOnw last )Cdt dnd 'Ail." looks for cl move to f'ncourage' Hoy of :\10, d and 110 Protest Proposal llwn ('mplo)rd In Ihe Tlelgl'l1 bond to cash their bonds POl'tldnc, .Jle, an ': )rotllel';"1 •• . Till' Pd'.;tOldl It:e Ifl \\hH.:h pcoI11e !latcher) and lakp n0\\, taxable ones. The Guy Barl1l'" f!1elc arc .)S grand-I ConSOltdatlng ROlltes OlP \\Orl(1 o\pr' <1re tUrrllTlg mol'\;' H.ICharrJ Glh:iOn, It-l, \\de; killed Ispeaker all'O told of the new tax chddren and 10 great grandclul- 'I The f('deral Pt')- and moll' lot Ill'ecJOus llldc- and Jd(k l·.ggcI'" IH, Cl'ltlC,t1ly lTl- on (·states. Wlth the mlnlmum of dren. consolidate \V<l.yrre's p('J1(Il'tlc('. \\(' '111,1)' H'1Jsll ,t! l'lof-L'1' IUI'Nl In till' sanw aCl'ldt'l1t Both 1ll1come ('xempt lowered from $:2,- - --- I rural mail rou,tes into two the first hand l'\('11 thuugh W(' ,ut'ldl'nll'd dll'()lTldIM)ouths (lOO In $l,;:iOO, 1\11' Hnl1!-,oll esll· A t ,of ttl{' )oar was protf>slf>rl hy the hy n·ds.(,n 01 dInk sldll (,lljll) ment GIbson ,mel Egt::ers had sw'nt til(' I mall':; 1ilal 22 nul lion ppoplC' \\ ill ugus ana IDS IChamhf'r of Commerce. l\ of its lull pi l\l!L'gl's i'\l'lllng \\Jlh <.. unnmgharn In lm; Illl' tncome tax reports In 1942. f:p(l'I\pd ve"terdav by \\' II .,:. w dp,,11.I11L'lll J'hp IdSI nalnt;{l! \"as ()J1P unusual fact c\hoU( Income G "W ,from S \\:. Purdum, "peonl! 'Is' Ist- Ilnlid:IJ .\ttrtidlOl1". l,lklllg Ilw olhr'I'S home when hiS lfiXl'S, accordmg 1-0 Mr llanson, tS , a'me In ayne: anI postmaster gf>neral 1tl ;-';,ltUl'Ildj \\<lS d da) In (.II ('dIll(' lo IIII' ('mlll'I'mlllus thaI rnorf' ppopl(' o\prpay Ih,:ln un- . Ilng1on, Il C, states that tllf' dp- Wa)t\(' <"'r'1l!(!I('Jl 110m 10\\11S ,Inc! (J[ l.Jth stted ll1 (11), plunged (\('rpay 111 thps(' W·ld t A- H diea d '!partment has the mntle! ur.r1pt' I'lIIHI Ill'PC'IIH't" el1jo)ec! Ihl' fr'('(' (J\l'l' l!1{, l'l11ll11nkn]('111 ,Ind lanejl'd '1'111' sppakr>r pxprc'ssf'd Ill(' 11('- I ca 5 re an ppe ('on<:lc!eratlOn and Ihal rill£' ('I)n- Vl('tur(' <.;ho\\<.., hy'the tOlr donn onlhe BUlll11glon lracks 1ltd thai the' go\'{'rnm0nl o;!lould ,By Lack of Regulars sldC'ratlOn Will be given to Ih(' lJru- Crmmhcl of Conillwn'l':) ThoSl' twlo\\ Gibson and <"'ullnlngham I h '1\(' lIlstltu1ecl lI1creascd taxatIOn From Last Year. I test. fdled the GU) thealr/al repealed \\er(' klllpd Instantly, Eggels lay when the heavy spendmg started 1 -------. f ct th' d pInned lwneath the until 10 19,13 Such a policy wOLlld hav.l' - Wayne Teachers college basket- I Is Placed in Cast. 01 when twlnmen found hun, h{'lppd relieve the tax burcten that F M" h. --- 1 - \ bali team lost to the Augustana R. C. Hahlbeck, who suffered in- ment. Nothing better than lIarry had ambItions of be109 a IS sure to fall on the counlry nov.·. amous eSSla Time Is Extended I Church Life Theme VIkings here Tuesddy e\enmg by .1UrH'.s recently in a fall from a lad- wholesome JnollOn pictures, to hold champIOn sdc driver. In hIS ef- i W H Swett Introduced Mr. TBP d To File f OJ'" Car,.ier Of Parent Meetl"ng 4,1 to 23. The \VIldcat team was dCT, was placed in a cast for th.c undl' rded athmtlOn of young [ects was found a Ilwlnbcrslll(l 10 I Hanson., 0 e resente handicapped, haVing no regulars pel\lt fracture 'last week. He IS 'person::>. the Ford Good DriVen:;' leagut', I Former [nstrlJ(·tnr Speaks. CI\'l1 S{'nlce com- "The CommunIty Church Life from last year's team. Thp loqal Improvmg nicely in a local hos-- * * * Funer<:il services for Mr, I Charles H. Bflght of 5hadron mlSSlOfI ha;; e:\tpnded the dale of I and Youth" IS the Iheme for the boys trailed at the half by 22 tOl6. pltal. nmgham, hc'ld Satul"day ilt Wayne college Instructor: Prof. John R. I(.eith Directs fllllJg fnl ,'iuhslltUlc program at Wa)ne city school Kllness led the \'ISltOrs m g'oals I Naper. J)eCeased lea\es hiS par· Was a gucst of Wm. Beckbnhauer Chqrus and Orchestra in Ckl1k-can'lcl' at tpe Wayne ofllce Parcnt-Tt.'adH'r meeting n l' xt \\1th 18 pOlnls, three of them on BRIEF INDEX by Ithe'\Vayne school band, eots at There are also two at the meetmg', Mr. BrigHt spoke Christmas f·eature. 10 DecemhcI' 19 sll1('e no appllca- Monday C.... enillg: al 7.4;') In lhu ac- frpl' throVt-s. Olhus of Augustana.!, Section One emphasized the Iholiday season. other boys In the fallillly beSIdes briefly and Ireferred to hiS teach- 1100..<; have been rcccl .... ed for the 11\ room 1\11':;. V. i\I J luff man fullowed With seven polOts and 1PatTe Tu:o--Locals. DIstribution of caindles to the the sister In Wayne. Mr. Cunnmg- 109 e In thi;i Prilllppll1e:s A chorus of 1;)0 ard orchestra of poSitIOn. IS In chdlge R('v. G Gleschen wlll McChesney was next With three Pa;e Three-School News. to- ham",<;topped at the Ho\;Vard \ from 1905 a 1908. 'I 33 wlil take part In the e'lghth an-I --- __ .L........ lead panel dIscUSSIon ITt- wluch fIeld goals. cals. ' dren was a flttIhg expression of d d d F h ' I home Urlng pheasant season thiS E. M. nthal of xorfolk, nual presentatlOn of tile lamous Asked to Evaluate i\lls. T. C. Carlson, Mrs. Olah On the c.al ,qua, ItC Page Four-Editorials. good' wil. The busines$ district I H hd h d d d I 10 t d all. e u een employe as Is1rict for the te ephone Chnstmas oratono, "The MeSSIah," .' t\loorc and Dr Frank Gracey Will took the Ie' .Wlt 1 ... P0ln S, an Flve--Sociely. salesman. for a machlllc company, was gue,st or C. L. scheduled for nexl SunddY evenmg. New Radlo Serles partlclpate Herbert Smith will <..hborn and Warner eaeh talhed P<u;-e Slx-'VakefieId. North- . , company In the city. Pickett.. December 14, at 8 o'clock In Dr. J, T Anderson, Wa)nt' col- View an arllcle, "Two Loyalties," (our points. east Wakefield. Leslie. of bUIIglhtg s not --. Patriotic songs opened ulie meet- Wayne mUOlcipal a!. .l(htorlum with lege preSident, as a member of the from the Palent.Tt:'acher maga- Wayne (25) Augustsns (4S) Page Seven-Want C-olumn , IEndorses PropQsed ing. Prot John R. Kell h dIrector. Prot NBC pubilc IC{' ad\ Isory panel, zme. Mrs Huffman Will direct fg ft pf fg it pf Page Eight--Sholes. ,I . R , Russel Anderson has assisted, With was asked lo c\aluale last SatuI'- novelty cnteItamment, and Chnst- Benton, f 00 1 Kl1ness, f 633 \Vakefield Southwest \Vayne. for m::;pectlOn and fur- Atr oute erVlce Right Hand Is Cut the choral work. day, a new series of programs. mas carols WIll be sung. Refresh- Warner, f 12 1M'Ch'sny, f3 01 TWo . 1 Chamber of Commerce board of I S'h it T Ld MISS Dolores McNdtt and MISS "Defense and Your Dollar." ments wJlI be served by mothers FItch, f ;) 2 2Wollm'n, f000 Page One-Beigt-Wolters Wed- directors, meeting Monday eve- n e ay DeLores Thompson,lsopranos, Miss ThiS commlttee Was appOinted of 8th gr'fiders Vt-,th Mrs. George Osborne, f20 DJohnson,'e 4 '1 1 ding_ Local News,.. . ning, endorsed the applicatIOn of, Geo. J3runs had the o( his Frances and MISS Beryl by the National Broadcasting com- Bressler and Walter Bcn- Magdanz, c I) 1 3Erlckson, cOO 0\ Page Two-Early Days. Locals• the Century Aviation cQrnpany for right hand cut in 9is corn Nelson, contraltos, Eldon pany about a year ago. The com- thack co-chaIrmen. All mterested, Seymour, C"() 0 OOlhus-. g 311 Legals. air mail serVIce in north Nebraska sheller which he was operating at burg, tenor, and PrIOf. Russel An- mIttel.' collects Information Con- \\Jwther parents of chIldren or not, Best, g 0 1 1F Nelson, g011 Page Three _ Rural SchooL and southeast Soutl:! S1m- the FratJ,k Baker farm. Mr h l Bruns derson, bass, arc SOlOIStS. cernmg programs of the NBC, are In\ Itc;'d, Blecha. gOO 0P .Nelson, g204 Br,enna. Wayne.. ilar endorsem*nts; wa:s cleaning hus!<s froJ11 t e ma- In 'addit10n to - 'Singers from 'VJhen requested to do so, and gives Purdy, g _1 1 2 Rudl, gOO 0 Page Four-Winside. from othgr comml.!mtles .. on the chlOe wJ:1en, he got too. close. The Wayne, parhclpants: In the chorus an appraisal to the broadcasting Stover, gOO 0 #Page Five-CarroU. Northeast proposed,routes. Thes¥ will be se!1t reqUired stttch1s. are from WakefIeld, Laurel, Wau· company to help the company jde- Rally Held Tuesday. OUrcials' Best of Nprfolk, and Wayne. Wilbur. Altona. Ex:" to the C1VlI aeronautics comuus- - sa, Wisner, Beemer,1 ScriJjner and termine what types of program the At a basketball rally Tuesday I MacClay, UnIversity of Nebraska. changes. sjon in Washington, :po C., to the ' .... Operation! Madison, pubhe prefers. I mornmg Coach James H Mornson Page Exchanges,' state commission and to congress- John Grimm 'underwent an lOp_ Wayne Kiwanis 1lub sponsors the pla.yers. The college Hold Budget Hearing. Southwest Wakefield. men. eration; December 2 at Rochester. the annual feature. Wm. On Carroll Board. band played pep marches. The Wayne county board held a hear· Page Seven - Congress. , Ex- ------ -- Minn. He is along nicely Beckenhauer is chairman of the lB. H. Honey was appointed to Katz club presented a Sk1t which mg the proposed budget for the changes. . and hopes to the last of music committee aIiId is assisted Carroll school board to fill the un- was chmaxed by presentmg a commg year Monday abd no ob- Page EigQt-Unusual. Wedding next week, Mrs. rrupm 1S Wtth her by pe,an Clarence R. L. expIred term of Dave Thcophllus radiO-VIctrola as a gIft to the Jections were flied The budge! in West. SChool News. 'L husband. \ F_ L. ,BlaIr, Fz L. who lno'-ed to \Va)'TIe. I"\Va?"ne Teachers college. wiF be fixed the first of the :>'eaI". <', " !:I , .. .J

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1H~WAYNE Need Large SuotTJH~ldHe;~ingLig~ting.C~ntest ...newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950...· C:;;~:&#039; ~;~ ~-~~.:&#039;-~~&#039;;J-~~.. ~-~~&#039; ";;;~~~-~;~;;" - [PDF Document] (3)

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> I I·,> I 'I


Need Large SuotTJH~ldHe;~ing- Lig~ting.C~ntest Anrxiety for Service MeB--~

For E~ergen4Y~~J;'~~.~;~.~c~;~~~;i~;;::~~ Aroused by lap WarfitreWib'lBe,C<>J;lsidered. For This Week. ------------0

Red Cross Subscriptions in UNIT~D EFFORT S L R"d Wilford L' d f W '. U SM'Annual R<>l1 Call Exceed NEEuED TO DEFE T Siale' c!way co",mcssion ,,,11 ReSidences 10 Wayne and also U1 arge eSI enee In say 0 ayne, In . . arines,

1h~usand D<>I"lars. ATTACKING FOR' ES hold a hearing al Wayne eo~ct. th9 rural area are takmg on res· B G Receives Transfer to Wake Island Fewhouse Fnday at 10 on the apph- 11\(> dccoralJons'for the hohdays, urns to round

,The American Red CroSs has cation of the c., St. P, M. & O. the> home deColatlOns belng enter- , ~. __ , Weeks Prior to 80

unday Incident.I N THE international ,)'risis Id f' 'd d _

b~en callnd uPOD in the V.il!' emer- which has finally draw this ral1roa tor permiSSiOn to 151::0n· e In contests durlOg the prc-ge~ncy 10 ralse a rrummu01 fund of Unue passenger tra1hs Nm,·. 4 and Chl'lstmas season. Harry Tidrick Farm Home WHAT MAY BE DON ' I Japan's brutal Rttack on Pacific50 rmlhon d~llars to care for thls country into armed eoome ,the 5 between SiOUX City and Norfolk. W. S, BI'csslt'r IS 10 charge 01 Ihe I D d b F· E lsl<l.nds early Sunday mornmg rE'-natIOn's Hrm~d forces and to re- irpperatIve need is unity f ef- An appllcatlon to l',<;tabhsh bus home llg/'flOg cont(','.;t JIl to.... n A 5 est~oye y Ire TO HASTEN WAYNE'S sultmg In an esilmatf'd 3,000 c'asu.heve dlstrf'ssed clvIlians. Wayne fort and

lpurpose. Solidar ty in service between Wayne and WIS· s('clet commlttc'e v.11I do the )udg- Starhn~ on Roof. GROWTH, PROGRESS altle.s and heavy l~ss to plal1e~,

county's shaFe of thIS sum IS $1,- the presence of real trou Ie is ner,1 Sf!t for hearmg at Norfolk mg l'lext .... eek and elller thclr re- J' --~ \ShIPS and other property: Immp•... A h b·t It . II {' of undl'1prm1Ocd ol'lgm800 accordl~g to a telegram re a" merlCan a 1 . tS an WC'dlnesday, wal' poslponC'd and no purts December ~:2, A\vards \\11l lASHl41 drav.s to a close we dIately aroused nnxlety about

~~~~~~:~ ~;;~,~t~~\~~:~(~I~U;~~ ~~a~r~,~~e:;~~~~IO;h~ns~ ~s~~~ ne~¢~:::ti:~:;,(~~1{;':ul~~~;yand ~~ ;:a~':v~~f~'~~I~~~n=t~~~,.I;~~~;~Z~1!.:c~~eL017~~~~~C:~;~(:~P~~ or ~~UI~onb~en~;ne"~~t ~~~~ ~t;~~~:~r:;:~hi,~~:~~~;:,;e~h~Z~~i:-sue a plOclamatlOn Friday sup- ~bends~.to stand togethe and Wal<1-efJeld and perhaps from \Vm- radIo, automatIc toas~cr, Iron, four :'ilde I\lol"day allprnoon The home Wayne' a larger Il\el)(:,r-, more statlOn{'d In that region, have notportll1g this appeal [or aid 10 fight together when qang r ap- Side Iand Ho~km~ arc expected to cJ()C~l' and lIght bill. lone of the outst:mdlng one".: In th~ prosperous and more attractJ\e 1y.. t been hf'ard from, but all arf'Ameflea'~crisls. ~Jears. Strikes \vill ceas and attehd the SPsslon Friday. SIOUX: Vvayne county rural jJO.... L'1' dIS-lnelghborhoncl, \\as bUllt by the communIty What practIcal ad- IhOpmg'that1J~ news IS ~n Indlca-

ReSpOnIH'l Is Good. orkers 10 defense prod ctioR C1tyrS delegation ..... 111 ff'present the trlcl IS offenng prizes 101' rur9-IITldnCks al a cost of about $10,f)(K) dltlOns could he m~de m the tlOn that thpy are saJe.Before the oufbreak of hostilitIes 'ill nse to their best erjldeav- stock yards, graIn c:\change and IJdl nms [J(:JI t ICJlJatmg In d holiday some )('ars dgO Insurance \\as way of employmg and servIce. Fort Nichols 'near Mamla on the>

UlJ~ wl'ok wl\h Japan, WaYI1!'! or~. Subversive elements will be other gmu(ls In the cIty W 11 I((Jl1test 1 h gl\lng InstItutions? Could our Island of Luzon, one of the Pl1rllp-county's Red Cross roll cull quot~ properly restricted, and npthing Swett artd H.. W. Barteb·\.... el:c I~ . Play Is F(·llt~J'(·d. [\' iC<J.rlll'r on t p propelt). farm products be converted Into plOPS, Pr'arl Harbor at Honohilu,""'as set IOf $97,5 Wm. Beekenhau· Will bt> allowed to in~erfere ~he cIty Tupsday to ('onsull V\ Ith .' T~le .~~dcheIOI S J)Jipfilhw.. '! h~,tC:~I~I~~~Uglrl\lu~:l~~1\~';;:~~II{('~r~~ ,thlng~ beSIdes Ilve-ptock for lIawau, Guam, Wake and MIdway

f.,chalrman of the drl\l', yester- With a solid floont and a1deter- mterests opposing dIscontinuance clJrntdy rJI,lnlcl, \\iiS j;)H'sc'nl('d ilt ," y, _ ., , , whIch ther{' would bf large and 1~lands bore ,the greatest loss{'s.

ay reported $1,06780 wlth lI'eport~, rhined pull fior fmal tr umph. of the service, t fl(' audllorlum ILl~t C\l!'nlng by ~~I~ :./;~ hou:;e dId not ha\-c elec- gro.... Ing demand? IWhat Im- Some reports cIrculated state thilt-lE- * _x. I comple1C'. Among the receIpts Organizatlon~ bearing ~weet-' F, A Good ana Richard H. Lar- \\"yne Flayers <'1.<; <l featur(' of lhe ng. provcmenl.<;' are nedkd In the Guam. Wake and Midway Island..;

're $37 from Brenna, $57 from Sl·ycenentegl!.gneadine~s.sbpurteahdltlhneg~tlon,SmIYl': son are members of Ihe slate com- lfJl'l'-Chflstm:ls sca~on, Hal ry Elh~ I\l~ddand Ml's'j;lflnck and theIr busmess dIstrict 01'1 elsewhere h:~ .. beden takehn by thd~ Japs, andSpeaking of pIg~ Back in the Leslie, $34,05 from Deer Creek, ,I miSSIOn v.ho are expected here 'Ish('r waf; dlreclor. gran( dughter, ..ulh Render, \\erc 10 fown to makp c~mmg here 0 er Ispate es In leate that

days when settlers In the $67.50 from PluE c;reek, $26.75 cal fOGeign i eas, will b~under Friday. They ....'d1J take ('Vidence Setting of the pldy was i:I. I\:ewlnt h~mf'. When ~lr.·Tlclnc~ was more satlsfactor ? b <tny ~)m:;;~~~s there have been mo\ed,wpst \VOt'te o[len sltrugglmg from Sherman, '5035 from WII- increased su veillance. n the presented to the cnl Ire eomnm;SlOn ork apartment In Ihe Celst .... ere gh"To!Og to 1he harnr ahout 1 0 clock hn~agnl,r,.h.,nrt°[o:('ro'v'~.':1 'k' nrt\ ~'.;Itwnrs ~y on "'.k. Islahd.

rlOusly to l{!?f'{l al oat, we bur. $:~ from Sh Jp,<;, $~3 60 from other hand, false accu ations befo~e an dC'clslon lS entered. I~c' followmg. 11an Is:;, Thpodore (' Sd\V the rool 0 the house afire. ,. ,-, , '-, " Id oUI seal ty wardrobe by Strahan. $6,5.50 from Hunter, between neighbors, frequfnt by- y roust; Goldby Slmnls, Ph~llis E. II(' hurned back 10 summon aul would hp glad to ubi Ish fln~ Wllfo LlndsaX. son of ttH't

,..mg a Jew pI S l.'a~h :year, We $532.15 from Wajne, $6130 from produc;ts of war hysteria, must C ll---·-~- -d --. ITroth, Charile Gnrdon, l{pnry .t:.:. Wmslde lIre department and cnnstrucllvP sugge tlOns <'on- John LlOdsays of Wayne. has h('ella mO\able pen IJ1 a \acant aJ- ,Carroll, and $4 trom Logan. Most me avplded in the detelrmined a ~ to In ucllon Ll'y; MarjOrie Jeffrey, Ruth Ros_<;, neIghbors responded 1\10"1 of thc I('prOlng Waynp's fUI re If an}- stat,lOnrd at Wake .Island. He h~5...,

ey, and thus we \Vere lable to ,of Logan prec10ct :;uhsCrlptlons ml

arc'1 to victory over attacJ<ing T A V I VI'. Foster, Leland F. Perry, HOr- furmshtng" and clothmg \\ere re- on0 h'ts lO mznd ~om thmg that sC1'"\Id

ehd d'"b the martines pt"ol years,"Old pollutll1g the cn'c~m<:j.mblent \venl Into the WakefIeld fund In orces. and alien ideplogles. e~ls - I·e J~xpecle( 1.1110 !\.1Jddleton, Robert A. Bartels; I","loved to sdfd y \\ould lend to the gro\1.th and an a ('en sen _~Q ~! H;V'·~~~P~~l I~~~CC~~~\!'~l~t~~I~~;ol~;t~~~ Dixon county, SoliCItation lS be- Eagerness to help may better :-1ls. Lucy Duff, Grace Welsh Lut-I TIH' home bUlncd fast <Inri \\,is w\\plfl1r{' of thl' communIty \\e ~~c~~~~e~n::r-~~~I~::;' ~~t~~

f1l'n tlH'y soar'd to $4, times mg donp this week In Chapm pre- be evidenced by cons~ru~tive Group Goe~-;-~ -Fort Crook ~~'7t'hC.~1~rc)(~,un:ll'~~lr~:~:t,1~~~~~~~~11~1~~1~~~1~1 I~~;~'~l{;i(~'~ M:\.I';II~rl'c~~ wouM he plpasf'd to know. pass- folks thIS week told that WilfordC":O£'·IIl.I'kaenr

d" ISh~,:"'(: ,,','dlhde,tr,onParlcesiuncts <il.ctlvitles--not by pointllng flO· This Thursday 10 Take nl, Hamplon', IIdrry Fisher, VvalJy had dJ:;(,oveled till' hldZl' Flames 109 r(>e~~mf'ndatlOns on to the had becn transferred Just la!o.t

ere good. ) ' gel's of SUsplClon. l pUhhc j"I;ame~ should accom- month to Wake island.* * *, j y¥;:tlntso,d

b(',., :n,'~e,Iv~d'.I'MIn:Bre(,r~okr~n~\ .. aare. /"....j ~ Physical Tests. S\\I-ft, V Halold Cassel. did not1'ls(, more Ihan 10 feet mlo p<ln~ communJcatloft:.;, hut will Llew{'llyn Whitmore, son o[ th

nIt HlU'i.t 1 ' U d{'r~tooct Ihat the... '" ,.... '- , .... '- Jl J' ---- the :ur and l!lele :;('{'med 10 be, nol be re\paJE'{j on l'l'{]HE'st ,.of drC'ssllJg a lad a halfcen- erpxpecls to havf'Hl1 records com- E N I Wayne county dralt i)oard)cx- N C f' \l'ty illtle "moke, C;lrl Wright, I Wayn("ls largC'r Ihan II wa~ IS R. Whltmores, is in the anny

ry or morp <l '0 \\as llltk In pINe hy Saturday lIo will com- xpect ew ::aV pects II) rccp]\e soon two or t!lJ'('O ew on erence .... l~n \\dS s,{Jf'n,dl,n~ the rid) ::11 :11 tpn )l"'drS ago, but \\h.lt \\lll :1 ~)I~ Icorps at Nichols field. In lil,.mmel' the I~ estmenl· was par-' pile fmal to~als llnd names of lead- "Y. calls lor young men who wlil tal<(> I,ll In In 1ht oc Igll[)Ot hood, IlPOf t- sllmlllatf' <.:111! fa<;lpl' and more ~ Ipprnps W0r? bas t;!9t yet

'u];'l1'ly llghl r leans p<lntH, cheap el'!'; mill{' nl'lvE'. WI"II Be He~v'"let phYSical tests In pn'par:Jllon 101' Is Now' Assured 'rl"'~I~,','nJ ~,~n(jke 'Islblc Irom il short 1_ suh~lantlal gro\\lil? I~~~;e~~~m h\m smc,e t1;le s..undaYI1't, i\Vu-hll st '3W hdl. bfII'P[OOI-1 Hl'lpinpthl'r\\a~<;. mductlon Inlo SClVwe Though no ., '-' ,

artd,no und l'-garments. The In addItIOn to helpmg fInancial· word has been received as to how _, TIl(' TrrlJ(cks hd\t' not made _.- - ar;~~0r;:;~~,7~ ~~ ~~~~~;nwt~rdthIt!; account hn t(1 h()o huilt up 10 Iy. Waynf' county IS pC'rform1Og J R H ~ late war deV0Iopnhc.'nts WIll afll'ct . d(lflnl\(' fulul'<' Plan~TI1!'V slayed R" C d dake care of \.\1Ot('f demand'sl othef servIces rn Ihe present WHf Mayor ames . a son ~s procedure, c,dls ~\J11 JrkL'ly C()nH~ Plans for Tournatnent Will Mond"v nIght III Ihl' n,J~1 !Jousp lites on ucte U S forel's there, and the latterIght dollars f l' a SUIt 01 clothc~ emergency In the gewing pfO.lcct, Speaker for Ki anis faster than In Ihe past. Be Considered for Six Ion Ihe f(:Jrm and ha\ !Jpen \\Ith 1; te~('hlng f M:; cM~n%d IS and other tl1ln 1S correspondingly for which Mrs G L Rogers sel'"V- Pro ram Mond Vern Ollve[' Ncwbf'rry .... O!lll1- 5 hi· J rclatl\l':i and frlend~ since I H' 'T d (aug tel' 0 t e . Itehf'llsigh and ne('de 10 outfit a fellow cd as (lJrector, 10 pain.; I of po.. g IY. t£'('red Monday mnrl11ng all Of' npws C 00 5 In anuary. I _ n orne ues ay \\ ho l1a\{' not yet had word 5m("eo resist Arctlc cold and to appeal' jamas and 20 layettes, ;':)0 PIl'C('S Amel'lcans should reali~e that In of hostllitres and hp goc's 10 FOlt W,,)J]r Slclnton, \Vlsni'l \\lq S S· B I lhe oUtlll(',ik of hostIlities.'cspectablp r~n Ihe cost up to in all, were ('ompl{'led Inst week. the future they Will be bhged 0 Crook thIS Thursday for ph)SICdl l'oll1! Pl'ndf'1 and W lkf'ildd top 19ns oug II - \ Dr W W Llppold, son-m-Ia,w of

:around $2D which mad!: H devas- ThIS rcfugc'e elolhlng Wafi shlpped pay m~h more In taxe than n check-up, , <"'l hools (ompnse a Be..... n~,lhedst l' N S h I Mrs. Lillie Mace Passes at 1 .J Ahprns was to leave Hono4

jtating assault on the pig bU~Iness' Saturday 10 New Jersey. IDc pa t, accorct!mg to MillOI' Roy Alhcrt I1ll1lz Iccl\l'S toddy :'\Ph!,l:;k<1 .Ith[('tlc conference ()I- ~ or ear C 00 s l Home of Daughter in lulu last FrJday and was expectedsurplUs:~ Mrs. R. W Ley was In charge Jame" ,Hanson of Fre}nt, w 0 to be Inducted. I g iI11zeci Monday ('vcnmg al WJS- . 10 an·He In Sa-n Franc.I...<;Co Wed-

* * -x- of l)repal'Ing 30 kits, These are addressed Ki~anians Mo day f 1- Also HI thp grc~(lJl gomg tortay Iwr, Supl T I j<'rJest, Wisner, \\cIS Block and Half of Pavina ~Ity Saturday. I~~esday, M~. LIPr~~ w~~t to SanWe remember no \etCl'lnanans ~lOis~..ed and wJiI bc Hent as soon lQwing noonday luncheon at Ha el for phYSIC;-:l1 t('sis pr lOr 10 mdue:- chosen preSlrient Supt. Bllse Rob~ \ Funeral ntcs fbI' Mrs Lillie h r~ncl.<;co 0 mee 1m, o~gh..nhe

, in Our community and no vaccma- lts dlre-ctlons come. ~tratton. Mr. Hanson is resl ent twn arc Melvm HImel' 1I0rst, Jlt- msrlO. Pender \I'ce pr('sldpnl and Are Nearing Completion 'M'Ice If! of Omaha \'~"ere held t aCd

no furthe~ lOformatlOn re-,tmo 01 ~mmaJs again$t dIseases. In the knJt1Img project Mrs. J. of the Hanson auditing ompa~y. lius William Fredellck Bawl', At- SupJ WdlJam's, West Pomt, ~ecrc- Near Wayne Park.. T~e~da; 'afternoon 'at 2 o'dock ~ard~ng hi'; sa~hng when she left'Whl~l hog cholera'"broke-'out 'in a W. Jones tt!poJ;'t-s 22 sW'eaters -"pnt The speaker told tha 35 ph ired Henry Ffevept, Clarence Hen. f tar)-trea~urer. , fl'Om the home of her daughter, b n a~. Mrs. L.!P~ld and son.have.'herd, It mRde terrlblc~ Inroads, and Hnd tn others ready to go. Yarn Cent of all taxes are levIek! on real ry WJiham IIotlmann, CecIllChar Ips 'A ('onstltullon framen by Supt r uur t>lop SIgns were boug-ht hy Mrs Cora Hogan m \Vayne with . cen

bere more an a yea,r: hav- _

l&:,S(~s welc heavy, Our pig.s had has been recelved for 40 more estate State taxes are ~atterned Prmce, Ah'm IJanll'l fJlP!rJch .MP)- J \\ Iitherland of Waynr- ~ \\a~ Wayne city council Tuesda), two the"Beckenhauer' servIce and the 109 . E'en among thE" famIlIes of ~the advantage of new ground every SWeaters- \\ hleh are now bemg after iede~al taxes excep~ that the er, Eldor LCIHJI d flau<..,s, NOll)('rt aduJlled~ Thf" group mC'cts 'agam for U~(' near the .Clly ~chool and Hoffman mortuary of Omaha, and servIce men who were evacua~ -4.~fcw days WhICh fact may have knitted for soldiers aOll ~allors Ilatter also provide for assessme$S Ben Olh('rdl~lg, Ildrold Lud\\ Ig In January to name the conforenceIt\\ 0 ncar the trammg school. TI1('se an Omaha minister In charge. at that time, ,d"":J;wlpc'{{ {ll'<-'Sl'!'\e hea,lth. We had Word thIS week states thdt sweal- on Imports and expor:ts, Mr. Ha _ Bauer, Elmer Chnst Henry Holst. and 10 plan a tourney \\tuch Wll! ~re remo.... Rble s1gns which Vt-Ill be SerYlces w('re also held 10 Oma- John ~:~th~~aonsome PTophylaotlc home remcdles er.:'i arc n()\\- 1n great demand for Ison predicted that in 1942 tax s Thesp young m('n \ull relurn to he In adottlon to otlwr already at the l;choo! mtersectlOns ...... hen ha MondRY afternoon Burial was .,;'\. dwhich we used. _ ! saBol"s. Will not only be heaYler but \\ It Wayne to \\alt Cilll I "C,iwdul{'d J),-;\skl'lhall e\('tnts dllldren arc comJng and gOing. In Greem.... ood cemNery. I~ms of .11' an

-1(- ~.f .x- - - - ~ --- --- tbE' expanded to greater scope e InformatlOn COI1f('ln1Og ~I'ICC-I Supl Llthl'rland, Herma..n BtH'hr,1 The ,council sold ,the Ced S",:,an- Mrs Mac,C' dH'd Salurda;>- at the I:~r:~:~'a~a rvin 0 th...• , d T "A"d Jllustratr'd thiS with the car tax. t1\e sen rcc regl~tran..ls, excf>pt FI'ank Sulll\an and Axpl Bungaard I son Plop~rty,~n \\.pst 4th ~11 :C1. horne of another daughter 10 Oma. IUS. S Tennessee opera~inn out

imUI)~II"t;nXl'~;~eJ;cCt~\~',h~~~~J~~~tlC~~ raglc eel ent I~ow the owner pays 0J/Ily for pqs- cerlam data r1l'flOl'(j a~ eonfldl'n~ wenl to Wisner from hpl'(' Mon-! the west;)O f( (I o[ lots R, 9, 10 i::md h 'I h h dill f ~~(,sslon of a car, I~ the sprmg I'a tlal, IS a 018 t1c'r 01 publl(' n'cord da) {'venmg 'for the nheetlng 11, block 9, CI a .... lord & Bl'f.lwn tl:~l; lere sea )ecn I or tiome ~f Pearl Harbor. No new~T ha-c;

made us partial to pIgs and to R I " 0 hlTlew tax of $~ WII! be assessed on and IS a\';-ulahl(' 10 anyuno makmg -- - - ----.L -- laddltlOn to Wayne, lo :-"labcl Sav- . come fror.n ther:t, but t.hls ship wasmill1llcst \\i,hat might appear to be esu ts In eat C1ach one fo~ 'the prl\Jle~e of drlll,i- legltlmatl' 1OqUlIy, pI ()\~dmg It IS Honor f"'ootball Men Idge for $I.90(J. .i\olrs. Mace \\.~as ma:rIcd 10 1878 not mentiOned In the list dam<tge~.a form of insanIty In considering ~ Ihg Cl cal' The speaker qlso pr1e- not used to intc'llt'r, \\llh tl1(' or· A B 111 nd I The qly hd" (ompll'll'd pinll1g' m a sod housc at IonJa, Neb. near Charles Heckert Noms, speon I

, tlyh,e a:,~nn~~:eSr' r~gsl"d7'o~~t,l~I.~ Ir~~led~ - ~ - ~ dlctf'd that Ihe federal sales talx dcrly luoc'tJOnlng 01 Ihe s('l('( 11\(' t anquet 0 ay onp block north and a h,ilf block Ne\\c8:;llp. She had !I\cd 111 Oma- !Jroulf'nant m the army. IS located''-- '- d HarryCunningham,Victimof Whlch was lI1stituted In Octohe; service s_\"lrnl, lIu\\('\l'r, onlv \Vaynr high :;chool fooLban \\est from Ihe north\\!'st corner ha for the pa:;t 20 )ears. Her hus- at Scoflekl Barrac~s near Hono-

tHey grunl, they arl' satIsfIed, not Crash in Omaha, Lived .' t I'" '1l1 k ~' b authorlj(.c'\1 ofllCld)S Il1d) "(';Heh squad, aJ"o 1('lt('I' men from the of Bressll'J' palk ThiS l" probably hand, \\ho .... as a retired railroad IIUIIl HIS, grandfat er, Dr. T. B. I

displeased GruntJ~g refl('ct~ a (ull ~:~~);~(C,~ri::l.;f~~~~~ ley e ex- 1'l'c()f'(ls, and m!ol mdl\OIl IS gl\{'n college and tr,llnJng school teams '\ all that \\Ill be completed thIS year man, died several years ago, I Heckert, and aunt, Mhrs.. Paulstomach \ .... hlcl1 1S l the acme of a Here Last Year. In the' past, l'tate ~nd lotral taxes orally. Ph):;ICdl condillon, dc- \\111 be honorpd at a banqul'\ Spon- as wealhpr IS growing too cold to Sur....lvmg Mrs. !'1ace are se\en M~:~~ ~:eert:~r~o~:rle :~~:~~plg's dl'slrE;$ It ddcs not hJpe for Harry Cunnmgham, lreshman have been major. tax concern and pendency and pn'\·lous nulltary s~red ne.}'(t Monday ('\'epIng by work WIth concrete. daught~rs, Mrs. Ellen Ross a~d ed at K;rkman:s IS Wlt~ th~ a~rmore, nor IS It satllSflcd \~rth less. at Wuyne' Slate Teachers college federal assessments ha\e been se1'\IC0 ate confldentlal. Wayne' Chamber of C~mmerce at I ------ - - -, -- Mrs. Estella Burger of Omah~, corps and when'last heard from'It knows notiling beyond 118 ap- las I y('ar ~Ind brat/wI' of loan eun. mITIor Mr. Hanson looksl for an thc audItoriUm, About :200 are ex- Patrolman to {orne. Mrs. Hqgan of Wayne, Mrs. Rose he was at Pearl Harbor

II }l{'tJte, and therefq.re, Wlth!plenty h 1. W Illcrease m federal tax to such ex- JlmmlE', son of Mr' and Mrs. \v'! pected, and the banquet I" open to lone of the hIghway patrolmen Dury of ArchIe, !'vIo, Mrs. Nina - f D' nto ('at, It worries about n01~mg It r:!~: :17~~d~~~0~LJ~n~~~taThU:;d:~ tent t'hat this WIll be tht major P. Thoma!", f('ll from a f('nce anyone mterested. Coach J. H. wIll be at the COurt house In Brown of Garden City, 1\10, Mrs. F~bcahlc~ram d rom

hr h,olll'rt

·qUll.·tly grows, taltens and 'dIes to morning vjthen hls car plunged tax. I Thursday C\ ('llIng Iand broke hiS MorrIson \\ I]] show motIOn Plc- Way~e, F:I~ay to pass on Issumg ElslC' M.tller of... Dover, Del, and g~~l ~~:s i~:~ '~~I a;;~~~ltl" \~~comba.t hunger evelrywherf'. It llfts over a ,18~foot cmbankment"'1 In Gowrnment bonds Is~uEl'd prior right arm ncar the \\1'Is1. tures of bIg football games. dl'l\(~rs pumlts Mrs L(,t;Iore lrlpp{'n. of South cabled hiS pa,rents. th(' R. L. Fl:;.h-mortgages., ,1 wms wars anq fortI- OlTt'dha J}/I'n CunnmghnnI, 18, \\as to March 1, 1941, are not taxable I SIOUX Clly, [our sons, Albert of {("OlltlrJucd on Page Tw",fle~ Indu~tl"lal (Jp('tall\CS Hats ott from NHj11'l 11(',11\-(,0 at Ih(' IIo\\·~ bul Ihosl' Issued since a~'e. He Omaha, Artl(~ of Yankton,~~. D., _~tu tIll' l{)\\l:;. 1~2·;.17" ;t. <ird -fnrne<.., rlOnw last )Cdt dnd 'Ail." looks for cl move to f'ncourage' Hoy of Adrll<~n, :\10, dand lCha~lc5:110 Protest Proposal

llwn ('mplo)rd In Ihe Tlelgl'l1 bond hold.er~ to cash their bonds o~f POl'tldnc, .Jle, an ': )rotllel';"1 •• .Till' Pd'.;tOldl It:e Ifl \\hH.:h pcoI11e !latcher) and lakp n0\\, taxable ones. The Guy Barl1l'" f!1elc arc .)S grand-I ConSOltdatlng ROlltes

OlP \\Orl(1 o\pr' <1re tUrrllTlg mol'\;' H.ICharrJ Glh:iOn, It-l, \\de; killed Ispeaker all'O told of the new tax chddren and 10 great grandclul- 'I The f('deral go,!~rnment's Pt')-and moll' lot Ill'ecJOus llldc- and Jd(k l·.ggcI'" IH, Cl'ltlC,t1ly lTl- on (·states. Wlth the mlnlmum of dren. po~alto consolidate \V<l.yrre's th~('pp('J1(Il'tlc('. \\(' '111,1)' H'1Jsll ,t! l'lof-L'1' IUI'Nl In till' sanw aCl'ldt'l1t Both 1ll1come ('xempt lowered from $:2,- - --- ~ ~~-- -~-~ Irural mail rou,tes into two the firsthand l'\('11 thuugh W(' ,ut'ldl'nll'd dll'()lTldIM)ouths (lOO In $l,;:iOO, 1\11' Hnl1!-,oll esll· A t W· ,of ttl{' )oar was protf>slf>rl hy thehy n·ds.(,n 01 dInk sldll (,lljll) ment GIbson ,mel Egt::ers had sw'nt til(' I mall':; 1ilal 22 nul lion ppoplC' \\ ill ugus ana IDS IChamhf'r of Commerce. l\ ~lctt('I.of its lull pi l\l!L'gl's i'\l'lllng \\Jlh <.. unnmgharn In lm; Illl' tncome tax reports In 1942. f:p(l'I\pd ve"terdav by \\' II ~'-;\\ett

.,:. w dp,,11.I11L'lll J'hp IdSI nalnt;{l! \"as ()J1P unusual fact c\hoU( Income G "W ,from S \\:. Purdum, "peonl! 'Is' Ist-Ilnlid:IJ .\ttrtidlOl1". l,lklllg Ilw olhr'I'S home when hiS lfiXl'S, accordmg 1-0 Mr llanson, tS , a'me In ayne: anI postmaster gf>neral 1tl V:a~h-

;-';,ltUl'Ildj \\<lS d 11\i:'j,,,~ da) In (.II ('dIll(' lo IIII' ('mlll'I'mlllus thaI rnorf' ppopl(' o\prpay Ih,:ln un- . Ilng1on, Il C, states that tllf' dp-Wa)t\(' <"'r'1l!(!I('Jl 110m 10\\11S ,Inc! (J[ l.Jth stted ll1 (11), plunged (\('rpay 111 thps(' W·ld t A - H diea d '!partment has the mntle! ur.r1pt'I'lIIHI Ill'PC'IIH't" el1jo)ec! Ihl' fr'('(' (J\l'l' l!1{, l'l11ll11nkn]('111 ,Ind lanejl'd '1'111' sppakr>r pxprc'ssf'd Ill(' 11('- I ca 5 re an ppe ('on<:lc!eratlOn and Ihal rill£' ('I)n-Vl('tur(' <.;ho\\<.., spon~~H',pd hy'the tOlr donn onlhe BUlll11glon lracks 1ltd thai the' go\'{'rnm0nl o;!lould ,By Lack of Regulars sldC'ratlOn Will be given to Ih(' lJru-Crmmhcl of Conillwn'l':) ThoSl' twlo\\ Gibson and <"'ullnlngham Ih '1\(' lIlstltu1ecl lI1creascd taxatIOn From Last Year. I test.fdled the GU) thealr/al repealed \\er(' klllpd Instantly, Eggels lay when the heavy spendmg started 1 -------.

f ct th' d pInned lwneath the ma('hlm~ until 10 19,13 Such a policy wOLlld hav.l' - Wayne Teachers college basket- I Is Placed in Cast.~:~~~~:'Il~:~n~~~sPD1~~1 01 ~'nt~~~:I~~ ~'~3 when twlnmen found hun, h{'lppd relieve the tax burcten that F M" h .----~ --- ~ 1 - ~ \ bali team lost to the Augustana R. C. Hahlbeck, who suffered in-ment. Nothing ~e'Cms better than lIarry had ambItions of be109 a IS sure to fall on the counlry nov.·. amous eSSla Time Is Extended IChurch Life Theme VIkings here Tuesddy e\enmg by .1UrH'.s recently in a fall from a lad-wholesome JnollOn pictures, to hold champIOn sdc driver. In hIS ef- i W H Swett Introduced Mr. T B P d To File f OJ'" Car,.ier Of Parent Meetl"ng 4,1 to 23. The \VIldcat team was dCT, was placed in a cast for ~sth.c undl' rded athmtlOn of young [ects was found a Ilwlnbcrslll(l 10 I Hanson., 0 e resente handicapped, haVing no regulars pel\lt fracture 'last week. He IS'person::>. the Ford Good DriVen:;' leagut', I Former [nstrlJ(·tnr Speaks. lJOIt~'(j Stl,lle~ CI\'l1 S{'nlce com- "The CommunIty Church Life from last year's team. Thp loqal Improvmg nicely in a local hos--

* * * Funer<:il services for Mr, Cun~I Charles H. Bflght of 5hadron mlSSlOfI ha;; e:\tpnded the dale of Iand Youth" IS the Iheme for the boys trailed at the half by 22 tOl6. pltal.nmgham, ~el"e hc'ld Satul"day ilt formt.~I· Wayne college Instructor: Prof. John R. I(.eith Directs fllllJg apph~atlOns fnl ,'iuhslltUlc program at Wa)ne city school Kllness led the \'ISltOrs m g'oals I:==~===::::::::::=::::::..::.;;:::;;

pe;~~~~~~~ ~;t~;J~~~~/~~II~e~~d Naper. J)eCeased lea\es hiS par· Was a gucst of Wm. Beckbnhauer Chqrus and Orchestra in Ckl1k-can'lcl' at tpe Wayne ofllce Parcnt-Tt.'adH'r meeting n l' x t \\1th 18 pOlnls, three of them on BRIEF INDEXby Ithe'\Vayne h~gh school band, eots at ~apcr'. There are also two at the meetmg', Mr. BrigHt spoke Christmas f·eature. 10 DecemhcI' 19 sll1('e no appllca- Monday C .... enillg: al 7.4;') In lhu ac- frpl' throVt-s. Olhus of Augustana.!, Section Oneemphasized the Iholiday season. other boys In the fallillly beSIdes briefly and Ireferred to hiS teach- 1100..<; have been rcccl .... ed for the 11\ JtJe~ room 1\11':;. V. i\I Jluffman fullowed With seven polOts and 1PatTe Tu:o--Locals.DIstribution of caindles to the chil~ the sister In Wayne. Mr. Cunnmg- 109 CXPE"r~'e'e In thi;i Prilllppll1e:s A chorus of 1;)0 ard orchestra of poSitIOn. IS In chdlge R('v. G Gleschen wlll McChesney was next With three Pa;e Three-School News. to-

ham",<;topped at the Ho\;Vard Jame~ \ from 1905 a 1908. 'I 33 wlil take part In the e'lghth an-I --- ~- __ .L........ lead panel dIscUSSIon ITt- wluch fIeld goals. cals. 'dren was a flttIhg expression of d ~.., d d F h 'I home Urlng pheasant season thiS E. M. ~e nthal of xorfolk, nual presentatlOn of tile lamous Asked to Evaluate i\lls. T. C. Carlson, Mrs. Olah On the ~J1 c.al ,qua, ItC Page Four-Editorials.good' wil. The busines$ district I H h d h d d d I 10 t dall. e u een employe as Is1rict m~nager. for the te ephone Chnstmas oratono, "The MeSSIah," . ' t\loorc and Dr Frank Gracey Will took the Ie' .Wlt 1 ... P0ln S, an ~e Flve--Sociely.

~ec'";ry J~~j~~td ~~~~~om~~r~~tit~e~ salesman. for a ,se~wmg machlllc company, was ~a gue,st or C. L. scheduled for nexl SunddY evenmg. New Radlo Serles partlclpate Herbert Smith will re~ <..hborn and Warner eaeh talhed P<u;-e Slx-'VakefieId. North-. , company In the city. Pickett.. December 14, at 8 o'clock In Dr. J, T Anderson, Wa)nt' col- View an arllcle, "Two Loyalties," (our points. east Wakefield. Leslie.

tront~ of bUIIglhtgs \~als not a~ --. Patriotic songs opened ulie meet- Wayne mUOlcipal a!..l(htorlum with lege preSident, as a member of the from the Palent.Tt:'acher maga- Wayne (25) Augustsns (4S) Page Seven-Want C-olumn

, ~~~~~r;;;~1~~~~et~Or7s~ma~r~~o~~s IEndorses PropQsed ing. Prot John R. Kell h dIrector. Prot NBC pubilc ~cl'\ IC{' ad\ Isory panel, zme. Mrs Huffman Will direct fg ft pf fg it pf Page Eight--Sholes. South~ast,I . • R S· , Russel Anderson has assisted, With was asked lo c\aluale last SatuI'- novelty cnteItamment, and Chnst- Benton, f 00 1 Kl1ness, f 633 \Vakefield Southwest \Vayne.

~~a~~snlay for m::;pectlOn and fur- Atr oute erVlce Right Hand Is Cut the choral work. day, a new series of programs. mas carols WIll be sung. Refresh- Warner, f 12 1M'Ch'sny, f3 0 1 S~tlon TWo. 1 Chamber of Commerce board of I S'h it T Ld MISS Dolores McNdtt and MISS "Defense and Your Dollar." ments wJlI be served by mothers FItch, f ;) 2 2Wollm'n, f 0 0 0 Page One-Beigt-Wolters Wed-

directors, meeting Monday eve- n e ~er ue~ ay DeLores Thompson,lsopranos, Miss ThiS commlttee Was appOinted of 8th gr'fiders Vt-,th Mrs. George Osborne, f 2 0 DJohnson,'e 4 '1 1 ding_ Local News,.. .ning, endorsed the applicatIOn of, Geo. J3runs had the bac~ o( his Frances B~zek and MISS Beryl by the National Broadcasting com- Bressler and ~lrs. Walter Bcn- Magdanz, c I) 1 3Erlckson, cOO 0\ Page Two-Early Days. Locals•the Century Aviation cQrnpany for right hand cut ~uesday in 9is corn Nelson, contraltos, Eldon Freuden~ pany about a year ago. The com- thack co-chaIrmen. All mterested, Seymour, C"() 0 OOlhus-. g 3 1 1 Legals.air mail serVIce in north Nebraska sheller which he was operating at burg, tenor, and PrIOf. Russel An- mIttel.' collects Information Con- \\Jwther parents of chIldren or not, Best, g 0 1 1 F Nelson, g 0 1 1 Page Three _ Rural SchooLand southeast Soutl:! D~kota. S1m- the FratJ,k Baker farm. Mr

hl Bruns derson, bass, arc SOlOIStS. cernmg programs of the NBC, are In\ Itc;'d, Blecha. gOO 0 P .Nelson, g 2 0 4 Br,enna. So~theastWayne..

ilar endorsem*nts; ~~e exp~ted wa:s cleaning hus!<s froJ11 t e ma- In 'addit10n to - 'Singers from 'VJhen requested to do so, and gives Purdy, g _1 1 2 Rudl, gOO 0 Page Four-Winside.from othgr comml.!mtles .. on the chlOe wJ:1en, he got too. close. The Wayne, parhclpants: In the chorus an appraisal to the broadcasting Stover, gOO 0 #Page Five-CarroU. Northeastproposed,routes. Thes¥ will be se!1t w~und reqUired ~our stttch1s. are from WakefIeld, Laurel, Wau· company to help the company jde- Rally Held Tuesday. OUrcials' Best of Nprfolk, and Wayne. Wilbur. Altona. Ex:"to the C1VlI aeronautics comuus- - ~ sa, Wisner, Beemer,1 ScriJjner and termine what types of program the At a basketball rally Tuesday IMacClay, UnIversity of Nebraska. changes.sjon in Washington, :po C., to the ' Und~rg.... Operation! Madison, pubhe prefers. Imornmg Coach James H Mornson Page Six~oncord.Exchanges,'state commission and to congress- John Grimm 'underwent an lOp_ Wayne Kiwanis 1lub sponsors mtrodu~d the pla.yers. The college Hold Budget Hearing. Southwest Wakefield.men. • eration; December 2 at Rochester. the annual Christm~s feature. Wm. On Carroll Board. band played pep marches. The Wayne county board held a hear· Page Seven - Congress. , Ex-

-------- Minn. He is gtl~ting along nicely Beckenhauer is chairman of the lB. H. Honey was appointed to Katz club presented a Sk1t which mg o~ the proposed budget for the changes. .and hopes to b~j\home the last of music committee aIiId is assisted Carroll school board to fill the un- was chmaxed by presentmg a commg year Monday abd no ob- Page EigQt-Unusual. Weddingnext week, Mrs. rrupm 1S Wtth her by pe,an Clarence ~lcGmn, R. L. expIred term of Dave Thcophllus radiO-VIctrola as a gIft to the Jections were flied The budge! in West. SChool News. 'Lhusband. \ L~l"sOn, F_ L. ,BlaIr, Fz L. ~Ickett. who lno'-ed to \Va)'TIe. ~ I"\Va?"ne Teachers college. wiF be fixed the first of the :>'eaI".

<', " !:I , ~J', ..


1H~WAYNE Need Large SuotTJH~ldHe;~ingLig~ting.C~ntest ...newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950...· C:;;~:&#039; ~;~ ~-~~.:&#039;-~~&#039;;J-~~.. ~-~~&#039; ";;;~~~-~;~;;" - [PDF Document] (4)



*Flour; .-

4ll-lh, 1 53Bn" •

~ 19-"" "'5 10,... (ans ~ .,


stt..Purb-a. l:mhulat('d snap with a

hUlld-lotinll iUL:"rf'diI'1I1

~lTn<,,\ f"f't Brand, T('mlpri7.('d.Lar~(' SiztO

Oxydol-a ('Offil)/pte household

~ranlllatf"-d soap

'i~-oz, 2110 69-"z, 5910PI".;,. '- Pkg. '"

Soap FlakesBlut' Barr!'l Brand

Giant 3110PI,~. .....

'!'-'>Z'191O ,;0-"" 3910PI'I{. ... I'kK· ...

Kitr·h,·n ('r.aft •Enri('hpd \\tth vitamins and irnn

-dish ('omhint>'-; ",li{,f'~l PinC'uPllIt',Barianas and Shrt'llc!('ll ('1J('t)anut.

Gd ('ontp..t Entry HI:_lIIl, atS.",Ft~W.\\":

Llhhy''i Slicpd

Pineapple Z~~'~~' 37c

Soup"an Camp'" ... TO)IATO



I~~~' 13e

t;,:~' 2Sci;~~' lSe.i~'> 27e Lifebuoy Soap28-oz. 24 1 KN'p"; thp ~kin ~monthPkg. - C ami hf'althy



4 Pkg-s.


2 :;;~:' 23e~;~ 2: 8et;:~' lSe


z:>';,7' 2Se~-~~. 1.23

Lb, 10e:'-~~' 14cl;~~' Zle~;f~~' 25c;J-~~.. 2Ie~-~~' 1ge

Lb, 6cLb. ~~c

Lb. ScLb. 2!c


Lb. 7c

Pack Real Nutrition Into

Lunch Boxes

Paper bells and popcorn strings; coloredcandles and holly wreaths; golden brownturkey and hot mince pie ... the secrets andsurprises of an old fashioned Christma,s canbe such fun when you PLAN for it. Let us·help on the food part. 0 • your Safeway isloaded with all your Christmas needs ...delicacies from the far corners of the eart~,

solid foods to' satisfy healthyappetit'es.

(jpt your frp(' foldpr. ~h-in" c-omplptf"

information nn prt'parinl{ rpally "ood,

nutrition-riPh lun('ht's, a.t SAFEW.-\\·:

Beverly :;~:~iJIT

Cream of Wheat

~Beans ~-~~I~prn

Rice Hlut' Rost'

EIllf.'rald. Large,Eur(',ka


~<·.PLIHIN OL ·FASHIONED" ¢)jr.$t"'''$~

~~~2~ 22c~;~2! 23c

WalnutsWalnutsBrazil. Nuts Large

Cranberry ;;;~~~-~;~;;"

Pumpkin Amprican Bf'auty

Oysters Standard, ':0'"Peel'S g~~~~~~~'r ~~~l:~)~~

Puddings {~l~~~~i~~f", B'U~~~~~~~t("h

Marshmallows Fluffie,t

Molasses ~~~~{ Rahhit.

Choc~tes ~~:~~';i~., 6gePeanut BrittlePeanuts Roa,to,1

Pecans Pappr S'wll

2 :No.2Cans

2 No, 2Cans

r. ~. ~o. 1 grade.Rm~set. in mesh bags


thristmas Trees Are Now In~Mall.e Your ~ele<'1if)n Xow!

::(~rc::.~I~~'i:itI~ib11Y's,Choke, Bart I('t t

It.-lb'.4910('an I ..



For Savings and Defense. Buy NationalDefense Stomps-Sold ot 6AFEWAY


SpryAn AlF-Vpg:etablf" ShortenitlJ{

*(). es SunkiHt brand, new ('rol)rang navel variety, seedless

*Grapefruit ~~I~l~,h ..~~:~~~.ss \"ari(·t~.

*Winesap Apples (dalto-~r",,,,

*Cabbage Holland ,ariety

*Potatoes.,Bananas Wholesortlf', nourishing: fruit

':'~' 1110 3;111:59' 10(IW •. ., (an ..


Corn Gardeosht.,.Standard.

SU2'3r BeUe.Fane;y, Sweet



ISe27e Flour :.~~~('~;~~2 ~:~; 31e

Xo.2 8e Syru.p ~l:~::~~.Tomatoes ~:::%:::",IP. CanC . h ]4-oz, 15 Brown Sugarate up Libby's, I'a.\!i'Y Bottle e

2 lIb 35 Bulbs 4InO•.'I~?eo.~r600s-t\\"att, MEaaZ"d"al3eSalmon ;r~;~'c Leo. ('-;'n~ e,u

Coffee ~~~'~~~ 18~' :;~~' S3cCherub Milk ~::~ 8eMilk ~:~:~:::~:,pet 3 i,:~, 2Se *Pork Chops Chuck RoastCheese ;i~~~t~~~~~~:=.. ~:i SSe Center rib l'uts Best ('uts -

B k" P d Clabber 25-oz, 19c *Pork Chops, Chuck Roasta Ing ower GIrL.. Cao Loin eod cuts Neck cuts

Cocoa Hershey" ~~~' 14e *Sliced Bacon Sjrloin SteakCookies ;:'o;~~:;::'~~~,. ~~. 25c ",UReO brand -a favorite amon", the men.folks

"Crackers ExceU.Soda... i;~~' ISc *!~~ ~!con C~~i~~S'~!~~!"1C• IO-pklt. I 24 G d B fIgarettes Raleigh.... Cartoo 0 Bologna roun eeWhO M . Quart 9 La U d n'ov -for loaf, patties, Salisbury ,~feakde aglC Bleach'.. Botti. e L_..:::r.:.lte.:.;s::.ce;;;;.o.:;r;.;.;••;;..---------....---~~--.!

E •.. . ..... ".' " , -1',>';'/i,,:-


Roast TurkeyAfter the poultry is ,dressed and

cleaned,' it is ready t9 stuU. Wipethe fowl. rub :the inside yvith·sa1t.place the stuffing in ,the cavitywhere' thoe cr~pl was removed and

i I I '

For AnniversaJl'y,Mr. and· Mrs. Ed'. Strate enter­

tained 117 guests - at their homeSunday eveninlg in honor of their10th wedding anniversary. Theevening was spent playing cards.Prizes were a,varded to Mrs. Al­bert M~ierhenry, Mrs. ClarenCE!Bauermei~ter, Mrs. Harold Bauer­meister, Ernflst BehJ;T1cr, HenryAsmus and Walter Strate. Mr. andMrs. Strate received many lovelygifts. A two-course luncheo'll \Vasserved.

Chocolate Ice Box Cake.(Mrs. A. T. Cavanaugh)

Tv,'Q packages German sweetchocolate meltled in a double boil~

er. VlThen melted add 4 tablespoonspowdered suga,r and 4 tablespoonscold. water. Ceok only a 'few min­utes after adding suggr and wa­ter. Remove ffDm fire" Add 4 egg.yolks one at Iii time- beating wellafter adding each one. Cool. Beat4 egg whites \vhen chocolate mix­"lure is cool. fold into egg whitesand fold this into % .pint creamwhipped. Add i 1 teaspoon vanil~a.

Line dish with wax paper and thenspohge cake O!l" angel flood. Alter­nate the chocolate mixt!ure and re­maining broktj'n pieces,: of cake.Place in ice bdx 24 houts, ,

No 40


Sat j s fie d with Pdreo:!sr e d into f_yha t:your old floors? ~~. . .Then why not an "Oh, thanks.",oak floor right over "But you shduld-the aId one? It is n't have run ov¢r."easily installed, is •

~~~~y ~ini~~: ~g~ A Will-Burt Jtok­

will be proud of for fJpa\~O~I~I'r;f~ :~ycars ana years. pre sen t this year

o for either wife or. Get your h 0 u~et hubby, or the "'!"holeInsulated now nd familY for that mat­get the benefit, - ter. It's a prc}sentthe s a v i n g ov~r each and everyonemost o~ the Winter. ~can e n joy everyInsulation pays for winter day for yearsitself in surprisingly to come.short' time, besidesall the additionalcomforts it go i ve s~~~'! Investigptr to-


Wayne, Neb.. Thur., Dec 11,1941


Boss' "You shouldhave been hf're ateight .o'clock."

Worker: "Why,what happened ?"

oWhat h a pp ens

wren you buy Har­co furnace egg toheat your home?Well, you get thebest furnace coalyou ever saw for themoney-lots of heatat only $9,75 perton. Try Harco onceand you'll be a Har­co boO'ster fromthen on.·

oNt-ed storm sash

in a hurry? Youwill if the weathercha nges one ofthe sect a y s. Get "Y 0 U I 0 (jl k asyo;ur ordl?r in now 1" h 0 ugh you werefor storme sash! 1",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1"",';"" 1

r'ThlS dance floor Car""'t1S pretty slippery" .~i.'

I ~J:tJ~~'J ~~ ~~~:s. Lumber:C".shmed," Ph01lll 1t7 Wa7JlO


, '1-, Wedn!lsdf.Y •.... T.hursday

Dec~mber 17 • 1!8GEORGE!BERNAnb SJAW'S

·'Majld... Barba~a';===f . ,'il':l!"I' i .. ::

~. '.'I ,;I ' I, I ,"i

"~TAQE,-b:,:.:'..:o:..",:"=_.;.. ,'=C-~~C:"'C:==. '--"-,•...,-----,--,, ~,__.,-.'i'j'IE:"',\!~-HERALD."W~.~'E~R~~K~-.~Tiii-lJltSD~:~~E_~_(_B_ER_ii. i94i ". _+ ,_4" '.' A 'd been in the ina,"y three years and Schroeder 'home Suntlay ,evening inside the body. Too ~uch stuffing ~ard, making a layer only l~·inch 1 tablespoon nee, onp pggl:- v.; plt \ egg~ Add 3 tablespoons of cooked.l'-ll.~~'e~liy - r~lJSe . Jack hvo. were Mr. and Mrs. wht. Fuez and should not be used, as it swells thick. Cool. Cut into fancy shapes beaten, add a httle soap tp egg cranberrIes, then add tq the rest

'p.'" "8 0 M . Liet,lt.L

General 'Dick Hunter, son IJO'SKINS' son,' Mar:vin, and Ralph Fuez of in cooking, particularly if made of wHh a vegetable cutter. Serve in and let stand untllIt IS COld~ then of the berries and slIllmer forJ1~ (~lj~' e"lrVlce·,,:, ell of Mrs. \t. A. Hunter '¢Jf this 'place, :1: '" Haxtun, Colo., Harry Lehman of crac~ers, and also tends to absorb a .clear soup adding them just be- add to soup Do not let sou boI! thrC'e mmutes. Remove from frn~,

~.__~,~,1~i\rij,(>fl ,from Png-a' Ont:) , is Slat.i,ooed with army forces at by Washington, and Gus! Schroeder. the jui~es. Af.ter the fowl is stuf- fore serving. Handle carefUlly to Season WIth celery salt or com- stIr m butter and vantlla, setFort lVtcI<;inle.y, p.. I. He has been M W J Oh]und lYJr. and Mrs. ~ill FtJez and son; fed, sew up thli' opening. Place in avoid breakage. man ~alt I IaSide to cool Turn fIllmg mto deep

bneh., at Norfolk .no they ,c1e- Uwre aboat four months, No word rs, , , Marvin, and !;\alph Fuez of Hax- • bot 9ven until the [ow! begins __ __ cru>t prP'>wusly haked Cover wtth ''phor!ed to Mrs Fishbach·s.:~6:rand- has come from him this week tun, Colo., Harry Lehman of to liJrmv.n; then ""Cover and cook at Peanut Butter ~Ol1P ('ranhf'rr~ Meringue Pie mf'nnguc of stIffly beaten \~hlte of

mot·1Wl',-, NIl'S.:, 'G.. W. Wen~ and Mrs. J~arl Pet('rse~"~' brother, Washington, and Mr. I, and Mrs. low' heat lil1" tender. Baste from 2 cups; scalded milk 1 J 2 cups sugar eggs and I h.... powder€'d sugart'1.m" l\1isR Louise Wendt Dr H Id F II . h'th U S S Mrs" Fred .Jo€hens s.pent Friday Clarence Schroeder wlere. Sunday dri~pjngs in, the pan, amI allow PI d browni~';sl~;Ja( h' 'lsi CIVili~ ph).slCl~n fo; CI~(~~tf?r •~~ (;;~:ls 0Har~or' .She in 1he Lester Roeb"r home. dinner guests iIi! the Gus Schroc- 20. to 30 minutes to each pound for 4 ~:~ie:~~o~:~ee~nut buttE'r ~ ~~~~ ~ranbernes ace In 0\ cn an .

Hickam flf'ld at H~IUIU' hfi'ard from h1m thlS week but the' M!ss Jteba Hill spe~t the week· dcr home. ~ roasting. Add peanut butter to milk ann :~ .teaspoon \'anilla S\\"f>et Pota.to Puff\Vurd \Vas~on, aster sergeant l(ltter was Wl'ltl(>n before SundBY end in tlre H. R. Martin home. Lloyd PuIs spent fr IT'! Wednf'~- ,<;eason ~o ta,<;te. J,~' cup cold water Mash ~\Vf'('t potat(/lf's with plen- .

in tlle SIgnal SerVl ,liS located at.! Mr,<; P A ThC'obald has a Mrs, Lhuise Brummond has been day until Sunday witl Mrs. PUIs Cllirtard Rotale 1 tablf'<;poon flour ty of hutter Put in bllkin g dishV\'}weleI fJela, Haw 1) HIS mother" nephew on a shIp In the \ lCJnlty ot S~'iOUSIY~ilt at her home th(" past apnudlo, ~:nnd' J"nafCaknict" <"aol

n· ~h1[taht.~~ Mhoc".'~~ 2. egiY~I~<;', Slight. I' .b~aten Beef Broth 1 tabjf'~poon but\{ ~ wi;h laYl'rs ~f nlal'shmallow whip,

::\TI''' E C fhO~des has nnt had IAustralla week ' ,., a .~ '-'" <.:" " 1 who1(' C'gg, sliJ;kl1 lwaten . One pound of thIck, JUICy sl('ik :2 tablespoons pO\\CI r(>d"sugar ami hake until hro\\n\'.Ol'd flom 11m thiS week. Everett DennIS, formerly of John Wilson of $tanton, spent pital Salurday R-lii d are now at the ].2 cup stocl{ or mill' without fat, cut it in two, put IOta Cook sugar and \\3 er to syrup, _ _ _ __ _ __

MNlin Pa dQck, son of R~V and Wayne, IS m thf' naval Ser\lCf' bu1 the weeJ.q-pnd in tile Arnold Miller homt> of Mrs~' Puis' parents, Mr. Salt : five cups of cold watpr. Let it ('orne add cranbt rrJ('s, coo until POP-I j Ita~ Ton!';11 Operation.Mrs J IA dJddQck, IS servmg on \\u<; sent to tl1(' past coast two home. : . and Mrs. Sam Nf'lson, in Omaha Cayenne pepper i ,.;":, to a boil and skim it, then simm'('1 ped Cool ,I llttle..,' IX smoothly P..nhfrl Rf'f'k~ had tom..J!s rcmov-~!:(~r}JIt~rbO . Mmneapolls out of months ago T\1Ir. an~ Mrs. Gel'h?-rdt Grir;nm Dinner: guests in the Frank _M_i=\ ancJ._bake as fO,r Rakeit\~s- for l.hrefl hours, not balling. Ad~ ~~l~_hp flpur nd J~~I_~~!_I__c_d S_!:l.tul.d,_''-_,lt a l_o_ca_I__h~sp_'ta_1

~ EncneEhl~flrstc~u~ttYwo~visi~o~inlheArtMayh~eMjllerhome.Sunday ~ere RPV.li~~~i-~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~-~-~·~-~~~~~~~-~-~~~~-~.~~-~~~i-~~i~~~~~\\" 1\11 Stl'Wllrt's grandsons !\.Tllr~ offl('(11 10i'rllpd 111 Honolulu IS cl Sunday. and 1\1rs. H, F. Bittorf and famil\", II1 ," LltH JaCI<i[:ll'nho]J()\\ .Ire III Ibe br"tb,'r of 1\'!r~, 'r".x!ey Simmer- . 1\,,-.] Z' M 'I

II . ,-- rvIr. and Ml'~. Eric T\1eif'i'lwnry j>'JI~S rma Immerman,' r. all(

" Jl znnl' 1\-Il rray Is on til(' (J S man. I , spent r.vl'nlng in the Gus Mrs. Aus1in Erxlcbpn, Mr. and<;,: C ,) !m l1lu IN Honolulu Jack lell Draft('('s who- hm'o gO!l<' from D('ck Mrs.! I-I('r01a''ll Buss [Jncl Mr. and~'lli 1 rdnCI~111i last monlh fOJ tJw \\':lylw county are all .locah'd at Miss Hulh Kirsch of \Visnl'r, .:\1rs. Al\'in SpJittgerber and fam-!':w'I\n,I;l, ancl plann£'d t-o 1'('C his training centers in this country. 'I]Jr'PlfH'I', in J- onal.ullI, I\furray has \VarJl.<o; A".~ainst Rumors. spent the pa~1 w(,f'k in HH' Austin I y.

-f--.-----:'-- ... Erxlebt'tl hom*o. DIOneI' guests in the Ed. Maa~~:i._::;,i]di\f_---.~_.,,-,- ,Lf'Roy (hNC'n of Los Ang(~Il's. in 1\1' K h P" '~t [ !lome Sllnchy W('1(" Mr and Mrs 1_- - . ,_ a tl'Jegram \0 his moth- 'J~S at ryn Ippl 0 Eel. St;alP ~;nd dau~htl:~. Mr. an'ri ~

('Z', NTl'.o.;. L. Owen, sla1('d tl)::>1 folk. spent (11(' \\'(Il'l,-('nd In I

(~ 'I . Henry \;I,;'endt homt'. :\lrs. Frank :\laas, Mr. and Mr_".'Th t the situation is under control on 'V M I F d M day 1 Mrs. Freda Raps€, of Omaha. ~ m. aas anc son, re. r. an.J. 'I. " . ea 'f'ethe we.st coa''- He urges Ihat peo- , I M M I M

ph' do not il(>come alcirmE'd and ~g:n)ol~~v~~~is('c;I~~~('I.ast wl'C'k in ~;;~~}I~\;~~~)~zyn~:t~f,~'in:7(~(', <l~~i

~nfl\ [ses, that they should not be~ , I B d b' I

1 ' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Amk~on Miss Lucil f' ran en urg.:~AY E 1i('\'(' f~~~~.~~~_m()~~__ am!: family visil(~d in Ow Fred -:\oIl'. <:Inri Mrs.r.,.)Ohn DrE':'.SE'n, l\~r.

1 - BE'hnH-'I' homp Sunday. and ;-'Trs. LOl~""'Jkndme fJtldOutlook for' Sheep ~1r. and Mrs. K E, PollP1' were Mrs,l orar<- Wngbl and

~,rhnj-'sday December 1.1 Seen As Favorable visilOl's in Ill(' \'.'a<lf> Prult1 home of T\'or ",and Gt'orgC'Iat Humphrf>Y Sunday, Drr'v...,('n \\'PI'('\ n o'clock dinnf'r IHN,ICe ~GIRLn '1"h(' outlook [or sheep 8,nd lamb~ l':1r. and M 1'.<'; , Ed. Kollath. glJ('sts in fllt-' -Ians Asmu~ 110111('

J .. in 1942 is favorable, in the opiniof,1 daughtf'r \'isit('d in the I-T. .:\-1onday ('\'oning. thp occasion lw-

I, EANNs:hAlTriDngU:RBIN, :',:.·n,A,·o"ntl~~'~n~~7;f(~t~1~;O~:~~a;~~~ l\1it1t:'lsteadt home Sunday. ing the A,TrW< -1Ot.h wedping an


.~ Aug. Bd1mCI' nnel son, ·Arthur. \"[-'rsar'y and :\'h·. Asmus birth HY,.....:-'--'--------1 colleg.e of agriculture. werC' i-i o'clode; dinner ~n the , '

I., F;-iday Saturday St~:~~"'('~<;h~)~\?1;:e~~1;~~tt~~eTe~;~I~~ VI'alter ()hlund hO!1W :''1r, Rpulwn I PuIs and

December 12 13 9 ' "]' 1 . d' Mr. and Mrs. Grorge Bru~C' nnd family . .!\1r. and MI·:-;. Ed. Mf'if'r-


1. 4! o\'cr ;1 Y0i:ll-l ear Irr, an.( In 1- family of Pcnc!Pl" \\"L'l'l' c'allC'l"s in henry and farmly. )\Ir. and :vIrs.catIOns arc that there w111 he I I f 'I 1\1some increas(' in Jan;jary, 1942, the John Bl'use home Saturday. \Vag-ncr all( ami y, , r.o\'er a ,year (Iarlier. Here In Ne- Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Martin and Ed, Olrs1f'n and ~on, ;vIrbraska the increase in 'sheep from Mi~" Reba Hill \"isited Miss Mar- ,\Irs. ,Jilcor Miller, Mr. an:1 i'1930 to 1940 was about 11 per- jOrJr' Martin at Fremont Sunday. IVIr~. AtfrNJ WRlgn('r. Mr. a~d Mr". icenl, according to .census rE'po'rt.s. ~Ir. and Mr.<;. Reuben Puls and II Carl Muhs, Mr. and Mrs. Carl

Indications late in Nove-mber family were. Visitors. in the Jacob Hinzman a. t~r. ndpd a party at thcwere that. as many lambs, if not Milj{>r home n('ar WlI1slde Sunday. Alfrorl Cars1en hOlnp at Norfolkmore, would J-le fed in the winter Mr. and _Mrs. Jm' Bowers of ISuntby ('\ oilIng.of 1941:'42, than were fpel in the Norfolk. \'isit('d in tbe Henry -----:preceding winter. Probably Ne- Langenhc-rg homc Sunday ('\-'ening. Xorth Vallf>y C'luh.braska feeding areas \vilJ handle Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Potter were TIll' Nor1h Valley card cluh mr!!as many or slightly more than w-ere business visitors in \Vaync Mon- <Jt thq H;~ns A::T1US hpm(" Wpdnf'·<.;-Ifed a ycar ago; and the Colorado day. Thl'Y also \'isi!pd RC'rt Tl'mp-I tIny l'\"('lllng. Guests were Mr. <Jndfeeding area will show a subs tan- lin. I:.\lrs. Frank Miller, Mr'. and 1\-1fs.,{ial increasc over a Yl?ar parlier. Mr. and Mrs. Allf' 11 Sandahl \Vil!arcl Marrs, Mr. ancI Mr~. Austm

The expe~tC'd incr~ase in con- were clinnf'r guests in the Ed..Erxh'lJen an.d Miss Lucille Bran­sumer income.,,: should b(' suffi- Sandahl home ncar \Va,kcfit'ld df'nhurg. Prlzp!i; wer(' awarqed todently great: to more than .off-set Sunday. IMr. .<\nd Mrs. Clarence Sc~roed('I'any probahle increase in supply. Miss Virginia Langenberg ac~ and Mr, :lI1d Mr<;. Frank MIlIcI'. A IFeed grains doubtless will cost companied Mr. and Mrs. Arnold two-('nur~(' luncheon was sen'cd..more in 1942 than in 1941,'but the Boltz of Stanton. to Sioux Cit.y -expected advancf' in slwep and Monday. I F:ntf'rtain Fri:nclfi.Jamb prices should .he enough tO I fIr. and Mrs. Hal~~ Asmus and I :\[1', :l.nd ,:\1rs. ,Dale ~i~gl,er ent(:r~Ibrin.g producC'rs a hlghf1r PU!T}1a(';- r.la)!lghll'l' wen., .".l.o.;JtOI'~" .thf'1 t;Jlnor! -',It, d cupl party Rt the.l1

,ing power than 11wy had in 1041. I:(orace Wright hOllH' at j.orfolk !1011W I· ndilY evenmg. F:levf'n td-

I--~~-- .._ Sa1urday night. hi!''> wen' arrangl'd. PrIzes WE're------------1 LO"~ALNEWS Mr. and 1\1r<:. John B lSC anrl awarcillr! to .:'-'lr. and Mrs. walter

l~;unday • Monday - Tuesday ''Ll son, Allen, :-Inri Miss LaV rn Wf'icll Ohlund, Mr. flnd Mrs. H. C. Mittf'l-

Dece.mber 1;4 - 15 ~ 16 I \Vi-lYo(' CIPane.rs. Phonp41. dll.tf \'i:-;itcd in the Gl'org(-' BrlN' hom*o "taC'dt and Ml'. and 11rs. Ed. Kol-M H F' L . ~ C at Pender SUndRY la1h. Out-of-tmvn guests were Dr.

'.i:~tin('1' at 3:00 Hunda:\-'; Adm. 28c s- t:~iaY' -. ('y wa~ In ,-IOUX ,11Y -:'vIr. and :V1rs. AI']I'n Sandahl and and \lr~. S, H. Brauer of Norfolk, IEarl) Slww Monday at 6:0U ,'- <~a~l iiarr1ngton, jr., is employ- Mr. and Mrs. Walter OhJund at- and Mr. and Mrs. LE'O Jordan of I

• I ('IU in the CounciJ- Oak ~tore. tended a Morlern \Noe;dnwn pro- \\'in ... i(\(>. A t:wo-cour:o;c luncheon~ , I The Wi II arcl \Vilt:-,;cs WE're in gram at Randolph Saturday night. \V;J.S servcd.

\Valthill 1\o1unday to attend a fu- :Mrs. \Vm. Brupckl10r h8S b('cl1'IWl'a1. on tew sick list tlw pa,,1 ff'W weeks. Ladi('s' r\hl )[pets. , .

IDr. T T. Junes \vent to Sidney Her daughtf'r. Mrs. Irene ~asler, Th0 Ladies'· Aid of the Ppace

Sunday on bu...,ine.s::; and returned of ~orfolk, is here caring faLl her. Rf'formNI chul!'ch mpt at the Her-

IM?rnh'cla'J". AI"".t J,)hn,"ono. "','rr ,'n Mr. and Mrs. Wm. DecH and man _:'vlnrtin, jr,.4'homr ThursdayU . ,.,.~ .family and Mr. and l\Jlrs. Henry ilftl'rnoon with 1:1 members ar'ld

the Utlo Ulsun home 1Il Norfolk Asmus and family' \\"f'rp gll~s!s in the fullowing guests pn'spnt: lVII'S.Sunday evcning. the Hans Ac;mu.'i honw Monday Frf'd PuIs and Mrs. Emma Krue-

Lloyd Mitchell returns I today evening. nf ·0"orfolk,· Mrs. Herman[l'om -I1aslings where he spent 10 ]VIrs. ('has. Klingbiel of ::\1e1- Bau,rm"i,t",', l\hs. Ed. Granz anddays on business. bournf', ]a., sppnt Thursday anp daughlf'L Mrs. Louis Krause, and

Dr. and Mr<;. Victor \Vest ('ntN· Fridaya1 th(' Awalt \Valkf'l' homf'. \lr~. Chas_ i<lingbiel'of Melbourne,tained RC'v. and Mrs. J. W. Ek\\'alt Mrs. Klingbipi and Mrs. Wnlkf'r In.. A Christmas gift f'xchangC' wasof Norfolk. nl dinnl'r Sunday ('\'{'- arf' "islprs ('njoy"o liy all. Tbp Aid will mef't.nmg'. M,l'. and Mrs. Edwin Brog-ren \\'i1.11 :\1I"S, Walt('r Ohlund Janu-

Mrs. Van Bradford w('nt 10 Des and daught('r and Ed. Brandt of ary lJ.Moint's, la" Tu(>~day IRst w('rk to Carroll, and 1\'11'. ami ]\i1rs, PRulvisit her daugI111.'l', Mrs. Arnold Grote of Tilden. wrrp visitors in Tl'ipl('t Three Club Meets.Alexander. the Ed. Schcllcnhf'rg home Tucs- l\Icmbers o[ the Triple Thr€'e

Mrsj J. W. Jonps and th(> Paul day C'v€'ning. card club met at th€> Harry StrateHarrirygto.ns went to Li?coln S~n- Mrs. C. .T. FuhrmRn and daugh- b<npe Thur:-;day evening. Guestsday to bnng Paul. Harnngton, Jr., ter, Ella, of Norfolk, 1\11';-'. Chas. W0rP Dr. and Mrs. S. H. BraUer of

! home ~fter ,q~,had spent the wcek- Klingbiel of Melbourne, la... and Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. Willardend whh John Harrington. Mr. and Mrs. Awalt Walker visH~ Maas. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ,Behmer,

E'is~orth- Sleele, son of Robert ed ln the Henry Frpycrt home at Mr. Rnd Mrs. J;:d. Maas. Mr. andSteeles of Allen, was here Vled- Wayne Sunday: ::vII's. Harry Sc~\\'C'dl' and Mr. an_d

: nesday with his si~ter, Miss Mil- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jochem h~ Mrs. Wm. Thtllehdel. Prizes were


, ,dr~Q Ste~le, and J~lhet' relatives; as' dinn~r guests Sunday: lVir. ahd a~.arded to Mil'. and Mrs. AlbeI1Elsworth came home last week Mrs. Walter Tews of Twin FaVs, Behmer, Mr., and Mrs. Harry

I'from Camp Claiborne, La. He com- Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wilken,-of Schwede and George Langenberg.

I, pleted hJs service period but is sub- Norfolk, and Mr. and Mrs. Will A two-course iluncheon was serv~

je~t to refall in c<1se -of war so he Freiberg of Stanton. cd 1he, Chrisumas ,motif beingwill likeW retuI:Tl. Dinner guests in the Clarf' ce us~f1. ThE' club meet.s December 18

~JI.lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~11at Jllf' Albert !Behmer l!JQme.




~" IEGfElDCIll"!

I ~"!

I-:~...I, "k

1H~WAYNE Need Large SuotTJH~ldHe;~ingLig~ting.C~ntest ...newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950...· C:;;~:&#039; ~;~ ~-~~.:&#039;-~~&#039;;J-~~.. ~-~~&#039; ";;;~~~-~;~;;" - [PDF Document] (5)



Coffee;\Iay be haG in reg­ular or drip grind.Pa"ked in lin orglass. .

Pound, ,29c

2 ~:; .. 56c



SY1'l!pDelicioQS Spread forPancakes &, Waffles




%-Lb. Black, 36c- 34%-Lb. Green ..... C

HONEY45-~ . 27Jar- C

WILBERT'S'"NO RUB" WAXPint ,Liquid or 35Pound Paste ...... - C





Full Ripe\Veil Filled Cans

Perfect PancakeS Ev­ery time when direc­tions on bag are fol­lowed.

Morning Light


Superb Cellulose :Products are Safe, ,Ab­sorbent, chemically pure and economi­¢ill'too: "

Kitchen Towels i5~o~r:els:,'19cCleansing Tissue ;~~'"s~~~19c'Paper Napkins ~~,;.e 9cToilet Paper 5 i;,~'~, 25cVelvet Toiletry 3 i;,~Il~ 25cSanitary Napkins ;~ 121cWholeWheat

Family ~'21 2 Lb. 19Bag .......' C Cruet... C._-

"Enriched by Nature"

Our Every Friday Feature

,Morning Light

PEARSNorthwest BartleUs

COOKY SPECIAL 2 Lbs.Crisp Graham Crackers covered 13with rich cocoanut butter icing. ~. C



~RIDAY and SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12 and 13, 19;41-





QUEEN OLIVEsBeautiful Imported Spanish Queens!Buy for Christmas at the Sale Price!



Council Oak

~~e :~~cni~fig~ig~~~i~n~sisP~~k~U:-:U~~aol;cans. Xo. 10 Fruits pacfced in wat~r for mak­ing home made jam, jclly and preserves.

Apricots ~~~ i~;~~DH~~~~:.. 59c

Exchange the emptybags for 22 caratGold Pattern dishes.

Pound, 28c


, ApricotsFancy Halves,Hea~y Syrup

216-OZ• 2'9Cans.. C


BLEACHED CELERY ~:;ff.e ........


NORTHERN CABBAGE ~~~ .. ;..... 3c

You will find among Council Oak'. advertised items many seasonable -ani!. ~p.

petizing suggestions that will assist in planning menus for the coming week. ~oun­cil Oak's advertised .specials and Every Day Lo!'" Prices on Evel"J item makesCouucil Oak a Safe Place to Save,

3 Lbs.for ...


SPITZENBERG APPLES 4 ~~: .. 25ePer BUshel Box. 82..29



SWEET SPUDS 10 ::,~s,...... :........ 25c

No. '10 Jar 20cNo.6 Jar 13cNo.4 Jar , ..



15 ~~g..... 9c 2 i~~ .... 19c'

Minerals EssentialFor Best Results

Pystt;![" shells or crushed lime­stone should be kept before hensat all times and should include oneper cent of fine salt in the mashmIxture. Tbose points are impor­tant in egg production, says J. R.Rtiodditt. extension poultryman atthe Nebmsl<a college of agriCUl­ture.

The oyster shells or lime,stoneand the salt add to the palatabilityand calcium content of the ration.Ail a~ple' quarftity of phosphorousis 1contained in five per cent meatand b,one meal used in titc mash.No other minerals need be addedtt) carefu,lly selected Nebraska­gNmm rations. Clean gravel should

b.l used for grit. '. ' . 'I, .I, '.' .', '. I,

, ','I.' •


Drikd Fruits Goad' Ide red stlgur. Th;s i" a 6cl'cioqsFor Winter Foods [rUlt candy:

Dried fruits. which come in Beef Cattle Pricesf~ll~~~~nci~~r~~;adrmP~,;l~~~~: ~~ I ,"A.ppeQr FavorablethL' shelves of the wise'st hnm('~ Arthur G0org-c" extension spe-

Ima~el"s. says .1'Ii"s Stanek Ic~ahst in farm managt>r!1ellt at theassbt:l.Dt eX1E.'n.s!n!1 , at! ~pf)raska colle;;€' of agricl.llture,

Ilhe !"('bra"ka collL'ge of agncul-I ~-'elje\"~_s lh.<1t pl'}ces for beef cattle'ture. 10 1~42 \\"1]1 probably avemge as

'II Weight fn, weight. c1rlpd fruit 'I >'le ;1\ tn :\ little hi!}hc·r. t11;10 those

-Jutshln('S fresh frUIt:.; In mlnt'!',lb. p,p\'.'llling In 1911. Th(>. sc,lsonal

!~~~lCdco~~~t~:t(~in~:~~111i" ~~1~'~1~llc~1~ :, tlr> ,n Iw ~~~::~~~ ~~t

!~~ 71~C'; i~~?t (if:~~,~/l'~~;).nE!"'s a101 i ~~'l~:nt l~~~:)er. of t~~~;S~,I~dlz,~~~! VI'WI..., !o:<c' \'J::Inlln C' n (h'_' t!(, fC'rl :911 haYP depr:e:-;<;cd theI cjrYlng, but oth('l'\\I:,c (\rll'd ::lnr! ,ICC", .on hat class of caltlc so! fre"l1 fralt, ['ank ah(Jut 111,' ·d:1W ~1:( J:l. 1'('('1,,' mn:lth; prlcro-s forI JI1 food \aJul'. D,-It'd fn.. t, ),:"1'1) uch c"ll l l' hCl.\'C' heen lower \'(,la-I all lh('lr .. \ Itam:n,,,; J\ t1J:ln of mor,--' COllln,on

't)r] B their n:ltlJ,;1! ITi,nl''''al" In the mdic:ltlOns arC''JI"j('rJ fruit" (>l.t'clalh' ncb III t!l"re \'.111 hc fc\ycr fil1l ...;rH.'dr'lll anrl ("a1ciu111" '~il1h' t!lU;1 'In 1::111 and prJce~

Th" of il\'l('d frUll 1" '-.IJII " : "1" ~,Ii~h('r l'pl;-,t!n.'i\·. Th(''-~:;~-- lot m Its !ond \ alut.,,,; but in Prlllg luw on pnc"es of [mi:-:llcc)

$ • I the preparation, 'Thr- rull' for 111'('-' '"lllle ~houlrJ cor"e IT.uc'h carli"l'

~I paring perfect ~2uce I";' to th(' In th' yrorrr and th'2 SUr.1mer high. 1S Ii... Ah d LOC-,,\L NEWS 'oakine ,ho" and th.. 'hould cot,,, around mid-August.ea a ttl; ea I\'v~~~:'s~layC~~;1t';I~~;Sd~l~e~~ I~,::h,';~' b:,71~o;I'::~",,:~H;::,/':~~"e, \..11 Tic that f~~~e;~e'~:~rr

YI Onqle Hhoades home at Wake- ~~~~~('~\'~~~r.fr~~a;11:~hi~Ct;;11~1'st:~~~ n('x/~~;~~;~.\\:~; ~;;.~g~:s~ff~:~;~~

ear fj(>]d~ j(E'tti" In w!lJ('h the frUit IS to lJ{' \\'jl) return t'nou~h' to pay ro~' theIn a telephone con;'('r.satioll thi,s cookr"l SImmer until It J" [""d anr'j I]th__ r O\erhcad (''--'sl:;; .o;uch

Woo\{ WIth the R, J,. Klng~;tons who tpndc': Boiling It un and' as hi\)o" use of equirJJnent, inter-w:nt to Sant~ MOnica,. Ca.!., for the make;' it mushy 'C"i an In, ,~~tment and other lICITL').wlIltt'r, members of the,lr famIly I .. . '.. Those Illi'n who produce their -sup-

With the glOries here learned tha~ We:-iternl'rs are I Dnpd frUit. at t~I>S. ~:,m(' of thf' plv 'of f('ed and also their febder, not so apprchqnslvc of danger as ,year, makes, an (,XL(lll~ nt :;::llh~'l- ca', :10 c~r(' In rclati-,'ely bet tel' o~.i-

man~ fcared. 1 I }llt~t for 'h~ll~laIhe~~,~,d~~S~Ug~~I~~ tions than those buying both,Feect-Plilvate LeRoy Sund left 1\10n·


rUI S are-no 0 h' ," (crs and ked C\ccordin"" to Georgeday' from Omaha for San Diego many carll!:lJ:s are, so t ey re casleri' ---.:. ~_b_~ •

whptc hE' is ~tationcd with the on young d,gestlOrns. , ,! CARROLL'LOCALSrnHrines. IIe had b('t'n here on fur- Grnnd 'Christmas gifts or ("on-lQug'h \\-'ith his parent~, Mr, and [l'CllOn::; [clr }oungsters "rro frUit i .rL,(,()~;I, nl,~U_L:~(:~an, ?l:J.dYs, Ed­Mrs; Louis Sund. Mrs. Sund was in ,balls. For th('~e tilke equal rnt':~~,:'\ ,lid c1nrl I.I '11 - - Fori, \\c1'c' Sun­Omaha with him 1\londay. L('Roy ~lln's of (tried fruits, apricots,: d!ly glwsts of Laura Fork at Law-]pft !with P1'h'at(' Keith .T~cl{er of I raisms, figs or w~al('\'er you ~la\'~: I ton, It -'-_Denbon, la,. who had Jomed the Iwa~h them an(1 I un 111em 1111 ou~!1 I , T

marinC's' and who h3d q furlough I tl1(' fnod c!1'('ttJ()(,f. Xut 1":-wats may I, BRENNAat the' sam!?' time, The Grover i be run thrOlt'!h If ~ne hk('". :'I-I?ld: -:\11'. and :\lr", G~o. .3runs s-p<'ntTuckers of Deni,son. WPfe also in i th,c mixture into lil tIl" balb \\ It h ,Sunday afternoun ,at E. H. VOn'-Omaha with 1he' bo\-:" :\1andCl~'. .( the hands. R(ln eal'h ball ill row-ll.;l:'~.~ern·s at '.vaketi~;d.

Formal 'Concert b, I


1H~WAYNE Need Large SuotTJH~ldHe;~ingLig~ting.C~ntest ...newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950...· C:;;~:&#039; ~;~ ~-~~.:&#039;-~~&#039;;J-~~.. ~-~~&#039; ";;;~~~-~;~;;" - [PDF Document] (6)

'1· .~.,



AmcrIcan Le~lOn Post,Amerlci.Ln Legion post mel \\- cr!­

nesday e\ enmg last week 'lJhc menvoted not to sponsor a tov.n 1(><1111baskethall tournament th!:) )earThe post meets agam next Wed~

nesday evenmg.~~~~-

Minister PassesAway Saturday

~ \- :6 A. DIckey, 67, formerPresh termn mInister at Norfolkand E erson. died Saturday In aSlOUX CIty hospftal followmg aIIngermg Illness Funeral rJ teswere conducted Tuesday at Em­erson ct;Iurch. Dcceased lC'3\'es hl~

WIfe, a daughter, Mrs John W('b~

cr of Den\!'r, and son, Da\ld,SIOUX City, former rvayn~udent.

To Lincoln Mef·tinl-;".Dr J T Anderson dtlended In

. Lmcoln Saturday, December 6, amoellng of a committee of educa­tors, legl~lators and laymon Thecommittee formulated a slate·ment of the functIOns- of pat,T1ollceducatiOn At thiS OfflCJalScssJOnwere rC'presentatl\cs of the Ne­braska mstJlutlOns of higherlearnmg and of the public schoolsof the state Also on lhf> commit­tee were laympn apPoJntui by thecIVJ!lan defense org{lnn:atJOn.

, ;

Immanuel E\, Luthf'ran' Ch-urch.(Rev F C Doctor, pastor)

S('rvlce m Ihp Eng1Jsh languagenexl Sunday a1, 10 'l m \\ltl1 ~Ie­

hr,qIJnfl of holv communIOn Prc­par,dOly senlC(' at 9 q') 8 m

Announcement for COmmunJon\\-111 be received on !'~rrday after­noon and e\-emng

Theollhllus Chur( h,IRcv A Hofcrer, paslor)

, Sunday school at 9 30 a m Ger­man and Engllsh scn1ces at 10.30a m

Ladlcs' AJd meets December 18at the ehul"ch parlors WIth MISHugo Fischer as hostess,

st. l\far.';'s Catho(k (hurt'll,IRev Wm Kearns, pastor)

Decembel 14, third Sunday ofAdvent, mass m Wayne at 9o'clock and m Carroll al 10;.30Catechism af(el the masses

Salem Church.<Rev A. Hofercr. pastor)

Sunday school at ::! p m SerVIceS"at 3 P m.


Normal' emplO)fmcnt causedb defer.sc demands, has remov­ed ground on WhICh was ~ound­

etl the N. Y. lA. and C. C. C, aspomtcd out py NatlOJl's BU~I-

~ess [or December r]'he food

s amp plan was estdbllshed tora~se farm prices and uphl t un-

~rprIVlleged consumors Do­

f nse expenditures would ap-Icar to meel the need 'HC'lel

~e Ull c:e agenclds of Ihe gO\­

£' nment," says Nation's 13U>.;J-css, "set Up speCIfically to mIt·

Igdtc C'ettaln aonm mel! tcon()m~l~ condltlOns Ihat pre\alled!jack m th~ depth of 1he dt,­plessJOn Now that those condJ­II IOns no longer eXJs!. the sensJ-

~Ie cours~ would be to liqUIdate

t 1em ancl trflnslatc the energyt the burNUCldts to de[ensC'

productIOn" Melny bureau~ willIbig appropiiatlOns for non dp~

[ense acllvllles could bf' dl~('on

tlnlwd In tlH' Inklosl 01 l'{O/lomy ancl \0 fonlIliJull' 10 ~h'

demand tOl nIr/l JIl dd. nSl' Jrl

dUStlH.'S Clnd JTl fJghtmr..;- TdnksDemands of Iht' dc/cns(' erm 1­

gency ~hould ampJy I<lke C1{(I'o[ duties assumed hy numero~

bureaus II would seem HIdt Imost of thrm could be dlssol\­cd lat least fol' dUrtltlOn r~t thewar

Case Is,ContinuedTo Later Session

Prot Russpl Anderson \'0 as In

Walfhlil WpdncsddY to be guestconductor for Logan Valley ohm'llcliniC He was accompanwc] by Ihtcollege girls' sextet dnd bo) s'quartet These groups sen cd tOl(iemonslrdtlDn and aSSIsted W,t1t­hili studf'nt~ tlldt ('\emng 1Tl gl\JIlga plOgram of mUSIC, In the qUdl~

tel arc F.dwm Sprague, :EldonFrcudenburg, Arthur adllH'1and Bob Hanson In the sC'xtct 1:1If'

Beryl Nelson, FI anees Blezl'k, An­Ita 01sel1 Hope Elltngpr, Df­Lores Thompson clnd Dolores Mal­quettf'

Serves As Condu'ct6I'Of Clinic at Walthill

tel', Modern wa' - methods as Pllactice~'....abroad denote a v[eakening; ~f moral sensI1bilities-a StllT\ln<!lyr of SPIrl~ to b~ast, Itis !wpM out of the.l.fiery crUCIble w!ll comelnoblet'l thinkIng 'piJd finer fellowship. It ISalso h(lped truth ,viII more generally andm~lre eompletelv Kupplant dupliClty"amonglinrlividu<dH unci t1,dlOl1::l,

Mal'llr .fas -n. ~I",;s~n of' F,:~ont. WhO].dISCllSSC.1, tax ploblems al lhe me~ti!,g of

Lho KiwanIS ('lub Monday, (lirl. not of¥r .a,nenCOUfHg-Jng pl'OS~~Cj, though he ex laIl1­<:,d III ('oIlMHlpI.llJlq detail Whrtt \Ii e mnyl

expect. _ t I • ~ _ I II

Th" \\"alher htii h,'en Hleat for P.i~kIng!corn ,mil gettIllg r ',Hly for a few ,month~'of cold and S110'\, We expect nothIn lessHI till':; clunate. ~

The Ri~ht to Work. ,(IrHlusl\1,l)1plcs, Sel\l(el 1

HpCl'llt poll-, oj pHillie opinion }l<lVO j~ldil­C'ated that the pllblJ( expeds labor Ulllon~

to COIldtlcl Ihelr illlSJIll'SS open Iv. f~nllslJlmancJaI ~tatenl(\llL:-;, and m OtlHJ1 wavr;hanI~h SPl'l'ec.\ In the hand Illig' of then'aft'aIr:->. I_ I

Without ~uc,ti<ltl the public is ~'ightL1\Tore puhlJCltv lIl,the concluct of Ullt911 bus,irtIeRR would he dmm'abll'. Iro)' one thing, l~would help 10 l'limindte conditions s~ch a~those hrought odt ill I ecent teHtimOJ~y be­fore til(' SelJ<ttt'.1 romr,l1Itte(' lIlveHtJ1atin gjthe natlOll<tl (ir'frIl\-;t' program-test mOR~that I11c!Jcatl'd t Hal sOllie tlluons. at least,chul'ge exol bILl/It ~'el)S to employees ~eforclgranting th'em tht· J'ig'ht to \\ork on a unionlJob. Het" <lte <I fe\\ highlights fro 1 therc~old, I

In thl' Shl'ct IIletal Wotkers ~nter-InatIOnal A,socJ<1ti<Jn, J:'/o, 4, on the.lWolfCreek o]'(fn<loce I>];lnt being built at J1iIilan,1Tell 11 , the prH'C ofl a union catd wasl $125and monthl, dues were $6. Cement finish·ers had to pdy $80 to .10111 their unibh and$3 monthlv dues, In addItion to suc1fees, I:; pl'r cent of tlte i\eekly pay checks were

'coIleeled, Th,' union functioned s anemploymerl't!' ag-<:"llC~'. and befe-re al mancould get a Job. he h<ld to Join, whetlrer hewanted to or not,

ConditIOns like those need to be edITect-1ed,•.and, ih,; unlOllS 1h, moelve" oughtl to beaniong the h'ad('] -, 1I1 the movement Vo ~or­

rect them,

rmJl('a1Jy ('hang-'ed thosp. ('arller prac- Baptist Ch':n·h.tlC{!-l Cla',se~ are no lonl'tcr a com· IRf'\ C LEads pasIon C II S··:;~~~~~ fc;r::~~,t~;:lt io\rf)e t:(f'~~:Vf>~Utl~ Church school at 10 a m Wor- 0 ege OCletl(-&SIJhVf;I(,]ogH:aJ obJectlv('~belt('r VIS' slllP <it 11 a rn Sermon IS "The Kapv:a Mu EpsIlon fratelollyIOn Thpy are mf're1y U~(l f'nd ro- Man \Vbo Made Good' This IS the held a regular monthly meetmg atsnIt or pH'else Prolc'-'slOnal knov.:l- first of a S('rJcs of messages based \VaYlle college Monday nlght Don(ago In an lOll. on thf' ~~o;;p('l of Mark No cJ..('njng Strahan, the vlce-ph"sIdcnt, gave

Nowadays, H1X lTl:lportant Dro- sen IC(,~ on 3U'ount of tht> M('sSlBh a report on the life and works oCfrosslonal H'l'Vlrcl.; cnntrlbule to bet- 1\1ld-week s('['vlces Wednesday Archimedes. Charles Wmteni re4:(X:iO~:~~~~· t~~l:~~s~C:e~~~c~~I~~c1<"dde~ c\(nmg at 7 30. viewed a book by Emstem and In-tllllllnmg vrhcthf'r the eyes b('nd Gra('f' IJutheran Church. feld, "The EvolutJOn of PhYSICS."ll~ht rays proPf'tly). pJ(~scrlf)\nJ; Mlssourr Synittd MIs,s Marte Have, the sponsor, read

:ro~~~f):~~n~~'~~t~~;r~~nd~n~~r~~si:t~!(Ih \ \~altel Blackenslck, pastor) ~e~~e~~~:I~~df~~;I~~m~r~~~s ~~~Itl~ the prel;crlptlOn into lenscl.;), r S,llurday, church ~chool <1t 1 30 vemher edItlOn of the 6rgaOlza~lilting" and !-;crVICIn.t; of thf! p;las!-;c::;, p m Chn~tm,ls practIce ,al 3 t ' "Th P 1a8Sllmm~ that gla~B(,s are nee~ a clock g'oonn.~ new magazme, ..e en a~a~ detprmmed by the cxamlllatio~ Sunday Sunday st:;hool at 10anel reflclctlon, o'clock EnglIsh service at 11 * * *

Through these lI4tJy profcssional o'clock Pile hall ~tudents of \Vayne col-

~~~;~~e~I~~f7~P~t~:~ora~:es~Ose~~\~~~ Tuesday, choll rchear~al at 8 ~~~~e~~~~OI~nf~~r;;~:n:af~~~al~ e~~:Iltey p~y a fee in order to obtain p m OIng Flftyfl\'e couples assembled('ye comfOl t <uld visual effiCiency, O'ur RI.c]PPmf'r· ... L;lth. ( hul'l h. m the student lounge to be greel ~

~~cla~~a~~b~I~~~1C~~:~~~fO:anp~r. (Re... \V F Most, pastor) ed ~ Lucille Mosek'y the ~oclalness. Ser\lcf'~ SUndH) at 11 SunddY chaIrman, and Mrs Ella B Erad-

Arc your e}"s helow Dar? TheY ~chool at 10 fp~~~'ld~~e ~~~C.:¥~lees~o.~rs~cW~~~~nro('dn't be--...----PJOVIding you seek and ChOir rehearsal Tuesd~lY at 730. J ~~ '"

'1 he damage dCl1011 filed b¥ Md 1- l;rkp. arixantap;c of modern profes' Rehearsal for the Chi Jstmas PIO~ sters" orchestra, from \\ )snC'r.g,lIet K 1\1oOle \S \'\i'fl)nf' {oun'\- BlOual Imo..... lcdg~ that st:'1_nds leady gram SaturdHy at 'j, DUring the 'henmg, puneh l\dS

Silv~r Lining. puhllc' pOWf'r {"SIIlCI wlll not hi' to gIve YOU goO~csight, most pre- Adult confirmatIOn class nwets served by V€'nona GIO\er aml Vpr-(N tllon s BJ.-lsJr}pss) lrt{'d 1n JLlI y sessIon n('xt \\{,f'I~ ,1:-- CIOUS o[ all )'Ol~: ",uses. ' SatuldR.)- ('\f'n1ng December 13. at na Oneal Chaperones \"et;r Dr and

"1'£,,1(( on lhc p<lrlh, good wJlI to I1lpn asslgn('rt Thf' n1d1tcr IS conllnutd I=- --- - --_._-~ 8 In lhe parsonage ~r~ I~~I~f};hnea~~e~;''i°f\\~~:~;~.unlll the next 1('lm 01 courl I I\JlI \ndl r'-oJ] \\( Il' .tlIL'IIH)flll \ISI- LuthcrcLeague met Vv·C'dne.:-;day ~

]. lulll 11(' IVCft oS all glorIOUS J.{mg- ' Judge A E Wenke of Stanlon f _ 'V I' i lUI'" c\enmg m thc Harvey Meyer home W K Fov.-Ier and Dean Mal thaIII thE' llexL f0.\V \\eek;;, throughout \\III!l(> hen' for th/C Jury sessIon I ~ogan a (iY I .i\IJ Illd Mrs \lhrJ I T{ 1J of RC'd \\lth Dean and Don hostesses. Of_IS_m_'t_h._s_m_'_th_. .~ _

Chn~teJ1dom, thL~~ song v...ill rise from the which opens MonddY (ByMrs AlI)('ll Anderson) jOdl-; fl ll<lI(nls of Mis Rlhscll fJccrs \'ocre ejected Wayne Grain .\\far'kets. Dec. 10.innocent throiltsJJt (hildlen, In thiS land:,J -- ----- -- - \\'f'n.,lldl1d ('anwtqliJ.. W{'hsh<lnd l\ff"thodl!St ('hur{h. IPnces subject to change)their song;.; wIiI tl se ahovp the gr'U~e or Gax Tax Share Iwnw T!Jl11srid.y I\ll r"l1 relurned >(VICtor \Vcst, pastor. John R Corn DRcIJUtchll1(':-> grillc ll!{ tirelessly 10 fa~hion Com t C ty l\JMl j ,mel Mrs L1l{'S (11~tl \\~llII1101l1(' l·'1111 Iy .1Iul MIs Tell le- Keith, musIc (hrcclnr; Mrs. J T. Barley 48cIllstl'Um{lnt s chosen hel aUHe of theI!" C lcu- es 0 Olill OII( ,tlY \ 1~11n1;'; .It 3u n II f 1'<.II S m llrH'n f{n 't \\ ('( I-; S \ IS!t ~ BIer ]T organist) Oats 37clated effIcwl1cv In mallg-Img human I eings. Wa:;,.ne count}.s sharp 01 Ihe No- ~I:~;~ \~\1/!l~01~1 \\~,~ ;:~':;,I~ldi, ~~~-I I Irlnl(' ( JJ{ Ii' nH t!>.; for Ihl'Jr ;n- r~; r~spe~t e\'~ry church that 1'i1"."""""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,.,,... r;'I

\cmbel gasolinetaXIs$:l,10IJR2r11-1 " e - nUll ('hll'-llll::ls IlHltv ThuJsday eXdlts the ChrJ,~t Wp h\e because I,;J ~In other lalld~, t Iw ~onZfs I~' III rI~ ,alfove \ ,<It'd as follOWS County hi Hlg(' 1m s r\ (nlrw ,I' j 11,' I ldl okl Anderson \... e help others to 1I\e ,.~ _~.-_

the horror of th(J:-.ip lIl:-ifrt meTlt~ in brutal $48001 .couqty load, $1,6HI)~(), MI ~"n() ro.IIS 1\-11'1\111 Anrlel',on hfJrnr Till' rllle'"hmpnt {"llmmlll(>e Graderl church schopl, 10. morn- _a,dion: i IUdd dlstIIct, $21001. 'l'e, undny (hllTllI bU(..,I,,1t j\n~ ,II.' 1\11 .... \\111 fkllg 1\-11" {)scar Ing \\orshlp, 11, sermon suhJect . ~

"PI'all on Nlrtll Inri rIlrrcy mlhl-- ---,- - - - Ol~ \ntl'rlJr1y s 1 I (, flo) ldunrl, j\JI>.; Anlnn I\nder-, .Jesu~. Son of thl" ~Vlrgll)" Spe~ ~ ~ ""'I liod and SIj'lnf'J , I('f oIlcl!ed" , BIRltH RECORD {IO:I~I;U~~1 : I,~:~~':, i;lI~, 1,wlndst :f(:~IJ ~I{lll{" (fJ~I/I(11 t~~;~(>lnl;II{(~~~n~t~~~'S~~e lal mU~lc \\ III be prestntl'd h) the = ::

H b ~t U ll)ute to thi~ lIlna1c dp~el1cy of A SOh. Robert Edward, w~s!lm n ~nd II del I of COl\{ ()~d 1\lr.., Li'\f III I rf (11 If l,snl1, l\-i,~ chOirhuman kllld th~t only a ~-qtattering Qf ;~'(N~~y :oA~Ir a.lldMMrsKEd~7t~( ~ (l,ll',j I mf'tll dnd 1\l.,lvlll Alldl'l~(ltl ,Jrlll .:\lls. h .• n- ~~~<~~~~lo~~:ryUe,~ ChIJstlan ~iconoclastR '\Ill :r111<1 Jrony In those ~ongs th~lgfor~er J.~~SceRut~s M('~~~;rt'~" t~'~~II}J~gdt\\i~E;l i~~~']~:l~} rlt III We li~ll<1nd St'r\ICC Wf'rtncsday, 2:3U In theAmid the tumbled rdhble of! hatLlefield~ ddughter of the M S, I\1<.Duftee);> MI elmi Mrs Clal( l1('l' C !ICf'l dlld Tr,m ...rt,rrl:,1 10 "t'sf. church pallors.soldler:l will h.'ar'them, at least in memory; of Norfolk· I II S d II IP ickets.at ~J1Ik~";,,bottlld plants wIll listen, A M t II h H Cl!fll!'ll\\l!t' lin ely .t '111~j,1l (dpl,]ln P.1\11 BfJ"pn Js lJemg St.Patlr~E",an.Luth.Chur('h.

Poun~;,n~'lSe~~rnn D('c;~;~~'rll~g to fJ~II",'''",',',',1I:'lr·r~~UII.I,1:n''nP,lr,',','''\'\,II 11,llls/(lrld I,IHll \\dslllll,l.:.!IJll f) r IRe\ G Glcse/lPn. pastor)

~~~; p~~~~e(\vt~tiOJ~~;>I:'~C~\~~~I~l~ ~~~~t MI and Mrs ArHVll John~on of ~t/:lnd and ~;m'\\{'I:' SUndl) dIrt \\'dS\;) /~::llts ;f;\\~~I\u'~~e' ~~z~~~t~ Church sehool at 10 am Wor-strike so bloody, what national problem so Homer. ThiS IS th(' IhJrd chJlri m npr gU('~ls ell Gusl WenS!1 UHf s df'pdrlnwnl 01 Ih1' <Irflly senJce Sh~~::{~~~~a~e~)~I~U; InstructIOnterrifyih ff, OJ' hll~ilH'S~ worry ~o pressing

tthe family MJ John~on IS a form· Sunddy eHnlng \ISlloJ:-- <11 Rll s- lip .Ind :lIrs BO\\t'n, \\hoha;; been Tuesda)-s at 3 pm

that it ]P<lVfI:-) liD tune to paUHC for the erWayne collQge :o;tudC'nt !:'fll \V{'(l,liflnd~ \\('!( l\II CJTld l \\(lh 111111 thout I month In the The Women of the Church lllCetChristmas VOle('s 01 r!hlldren SingIng. A{on, MlchdL'l 1"Ug('n~ \\( I~h- 1\lls ('Iutent e Holm ,lnfl llllldJ;l'n I{'.1st dTl I\I'd U1 (Jrndh,1 Wcdnes- Thursday at 2 p m.

Perhaps, 111 a worlrl of little hope, that ~~)gt ~oun~d ~as ~orn o~~m ('I Sunda) ~fN'~nonn ,nul ;\;llP[H~ ri;-J\ t"(flJnl:; PIllI <lnd \1Js () R LUlhel" League mC'ctmg Fndaythought Is Olle to cling-to. In Hpite of hate~ f;t; a ~s "'~ll'nCSt emer Rrs~~~7t I JOlFs\\t\r/"j ~J8.n. Il~{)\\(!l m,'t Ih{m IhClf' <Inri the at S pm

o dmes, IOn 1(' eJOers lSI ,IreneI' 10m olll( llJ(II'n f(Jut go to Lln\oJn todd) to spcnd ChOir rC'hearsal Saturctdy atand gleed. Hnd sclliHhnesR, it seems to say lived In Wayne a few ycalS ago Friday aflernoon \-lsltOI"'-; dt 1 short 111l1(' \\Jlb Ih(' ,J h.nox 7.l0 P Jll •

Ithat, Il1Ride of all ot Wi, IS a unity that could Mrs yStclOel IS the former Flor- h(nnc~h \V,--nsll<lTHb \\( Il', )\11:.; ./onps lalTUI) (dpl JJIl BO\\('n then Sunday school ChJ"l.s~as prac- :""":,_",:,,:,.~,,,,:,:avoid mHmnderstanrling and slaughter if ence ocum. GlOver Carr and Mrs S\\an PC.ll- goP>.; 011 \\P~t ,tnrl Ill'" wlfp IPlUlns Ch . t 0only \Ve knew how to use It; that sometime A daughter, Brenda Gal!, welgh- son I If) r~I!IJngs, [\~'Hl1 \\ h{'ll' hel l\\o tIC~O~~I~~:t;~~2 ~la~~e a\urday flS mas resswe mHY all hb wise enough to forget na- 109 SlJl pounds, was born at Ster- 1Jr and MIS Bern,lld r\llic and chlldrt'n tll,--' ",tlb reJ.-tltH's land Coat Saletional mlolerance, unholy ambition, aV3J- hng, Saturday, December 6. to Mr. famrly and Velda P,lIk spent Sun at 1 ~nd 2.30 p mlice. and loin the children Ringing, whole- and Mrs Gilmore Sahs ot New day dftel110011 at tile LIves Ulson Unotrut Ll'.ult'rs !\-Iel'!, Card o[ Thanks. VALUES to m'~ake you

Raymer, Colo The other child m 'home I S({)III Ir',l{ItJs JIOIll llIIH r!ISI!"lfl \Ve \\!sh to thank our neighborshealtedlv: 4l(;od rest you me~ry gentlemen, th(' family IS also a daughter MIS, , 1\llsl Chu('ncp Bdk('1 dllll (1111- IlH I SlImld) dll( rnoon at Ihe col- <InrI all thos(' \\ho v.ere -so klOd to think there is a'Santa!may nothing yoU dii-\may." Sahs IS the for'}1C'r E;rMna M"yer, e1ron ~lsII('(l MIS Russt II \V~'ll- I{ l;" III pi III IIH 11 (UlJll h cOUlse us al the lime of the death of our •.. So have your dress

- ---- - ~,----- dnughter of Mr alld rs Fred Sllollld and lIlJant SOil I' Iltll) nl t- \\ Ill(!l ~I Ills f ITllllI:l H molh.t I and gr,lndmolher \Ve alsoUsing More Substitutes. Mt'yer of n('ur Watne, Mr Sdhs l/'i crnoorl th,mk all \'oho "ent f10\\prs and \.. e and coat for the holi..(Ornahcl JOIunal-Stockman) a sqn of Mr nnd Mrs, A C. Salls, CI<ujil, LOIC'ttd nnd All.l'tl,l, 1.1',1\1·... IInsl)illll. {'xpress appreciatIOn to 8t Mary's days at big savings J !

Perhaps mloRt of us have failed to Hote ulsdof thiS VICinity, . J\ll!v' rllld

lIelnk. B,ntllng \\,CI(' (IJn]{s Pelf'rs '\,lS able' It) rc- GUild laches fot__th_e_"_k_m_d_ne_""_-_ ~:':"":""""':_"""_ Dressesthe fact but we are gradually getting user! - - - -~ ~- Tu{'sO&IY e\enlng \Isllm>.; "t DllIl Illll' hom I' \\,pdtlf'snay fJ"[lm <-l Local MIS JdO]esl Hogan, Mrs Lonnie

h. I h Pays Court I'~hl(·. Cclll ...(~n's • hnsplLd \\]WIl' he h,lfl undergQne II9negar, James and Donald Ho-

to takmg" w at we can get IIlsteac of w nt F'ml1k WoehlC'r was (Jnl'd $1 ,lIld Mlsi IIerbt'f' ,Johnson olnd !\II s ~u, ope.n.tllOn gan.we want and what Wf~ have been accustom- asse:':scd costs of $605 ITt county l\:l'nnl'lth \VenstJ,lIld .llll'l11k<l n ~_______.- ~ _cd to getting A llUle obl:iervation will cort- {'oud Ffldav al1e'r plf'mllOg CU I I1\- "ho\\(" ,d tilt' r d P,Ilt! h(lllli Sit, . ~.f\--~/'i~1§~~~~~~~~~~~ \\lth peplums, lon~ torsos.VlllCP UK that th(' pinch of pl'lOlltles I~ l'eal- to charge of stiliung LIZLJP 1'elel- lIJui-ly

l<t1Lelnooll tm I\ll" II.11elld I .~ ~/ .: rJ1lddy tops. 1\fore sparkling,

ly IWg'llllling to he felt. And it is beirtg felt sen. I Olson. c "# J than c\er. _ .• "Glitterio"IllY the mctlvldual ('arum mer, no less than 1-~-_.- ----- ----: Fr l(jay ('\'('nlng \:ISIIOJ s ell CldJ I '<: ' <'" Bla{'ks." \Ivid colors andb,T btl:~1I1e~S('H which are no longer ahle to HETTING l\1AD. ('nu' BA.kc'rs \'o(,fP l\-lr dill! \11S §?" il.... <:

k h Flpd Mull('I, 1\.'1,11\111 arId ll.itl( 1":- ~ ('ombinations; abo pnstels. J

obtain ndc<jl1<lte qHantitJe,~ of materials Channing Pollor ,aulaI', anri 111' and l\hOi. Andl'IS J( l"';:ll1 ~ ,.t,;. "\\hlch "elC once abundant. l.tekles apathy as a perniCiOUS Sl'n <-lnd l"O\d -~~~ \ $495

As the d(~fellse effOlt gains momentum mfluence on mdlvldu<t1s dnd 1\11 and MIS Ar ifill! I In!nldll ~..,(:. ~ ':_,~:"": AN; UPan,d productIOll soms upward, the consurln4 ~~:Psfrl~~pO~~~:t~ut:~~t f~~~~ and (hJldn'n \\er(' dlll\lI1g I ),1 (llJll " .\\l-~er ~ problem\-; \\ III become :nore severe. FIe management III a nation slate of lel<1I1\'(>s tll.lt Sppnl Stlnd'!\ (nel \\ '" 0may not be ai~I(' to walk mtn a store and or city depends on Citizens be- ('nJo)ec! dmncr togl'tlH I ,II lht' '\ t.\ allpur:chage JH'('C1KCly what he wants. Ot.hler comlllg arousf'a 10 wrath and Arfhur Florll7C home' \' rL'/J C' • CO'atsartIcles he 1,--, w-:;pd to may become exccssrve- action Pollock Hunks people MJ and 1\lls Bernard I'<it!, 8m"! \ \ O" .....t ~ ii":-- ='",:;'!":, r,,:":,;],y COHtly. I I should get mad 10 resentlOg cJllldr¢n were Thursday e\ enHlg '-"\ll "" ..,C't. .., Thf' kind o[ ,'alues. J'ou ex-

Tllat, hOWQVCl', should not be cause for Bungs that are \'orang and m vrsltOlI'i at Henrv B<lItlmg s 1\11 ~ OJ \\ ....re ~ peel III .January. ~. Stunnin,lit. h anrl 1\Irs Phd VCraZ31l1 nf l'Ollltl, ~ .. '\ c

worrv and despail'. rrhere are plentYI of 1111- mSlstmg on thmgs t at are \H'rf' ,sunday e\pnmg \ISIIOiS ., l.,\\" ......IC coats, beautifully tailored.expeill~lve ~tlhstit.U-LeS~rpractically ev-dry- rIght He says m part "Most Wl'dnesd<JY {'\Plllng; slljlpl'r to Vi' Noted fo; s'tyh', fit nnd lln- ;:thing that is betOmlll scarce or exp~nsive. of such blessmgs of hf(>, llbelty guests at Pdul Bengtson., \\('It' 'tir . .. ish of rit'h uoolens. :

Alld~r th,ere i~ whe~'e t lced for con~umer t~~ ~~~l~u~'~I~:te~~o~~P~~:~St~: l\lr and Mrs Nels Nelson lml (llrl- '" $~0.00 ..edn, utlOll comes Ill. I, attamments of angry men \1."10 dren, ~Ir. and Mrs De,'lll "I \l' and \,1. .. 4..: _ :

'I tit f th~ t y 1 cI by '1 Clllldnm and Ml and l\-lJ" lIven f ll- l\. e re UI ~. on1s ~) v COl!n r , e stormed a Bastlle or tossed a tl AND BETTERchm IS, arc uomg thIS on a \vIde scale. In shIpload of tea JOto Boston Br~;~.nland Mrs Clutcilco Rlkt't "-nrat ,. Choose [rom \linter'sco-operation with government blreaus, Harbor. Too many of us have and (,lIldren \\ ere Tue....day p\ e- ~ ~,,~ \ \~~hfeJ aret'passi~llfhQ,n to thehbuy,er inhv:a u~ble adoPbted Trod' t?jO, busy,' 'I ~an't nmg ViSitors at Haney Hl'llmn!;- tIl . t% tW' success sble~! ._m vrma 1011. ey are S owmg 1 ~~ow be othere, t s none 0 my sen's. JSunday afternoon \ ISJtors l\Oll co~ uccon~ lar1icle can take the pla('e of a qther affaiJ-,' ~nd 'What can:t;. do?' as \"ere .lr1r and Mrs l\-lantn Lmder \,fO(\\lC ,b 9od~t\>satisfactorily, aud save him hlOuey, fthe slogans,. No person. famIly, and Gary, ""rr~.ed ,0' ~e~' , • GIFT HINTS • icaso of foods, they al~e issuing e ipes comm.u,I;uty or country can sur· Mrs; Emil Rodgers, MIS H,u\ey \)C~\'\\t" \\\ $~'OO \ . ~which ihstruct the how~ewife in ~ v to v~ve such complacency ,a~d m~ Henmrgsen, Mrs Hernhlll I\Iuller c' \... t't Robes _ Bed Jackeb ~make !Lighly palatable dishes ou;t r ,ili- ~~f~b~nc;res:~:rn:~rV~~~:~~~I and l\rs, ElmJ Muller \\CH' FII- \lf


expc.n;:Hve <lnd .c?mmon foods WIt ~hlgh unless'that VIgilance IS trans- ~:;: ~~,~I;~~~:l~~~~~d~~j~h,:~~;~~= /1 JA floral flannelette, Jong ~nU~'lt~~~1;1~1 q'~'~l~~tlrCl~~t enforce chan ~es in ~tedkJU ve~lt~?~llan~f a~lO~;; nllttcc meetmg ~- .. sleeve styles. ::,:,i

<, < f pea mg 1 Ig L <T101I711(' .lones of til(' (~l (,tl r ~Ilc('s .the mannerl of lIVIng of all. But m ~h 0 W~~k," Polloc1< says "we havel n,l\ at'.~tatlOn spent W(,fhH'~dn) \ I~- "Cats Pajamas:'the shock ('all he eJinlinated if the~Ublic enjoyed those rIghts because

lItmg JilS SIster, MI's GeOlgf' Borg, ~ "'J.lJ: \\'ashable.cherillle ••• AU _

, ,isshown how to best and most easily f.dapt' more ,than a century anc! a half and~[mlly, He wturned to Eme,:· IiI( U/If eolo.. and ...... "~'---.-- _<~I_' itself to changing,' times anti, cou /tions. ago, oUr ancest~rs got mad son 1I at evenmg Ife It'lurm',l to -""""''''1: ! V"

Merciful consider'l,ion fo women and The retail stores are doing highly i1f1port- ('/lough to rJsk thetr I,ves fori h,s du Ies Sunday, ~I:n ' Jrt .s,. 'cb:ildl'en and other ~oncom atants seems ant wOl·k-Cl work whose value Wil! grow them. We shall contmue to cn- J Mr nd Mrs Enck Swan:,on und l'l..tiALD ~_"" ..Scarfs .. Aprons _Gloves"0 be wholly absent f om ...l.la . followed by' rapidly as time wears ou. This nati n can JO~ them only so long as welle-I, chIld no[ Dukota Cit). \\('ICL l ', 1 II tam pur <;apaClty. to get flght- IStinda d1nner guc::>ts d.t John Rdictators in prosecuttng war. Vengeance remain well fed, well C othed an we mg mad wh"enever the)"\ may be IAnderSon'S. Mr. and Mrs Albert

I is wreaked as much Ion the innocent and housed, despite the needs of defen Ie and th t d o' I a, j~l~fi~i\;iilllil:'l; .. :rea ene . A,nde,rjqn anlX d,alH~hters. and Me -

~defenseless as on those who resi'st slaugh-I the exigepcies of war." ., ---'1-·'c'o'.,>'".I~m;"':1"1~"':"'~~~'7~1""'..rj ., ~

I I I I I '7- I I . ',' I7,j,p~ jl }"Ill ,jl I I I \ I • ~ 'I' . ,

-L."---~--'lt ~---~'------ -- ---~~cri.~~i~n, ,$,'2,001 p~':. :;e~,: ~ri_~V~

1 IluhU hell 1<;\ ~r~t Thursday

Sl t:o~:il:'II~~il '~J ~;:c l';~~; h;l' (]'S Hf.t t;~~n ;1~1\ r~~I~\~I~~ll <\~11 7t1 El~)~~(l_ (~~~ '_~( P\l\)ll~ d~I!:-::_I~~~~~

, "ELI:PONE nil

r~iil-U~'"-cGi>': D;;en~,7;, ;1,-1941':--~

-tpi;;-;'ant'- NOTIJINC; j;;- th,' world'"t 1 g <llllldIStlllrllCl::l::ieS III dC::iplCa-

'F,reachery hie trcacllely Japan', ruth·less aHuQkoll Amcl'iea's Insular po;;sesslOlls

~~i1e peace negotiations, werp still pend­

i Ig • 'rhe Nippopese orientals ~dapt the,m.~lves easily to tI,e Irole of beanng an olIveranch in one; hand wIllIe concealIng a

l'llurderons daggel' 111 the othe,"" They arc'atlcpts ,:'It ('overing diabol,ical intentions,VJth a Rmilc nnd Ll sUHve vOICe. They havefollowed the naZI techllt(jue of sneal(]ng up'

Ion ulll.'usp-eet.lt1g \ ictim~ wi]thout ,\-1~r.ning,,~d wit)lOUt mercy 10 helpless CIVIlIansThe mllnner of the attack and the bold de­fiance of lawful processes magnetIzed an

..j outrj'ged people into a Isolid phalanx of, militant delense. The 'o/,slaught brought

~a bneness 0 thought and action ltl\equalledI the history of the uatiop: , ~

, The clash is betweel~ dlsagreemg Ideo1­gies) between human • lavery and humanjberty, lJetween pagan 8m and Christ tan­

ity, betweej1 fettered and unfettered re­ligious worship, between Lthe ways of freeenterprise flnd the way~ ~~arted by totalI­tarian tyrants, The struggle may be longand Severe. callii,g for much sacrifke andsuffering, but it is plainlly an nnavOldaljle

, 'link between a fret' past md a free futut·e.Dietator;;hip has l'evived the ;;,wagery of

- ~e middle <,geB, ijltensifl'Ing old-time cru­ItK with cultivat~d cunning, apd the 0!,1,Yourse now open Ito preservatIOn of lIfe sndependenee alld security-of the Amer­can way' of life+-is to meet aggressIOnith for('e and sever artocra.cy,s spre~d.

iug ien1acles, At'Q\lsed, AmerICa can w,h,Aronsed. it Call \'estor freedom to the,world, and this time, it is hoped, make itsafe, for democrad,

_~ __ ..J_... ~~_

C."ime ~ ACQIUIRING all educat}oll,is·1. ,one way to. keep out oj Jatls

Antldot> Hnd pelliientillrie~,aCCordlllgto a SU1\p imIde hy Warden W. H. Johnsonof Alealraz 1:>1't"on, Learning pl'esuppos~shablls of mdnstrv. Here is the way thewarden summarizes his findings:

"Ther{-' l~ not a slllg~c Inmale of AkatJazwho has ever gone to college Only] 8/'1r of thepl'lson populClllon of Ji\m~rlC}mve ever gone toan 1OSt1l utwn of higher I tng

"Very ft'W pllsonel S" h ve gone to hJgh schoolSeventy-feur 1Jel cent ha.ve not completed theSIxth grade.

"The futUie pIlson populatIOn of l1us countrywill be Y0ung p{'op}e betwebn 17 and :tl years of

, age, and who have~dropped out of the elemen­tarY" and Jumor h1gh schools dUl'~ng the past

d few ycru s The 'drop-outs' from ~chool durIn!;I the e}C'Dl-l'ntary and JUnior hJgh Isehool )-c-ars

al'~ potential crm11nals I"If a youngsh'i' can he kept In school or em·

played ,ll wme' las1.. unql \wenty y~'ijrs bf agI'othe chal1('es <liP one hl:llldre1' to Olltl t~dt he \VJ1lnot become a cl'IInmal."

-- - - - - -. _::::::=.-~-~~

School children are reported engaged inthe worth)' endeavor of gathermg usedpaper. 'for defense, Consistently, gover/",ment bureaus should cut out' p':l-per wa~e.,They shonld say what they .think hlihey ,need l

to say ill fewer worda, llnd thns serve adouble purpose-inst11je more readers andmore 'conservation of nee<,\ed :paper,

As we ;;;'h0.h; w"a:r to\,win at any c.ost,we should redu'ce wa te, stop bragglilg.quit useless talk, a/ld, lert't\) ,tricky adver­Sl\ries, rise to the 1!ask , f meeting and over­whelmint( them, We h ve ,I;'assed the sta~eof teIling what we ar gqlllg to do, It I&

time fOl' action - a united, determined

II drive agai~~~_the. .:':'..~.:l t':-'t'=uerllies,

'1'he threat of Hitl t that the Un MdStates will go the wa ,of European COl!ll­tries th«.\, have bec.n s ra,!~led and sllbJu­ga,ted, must fiI e the i adl1!ional A,mencanspirit to the lltmO"t iJ~ 'esolu1;e >!chon: W,,­must whip ourselv<ls t to a hIgh tensIOn offorce th,lt will prev nt happ'euing' here

.what h~ppetll;d in Eur pe, I '

1H~WAYNE Need Large SuotTJH~ldHe;~ingLig~ting.C~ntest ...newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950...· C:;;~:&#039; ~;~ ~-~~.:&#039;-~~&#039;;J-~~.. ~-~~&#039; ";;;~~~-~;~;;" - [PDF Document] (7)

"I.•• _




PaUt"rns and st.yles (bat ",'111please him.

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"'t' haH' a (.'oml)ll"le array of10unJ:"ing- robes. moderatelypri(.'t'd rohl?s of flannel, :r:o~-on

and ~bardinc,

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Victoroy Robe $12.00 'I.



Apparel for ~Ien and \\"o~en



65c to $1.00


ESSLEY (W"nwn-Who) SHIRTS\\ Hh the ori~inal TRl'BE:"IZt:n ('()lIal"s ... ('hno~I'

fn'HIl Hllr In:oad ~('kdion ... \\ hitl' hroaddoth", fan{'YnO""'{'D p:.J.ttcrn~, white on \\hitf', '11l.,tr!! lan9'" Hatlllstrij)l·s. . I

$1.69 "",;$2.00

Swan'sGift:s. for Men


Swank}ll'rsnulLliu'c1 jf'\\ "Iry - Kpydta,ins. ti", hars. ('lIff links.tif' ('huills and he'lt hu<'kle<.;with initials.

Lim'd or lInUm-d$UJ5 to $3.50

Othp", from :::..-

Priestly Ties"1'\on <:rll~h" "'rlnkl<, vroof


Swank . IL('atll("r tran'hn~ Sf'ts

\ $1.00 to $5.00Bill Folds

$1.00 to $3.50

Hansen Gloves

}er, Joanne Gifford; C thedralChimes at Christmas '·Eve, En-

~:l:~nnw;~~~ClG~~~~~fE~~li~e~Gieschen; March Triumphal, Ar­mour. Tarantella, MacLachlan­Aaron. Carnival Dancers, Chaun­cey, Elca'nore Benthack; Polka'Francais£', PaIdl. Zorina (On­ental 9anccl. Anthoney, ValseEspagnolc, Paldi. Juanita Mil.let"; Ballad, Burgmuller, DreamBarque, Shumake,·, My Lady':sGavotte, FrIck, Joanne Gifford;Dancing in the Glen, A!nthony,Peri Waltzes,' D'Albel't. Pizzi­cato, Dellbes, Arel LeWIS; Cath­edral SplreC', Munn, SnlOnmgSong. Ellm('nl'eich, Onawa (Jn~

dIan Dance), Anthony, EleanoreEenthack; Solfeggietto, Bach,Ivy, Renk, Cherry Blossoms,Anthony. Eunice Gieschen;America, An. by Presser, Jo­?gnne GIfford and Arcl LeWI.s.

. * * *Contract Meeting.

Contract club met Tu('sdayWith Mrs, J. W, Sutherland. Mrf.E;arl Petersen entcrtaliis In lour\....eeks.

spent 'theCavanapgthe air co s and is \,>,a.iting call.

'The John ··s family of Nor'-folk, spent SW1' with Mr. &nd,Mrs. L. G. Reisbi .

Mr. and Mrs. "L. Pickett ar.rived home laSt week T'i\esdayfrom a tnp to MissoXiri and Okla..ho",/;. ..

WaynC' deanf'rs. Phone 4hdlltfMr. and Mrs. Earl Merchant re­

turned Thur.sday from Omr-hawhen~ they fipent a few days..the

fO~~~I~~~t~~~lr~a~7o~~~C~~~~1~ngiLaurel; M\'. and Mrs, Fmnk Laroenand Mr. and Mrs. Glcnn Granquistspent Sunday In the MelVin Larsen

Ihome n('ar Wal;efield. l

_M~I~n~~r~:I~~~~r~~hJ~t~:~: ~;.:anti rvtrs., Arnold Vahlkamp andDelmar, Mr. and 1\1rs. Albert Jae­ger were Sunday dinner guests· ofMrs. LOUisa Brune.

l\lr~. H(>nry Schroedgr returnedto lIodppr Tuesday aftel' visiting

I her daughter, Mrs_ 'R. C. Hahl_

Ibeek. She> \~ ill r€'turn later. Mrs.Robert !\:ej"on and Mrs. Henry

'Nel:;on took her home,._~~~-~--~_.I ProL and :\lr.... RU:-'$pl And('rson,

Jacqw'linf' HelldJ(,I'g- and WarrenI':oilkf':< T'l'rlll'ned Saturdcly from

Dr. A. D. Lewis \\ilS In \Vcst, Fr('monl whcn! thljy a1tcndcd thePOint Sundav on busjne~s. :stale musIC conVent,lOn. The last

ThE' Russe"ll Pre~ton family haul t\\o. took part In thc statc choral,Sunday dinner with I:f, A. Pr{'s~ chllle, ,tons. ' }'lr. and !\lr~. Da\'e TheophJlus

Mr, and I\lrs. Andrew Parker and I\Ir.", EHI:-; J0I1('S were Sundayca1Jpd in the Mathies Holt, jr./ dmner gl:!(':-;h In the Roy Joneshome Sundav. i home In SIOUX ("'lIy.•Thpy also

Mr. and 1\Ir<;, Henry Frc\C'rt \ is-I drO\c to Srnlthland. Ia .. in the> aft-

Iited in the Will Dohn.'ll home at. {'rnoon. i\Ir" Jont's,I'I'mained in thePflger Sunday. Roy Jone's hnnle thiS w0('k.

MIss Irma Jean and Yvonne 1\,Ir. <lnd 1\lr". \\' A. HlscoX:\\"l'rcDunn ::;pent the wel'k-end With in SCrJ\}nh' Sunday, for the 35threla>t.ives at Randolph. w{'dcIing· annl\I'I':<<ll'y of Mr. lIis-

Dwaine I [cnd('rson, Mrs. J. 1\1. cox' COUSin and \VifC', l\Ir. and MI·s.Strahan and daught('r. Barbara, H<?lTY Spnngl'4. TIl(' cel('hration -'ar{' Tn Omaha this Thursday. was hl'1i'1 ... 1 1/H' Scribner hall \...-ith

R. F. Stmhan of Cherokee, ta., aboU't 11:3 rr'!<ltlves attending.was to come> this we(>k and get hIS ~Ir and Mr". Harold J;?u"Fson,\\'ifew~nd grandson, Gary, to take IDono\an Hartori of \\'ayne. and.,:'home. '-I FrancI:; \\'lliJams of Beemer, left

Ed. CCiI\"('rt and Duane, and Saturday for California. Mr. Bur­Jean Ellyson of (>ie\\'Cilsllp, \Isited son':-; home IS in VanNuys. (~!. HeIh the Dr. A. D, LeWIs home Sat- and 1\l:;;s Ella Carsud of Vermil­urday. ilon, S. D.. were married Decem-

Tom Ca\ anaugh of Omaha, bel' 1 at Dakota City;-. --e-·-~.~~--. -~-e·- e --.-'---"::::'---.--.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

38 - 42


Others $3.98


for Christmas

Tailored ami

12 - 20

Gorgt'OU:-1, game hird

color:-; r('produccd ill

fine ra~-Oll crepe.

Give Her a

* * *Present Piano Recital.Prof. and Mrs. Albert G. Carl­

son presented puplls 111 a recltalFriday afternoon in the collegeauditorium, The program \Vas asfollows: Two Insh Dances,Gregg, Dance of the Butterflies,make, Dancmg Dewdrops, An­thony, Arcl LC\\-IS; In Rank an9File, Lange, Fantastic Dance,Paldi, The Juggler, Paldi, Ju-anita Miller: The ~;r Pond,Bennelt, Dancing Faw ,Keat­ing, Ga:'otte Debutantes, Abt-

ning and Mrs. Mae Young, Thehostess served lu~cheon_ AChristmas party is plann~d nextweek, hostesses being Mrs. Os­car Liedtke, Mrs. W. C. Coryell,Mrs. Chas. Heikes and Mrs.fohn Kay. ,

* * *Officer. Elected.,·Order of Eastern Star elected

officers Monday evening as fol­lows: Worthy matron, Mrs. Wal­den Felber; worthy patron, Dr.R. W. Casper; associate matron,Mrs. W. C. Coryell; aSSOciatepatron, L. I3. McClure; secre­tary, Mrs. W. D. Noakes; treas·urer, Mrs. Ralph Crockett; con­ductress. Mrs. L. W. Ellisi as~

sociate conductress. Mrs. W. E.Back. Memorial service was con­ducted for the )ate Mrs. D. J.Cavanaugh. ,Ref eshments wereserved by Mrs. Willard Wiltse,Mrs. F. L. Blair, Mrs. H. E. Ley.Mrs. E. W. Huse, Prof. and Mrs.K. N. Parke, Mrs. W. S. Bress- .ler. Mrs. G.. J. Hess, Mrs. I C. U.Mitchell and Mrs, F. W, Nyberg.

* * *Party for Families,

Mothcrs' Study 6'lub members, 'i>their husbands and children

'were enter tamed Wednesday atthe Woman's club rooms. Wom-en and children met at 4 :30 andhusbands joined the group forsupper at 6. Mrs. Lloyd Mitchellwas chairman and \.vas aSSisted

I by Mrs. R. E. Marek, Mrs. J. W.Sutherland and Mr::;. Cella Pear­son. Miss Hazel Reeve presented

. h('r majorettes and ::;he aLso ac­compamed Jerry Stirtz whoplayed the 'drums. MISS Gwen­dolyn Kraj(cek gave a tapdance. Following the dinner,Santa Claus appeared H,nd djs~

tributed treats.' Memhers of thecluh brought food which willprovide Christmas baskets [orl}eedy.·

tea rose.


fJ Slips,\\/Illte an'dlo.ce tnrn.

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SDAY. DECElItBER 1. 1941

Give Wearable Gift:sThis Chl"ist'1lUS

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•··50c up

WayneGreenhousesand Nursery


'fltt' li\·illf.:: !'>'ylllho) uf

'tll(> Chri.st inlls "eason.Brtj.{!ltl·1l Ill) YOllr h(),'~Hl'

\\lUl OUt· or nHH'I~ of O!{'sc~

bl."l\t1tiful plants. Com­'\ltl~te ~\'ith tlt~cHra_th'e Ilot. hOldt,.·r. trom , • ~

S6cleil'";""SOGIALF(;R~CAS~ . IIM.mbO\~III:C aSkh~bllOg" .M:..!*: c. llH.'E'tS 'n('x!. .Mnlle\ay I Yhings (or the bazaar t.hi~ wee;k:\\\tl~ ,;t\h,:.;. R T. V/llql'lo\~, . ~I ~). A. R. meet:; faturdQ,Y with.~. M~l's, P. L . .I\1ar(~h is-'enl<'l''I;.tm~ I ,M,'s,·E. W. HUse. Mrs. H. S~ll~lS Ithis C\(;'IlLllg at (JI'~SI.H·l~ ,I 'SeacC' assiMs. MI!i.'i Hazel Reeve

•. I~Widkc'. I " has· the progr<,lm., 'D{~gIW' :('>f 'llullOl' l~h'l'l~ this ',I 1\11" an~1 Mrs. R', K. Kirkman,

· Thu,rsday ,lfteiWJOll .Hl f·;e wIth I J\.'lr. and Mrs. C. C. Stirtz are, 1\.11'5, ',Jan(',Barne"U\ _ .' en~cl'1.ail1ing FrJday e\'ening at

,W.l;yn(' Clean~. 1')'1'1. 41i:,dll1f 7 o'clock dinn.cr al Hotel Stl'<1t.'- .J';. u. j,~., dub mcchi l\l~xl W('d~ ton. ,

·nesday evening wilh Mrs. ']'OIU Worthwhile clUb lilcots wIth'Dunn [01' 11 Christ ma~ party. Mrs. Geo. Boltz lll'xt Tu{'sday

PlNlStlnL Va]]t'y,. ~~ltlh ,llll'(·ts' whim a Chl'(:;tmLl,s program j:;bed'mbN' 17 with MI's. En,\'in planrled and officers WIll beFleel·. Mn,. UI to Fleer assJ::its. eldcted,, Our' Itt~·d['(>nH'r>s Airl n\t'"~'ls, Sl. Paul-Aid meets ·thls Thlll's- .this Thurs~IJIY i~' 1I1l', {.Jty hall. jl<-l.Y tor' ('lC'('Uo'n 01 olfllCeni,

'#"~-- 'm..• - - - -- -- -- -- - -- <S> 'Iostcfises are Mrs. Basil Osburn,'Mrs, 1~;mil 8'acl<stt'om, Mr...". Fredl...U('dPl'S and Mrs. Eldon Lubbcl'~stc.llt.

\V~IYllC' \"~oman',,, duh 1l1('f'lsli'ridClY 'In Ille club ],ooms with

·Mr:-:. 1lohl'd Aukt'j" Eh'Jng 11boo!{ r<,\'ICW. Mr·s. R, ,J. Kingslc'yIS cil,urman of the :it'n Ing com-mittee:, J

\Vayne> Branch 01 A. A U. W.rll(~('ts t11is l 'ew>Olng in the Wom-.an's club room.,;. J'vIlss Louise\V0r1dt h~s the It's,"on on "Mod.('l'n Lahellng.'! 1\.1I-s. Clara ,H!'yl­mUll is Chllirml.ll1 of the seITingtOl11mittet'.· .

Rebekah:;;' h,n (' a Christmasliarty and gill {'xchangf' Frirlay('\,ening in the !1<tll. Mrs. 'EthelPhipps has Glmrge of, l'ntel'taJn~

qlC'nt. Mrs,' Stella Chi'chestC'I',Mrs, Etla Smil hand MI's. Ailcc'Chance ."CI'VP.

Presbyterian WOIllPn's asso~

eiatlnnl,' ml'{'t~ DN.'(.'mbcr 17 III

111(> church parlol's. MI:'.", H.alphCl'Ockett, Mr", TNI Fousl, Mrs,,C. C. Pl't('I'sen, MI·S. PaJI Roggrand MI'S. Dora Meier comprisetho ,committee. I

Missional'Y Aid of Ollt' Rc­d{'(,ll1cr's LutlH'rclll churdl meetsDpccmbcl' 11'1 HI K [l, m, will);\hs, 1)(1 1'0<1 I'd 1\-1('Yt'l . .(\ll·S. 1\1. L.Ringer is lead{'r. Mem,lJ('rs Willhring Christmas {:ookll's andgifts for Tabitha hom.C'. ", LegIOn Auxiliary has a Clll'l"ll­lll'!S program npxl TUl'sdny ('\)[,.

111 tIle clul), rooms. 1Vh'm­are <l'Ikcc1 In .bring food for

Christmas baskets. Mrs. J. ~I.

,Brug.ger, Mr's. E. K Gal1.ey" Ml~!i..1. T ,Gll!pspJ(' and MIS. I:. L.S{af'i< al'!, host6sses,

Women'." SOClNv o! ('hl'ISII;UlSl'l'\ICC m{'~ts I)c;ccmlwr 17 ~t

,. Ole' Methodist church. Ml'~. ft.M. Cal'hart. i~ program lC',HlEJr,Host('sses arc Mrs. WlllaJ'(1 Will­::,a', chairman, Mrs. Wm. Bcdk­enhauer, Mrs. C. IIagt'l. Mrs~ H.

E. Ley, Mrs.. Lyle Miss' E. Marie Hove, chainnan, ,ce~ C lIege students presentedMrs. C, N. Olson. D'r, arid Mrs. HarolQ D. (Jrlffin, a fIle- ct play. "The lvlaker of

Baptist Aid and Missio ary Miss Ruth ,A, ,Paden, ·Prof. and ,Dream '," a musical fantasy by~oeiety meet this Thursday ith Mrs. K. N. Parke, 'lVhss Beulah Olipha t Down. The committeeMrs, Clarence McGinn for C, ltundlc,' M'iss Lettie Scott, inClUd d MISS ,Eulahe Brugger,Christmas party land gift CX~ . Mrs. MaUde J~ Smith and MiSS Mi~s ~ adys Whorlow, Miss i\lmachange. Members will ake I Clara K ::Smothers. Thom~~on and Mrs. A. C,cookies for the Baptist old pea.' t I * -jE- * . 'l'hOl"np.s'()n. The,club me~ts agampIe's home in Minnesota. Mrs. or Dean Hahn. Janua y 13.· •W. S. Bre!isler and Mrs. arl~s Wayne training school faculty. * -x. *, 'Martin have the lesson. enturtamed at a dmner ,satuI'day Coteri in Meeting.

--- I Ilcvemng ,ai lYll.sS Lettie :::;cott s Coterie ·members. also Mrs,

"SOCIETY ; ~~~~~~. ,~~~or:~~Ult~~~~'iV~~9 a~~ ~1'~:" ,~~~ha~t~~h~,~el'~~~e'J~~Bible Study Clas'S. I VI'. and Mrs. J. '1'. Anderson Her n B,aehl'(wcre guests' 0

BIble cncle met Wed esday ,1Iumbcred 19 The group pre~ Mrs. JL. 1{lHgcr Monuay. Mr.s\vith Mrs. GertrUde Boyle II sl'ntl'd lJean Hahn WIth a goH W. D. Noakes nad high Sl..'?iN:, I

* .;+ .¥.- bdg and :Mrs Hahn \c\;lth a COI- c*ntra t. Me!'1bers and huslJand~IYJrs, Brugger, Ei.osless. sage. 1'1'01 A 1-', Gulliver [JIC- Will b cntertamed at 6:30 dinT

M. 1. 11, m('t Wedncsda WIth .sented them. ner ne t Monday evenll1g"1M th~Md. ,I, H .•Brugger' for carels' 1 ')Eo * * I, L, W. ,va'th home. Un the com-and social time, I ave farty Tuesday. -' mltl~~arc Mrs. Vath, Mrs, A T.

, 'iI' * ,lEo 1 Mrs, Levin John~on, Mrs. Wal- Cavan ugh, MIS. L: A. FanskcHere and There Club. cr Phipps and MI'S, Will Bl'o~ and rs. H., A, Welch.

Her~! and There club had a I scheil cntcrtamed P. N. G. Tues- , * -ii' *Christmas parly this W dncs- c..Iay at a Christmas IJarty HI the Have inner P~rty.day a,ftpr'noon in the Bel' Sur- Johnson home. Mrs. E. K Flcet- Mr. and Mrs. R/ M. Carh9- rtbel' home wood Was in charge o~ the pro., entert ll1ed at dinner' Tuc~day

Rural H~m:- ~·i:~er.! I.. 'l'h~ c::omtTlIttcc ::;ervC;.'cj. IVlr·s. J;I1r, a d Mr::.:. H. E. Marek, Mr..Rural Home society had th~jt' ,Fleetwood enlertaUls jn Janu~ IJlIt! rs, J. T. Bressler, jr., Mr.

annwd Chnstmas llinnt r tor ,I ary when Mrs. AltJcrt Watsun and L rl-i. J. C. Carh<Jrt, NIl'. andhusflanrts' W£,'dnesday in the In I tm::; the program. Mrs. . S. Wightman, Mr, andMunson home, -i~ * -if Mrs. . H. SWl.'U·und Mrs. Clar-

-i\- -'<- -x· 1 Cuild Has Guests. C)H.:e Wright. Rc(~ candles III pine,Che'erio in Me~ting. l' I Sl. Mar'y's Guild arld guests holder::; and ChI'lstm~s socks of

Chel'rio membel's We!'{' gu sts werc entertained Thursday att-' c?lldy,and nut:, cart'led. out theof Mrs. Robert Johnson 'I'll r.s~ I,crnoon at de:;:selt-bl'ldge in the (hl'lstlmas motl!. Pnzes m gamesday wlH'n Mrs. Wm. Ross lad :Woman's club rooms, Mni. H.. J. \~·t..'nt Ito Mrs, Br'esslC'l' and Mr.the pl'Ogram, Mrs. Ross C'n cr- Kingsley, Mrs. T. Colljns, Mrs. Swett I * *tains m t\VO .weeks, IJ , '1', Glilespte and Mrs. I". A. *

.)(- * ~f.- ISuber bemg hostesscs, Prize'S In Mrs. Carhart, Hostess.Mrs. Lerner, Hostess. brldgc went to Mrs. W. A. Wol· Monday club met WIth Mrs.

Mnj. \-\!allpr Lerner cntel'l in,. II)cnhaUlJt. Mrs, P. C. Cpnner and A B. Carhart thIS week. Mrs:

~~lrs~<}[~.~x~~~UbSi~~~~l~~~ al~~ I i~~~. n~~:~r \V~~~U~:eeJ: Jr. ChrIst- ~'II,~~'.n~ehe~~i;~'~s~:Jt:ll~eB~~~:Mrs. C. C. Powers Wednes ayJ 'I * * ~k It'hem. of old with the presentGifts \Vl'e exchang'cci fter Mrs. Davis, Hostess. I war-torn lloly land. oSher then re,:cards, Tht> club does not lcct I Mrs, Burr DavJs entertained \.Il'\\/erll "The Drum G?e~, Dead.ag:i111 untll after thc holida s. Nu-Fu members M{inday e\e- I~ess Streater Aldrich ~ n.e\~

'X- -x· -it· nlllg at' dessert-bndgl;. Mrs. C. ChrIstmas story. MI'S. Carh~IMrs, Jones Entertains. c. Stlrt.,; had high score, The SCI \,ed.. Next Monday.~!.l£ c~

Bidorbi memb'ers, also rs. annual Chri.stmas din.ner pa,rty ~,'.',,~ If.ndC10CC.·kl'IC'''S~l\m·cra'.:.dpd~Slhl,~U\~.,.tl;Wm. Bennett of Armstrong, IlL, h I b d t 1 ~, . .., u

Mrs. O. R. Bowen and Mrs. aul ~~~ fOl~~l~~ ~~~~~~~sC~l~~I~ga~~ 1\-lrs. ·ri~~t.. Mrs. A. A. WelchHarrlnglon \v('1'e guestl:i of rs. the Dr. L. F. Perry home. Mrs, a~d rs. 1. 1:. Junes assist Mrs.J. W. Jones Thursday. Priz s in F. B. Decker and Mrs. C, W. V\IJghL * -)l- .jf-

c<lnls w('nt to Mrs, Bowen, Irs. CampbcH assbl Mrs, Perry. 'Bennctt and Mrs: C. B. Ca'r art. Gift.s will be exchanged. Altru;'a in Meeting. " ..

7(- * .r. i * * * i\lr . EriC Tl~()mpson entcr-Mrs. Bressler, Hostess. , For Mrs. Granquist. t!;OI1('( Altrusa cluh Monrlay,

Mrs..1. T. Bressler. ir.. Cillo!'· 'i Mr. and Mrs. Anton, GranqUIst Glli'st~ wct'e Ml'< Kenneth Per-tained Fortnigl~tly membf'd anel and DOriS, MI'. and MI·S. Manon 1')- and MarllY'n oj Nonth Platte.Mrs. DaVid CurdN ThursdAy at Scl~ulel'. the last of L,lul'eJ, were ,\t nip bUSiness sps,c,ion It wasdcssNt·bridgl', using red and \guests 1I1 the Frank L,lrsen home dpcldd-d to give a Chl'lstmas bas~whilp CI1I'istmas motiL Priz!'s ' Thursday c\('nmg for an oysll'r 'j(\,( tqJ <l'npelly tamily. 'Prizes 111

in cards \\'('nl JO Mrs. D. S. SUPPP!' III h(Jt1or o( Mrs, Gll-nn bridge wenl to MI'S. \\T. P. Can~WIghtman and Mrs, Ralph l.3('ck~ Granqulst'S birthday. Mr. :md • - -- -.. ---- - - --- - ----~-----;~-.T~l$I~~.T~~iJiil!:!llllr~~cnhau,·,·. M,·s. ,). C. Carha't en- IVIrs. MC'ivin Larsen 01 Wake- !!!!i~~~~~~~~~~~:~~::~~::~~::~~::!:<I~::!:<I~::-lei tams In two weeks 1 flclet, and Mr and Mrs Raymond

7( * * Flollne dnd son W(ll' FIHldYEnterta~'s Score Board I l'\Cnmg guests lor the .same oe-

M·lss C'lll,l \\'Ischhu[ en\{'I~J:e'iSIOlltdll1('d Olf' Boald members, I "- * )(-<llso Mh Frpd Balt!'ls Mrs lith Mrl5. H. B. Jones.} l('d LIlts ,lnd MIS L W Nc('d- U 1) members and MIS \\tmlMnl I<nddY HI,gh s('~JI'('s In con~ 1 l1ennel,- cd Alm<;trl1ng III \.\elelra('l went tn All'S. Fled Bar'tf'!s gUl'sts ol Mrs. II, B. ,Jones MOil­and Mr:i, Marl{' Bl'1lt<.illl: Ml'~. i' d:-ty: Mrs. W. Eo VonSeggern h,u!IVI. V ('ra\vfonl ('nlprl,-llnb in' t!Jf' Il';,sol1 on biograph1l's III

'" - "~~i~~el:"i1;O;r",l!t~1~~T~~r.,.llJ(~r~~1It1!l~l t\\O weeks. PIOI1llJ1f'n( pl'Op!(,. Thc h()sll'S~N~~I;'!'H;~&!l'!i1!\:W:.:"~10'.'::"':f"'::!:<Ifm:"";"'::!:<I"'::"""'::!:<I"'::"Ii~::,:..r .'<'0"""1. M". ,I \\. ,)o",'s "nl,,"-~ " ~e With Mrs. Ben .Meyer, I:-Clll," nc'.,t MonddY w!l!'tl a

,~ C'I-tyGro'eery';' dil~o~,:~;~-~i~'~~~~I('~ll~{(:~l(~'I~.'~·~:~:~1 ~:ll~l~i~:'~~!~II'~~a:III;:I1~~~;~~ f\:Jr::'t:t)~·~~; , ~ pnz(';, \\l'l1t to 1\11''-;. J(';,SIL' MlI- \\'('nlWUllll and l\lrs. ('. .1\1. C'1<l\_L_'f11 ' '010 ll'l', MI';,. Rolll'l t Rlnehdt'l ilnd t'll assIst.~;. -, ,~ Mrs. Bl'IllAll, TJl(' hoste,,",s se'1'\('d. .x. .r. .iI- •

~ , Hoine of Choice Mea~s and Groceries .!il A Id',thday I""'Y" planned nc'Xl Kensingion·Meeting.Jr.:. PHONE 355 ~:1L Tu sday With Mrs. Kenneth Eas!l'rn Star kpnsJl1~I()n md-~ , ---. ~. Llkes. Fnday \Vllh Mr·s. li:-tl;ey 1\2(.Yt'l',Kif ' Free Delivery on Orders of $1.00 or More ~ ... ~of- .;!- ',{- .Mr,'i j'r. A. preS(()~t~d Mrs. C,

~; , ,;.A, • iil With Mrs. Bre~sler, T. Norton III Ill(' OYN home.·~·,~\~·~·.f.'~*~~:j!1)Bj ~ G. Q, C ('Ill!) met wlllJ MIS. Aprons madc' for II'/:.; 111 tlwM1'%,::;~~.]k ,,~, ;m Gpol'ge fln'.'-,sll'l' TuC'sddy ,jltt'r~ EaslNll Sial' Iwnw al FI('monl~. ~. noon' for it Christmas party amL wC'r'C' dl~plaYt'd, 11l('~l' anrl 01 hpr·..,Ai ~ gill ('Xl'hangl,.1 TIle ":--IIl'lIt SIS- 'J}·tIC!PS Il) h(' ~f'nl as C'hn.'itmi-Lsrr:: tl'l'.~' \\l'I't' I't'\c,;tll'd. 1\1]'". (J. U. gilts. Gam\'s anrl slunts well' 101-~ lIaas and l\ln,. John Gn"hOlJl IO\H'd hy refrp::;hnwnts, Mrs.~( W('t"l' 111 charge oj game.". Cover- ~r{'d Foust will be hoste~s in

~ . S·I D t 1!!. "d (h.sh lund;,,".;, \~'" served. January. * * .*"P.1 ·!"an"y I ver US :~IAid Circles 'M~e{. 'Cheeri


J.ii With nish 'j'o\\,('1 I~I MeUlOdlst Aid cIlTles m('t c~ Cheeno members and lheire~ I:U~",~,~ • 119-; ~ Wedn~sctay. Circle On(> wa~ wlt.h husbands, also MI'. and Mrs.a:'; .I ll( Imgr ... ,.. ·"'1' 'Ifl Mrs. Ear! ~er..chant, Mrs. :Jes.s1C Chris Tietgen' and Mr. and Mrs.li2 Vity Gt'o('ery Q,itMliy ~ Hale asslst1l1g'. MI'l;. S. A. L,-!t- Rollie Longe were entertainedfif· ~Ol£~e·e' ::- gcn told a Chl'lstmas stOljY and Sunday l'\en1l1g at dinner-~ Lux Flakes "III: ~. ~ Mrs. Victor West led devotions. hridge In thp K('l'mlt' CorzineeWj, I'l'r 25C ~ Circle' Two was with Ml's. Alex hume, hu.'itl'SSl'S hPlflg 1Mr::;. Cor-Jr.! 2 '~G'('I'lIt 38(~ r'llll.lId. T:.I' .kill'c'y· 1\11'.':;. K. N. Pallw, Ml'~. ZlO(', lVlr". Texl('} SUlllllcrmanJij "lH'li,'\:~:I'S I ~. Eo R. i\lutz and i\11~S Mary Ma~ I and MI·S. Iltl-ty Ph'ilhll1. Prizes in~ IUu('kbird ~ son assisted, C'ards \Vell! 10 Mrs, Corzine. Mrs.".,;: Lewi~ Lye Vegetable Soup ~, .,\' +.. -" I'h,lh,n, Warren Price and lVlr.~.r ' ~ Mrs. Horney, Hostess. Tll'tgcn,oI,lB;. 3 ('.11'1" 25<" 2.0-0 '1;. 9¢ ;~ . Mrs. J. S. 11orn('y ('nlpl'!,un"t! I -x· +:. -,;.~- ('all ~ Minerva Jlwrnl)('l's Monday Wl1,ell ! With Mrs. J, G. Mines.eif2f 111:H'k Ili.Hl Tiln I llf:'rshtW's ~ Mr~, GAlaAd,\,~ RodbC'rts, \Vayne' Acme n1PlllhclS W{'ll' gUl'sts ofrr,~ oi:\l county j lll'l wOlllan, spolw 1\'lrs. J, C, Mines Mondav when

,J:. ll! Sallthddt 'COCoa!i!. on "LeI's l{C'PJ) ThIS ('hrislma.'i." roll call was ans\\'l'rC'r1. "'lIll la-~' "ookies' 1ho "'" ~ ThC' hostess served. Thl' club has hoI' saving dl'\J('{'S :~ll(l J\1l'S. T.-~..... l~~'~,:'n u"'" :: a 1 o'c\o(.'k ('o\'pred dIsh lunch- S, IIook ga\'C' till' lesson on, aw: 2' 25¢' ~ ('Oil nt>xt Monday With Mrs. E. I .mod('! kItchen. The l10stpss sef\'.~ l'otHlth; , \\'ax{'(l ~' \V. Hust'. MISs 'Lenore Ram·'il'Y (Jd. Next Monday the \.vomC'n

fAl••l p'eauut Brl·tt·le Parsnips '!ill \V,II present ;. ~Ia~ lev,ew. ~avc 1 o'clock cO\:cled (hsh\ii ~ "luncheon and Chnstmas partx,~ , P('r 4¢ :. Mrs_ Swett Entertains. 1 with Mrs. W. A. Hiscox. Mrs. J."lG~ , . r 1,'1' 10il I \)n,;nd . ill Mrs. \V. H, SW('t1 pnterlairwd I T, Anderson and lVII·s. C. T. lng-~ I ...•..". ~ jJ'hUl'sday and Saturday I at 1 I ham assist. .~ijj; I Grapefruit ;;,. 10'c1ock lun"heun, havi.1g 1~' «. «. ,.w: Oyster ShDII ~. guesls each da,. Tables, wele ' Mr>. Perry, HoMes••

· ~ '. ~ , l ..lnge Slw 1M decorated to r(~present fhrist~ Mrs, L. F'. Perry entertained',~'. 2'O-I~b, . I ' 19¢ '6 ,for... 19¢ ,iI mas package~. Prizes in cards Cameo' members Friday at 1:30

~. IBILJ{ -..:... '., .. ~ 'jo~~~~~~ya~~e~ ..t~. ~s·gU~ile~~ ~~~~~~cc:~n~nt~r~~~. ::~t~~~~~~ ,8*'·$8·,ME',A''T S·PE"I·..IL~ ~ land. and Satu'%'~y 10 Mrs. J. H. 'lOfl IVIrs J R Johnson The~ e. " Jl . ~ ~10l'risoh and~ C. C. furtz. ~ckt' af,t~rn~on'meetmg i~ withif I' h ,J.mut l~l'r Z3c Ij! * * * Mrs. Roy Gates January 2. A

·~i ·Pork .t. OpS (Innt.nr Cllts . .... I'olln<l ii Minor Group Meets. . : dihner party lor husbands is~ k 8 '" t 1'''('1' 19" -Wi Minor group 01 the' DuplIcate I planned December 19 with Mrs.el Por tast, (":~it of Loin. round...... :~ dub m~'t l\~~)J1day aftprnoon I, Ralph Berridge, Mrs, Gates and~ , Pt'r 14' ~ With Mrs. L, E. Bl'o\\'n. Mrs. b. i' 1\1rs. Willard 'Wiltse hostesses In

'''ni Beef Boil ~~1U~t , l"oUlld ... C:II B. McMurray \vas a guesr, Mrs.! the Berridge home.J(i~ hlbH J \\!~ J, M. Strahan, .Mrs. ,n. K~ Kir'{-I .;.(. _;:. *

·~ Beef' Roa'st Ut'st , . :~~~Il{l 2.1c ~~ mim and Mrs, L: E. Bro«-'n tied O~ganizer -Visits.J! CJutel, Cuts... . .. I.. [Ol' high score. The groupl meets ~ Mrs. Marion Crites of Chad~ .~; 'B .. ·s ' I, 5' Smolw·d. ])f\r 19-= . again January 5 with Mrs. C. 'W.!l ron, state organizer, ,\;isited~ aeon quare Sugllr'Cuwl .}"mml... I Campbell. 'rho Major IglouP I· dhapter AZ 01 P. E, 0, Salul-jJ! W'- ! \ »l:'r 22 e:: meets next Monday with' Mrs. dly, Officers had Covered dish\~ JenerS .... '. .l~ound.. ~. ,_! Roy Gates. I l~ncheon at noon in the home offA!, 0'·11 H·:'~m.t·· .. · I ",." 4 1 Olr' ~, Mrs. ,CIa'renee' Wright. honoring

~. , ._ S '" Uullt. : ,. ... ' .", . .... .' for .... .. ~ ~~S'e;:~i~~ ~~&C~r~~e~v~;ir~~M! FROZEN FiSH TENDERLOINS .... :: Pound .Ii! Main. Mrs. cl*tes spoke alter

· W!~ tl1e Iinitiatory ,service was eX:.. i

~ f BULLHEADS '; etPplilieil, Mrs. Paul Mines and9.! WHITING :N:. Mrs. P, A. Theobald served. .

. I ~ O· RS ~ 1 . *.* *:( ~,~~~T~ .... :·+·:,::::i:·":i:::',:;;".,, "" I i""Y!lJ •I- B~~fs~~:s~o~~n·.p~~;on~l·I L:UJ:DERS~· ,1l.:U.,.SI~. I %~.:a';,\s'lUe,;~g,,/e"v~ni~g·~~n~~~1.\.-- . I' .., " " , fii:. ,~ clrb ,oorns. Dr. Frank M. Gra-

~;j::~~~~rlf:~~l;,~lr,~~:t;~:1'1 ~~n ~::' ,::.~ I.", ,or,.".".'.! ',,;:'1 ",' ;.,

1H~WAYNE Need Large SuotTJH~ldHe;~ingLig~ting.C~ntest ...newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950...· C:;;~:&#039; ~;~ ~-~~.:&#039;-~~&#039;;J-~~.. ~-~~&#039; ";;;~~~-~;~;;" - [PDF Document] (8)





Washing Mac~lines

1H~WAYNE Need Large SuotTJH~ldHe;~ingLig~ting.C~ntest ...newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950...· C:;;~:&#039; ~;~ ~-~~.:&#039;-~~&#039;;J-~~.. ~-~~&#039; ";;;~~~-~;~;;" - [PDF Document] (9)


WayneChamber of Com~erce

Christmas St:oreHours'

1'1 .One thing is ~dre; the local ,Rail·

wny Express a~ent Is a good! man

~~':k~c;;~~~l~:~i~tgc~~~e\~~i~~~~~~~~as 'se~~;on in yeal's, in the :1~i>1a:fu('~t:~e~n~e~~~1~(>°i!l,~~~ ~~:fl:'~O,f RUIl,waY,Express Agency; ,ta,:ned by thJ

IE~pl'e~s A~f'tH'Y.

sh?ltld kuo\\', for .the -ex· S!liplll1Cl1ts S('ul' bis way move onniH. Q1!C ~f Sal~ta s most fa~t .1Jassengeh· ,tl'nins to l'E'dpil:'rHs,nt llHles and ba.ndles. thou· a,ll(!~ are delivered at DQ pxtl'Upon thousands or Cnnstmas clta 'go, wHhid regular Hnilway

II all parts .or tll~ Exp 'e!;s vehic,IQ limits in all clUes~:ad~ S~~ee ~~g~~~ nIH! ill'incl~al ~$wns. $ ,

Day, to make s:ure, thllt ' HOlldaylLabe,s FrtJJ!_menta j'("'uch the homes POl' extra sp ed In shipping, ail'

before the dar 'i& over.. e~pl'esg is the Imodel'n mh'aelfl. It

pEarly-Ship' Eatlyl ~~~S~Jt~~~~g,~~,:.t3l~I~~il~ige~~;.v~tXDI,csl1m,'an ,J'e~peCtfllIIY. re- diJ1ect by tht'S. ~SllIlel"SWift sE'l'vice,n publiC .to Sbl~ early, pack Fa~t co·ordin .ted rail expressand write 'legIbly, and to mnkes all' expless speed availableinrOliJil1a~i0!i' in add.r~sses. to! all shippers' through their local

E'r !"l10uld mclude ,"street express office::!. '" her"?~ ~ecipi~llts :i!l- large' 1-ttractfve holiday pac1tage label."\

e~, aIHI avoid abbreviations of cl:1~ b~ ohta,tned' at any Rai)wa;yte 11ames. Express office. .

.Julia perdue:: I~/ WILBUR ~. Sl;~~~~Y Jl~~~ :~~; a/~:~l: T~~i:~~~

(By Stu[i,Co~Tespond"e~t) ':\1,1's. Julia ~f'nlLH' called Fndayr----"'7..,--r---'----'l IOil Mrs. I-lPnl'yr Arp.' and Mrs .. IAI'Pf: r. and 1\11'."\. IAI. Jug('1 spent was with Mrs, 'P('rclue Sunday,

'1~~ 'tlta~~~h'r~~~~<';h'~i:10n1!:last Mrs. n?(')~ Entertains.

~ in.Chiqago 'with r('lalitiEls, M:~'. iip';,' ~~~f~k~l;il'~:h~I~~~~'~\~~~}~ .. Christilll' Gathje :md s0l?-S called ''th(' Dl('eting 10 ordc'r. l\]rs.~.,StlI\da;,,: ('\'C'rting al Allan Je)hn Finn had, charge of the ~ociaJ

uf·s. ·hQul' w1hich consist\:'d of games.N ,John Fil'ln anti Mrs. ] Ienry ,and contt'st.':'. MIlS. Bock ancl A(I('~

" ,caIJc~~~~~.df1Y' on .Mrs.1 lin(' sl'r\\-'('(l lun.<;heon, .,

ffective Wednesday, Decel11rbe-r 17, Jl, ayne stores will remain yen evenings~t1ltil. 9:.10 o'clock, un,til C ristmas ezi,~.

I ", 'IStores will close 'Christmas e e at 6 :00 "

, o'clock in"ol"der to give employees time 'to prepare for their own Christmas.

~~~U~~'t~~~~g~~da~~tl~~~:l~~~~~~e3~e~in~~~sbake in hot oven 25 -iitt;r i~ Vaiuable lMr. andl~rs. Gus ;M. Jo~nso atyiDixie Biscuits L' tJ 'dd th 'lk M' t t1-. nf· FL· H Ruth, M . and Mrs. Herbert eil-

2 cups flour as y a l( ml . Ii age. fler I Dl9t"ict Meeting. . or aYI,llg" OftSe ter~,"cr F;rida,y evenIn!; g ests,t,~ well. and put into pi~ paj'" Bake in •

2 taole-spoons margarin1e moderate oven ab9ut a~ hour. \ .Jnte ational, dealers of north- Hens are more cornlortablc and No\'("O).b r 2S! In the Geprge eu-2 tE:laspoons"oaklng powder ~ east braska.,district met here eggsarecleB;nerwhen litieldst>ro- ter hom, for M:r, R?utQr's irth-1 cup mil.k:'. - ' Wedne.. day.. vided for laying houses. / day. Aft r a socml tlme, lun hel"ln

lIot B ads' " .', • J, Ri' Redditt, extension poultlJ'-1 was ser"bd. .,... ,1 egg, beaten and pti·Cfn-iniik. Thege deli~ious'hot beads will M1SS Vlole~ !I'rautmaQ of Mag- man at the Nebraska college of - , AcCOUN'I'Roj) out and cJ..!,t. ·with s' aU assure t. he sU,ceess of y u~ dinner nl?t, a~ E,rvm Thorell of \Vaw:,><'l, agriculture, says that ;;traw, .. Fdr Dorothy Harder. , In thC' cQunty court of \Vaync "

c~okie cutter. Dip inr m.argarine and they are easy to rfparc, as". were Iflrrled Nove'1iber 26. ground-corn cobs or ~alo stover are l\Ilss I~a Harder. ~rthur J \velLI county, NC'braska.and double ove~"like Pi1rker~house we]]l: I' I'~'p first-rate litter materials. Many IMr, and il\'1rs..George Harder l vere I The ,state of IiChraska, V.....a~ncrotls. Bake from 15 to 20 minutes CAL NEWS people who live near planing mills I ~onday,Je~'('mng guests last veek county, ss. . .,irtl'.a quicl< oven. ' Mulfins I . M.. or other woodworking plants use! IIn th~' Mrs. :-Vm . Harder' ho for, To all pe:tsons mterest'C'd In the

tf r, f,nd Mr~. H('rhert Perry wood shavings and find that they Dorothyls hlrthd3),": . Guardianship of Martha lVI. Ml1rri-

Puml',kln 1'1<". ~~: ~~a1:~~~:db:~i~~"P wder ~~~~e~. u<"s~ay I~ thc, Frank Baker mak~ splendid.lit;ter. Utter depth -~-:.-_.~---- Iman:Jieceased: .. ,.1tIM:' ~ I of SIX Inches IS rf'commended. I L I CAL NEW I You are hereby notIfIed that on

1',/2 cup's strainllid tlumpkin- 2 t~a ~:~~e~apotons suiar ' IS., EI ~,Rh~ad.('s sp~ t~(> Litter should be changed ('wry ,..' j.he lOth.day of Dece.mhf'r, 1941,g .v.ee,k-(Ind With Mr. Rhoadts 10 ~ew week~. Perhaps the best rule Mr.. <l .~ l\Irs., I..mE'. db~on IGrace SI~le, Guardian, fil(>d her

'J:'- cup'lsugar , 1 eg~"well bealen" '''! OmahaJ. <. IS to change just as oftC'n as i"s \VL'rC'111 10UX City S dC1y \'i!itmg final ace unt a~d petition for dis-1 leH'l leaspoon cinil1amon 11,~ cups milk t Mr.: ~nd ~rs. Eston Sum.l1(f"'rs of necessary to ke('p:the ea.gs clean" relath,·p.. I, tr,ibutio of t.hp re~idue of smd

II,:! traspoon salt, '1/3 cup shortening, m heel \VJn~lcl vIsIted Su d (C P '1 h P I h1 1 . --. " ~' n ay· a , . " Straw may have a few particlesi ,~' rs. "- -. . Jap a . l\Iissl Nell (,s,tatC', " deter,minatiOn of theI.:! cup~ mi k. Sift tour wilh· haki g powdC'r, Lapha s. of grain in it, b"t actually hue.r'll Fox and, :VII'S. V. A. Senter were in ,heirs an for, ~l dischargE'. He~ring1 1~,VE~1 tC'i-lspoon gmger, salt an s,ugar. Com ine healen Mr> Kenneth Perry a..nd Mari- Isn't a source of f !ed. Redditt says. SIOUX dry }'uC'sd?y. . will he;h d Dn said acct?unt and pe-

Little- molasses 'E'gg, m Ik' and mt,j(pd short~ning: lyn Ka plan 10 rc'1-ur~ .t~ Nor1h Nor is it po~sibl to do a satJsfac-, ::\1rs, llouis Sunn, Pr,i-vate eFfoy tilian ~t,th<" county court rt;,lOffi in. Mix the ,,·ugar, gingpr, cinnamon f Turn 1 quids inlo dry [ingrC'dif>tit* l~tall{~ aturd~y.aftcr. YIl;;ltmg hqre toty job of fe~ding Ole hens by I~tmd Hn~i Ihi"' :\lyron Cobons call· WaYnE'. "Nebraska, on the 27th da, Y

·and salt" 10gether unO] there a~c Iand sti \'ig-o~ously un il aU flour sl~('e T flnksglvmg 'Wlt h the form- ~cat1('ring- their [eed on the littcr~ £Od Sum by morning at 1- arold Iof. Deccmher, 1941, at 10 o'c1,ockno lum(l~,'1h('n Hdd to the pump· is damp0nt'd, Batt('r I will look ('rs part'nls, Mr. an~ Mrs. John That is one r('~s:on wl1y il is c1('~ IAJlcn's- c t West Poin.t. :'.lrs. Sund a, m.,.When all pe,r:"ons ~nt('re~;h'ukin ~1nd mix. lh?roug-hly. J31'a1 the ,lumpY'lPour into m\lffi.n pan. w~'ll Kay. sirahle to hayc plt'nty o~ fC'eders and son Ivislted relatJvcs at ralg Imay appE'ar to show CalIS(' Why 1he

. I" m the Jaymg house. For hpaltl1'.~ flnc) Tl'kfmah latC'r Ihat day pniy('r of th(' petItioner he not

I To Redllce CAPTAIN C. .T. Sunders of I 0 and off whon sp('cd must he cut,. This !?i,uar:ds San'ak(le,kh~('fP"lt'hheoufeteodfo(uh~°f~~,hl,C' filtll iXOT;~~ OF P;OR.<\TE OF 'IIJL I' 'grtna~ef'~ lhis 10th day of Dcc('m-

~ d - the Nebra~ka safetv patrol n!ainst whL'el~Jock ·tidS. Rememb£'t:' ~hC1ins ~- ~ " I

.J.age le~ i~ calling ,on the plublic to won't, dupl.icate qry rr vement, but they will cut I The, sV1(' of ;.J"ehra:-:ka, \', ay.ne ber, 1941.' ..e' 'it~elf in hehall" O,f grea,ter ~otorJ'lWT- stoPP,.Ing(llsta,n,ce-~4,,()I o 50})(.,rCen1 undpr~now I 'Icoun~).. ~, (·SeaH J.M.CHERRY,

!- "0 I i I At a ~ount~· coUrt. hC'ld ali the dllt3 ' County Judge.fUlfet~r and fewer tragedie-R on t e road. um IeI' ,('nm ItlOns,~ Norlh,,:resl Wayne county S(jurl)oom, in and for said. . "-In anticipation of increased haza 'ds, due ---- t'~ county of Waynp. on thc' 91h. day SOTI('E OF SETTLE]\(EST .pI?to snow and Ice, Captaln Sanders has issued Our <So d Health. (By Staff Correspondent) lof Decdnlwr, 1Q41. ACCOUNT "~his :-;tatement o,f warning frtJm his Lincoln . ISibux ity,JourmJ!l. '1 I In 'h~ matter of -th€' ,,"state of I In lhf> county court of \VC1yrmneadquarter:4: ,In spite of the many distreRRing and Mrs R0be t S h " dl . t Martha ~1. :'vl('rriman. de-cf'ased. county. NC'brakka. '

"Betwcen 'now and the first of the ~'eflr, all di~cour,agin.g ue\'cl pments that com.e in T'hur~day in !the ~a\~:n SCh~~~~~t . On rd9._ding C1nd fi.ling the p~ti- The state of Nebraska, \Vayneo t d I 1 f I A home. tlOn of tr ~ank ~[('rrlm~n. praymg county. ~!'l. '. .

N01waska and :1.he highway safety patrol a~5' OU aI Y I e .H:-l ~~~peop e, we r:nerIcans Chas,', Nelson of Randolp", ""s-I ~hClt the lOstrument filed on the To all per,s,ons Interesfpd m lhefacl'd with the task of saving 18 .Jive'." If thls ha e much for 'VhI h to be thankful. One 't d Th d . 11 \~l If d :)tl1 dav' of D('c('mh('r, 1941, and cstate of \\ilham Dorman, de-YC'3r's traffic l'('c()rd is 10 h,t' as good as'th,at thfn g th~t surely "Is of .value to u.:; is our ~~rlsonu~~ma: 10 1(' :1 rt:' purporl~hg 10 be the last \Vi;Jl and ceased: . _ -=1uf 1940. ~.: unprecedented good health in this exciting M d M \V'll H" ; Tcst<)n1l'nt of said deceased, may You arf' hereby notified lhat on

'~Durjng the firsl 1('-0 mo ths of this YC'rr, year of 1941, ~ot i all history. according Sun~~:~upp:;'guel~lSl~:~I::~~('~e bt: prO\w! and allowed as ~l1e last the Rth. da): of. pecpmbpr, 194~1207:i.l}erSOns lo~!. their li~'('s 1 ~('braska:l!,alflc private recordH of, immrance' companie~, the R 's h h ? \\'Iil an~' Testament of sald' l\1ar- Emil Buh!, admlOlstra.tor, filed ~ISflccldC'nls, compa,rt)d Wlt,h 1R( rO,r tho ,~ame has the. general h~alth of the American M'

o: dPaM

romHo, K' tha 1\-1. 'h.1erriman, deceas£>d, and final account and petition for dis.-

I I It' Th lIt II f 1"40 I. an !'S. enry leper Ih I' , f' I . . . .man 1S as year:. c camp 0 (' 0 or .7 r p opl b g spent Sunday Qy,t'nin" la~t \\:ef'k in at 11ll (,'xpcutJOn ~ saId Instr~- trtbutlOn of thC', n·s.lduc of sc:ldwas LI.IR ki!lr;l, aJ~d of thJ~ tolal 61 ctic~l a:<i the e e ee~. so :10\ the Henry I-iotl{man ~om(' ment m~y he committed to RoBle estate, a de'fprm1OatlOn of the hem"r('sult of accidents occurring during Nov('mber In the first mne months of the current Mr. fln~H<ans Han~('n v.ere \V. U'y las, eXf'cutor. Iand for a d~hargC'. Hf'aring Wi.lland Dcccmbel'-- an average df one a day. year a record was Jt1ade for low mortality .last Wednesday eY(-'ning guests in O,RDhRED,.That. Dec~ml~('r 77, b.e had_ on said account and pel.l- ~

"As far AS t,hC' pf.ltrol is c~ncernC'd; W(' know in the United ~tate1. Virtually ev~ry state the Erwin Vahlkam hom 1941, at 3. p. m., IS a~~lgn(>d for tlOn at the county court n;mm III

f~om o,ur rC'coras where the ~ccident cong('sled in the Uluon \\a~ a~fected, which ~rdicates . M; and Mrs K P th B ck d Ihearingl's;1Hl pf'titiOn,' when all per- \Vayne, Nebraska, on the 27th day"'nrC'ilS arC'. and th(> patrolmen have alrC'ady been that the excellent Istate of health of the Billie' \\"('1'(" ',SuenndnaCy a~t(:;n~~n son.~ intrr(',Slcrl may app~'ar at the of Decembf'r, '1941. at 1O.0·clock a.instructed to give' lhC'se spots' careful atjC'ntion. people I~ general,1 nation-wide. F~or the guests in lhe Carl Bich~1 hom,e,' ~ou,n, (Y~C0~I,rt .1'O~m 1I1 W~ynf'. and, m .. when all ~ers?ns .1Ot:-rcsted

"Thps(' last two months of th(> yC'ar ~lrf' bad Id~t month in the rOne-month period tabu- Mr, and Mrs. Fred Vahlkam , ~ho\\. c US\ \\h) thc.pra).cr of the Imay. appear to sho~\,Caus('- \\hy thefrom I'hC' traffic standpoint b~causp th0Y b010ng 1 d . 1 . ',' ' ~ IpetltlO PI' should not be granted; prayer of tlw petltlonL'r be not1i-',\\'intC'r, Drh'cr:s from now pn can C'xpf'et sJip- ate . ~he flgur~R s ?w an all-b.rne aChl€Ve- i~'~ \~~e::m~~n~~I~~~er.~U('~~~10 amI th t nollef' of th(' pendency of granted.pery pavf'menls and highways, poor, \·i~,;jon ,mel l11:nt III low ?lorta It~. September deaths, • ?' J ., .~. s;)I(1 pl"' ilion and the hearing ther~- I Dated this; 9th day of D('~('mbC'r,snow. TIlt'sC fact'ors arc not en('oura~jng saff'ty '\'lt~ populat;on COl RHiered, were 'the few~ H:;~~ ~f;oO~~n~<;~at.~~~~~n;~~r~:~ of. ~e g ~'i"'n to all p('rsons j.nt~rest-I·1941.' .,. ,signs, Moreover,; bnd driving Wt.'31h<>r in ~omC' est 111 hlRton. I~ 'ft 'th M J H Shed 1I1 S Id matter by pub1JshlOg alSea]) J. M.' CHERRY,:,,('ctions of .the statC', particularly around t1)e ~ey~nd :a ~Q~lbt th~R showing has re- a -:r.~~~~~ ~Id. Ra~~O~d ElIi~:n~ copy 0 'this ordl'r 'in the Wayne dllt3 ~ q>~nty .'Ju?ge.MnrHn bombC'r plant n0ar Omaha and thp pro- Rultqd from rla-Pld stl'ldes made by the family spent Thanhgiving in the IiF~;;j:;:::;;;:::;;~~~·..:;..:;..:;~~-;;,=~-~~:;:::;;:;:::;;:;:::;;:;:::;;:;:::;;:;:::;;~~;;;;:;:::;;;;;;~;,wpnsN! bomb loading plant ncar \Vahoo, \von't medical profe~.sioll in not. only the treat- Dr T E HC1rtman home <it Ran- IU Astor !raffIC mOVl?mC'nt~'. ment of diseaxe but in prevent~on. f-lulfa- dolph ~ AIT 05

"As lhe national flt'fpfl';f' (·[fori swillg<; into nilalil1ide and its derivatives have Cjlt down -t l\1J and Mr~ Elhan OSPIShll!

~~~~~s:~!:~~~:s~l'!lffjC :-;llnw;~~(;l ~';:'i{~(~:~~ l:;:'~i~ the Imortality IU:4ual with I'c;-;pirai(lry ail- &nd fliml,ly \\('Tt' ~llUlSdclY l'\('nmg([('111-;,. ments..V\.~e al-::::o h:n'(1. the advantage ofl~~~t~" 111 thr' (,POI,.,( I [offm,ln .

"One way in \vhich even), motorist can hf'lp bet.t~r dIet, anp that hel~:-; to ke~p hun:an

Mr and Mrs Mel\lO Longe and ~=.=\\:=::====I=~~~~t::"':~;;'~;";lin' th0 inb of traffic life+sa-ring is to obsl'r\'e re~.;Istance up. I~llt there IS one (lisapPolllt- Dorothy of Wisner, !'ere Thurs-I 'th0s01"von rUles, for sat{-~ wi(nter driving: me!'t· In spite I' of the low mortality record day gue~tj; III the Frank Longe J FOR SALE I Th!'n con!'.lgn to FRANK E,

. "1. '"xcrcis<:' mori"' c.autibn~C'nerallY' The fot' ~he nation las'a whole deaths resulting homc. • I SCOTT COMM CO., SIOUX CIty,npcess y for sudr'lfm :"tops shoo. d be a,voided from traffic :ind industbal accidents are Mr and Mrs Amos Echtenkamp f- -r- Ia. th(' fIrm With .a 29 yearon snow and ice, II t.al<p~ 3 t 11 tim('s 1h0 at a: new highj'for 1941. and famIly spent Sunday c\enlng FOR SfALE -Baby carnage near- ~!lOrd!o~epPl1da~lit~.~_n~~normed ilistancC' '10 ~top on [-,no and ie£'. " ~ ~_ Jdst \\eek In the \V 'II Rachcr- ly nr'\\' Hflrr:y E\<ln<;, \Vm<:lde I I

"2. ChC'ck hliakps for siniu nneou" gripping, Time for Sabotage to Stqp. baumer home dllt1p FOR RENT

UnrquahzNl brnl<C's start skins. (Omaha Journal-Stockman) an~I~~~7Id ~~c;'M~~l~~ndG{:~~~~ FOR SALE:-- :l-Y0ar--old HOlst~lO; ::::::===~=====c::::::::"3, Good tir('j1rC'ads arc snfe on wet pave· It S ~ d' tIt hull, gentlc. Chas. Mans, wm-I FOR .' RENT: - Houses. Cava~

mf'nt, but c;m sn ~ and ice tire chains should J' Now that t f COllntrr: is actual,ly in the ~:~('k atunEda.YSu'rnbn:r~s.gue.ss as side. . 'dllt1p naugh's. Phone 84. dllt1be u~('{~ whC'n nl;' dC'd. ·,var it would ~~'e~~m to'· be a bout time for yw,--,- '- t

"4. Make surt' windshif'ld wipt'rs and df'- the:->e strikes and other stoppages of de- I Miss Ila Harder and Arthur FOR SALE:---Good used recond,i- FOR RENT:-~fodern home nearfrostf'rs, arc wOl'king and that lighting pf1uip- fenf'e work to cea~e. The excuse that the Jf'Wf'1I were Sunday afternoon and lioned ranges. L. W. l\1ci'Jatt college, ivIartin L., Ringer. dUtl

:?~'~~i2~~;Bi;:nl::::0;:oi::s:o:~r~~,::,:: :~*~~~, ~~i~t~: ~c~~:~1~he~'~~1~~1~,);~~~'J'e~ ~~~:~:!~~~~s~~~~~~:;~;r~';e::::F~~rd;":~Ot Cobs Fra:~ll;~, F(~~~~:Nl~S~-R7~:~I~~~~f.d-,--,h f fense \\:ork now afe nothing but sahoteur~. were Sunday dmne!' guest~ In til(' FI(~gC'. 4 mi. north. 2':! past of, 475-W.

~~\~::s~ ;h~~~se~ti~l:rg~rghP~;~~:~1 ~t~~~~~ pe:~f~~\'~n~e ~';lin~~ls~;'~(~~~~}~~1~\'in f\~;~~ H,a'rvcy Beck home The lat!le's \Vaynp, Phonp 4F110. r111tl P :


======~;;;toJ' children on sleds. . decide it. Hitler is faHt brgani~ihg the elil f~l;~(~ ~~l~~~O~~'~(' Prf'scott horne FOR SA~':'~Elkh~~n-Valley-t;~, LOST and: ,e "

"7. Leave more room betwce,n you and thp. M' J IV1 .. R d I I K I {'d [n'amp hay delivered to yourILOST:- \Vorks of wristcar ahead, ..~~ld fjdon't ,t ry to tass} onf ~illS or ~i~ep~~~i~l~,~~,(f~~eu.~~oa~i~f~t~~~~I~~~~Chl~\~~ fam/l~' a~\:'er/s'Stl~d~:)1aft~~n~~~ ~an~ i~ s('mltl~~dSj FNMb~;:tt3 Inquire Herald.

Ir~~~~~~~~~,~"tI!~~~~I!I!II!I!II!I!I~~!I!I!~~-~:~~~~~i; ~u~w~a~~~f~.s am un aw u. Ap+ The demot'racie~ rnu~t oublt ip him to gu('sts '1<lSt week In 111l' Frank ~~~:ns, ,lOS ,n, .e . I

"7. Slow ~-]own in g('ar and 'pump' brake'S suryive. Lpngp Iwn1l'. Tlw Leland Ellis F{JR SALE: -W011-improved 160 WANTED. ,_·-~-~~l--~----~-- +-------. -,--~-~--------- fa~~~~ aC~~lr~l~; ~~~~l.P\e~~~,~. and ~~l~:fie~J~>.t\;~~~e S{~,~·~r,' S2,~~' TWO WEEKS' ,'FR~E TU1TION

W,·ould Be Handy on 'the' Pi,cj<et' Lille ', Arthur,. !\olr. an? Ml'~. Donald \\'Ill h3ndle. ]\'lartinl L. Ringer. to all enter~ng c.lc:sses J.a~. ? we

;~~:~:~~ ~~~S~:~;ll~; \~\(~::~k~~~nc;~~ " j d'111 i. ~~~~~tl:~~-e~C\~.ult:~~~~~~~:~·ld~~~Oscar and Kenneth Ramsey homC'. FOR SALE:: --Imprm)Nd '11m-acre chargc .. fbr use of equipment nor

My: and Mrs. La\'crn Harder fC1rm ahoul 10 mi!('s southeast pxtra fe(' for special courses.spent Monday c1..'ening

jla"t \vC'eK of Wayne for ~12.-10(]. Easy NOTE: All students who com·

in the N{'l,,~' <?ran,quist ho~(' fo: t('rw~s, S.2,OflO \VIII ~ancll('. 1\1ar- pleted their courses I~.st ye,arl\Ir. GranqULst s bIrthday at that lin L, Rll1gpr. I dlltl are now employed. Writ£' MISSday and Mrs, Harder's of Tuesday. --~----------~._--- Zook for literature. NORFOLK

Mrs..Ed. Grubb and Mrs. Henry FOR SAL~': - - UninlPro\'ed 160- BUSINESS COLLEGE, dllt1acr0 fal:rf1, 21~' miJes, s()uth of

~~;.~~~ ~~\~~~~~ aT~h~;:'~~:ora~I~.~~ Wmside, Price S9:9lf. Thi~ farm DISTRICT l\1A:'JAGER\VANTEDnoon in the Ed.•McGuire home has ('xceptionally igdo~ tenant AN ~L~('stabhsh("'d.rnanllfactu:ernear Pender, Miss Witcher wlil be and should IOleresll an IOve:;tor, WIll lure at onc~ . a man :\~'Jthmarried Dccembet.' 28 to James T('rms if wanted. \ Martin L. knowledge of hiring, tmm.mg,McGuire. Ring~~_,_. ~:_~ '~:nd' directing men ~ Northea:,st-

Mrs. Wm, Harder and Ila. Mr, FOR SALE:--The C. C. Bastian ern Nebraska tern tory. Lmeand Mrs. Lav{'rn Harder, Lucille homestead of 2"10 acres, SIX miles sold di~ct to farm trade..D:aw

-Bennett, Al'l Je\\'cll, Ellsworth ~outh and four miles ea~t of ing account and com,:"ls~lon~.Steelc, 1\11'. and Mrs. Tull)' Wayne. Fair improvements, soil 1\,Iust h.a:·e ca~. F~r full. Jn~o~~iStraight. jr., the last of Wichita. presenwl by careful cultivation. tlOn \, [lte Sdles Managc!,Ran., were Sunday dmner guests Also for saJe, residence property South ¥2nd St., Omaha, Neb,last week in the T. A. Straight at 509 \V. 2nd St., \Vayne. Six- d11t1home. room house with bath. Lot 50x MEN WANTED

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ram~cy. Mr. 1::'0. Inquire of Alpert and Mar- TO TRAIN FOR BIG PAYING

~~~e~~~il~~n~;i~rcr,~~:~Yd !\~~: I~Bas~n, agents. d4t3, JOBS! Airplane defense and

Gilbert Dangberg, Mr.- and Mrs, ECONOMY - ECONOMY - ECON- ":~~~~~i~~u:~~iei~~~~~'ti~~~n;Donald Carlson and family, Mr, OMY. Remember this name! Ab- chanics by thousands. This de.-and Mrs.- 'Russell Pryor and \.';olutely the best buy in Portable mand is due to new, productiondaughter \.....erc oyster supper' ana Sectional farm buildings to- methods which has caused a letguests Thursd.;:t.y evening in the day. Read our pamphlet "'Vhy • down for sheet mcta) handrorm~Walfred Carlson home in celebra- You Should Buy Ecpnomy" and ing q,nll riveter ,workers. There-lion of finh;hing corn pIckin-g. you'll never serioti~'ly conSIder fore•. J.e have turned over.18O%

, anothe"T make, Forf this and oth- of our entire fa-ctory fac~Hties ofG(~denroll Club :\feets. f'r \'aluable Iiteratur~ }\'ith price o\;er S50,OOO machinery and

Goldenrod club- met Friday aft- lists. just addt'ess Economy. \Va- equipment covering over 25,000('rnoon with Mrs. Oscar Ramsl."Y hoo, NebrAs1-fa, dUtll sq. ft. floor spa.ce to the tr:ainingfor a projl."ct lesson on "Toys for FOR SALE:' ~ Two farms and of machinists and installationChildren." A Christmas party and threE' town !}ropcrties, S\V%, of \m\'~sethamo'.cffS~·rO"nn._lY, tSheh"sOOltrinal'rumnidg-,covered disll supper for December d I f <:- <:: ~

19 for the families was plannl>d at ~-iY~1~n~4~,~c~i<;'SEal~a~;'~?~ whic~ fS appro\'ed by major airw

W. R French's. of N~~ of SW ~~ of 8-27-1, 160 ~~:~tn~:~~o~~~~i~;6~~?~~:,-~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~!::=~~~~=~~~-!~:...:~::'::::='+~":::.>==~~~=~"!!~~~~~~~~~=:=~_t acres, \Vayne county, Nebr. Lots 'craft' factories.. NO CLASS~J - cen;:~t~i:tc~~~~rc~~mbers 7 and 8, block 4, Lake's addition. RooM BOOK\VORK-at Mor.

and families and also Mr. and Mrs. lot 11, block 6, N°rtt ~'ddit~o~. ton's YRu lea~ by 'doing, aswJack Manley and Mrs. \Valter Mil- lots 10, 11 an.d12, bl~ ~V~ es sembling and dismantling parts.len had. supper Friday ,.in- the Vorl. addition, Wayne, Ne r. nte o~ Prepare nO\\". For informationE. Back home. The club voted to phone Vlm. 'Vingen, exe~uto\o how you can qualify for LOWdonate to the shoe fund in Wayne John Krei estate, \ValthB • N~8~ COST factory training, ,wri~e

and to the Christian H"'i"~ in I::::::::=::::::=::::::::~:=s=: I ·MORTON AIRCRAFl' CORPO- ,Council Bluffs. The club l~d()+ I' t RATION, 3225 Harney street,nated to the horne evert,;:year MISCELLANEOU5 Dept. 1'>\, Omaha,. Nebr. dUll

sin~e it was organized, THe eve- Mrs. Wm. Gibbs of ·Ponca, feU"~~~~~~~.sp~~ ~~~ll;v~lit~a~,:if~ EARNINGS $7 TO 510 DAILY and broke her collar' !.bone whilecovered dish dinner January 8 in Iff~~uah~~~~a~~~tn~o~re:~~~ delh;ering milk,the Elhardt Pospishil home. Newcll in tmiler at Standard Miss Clara Haese, former Wayne

station, 'Vayne, evenings 7 to 9. teacher, was elected worthy mat-For George Reuter. Expenses paid while in training. ron of Hartington Eastern Star

Mr. a'nd Mrs. Lou Baier, Mr. Leads furnished. n2it3p, lodge.

~:~il~~rA~~~~2~~;~e::r~YOU WANT EXPERT an~ 'IIlr, and 11r5.5. E. Strom ofM d ~1r H G dent' ha.ndling of your livestock. Rand~lph, pbserved their 60th

~:,n~r. :~~Mrs. ~~~:tR:: ins u r'e d, responsibility, :a n d wedding an01versary ~ember 5ter an.d Neal, the last of LaUrel,: 1romP\ returns of proceeds? I with open house at the« home.

1H~WAYNE Need Large SuotTJH~ldHe;~ingLig~ting.C~ntest ...newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950...· C:;;~:&#039; ~;~ ~-~~.:&#039;-~~&#039;;J-~~.. ~-~~&#039; ";;;~~~-~;~;;" - [PDF Document] (10)






Pound Box

Ladie$' Boxed

Gift Hankies


Gift TO/cel Sets

Luncheon Sets-1.98 • 2.49 - 3.49

Lunch Cloths- ,'1.29 - 1.98 - 2.49

Linen Towels-35c - 49c - 1.00


Chocolate Cherries".·t'\';-I·nl\ "'P"I'i.~1.

PollY "'1'\l'ral h .. "f·... ;Jj

~ ,

S"It·I·t fr .. ,,, a !:trz.:1' :.... ..,"rtflH'llf.

Thrt·p lunl;w ... in a I"~,,.

,\ltradhp!,\' h,p;pd 10\\"('1 ..,ph

h.\' Illat fan·IOU.., tnaJ,;er f)f g-oodtll\\"f>Is.

Ladies' and Misses'








1.98 - 2.50


Crepe Slips


Rayon Panties

29c - 69c

Rayon Gowns1.29·2.98





Coats'selling at24.75 . 29,75 . 34.75

Christmas Gift,Sale of Nylons

Coats Selling at10.75 ·12,75 ·16,75.19.75

Grand selections in

Christn'fas gift tiesat ' 49c • 65c

Pun' .:'\":rlon from lOp 1 50tu to('. First Qllalit.y' ..,.

:First Quality

Pure Thread Silk Hose

-Service and'{:hiffon

•.. for Mother, ~bter,

Brother or Dad

Women's Slippers­

49c 10 1.98

Ments Slippers-

98c to Z.49

Children's Slippers-,

49clo 98c



giving 1.35 • 1.65

Mark Twain Shirts,lop quality .. 2.00

An inexpensive hutl)rS('tieal gift

At.lradh;~ br03(klot.h...

ra;yons and I)rints


Men's Dress Sox

OuUPJ: FlllRnp.1 I'lljanms hIhri~ht striJ)f's 110ti d('sign ..

our complete robe stock.

M,m's Gift Pajamas




498 595()95

All Ladies' HutsReduced One-Half




• Crepes• Velveteens

- Sheer Wools• Combinations

'~Cerlified values fromour 5.9S, 7.95 and

8.9S lines

j A~_~)(cilin9 Chrislmas

Coat: and Dress Sale St:a~b ThursdayThe dresses you will The kind of coatwaJ.lt for ~hose gay values you eXIJect .),h.ohday partIes and so- in J anuury .. Yours f;!~\'CIaI events. . ' ~7

now fOl' Chnstmas! '"~/4?

Dress Up Your BedroomFor Chrislmas

Lovely Chenille Spreads

'$2.98 $4.98 $7.95~

•• •j'J~~~jfI~~i~JiI~~~jilf'U~~JiI~iGI~~~i"i~JiI~ifllii~~Bl~iiJ~Bl~~~i'.o;~iii~~~jfI~iIltii .';

\ ~,


10k. '. ~. O,'.l. Sis.te. rs.... la,~dof. thefr.ee. !.~.. '.'W.~ieh, our fore- P' itt· - wed:sda~aftCrnoon Vls,tors andil~~~.?:ii:~""''''l''''''''~---=-- . . . '" ' . '.-:." 1 '. ' . fathers fought. nays that, should lanO ns rlfc 01 luncheon" ests In tho Nols Bjork-II. -••- .:. .,.:~ CI':'::~e:r::~CI':':~~~if:~~~jf:~if:~""'!~l~~i""'!~l""'!~l""'!~l""'!~;";~l"",!~l""'!~l"'!~"""l"'l'-!~""''''':;;~•WI lte, mpreSSIO-,z ~ri~g a fir~er,bcli~f i our motto, Will (;:ive COl cert lund hom;;. Tho mon folks attend. ' I , _1<'::~CI':'W11'1I:-::~F::~CI':'::!l!<CI:'::!l\1(1l!::~lI:'::~I<'::~rI:'::""[I:'::~,m._~:"" \)

f Western State }n (j)dd weTru~, S meone said, I ed the E. A, Larson farm sale. ~ .A day IS hke - prcpent -shmIng IMr and Mrs Nels BJorklunU. f

426i/~ South_ Sixth Street. ..n~W ..land bright; it w~lI -happiness EUnice and Dwame were among \ Ge t f E fAelambra,. Californi~, r:glve .. yOu, if you e it.•,: right." 1<'01'- the group from thiS \dCmlty who ~ I 5 or veryo-ne Gel 1.5N vembcl' 28, 1911. get ~bout the "tomorrbws"; live in spent ~Sat,ut'day evening in the ~ § • • 0 • ~

The W' Yl~P ,Herald, the tl~todays." Walter Haglund home helping EI- :'/~'Wayne, N¢bl'aska. Hoping the entire Wayne Herald mer Anderson celebrate his bij,j h~ f: , ·.Lh 1. t: b \ d 1. '

,Veal' ayne],'fiends: staf['isenjoying the bbtof health d"y, Others pre"",t weie Mr.\md '-'; a-.; a're easy 0 uyan easy-.;oL' We avt ,had almo~t ~t ycar to and 'putting up a good clean fight, Mrs, Ezra Bo('ckenhaucl', MISSenjoy 'a ld; acquaint ourselves with we remain, - Cora Haglund and Mr and~ Mrs • M k .sunnY_Ca~ifornia,; i~,s Qlsposition Two of yourmaryy CaJifornia Walter Chinn and fam·i1y. . give e e e a e Brown-McDonald'sand its inhabitants. It has trUly i Friends,been a ave our expectations. We Aletba, and BeJlah ,Johnson Sl~hool :r\utes,want t ,at this time, send"friend- -~~._---- The two·act community play, Ch • 1. -f h d " ,ly greetngs to e,veryone at Wayne "His Bull('r's Wife," pre,enll'd al your rls-.;mas 91 1. e'a quarl.ers, eand· Je 'this Christmas season r----'.----·-:----·-~ district 59 W'a~ enjoyed by a school l; ~

, . brings !let'!' and good will into the ' SHOLE;S room full of spectators Friday ('vc-hearts fall. ning. Mi~s EwiicC' Gustafson was

Ex(. rl)t~ [rom I\1l'ditlLtiOllS! by - highly complimented on her i'ffi-Perh' ps il is the orange groves Mrs, Glen Bur~ham cient manner in directing this

with U eir rich, green loliage, play, Free ,coffee and .lunch \Vereheavily JadlO\n branches of bright =~- .__,, ...:::t:::==--~ serveu. Door rcceipls were $18.

"~~~~~"uj~I~~a~f~~~~';~~~~I;h~I~+~: bU~~;5SB~t~':foarn~_~~~Ja Lincoln ~fP,trhOOf. cAo:~:e1J Gm"u,;'I.acrldSeopna' r"tmiaenniStl, I Membp~~I,r~~t7;~~'l :C~~;~AIJ pro,j-• ins-",p enj?ss 0 t c· orangr 08- Mrs. Jim Stephen's sbcnt Friday ,

StOI'amn'c'ot( ,a.\',moankeC':OUolndc cilysta,:t"dlc" lehnC~ afternoon with Mrs. W.alter Tiet- wi'li give an?, hel' of his interesting. ect ~Iuh en.loyerl a l_~',"'o-coursf' _dm-v .,", and cnlortadling piH.q..o concprts in nf'r s('n'od by Mrs. !<,rJ. M('Qul~(lIln

{mquntain~i, standing iii deep ~i- gen. ' the college auditorium this' C\'0-! al hcl' hamp at 1 0 clock Tu('s(!ay.lenec: 't9hcd clarl...ly ugai'nst the Leoni! Mae Uhst left Thursday ning. No adrhissjon is chargctl for' :\'Il's. G\~S Longo and. Ml"s. L1\V-1peaccf I J~C'a\'ens, tllat ma!{c onc for Sioux City wHcre ;shc j,s em-' this program. r rcncr' (.arlson were 10 chal'gl' of Ilo\'e Cditornia, Another \vould ployed, Consid('ral~l(' intpl"('sl bas, hcen tl~(: Chl'lslmas program and ganlt's.say it i' t?e splas~l.i.ng, restlessness Miss Melva Brummel' of as. shown in t!l~; piano and orgal, G~[lS \\"1'1'(' e~chang('(I at the closeof the gr~'at P;lCI!IC that make mond, spent lile \\'eek~end in the works writlCin by .Mr, Carlson, On 01 a most enJoycthlt' altern,oon, Theone w'a t,to !i\'c in this sUlte. But Nick Grciner home. the program ,tonigllt S(',\"(lI'HI of the n~;.;( nwpllng ~\'r11 hI' WIth ,\11·S.to me it !~al-:L'.s mo\'c Uwn the Mi",s, Shirh'y Scllotl of Sioux piano piece::.;1 from 1\'11'. \,\- alkr' 01 te \\ cdrw....day, J,lnUill"jorange gr'ovcs, the mountains and City, vi:,;jted tlw past \i.'pek in the "Nchraska ~uill'" will IH' U,the oc an to make California. It D'amo'nd Kenny ,honw. Ollw\' llum\)('I'S will hl' IroJ11 :\lr. and :'tIl'S. Florill{' Honored.is the 'eemingly c'ndless miles of Jim TictgC'rl, son of Mr..and Mrs, work.; of C;1~i('g, Schumann, God, COJJlI)linH'ntal',Y to IVlr. anti ,'1('.,',desert va~te. the sections of land Wa:llpl' Tiefgpn,.left Monday "for a ar'd Slojowsl,j.i Hlld Kunkel. .,with n <~.'iCS of oil derl'icks, the military ,t raining camp. 'J __ 1_ I h.( I mIt r lor tnt \\ ho \\ l'l l' filclll H'dmany .'a leties of flowers, shrub~ M 1 '1 W I I , ldst Slll1111H'[ ,j (OOrWld1 1\(' fHIll]I;,

f 'I" iln.~., n drs·S adier GUbb,cl clnd I II dmnu \\ IS S('I \ ('d bj. r ('!<-It 1\ I'" Inand . flo edng teees, the well aml'y \'Islte ... un ay JIl tIll' John I • I 'kno'wn !:fiant redwood forests. GU,b.beiS home a, t wareham,'. Southeast WakefIeld Ihe Pdrt~t:1I Arthur 1'lorJllC hotncThCJe -m~' still marc outst,anding 1\-1 d M R I Sunddj. Ihoo.;e PII'sl'nt \\ele ;\lr

· eha acterll·tics go to make up llJl1e f ' .~' an Srs. ay Nebon and (By Mn; Llhs Johnson) dlld MIS h.e111l11 Flonne 1\11 mdIF' ami y W('J'e' ~day gue>its Il1 the :\11<.; P 1 Fl

of the 'ntel'csting states of the Orm Nelson ho Ie north of Carroll. I ~d\mOnr 01111<' lind GLI lIdj union. X\r ' , . '., I1\Ir dnd l\llS no\- Sunckll dnd

·v ayne TiNgen has spent lhe 1\11,"', '. I' n'd If lillTI...,(11] \ ISI1l'd. '.'II'S. 1) 11 l\I 1:\1,' \ "AJ'th ugh it hclps,·one C3p't li\'c pa.sl 1\\"0 weC'l"s with his brother, \,\-'aJt('l' Ottc'Friciay afl(\l'I1oon. 11~;'~mll~~', H~'bL~~,I;( an·d r;~al'~I.l'I;~/:

on ~ce cry ii1onc,'lt. is then ,yot}. Grant, at Springl:ield, whe!'E' he l,s l\lls.s Hn!J<'l'lo.; \'lsJ!(,d I and :\11".,"" T :\1. 1\11". :Indsort au }~nd.l1lakc JI'Jcncts, Ea7'!'l l Pmployed b:y an nnp1l'mcnt com- 1\']1.o.;s' Sllnclay all-II Mrs, I\IolTlS GU.staf.o.;on, ;Indfriendsl. ip1is 10rnwd ll) Its OWI1 pc· pany, L'l'nool1. 1\11'S. Anlon I1olmhr'rg <ind .JoannecuHar' ,\ 'ay. Tilt' cl1w'ch gin;,s one 1Vl1'. and E\'erC'tt Robins and :\Iarg(,llt' <lnd [)onil'l F;IYt' EIt1- :\11". <lnd'L('llus and

?c<-:Eiss 0jg.COOd con,.la~t,'" I,~;'rhal).s Chil.dn,n. C,'O,le.ridg"e, \\,el'e Sun- , IIt happ md thaI the im'it Sunday day dJllIH'r gUE'.'ib at 1hc Marlin ~~:~L~;:e~~~!:~,ll.tr:-'dayafternoon willi 1 ~1\1~11~·:H~I~.I\·;;ld ]\11'.";. ~~~7~~"'n('e

,j,You at e dcd the couple. behind MadsPIl home to help ,1\hs. Mad- 1\lrs. .)os('!llIine Guslalsun \\'ae; a I{ing ilnd family, i\Ir. ;me! .:'IIr'e;.

~~~r ~~ el!,l~n~~~J~II~~O~~'/~:~ ~~~ .':ie~r~:~~~r~~~:'e~e;~ ~~~~~~~<~;:~m TvI1'. of l\'Il".~. HatT\" \Vt>ndel \Ved, Elm!'!'" Nebon, :\Ir. and :VIr". (ll!ofrom tl e Cornlluskel' state, Nc- and Mrs. Tom McDQnald and fam~ after~lOon. ' ]\;t'hon and family. A purs(' ot,praska. "Well, \-\'ell, we came [rom ily saying they 'had arrived in 2\Ir. and NIre;. l\l'arlitl llnlmlH'rg mOJl('Y W:I.'; pl'('s('nt('d 111(, honor'l'dIowa j 1923. ,Gets I?retty cold Boise, Idaho, Sunday evening. \V('I'(' Sundaj dinncr and Illnchpon couple. NIre;. Arlhur Flot'inl' wah

!?ack, t re, doc~.n't it." ' The,' Tour· They took the train from Colum- guests in Il~e I\1ar\"JIl l\Ior!('nson aLso C'ollgralulal('c! by thl' gHlllfl,f d I R b S home,., . I it lJeing hl'l' birthday ;lnniv(,l's;l['v.

~~~f~~ l~e (~~S~~O~l~ rea~~Cto t~~~ u~heak~~~~; ~~~i;C~OOI baskct~ Mrs. Dan IL. Lamb accompanlN! - - - ---- .place. aturally, \vith Nebraska's ball team played with Winsidf', last Mr. and ;\'ll's. C'. \V; Long and [1.11':";. I •

team h Iqjng the honor p,s the TUQsday eW'Ding at ihe .Winside Lellie HanDon 10 Sioux CitY111 S tl W Iteam i vited to.match their odds auditorium. The score \'\·a.s ~)'to 11 Thul"."day. ,;,. OU l,\"e~t ayne

· BJi;ainst S~anfOl!~'S, you inform i~ favor of \\'inside, Tuesday ('ve- 1\-11':-;. Da\ iG-i Cham hers \"Isllcr] 1]('1'· your n W,:HcqUtuntancc.s that you nmg. Dccembef 9, Sholes play." a.t father, C. Alfred Jnhne;on, \\'('(!- (By Staff Correspondent) I

ar:,e goi g Ito the oUbtanding event Magnet, nc~day as 11l' hod noL

of the 'cason, They ask tv escort . Mr, and Mrs, Mark Sellon Hod h)~'~r~'-.,~:nd \VCII(:r':"na~~IO"[~OII'k':-;'L,,:,Jd'~,hyn, Go:-;JlOrnl you an' t..rom then on the' ac- <laughter, Shirley, of Sioux CeLy, -fi :Jlld 1" l' r~t q~ainta .ce wz-nds ItS. way into a and Mr. andl.Ml's. Frank Nelson of amily from ;\'£1"-", Donald :\1illikpn vi"lt<,d

frIends Ip Lhat grows deeper day Carroll, ~.verr Sunday evening sup- M{ln~i<liv' :'IIrs. All)(lrt !\lillik('n Monday las1by day per guest" fn t.he Damond Kenny A. Nimrod \\'('(')c

Alo~, \~.ith other n.l'w acquaint- home. Shirley Sellon acco,:,panied da~!r:It~~rl Sh;\ro! ..... n P..:H' Pryor s!Jent Slln-ances o~ meet tw.o lively and tal- ~er parentf:; to her home alter vis~ '\ ' ( , clay l<ls1. w('('k ill th(' Don<-lld Carl·

le.'nte.d il'~s" You are invill'd to ltmB" the past "".'eek with.relatiVCS, \.\f'J'(' .son homf'.-,their OrlW for ((lIlner. The one ) --- ----.---- _..- lvll". am! 1\11'''. Ml'lvin \Vt'l'l <I1lU

glrl se;m~ interested in you be- «'lIco J~rop~rty Deeds. .:vII'. :lnr! M 1'.0.; .. PIlIli-J!(1 Millil.;c·rrwerdcao.$e Ol~ seem Lo be "ge~ting Prope.~ty deeds filed III \Vaync B(,'I'l in :'\ol'folk Frida\nlorlg" Wllth her former bo,Y'-fnend. cOllnty lllclude the following: Iaft(':n.oo~ 1\,11'. ;~nd :\'11'''. J;)hn (;oshol'n were111e.,fa ily proves, to .be exlreme- Graec A. Cavanaugh to Neva .T. gU~,"~.s ,01 Sunday dlnl1('1' gllP:':\s of fvl!'s. Ed-ly tall atlh·e and entirely whole- Ca\'anaugh, December :2 for $1, 111 .. and \\'in Tpmpll' at \V;l'kefipJd.some s. ~11at limc gOl's'bj; so fast N1;! of:NEI,\ of 6-:25-4, abo lots S.andY ::'v'll'. <Ind l\lrs. Rpuhl'n Stamm ofthat it lis ~niclnight before' you re~l~ 9,.10, 111 and 1:1, block ,3, ,college ~1.I1IW~" f-hnrlnlph \'isill'tL ·1·( Don· ld CUdizc it. Boine months later you wlt- H111 :2n~ addition to Wayne. \ ISttorc-. I~ ~(;n'.o.; Thu't'srl~y ,1'f't'(-'rnonn~ -ness uj(' bdutlful wedding of one Virgil Rehmer to LOI'f'tta Swan, . Mr, ,mil 1\11'. and :\ll's. j)onald Cilt"]c;o'nof the girls,' who takes her vows et al·., D('cl'mber 3 for $1 and other ~orm;,1 al1d \\('1'(' Fl'iday e\cJl.lJ1gat the bv~r dopular We Kirk 0' the ,con.<;ideration, undiVided l-fi intcr· IIal'rJ.-son gur'.o.;h :It CarLson's. ' .Heathqr, est in SW\" of 34-:l5-1, SE1'1 and B1XbjY Iwnw :\'Ii,,',; Wab,:neFOqD~ 1\rI-exican dishes that EI/~ of IS\~' I,; of 28-2;;-1.. ' cla~·.. sp('nt Ow w(lpk.

"make I an iimprqsion" on you Connrctlcu1 Mut.ual Life Insur.., F Lt(:· 1':uni(,t'Cll,,~I;:lt(~ end lhp AllJ('I'f !\.-1ll1il\('n 11OnH'.

~he}~~h.l'\,f.P.Od S,I,i~~S clown, Ital- ~nce c1mp~IY ,I;i,~(~,m, H, Fl'e/oi,P 1 s~~~ ~'('n' dillon).; tho,,(' IH-'lpltlg C. LI~~(~';l~I(:~da~lI(~s\ill~.:IH1 ri~\~hO;~r~)~~1~ae~& f od!'i;~'~I~I~\~~~vi~~,i~~~~~v;;~~ 2~~~m )er. Of, '.,00, s,ce1ion 9~ L. Bard ('('II'!lralc illS lJirlhdav Sat- .

North rbadway in the city of Los Village of Carroll to Fred Wd~ urday e\·cOlng. . W~~~(;.,ina~~ru·M;·~~,Y I~~>i~~rr'nf';~;%~Angeles. IB~lemian I and Swedish cox, Decemher G fbI' $:230, lots 11 Boonst ra (]ro\'L' up from \\'1'1" Sun I r t 'I tsUH Utas1.(' . and 12, block '4, Village of Carroll. and \'i"lt- w('('~ "in 1(1:~; ~0~~~t g~~:~~J);l~, Day coll e and go. Days that -~---_._~-.,_,,_______ ecl in the !JO!1H' !lome.brin,g,lx,pe.l'iences ne\v Clnd inler- Passes ~tol) Sign. Mrs. Boomtra accompanicd him to ]Vlr. and 1\lrs. Henry \Nittleresting. Dai)'r; that send out an E. Harr'ison paid 1l fine of $10 ()~;l~~;.l /~Il!:\t 1~~~17,~~~;1, 1\1l's. ('has. weI'!' Sunday aftel\noon gu('sts :Iast

~~:J(ri 'lt~~Jl S~~lt~~eai,°~t~<;t;'~n~~~ ~~~S~~~~Sf~:f~~i~gi~Of~~~ttYhi~o~:~ Pi("rson, NII'.,;. C L. Bard and ~\~~~~~. in tlw August Wittle~, jr.,

Christ'an standard; to kt:!ep the at a .stop sign. Patrolman William Claip' HUi.;kil'k atlpn(icd the food Mr. anel I'vIn;. Arnold ahlkfimp

Stars < hd 'S;txipes \vaving over, this Campbell'filed complaint. il~I;1 ~~~lf~\~,t~.nE\~;~;I~~' [~-\(':';~~o~~ty and D('lmar WNt.' Sufi ay sUl?per

~1If:. ilil'!~Iif:~~~~~IIf:~if:~IIf:~~~I~g~illf:~if:}1 M,< flei" Harnson a""'"d wilh ~~:~.';~ la,t \H'I'k al A gust 1;llec=. ,. '. h S('ITlng aL till' sCllOUI audl!Ol'lum MI'. an(l IVl,)"~. flalT,'yl Bak('l; <lnd

Tuesday Fvening 'al which .o.;on C;W'llt Ttlflsday aft rnoon lasl• th('P(pL~lulJgltls thel' I I'll' '

W I I ~ I J I III I H' "Ill" 'l.ra'lller 1.10me

: CU),11(dcU1~l1d at i

,w Mr. dnl! ~lrs l\ltll011., I 1\11'. ;lml :\'£1';;. lIe 'y WlttlCl': James Mrll:lon, .Jnyce \'1\ 1<111, :",.11," \\'L'I't' last \\'vdnesclay: dinner• and Mr:-;.)( L. Bard. Harl£'y l.or-!glll'...,lS in lhe En·in 'lIH'E'man: do~ and J1)alt' Iwlpt'd Bllrnpal CU,,- IWllll' al P0ncl('r. g: ~{~l[~on celebrate hiS 1l11'1h('a YrSlll1-


Mr. and 1\-1I'S. Malcolm Thpmp.• <'y. I" .', I.,",on ilnd daughters :rnd Miss. Lil.• M.l:. anq.~,i\lr:. N"I",ls BJOr,klund. and IiI,an Slamm ,Of Sin.",X City, spent= ~amlly w~'re S~nday afternoon \'Is- \\'{'ek-enc! hC'fore la'''l in Ihe Donald• It.ors andl supper g-uc>ils In 1he Al- Carl.son hOlll<'.: bJll Pe;('~son h,lme ncar. Laurel for Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stamm and• Mrs, I cth:,;on s birthday 1lIJnJ\'('r-1 daugh1c'r, Mr. and !\'Jl's. Mph'in D,,-: saI'Y., "\-' " .! -,-' Lozio1' and son of Randolph, were:. Mr: a~d . Ii s. ~llJc.rt r. Long(~ ISunday al"lornoon gUl's!.s la.st week• an.d I\~r. .and I\tI~·.o.;. K,arl.Otll' ~[Iat Donal(1 Carlson's.: Waynt, SJlen~ .Saturd;;ly In Oma- Mr, and Mrs, Slanlpy MitchC'11 of• ha. Be\'C'f,ly \l.'iltecl ~aturdny unlt! Dakola Cily, Mr:-,·\Vcsley Schram,: ~onday ,forenooll In the l\IRl'lha ancl daughter!' of Obert, W. C.• BIerman home. . Heikes and Miss Una \\-"er(' Fridav• Mr. a~d Mn,,' \yaltC't" O! to and guests in I he Cilas. Heikes hom~:, Sandy, . ccompanled by Mr. and .• You'll want to !'OmHl yuur huy Mrs. Wil Eyans and family of Car- Fllr 1'lelse flranctu'"t,= ",omet.hin~ 110'11 allvrcdn.te. some- roll, ~1~'e 10 Randolph Sunday ..,• t.hinJt" tlInt he (,,1m use. 1'hat's Why and \,: .rqdinner 'and supper guests <\.n~llboar~~~ ~::~·a~~tD~Ir;.r::ll~~~~~: ~~~~u~;,;s~':r::~~I1~;I:~t~;;~:~:1 g:~~ III the, Sellon home. Granquist, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence• Ic<ltlon. Mr. atd Mrs. Albert F. Longe Granquist and Gary Lee, Mr. and':.. UTILITY KI':I"S and Bev, rJy, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Mrs,' Blaine Gettman ami Berry,• 'I. Longe aDd Mr. and Mrs. Elnwr Mildr('d Sohren, Mr. and Mrs. La-= Gonuine leather with water- Nelson W"ere Thursday evening vis- vern Harder spent Monday eve-= I)roo[ lInln~. iitors in I,th.e. Robert Turner home ning last week in the Nelse Gran-• from $1.98 up for Mrs·ITurne.r's natal day. quist home for Mr. Granquist's=. FITTED LEATtlER KITS Mr. and Mrs. George B. Aistl'ope, birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hei-• $ Mr. and~1Mrs. :pan L. Lamb, Mrs. kes,'·Mr. and Mrs. Emil Backstrom• . 1.98 to $9.98 Lettie armon and G. Alfred and fa~lily and Me; and Mrs,

,': LEATHER PIPE AND 'Johnson were Ponca ¥isitors an~ Wayne Gilliland were 'Saturday=. TOBACCO POUcuES 'also visjtl'd in 'the S, A, Hl'illl'S evening guesls last week for the• $ 00 "'t.o. horne at§Dakota City Friday. .E - 1. CAMantdR$A1S·S0 I.D~,~taa ~tY~~~d~:lyte~a~gil~~~ ~i same occ_a_s,_on_,~ _• Pays in County Con'rt.

.= $1.50 to'$64:95 '~';;~e~~~~~~t~~~d~~c~.n~~rN~~~ ~8~~f~~~~sR~nh~~l~~~~~;~;t~~~: Wh',tm'an's Chocolat • ;rod hom,c..Verna and Leone An- day on charge of failing to halt his• . es.= .del'son ,vere afternoon ea,lIers, 'car at a stop sign. Patrolman Har-,= l~he J{1ft that 'pl~uses e\'er~'one ! ,MI'. and MrS. Chas.· Pierson and ry J. Brt filed the q)mplaint.• 25c to $7.50 • 'Dean wrre Sunday dinner guests ------~.: II .in the :Roy Pierson home ncat Is Fined in Court.· Ib .. Ph =Wayne They welC evening call- Gus' Herf1"ens paid 'fine of $25:: I # eIcrs In .the Arthur Florlm home and costs of $8.35' Monday in5 e er s armacy laf~~ aa'ft~n~~~"c;~~~hS~:~~~~of ~~~t~~t~~u;\gnr:i7::g:nO~o~;v~~j{~1 ·.;~~~~:~~a~~::llIl~::;;all;W:~~:::a~::~i!J.::;iIIR'l;;::;iIIJIWayne,IMr. and MIS WIlham Ely tween sunset and sunrise,' SheriffI • ,..,.~, • Pt"'~~.IIli"(~'~rr;~""~IIflI;.Jiif7'~~'~1ifI"~""'i~ land Merle lof Turlock, Cal., were J. H. Pile ~ed the complain"t..

1H~WAYNE Need Large SuotTJH~ldHe;~ingLig~ting.C~ntest ...newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950...· C:;;~:&#039; ~;~ ~-~~.:&#039;-~~&#039;;J-~~.. ~-~~&#039; ";;;~~~-~;~;;" - [PDF Document] (11)


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. ISection Two.J



t­"'tatfO\"f'r goOf'.. \\ ron;::- unwhu.,("\·pr radio ;\"00 half:.\\'(' ('an fix it. \Vp :u'"proud of our rt'Jlutationfor '>flt-pdy. f'ffieil'nt andlow-('(Jst \\ ork.



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WE HAVE INSTALLED a new p~w';~ -lasher to be able to w~hCyoiIrcar faster and better than ever ... Pr~tect the f~ish on your car ~yhaving it PQlish~d in our modem pl4t.before cold weather ~b In.,:

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; For g.reatest:l~afetyand:\long­est y..eart .~quip this wi~ter.with' F1RESTONES.

, '~

4'1 In. She

$.69 .SlreomJinl,d Sled

Mldc of !>i-lect<:d North,"} .h<fn!\.'ond, GrC'ovedlltt' ,t.: runners. Flexiblelit{' nng,

,""n, . 98~

~;--.-'Cl-"--, ,

; NearlYI 'w 1 'H"

gh,allPi,inl'-cl to thebcoch.,c' , : c~;:i:~!~e 'E" A,YNE ERALD't~~~1~;g.j~rt~f:~~:"~.~~~11~~'~~~~i;;;~r i I"'~'~~ _~"_" i"~__:~._I_~__.__." t ' "-'inl'1{~y,ne Friqay }v~en!he I,~IET'H,YEAR : 1 lV BER 11, 1941 , ... '.-- ~C'MBERTIfllfTYfWO

~,(;::::~::,,:,}~1~i;;~1;:';~;i~~t~~~,:s"r-~a'~7"n'''-''''t-!~aT"'" C'I''a'us 'p''-a'-y~s'-"V"'---I:S-'-t-t'-, to!'-C'h---1;1-d-r----e.it' t;n W----a--y-ne}. B{!nv Wit:; al Hlr.('y I

b<.1.11k, Dccl'{:~ qUJ'l"tlllg {lj.lr; I , " I

cr,,,ft.,I,dheaction!filedl:hY! ! "~I ,. I' " .', J, .. , ~, ~ 1.. '~H.\;.;F..t t\~.TLtt~(~~!~,iI~~t.I.~~~.~~~;·ll El~--+.ted"-H edd-;f---l'~~l;ls WiIl"- ;e~:;;~ i ~-.~~~-s;;-~:· ~:-rWeddin ()' ~,~(~~.~ Itap(·,~s., FI~\\"er: !lls~ de~bl~ the- iMovie~ Are Arranged--hlereiing Sani;1 t.n l~l" 'i~lw) on the cIty

'1P,"!,U1tIfL T't~.e-mrnd;iL~'pi :the \' ,~; "'.J e~, , -' Icunqu0l'l'U ue1m'e ~\'lnt~r and lw I ~" IhO:nf. . I. _,~n:! J As Feature for Young' I hal! grounu' fhvrl' from 4 to 6r."en.W.COUI·t \Ya..; orc1C'r(>..d. RPh?ud : Club at Lo.ngnlor.'t gUl'SSf'S that ·RUSS):l will not .~)e l'''lken. 'Sal.urda)' .. ,r~e. ,~?~n. g couple ~.('f.t lmm('- 'I F61ks Saturday. ! (',~JlC(~rocdn, \'.1':'" C::l"c·,,'!('d anrj ,·eeec,-~h,c ~)c~et" in the city.:; recent I' '\ conquered. , I (. d,at,ly al leI' the recegllon lor a I '..1 " - ,

~alc case.' Ray I. HJ(.:kman ,of Lon~-m()~I: I Wagner told .the t leaflets \'\.'lth ,__': .. \\E'ddmg tnp to the ~:'e5~ coast and Sfinta (Claus arl"J\ed In \\',lyne' Earlll'r If': dOly Sa,tll-may the'isti'lct ,·'C(IU.l'l com:Cllcs. nex.t ICOlO.", 'torm~rly 01 Wayne, \, :1,5, 'V,'oodrClw Wi.lson·s 114 points, sc.a\- MillS Twila Bergt Becqrnes I' Upon t!lelr ret~rn' Willll~w on a. t' satu. rcta).. afternoon to dehght I Gi-l) Ih0a.tn: ,\\ct" .ftllCd .. Wlth Cllll-" fl.".ll ju'r)- se:,;'s~on. CasE'~. ,to elected preSlde.,nt o~ Lon~mont, KI~,1 tered t)y aViators lover Germany B '"d f A C W I ~~ f:ffi'l.<Q,:c¥half m.lle soutH. of V/ayne. hundreds of d)tldren who had drl'l"'l lor Inn'" ;.. hpw1ng;.; of llw

:d a 'e tne n)1lo~'ing' St~tc wanb club and take.'; ofllcc Janu- , In 1918 dId much 0 end the fIr.';t I rI eo, . " 0 te 5 II- or gomg away, _Mrs. \\'olters anxlousl)' "-alted hI:; flr~t appear- jllclun'.. A \', 1'::- Young Li;id;y,"M•.t1:tin,gl.}'. Marga,~ct. K. ary 5.· ~ , !war. I , I .,1 At Alt?na Church. 1 d.10:;e a two"picce SUit 9f boy blue anc~. Santa ,camp from the north Jan", \\ :1[1('1':,. :-';\>ws. qUIz

~l. al., \:s. 'Y'laynt;:- :c~Uh.t:y Siegfrea \~ragn~r, na~l\'(' of Gcr- ;i . ( I Before the altar In TrJnity Luth- \\ 11 n ~)Iac~ accessor.ies·1 , '1' p'O01M,c.•~S·C·Ah·,aRf~,~~aO'. "'B"oOrnPChoofCta',','I:aocd, ('am, d) leal Ui"e ... \\ere abo 10-.i¢' P01,'v,l:r ,(hstr~('t,., r.!ane C. mrI:lJ-" who adcl~'esscd LUllgmont Life in A rm,y Post 'e~'an chu 'ch at Altona Miss '[\k,:rla . .:Ylrs. ,v. ~Iter~ \\ as I graduatt>d ~ 0. \..n- 0. ,

'~'::~nl \'::1. I A.\-Ifl'ed ,'~. Bo\yc,rs aJ.ld .Kl)VanJan~ last week \~'~E'l'! MI', i p. I t' . .t" IBCI'{Tt, diuri-hter of lVir. and Mrs.l fJ om v... a,)n.C' hlgh ~ehqnJ and at- Ied traffic through the busines~ dIS·dwe!'.!. Poultry _Co..j Louise'l?ru~- H\ckman wa;; l'lc('lt'd 10 Oi!ICt'. loJd l 'OV'eS n el es tny 1-1 \.V B('; I of \Va 'ne became It 0nc!ecl \\a)ne. State Teachers trict. '

"ond '·s.Harry Buss. C't al., :1\lrsl. that Gf'rmany I" fWi;:r !"{'\ol I To Coed t Colleae'u;'cbr':d(,ofgArthUl'C"Wo'lters "on 1(0£:;'-' She \\ii.S employ:'cl m.thC'1 PrIor 10 Sant'l's arn\al. \\-OIvne

..Laa.,.(' v~.'. A.. ntone GranqUIst. lU,tIOll. \\"<-lsnl>1' 'll1al (;er- '[ , , ,Y .. C' .] -..... "of -. - CoUnty c~{'rk:; ofllCl' Jor .'it,\pnlll i hand har! m:-trchf'(l 'hn1ugh -lhp ,;!fl"rnrlon fr'JIn DecembfT II_~ ... "'~ t .-: --.----.---- ,_.• --- -- ~" - ---- ----, Canal is th!!' honw of Aloha oj all \\ 0 tl 1.. I lJl"Jor· 10 twr Mr. i Ib~sme:,,~ dl:o-l rJ('l. furnbhmg corl- 110 .:4

•••••lia••Il•• IiI !I••••IIl.Il•••• lIl11.IlI:l •• II!J!II ••~. GJ.-.t. at I Wavnt! :State _ ! olters at!('nrl(·r! 51 coJ· l 1 certs at oath The mu- . Fn'" .n10\ :"f :-d·.,' ;Irral\g(~d Jr,l'.' TeaC'lter~ and ~·lll' ,tells 01 \\'ll'tlllg !Jf'r-!orm(.'d 1'1+'..::;,' 'm \\'m[J(_dcI, for lour! ; ~lclan,;:' then thl'ough ,~rh()OI (Ill! 'n ;l:;,!in ;1'

S'an-ta B'roa~casts ., ;-;Iw nng ceremony prc:--! arid Siner' ha!' heen : :"lam >;trppl of Iht> cal" tak- ,th~' \\ lltl "hi,wm~,.; and: :,a" all U!'m\" ol"fJ('('1' many l"t'~atj\"f'." end ~ WJlh hi" tathtJ!" squtll of I --.-_.- -- .,l k,,\11I'!' Ihi., will i,.:: kt,; to - 'front u! the church \\a ... ' \\'ayne I "1 \1an'l"d Thl'" !

II I, .M10i .... GI"t·." ,lathe!: i:- ,Ill \\ 11h 1\\0 basKet.... o( I ,--'.-... ,_. ~-.- --- ._- :Plan Gift Baskets :'.Il'~ \hr·tln ,]ohr:"on'" anim;-d r;:< J

:; cojonel no\\ :ip<'nall1g hi., Hnci whll*, , chrys<inth.p- lives Are Tak'en For Local Families tUI··' phU:(':::I'<;-!lhf:d In the JU:l;.;rr·~-I \1;0.1 at 1<Olt C}a)(ton lJut Aloha mum:'> and ll'rn',ltlw h!.t.ndll's 01 the ~. : l'hn-.tma ... "-ton hour and f'r,-: Ihas 11\ ('d there onh about ~i "C'<{l bas~et<; bemg tied \Ylth blue tu'llc lIn Triple T'ragedy p 1-1. STEPHEl'S . , . of \\ u;hl I Group' rmd mdl\ l~ual... of the' 11'[;' alnmen[ alP ,,~hpdul('d for Sd!,-lb('mg born In Ha\'\.all, and \lSltlng bo\\-s Candle.. In the t\\O fl\C- ~(Kan director of research \\lth community arc urged to plan I urda) Dpcemher 20, at 3 .n: I i\lcXlCO Canada a d other places Ql'anch candlabra on the altar \\ere An ol~ lam~l} rnJsun erstandmg th( fctrm c!('dn bran('h of thf' fed- I Chn,;tmas ch6":'r tur nepd) ,farn- f \'"a::-n0 auditOrium

:'Tht' [det that sh was bOIn In lIghted, ~~~!,"r~~~l~~c~h~t~~~~n9\~~~~r~~I~:~ e:ill rpsPr\t' bank Jatt" nf,"lhuist ~~~: a~~t~.~rut~~~~~:~~ ~h~~ ~~~~. --- - -- ------ ,_IIHa\\aileXPlamsw YShe\\aSnam-

jMrs Elmer l\IeH-'r pla)ed organ 1'1 d ttl gl)J f th !"e.hraskaoneofthlrIche~t1arm-t ld I f h I h h Idh r

:' ed Aloha musIc ShOl tl) bte'f~rte thte· ceremon) \ pp~~~~sa~t c~~€' F~~n~V ~\e~c fa~ 109 alea'-. In tne \. Dnd lIt abo ~f!,~p:;hf~:dO~IU~":o~ () ~~~~ d.hl~_I The Canal Zan has tlO cltle~ She p~a)ed Lohengrtn~ '\.\('ddtngtnl,h Beemer FrankS\h~ 42 and ad\l"e ... that nO\\ h d n1f) .. t OppOI'- lofurnl~honeOrmOl(~a<.,ke'harf'• I but IS made up of army posts, one I march as the bIi'ldal party entered h w f 3:d d th f'~ f th I tunp time to hU) land In Ihi" arp,! k d 11 \-1 Th=!after another Tle homes are Ithe church \\herc they met the e:

sT~~tnas a;2 \\~reor sl~~ aand I:VIr Slephen'" IS a son-m-la\\ of a~hr~nf' ~~I c:I lhl r"COUrl o~~~~~

: Spamsh "t~le v.-lt red tde 100fs Ibridegroom and the be ... t man at A.l(x S\etc 41 sUffcnjd a lmllet l\1p; Chao..: A"'h q( \\dynC and 1fhns, \\h{,flr:dll ca ... ,pr to contact J

_IIBecausc of pleVa1tng damp w.ea- tl.1£' altar. l\lendelssohns weddlngl' d' th ,h d h,l ,;p(nt Thd_nK:-'g"l\tng 11Ut'. I h \-. H Jd d rtf: rher, mos,t of them are bUilt. off the, march was played for the reces· ;:!?o~~ f~~' 1. ~Je~\d~~tt~~l shr;::t~ ~-- - -- .. - - -- , ~ h: ;)rf~'(~l:' w~;ra h'p~atth

0~o :~-.

_ "l'Ound and reach d by a f"ght of I,woal ~. "'yr'Oil E B"o~ll'ay P e _. t.I=-t Th t 'J f ·tu f Th' b'd h' d h In~ Uwt...Qfhcl''' and thf"n turning 1"1' • ,I nam' .. for Inl" lwllda\ g-wlch'lJ!.I.s eps.' . e lOus.es ire.o .'; cco or I C n f'. W 0 ~~tf'r(' ~t e tl1;' gun on hlmsclL Kenneth, 3, G t. '-1 t . " ''. _I termItes would gelt "ood. chu,rch on the arm of her fat 'I', \()un est son of the Fr' nk S\et('" e s}, as er egree I Inal l! Jr phurH' ,,}stem \\rll be: Arm~ dlSCtpllnclJs \'tJry strIct \'\.-ort' a \\hrte gn\\n of embrol er I~lmafned \\Ith hI" lJ1elts Jan'nb 4t Colorado School m .. lallpd m Pehd{r "oonII GHls arc never 1llo\\ed to lea\e ed \t~I\eray marqulSE'tle O\er , t- ur:tli hI" thn,. oldpr bI'OI~(,IS rl'" ";,, - ----- ----ltHE.' post alone at mghtJ Arm) ot-I1O \\ lth fated bodiCE' and thp v r\ t dl f h 1 l :-'1) 1 onIn, \Ir"• flcer" f.umlle" can't a~socr.atp at full sklrl stclrlm~ fr()!n CI drdfJ! d j urne I rom "c 00 I 11:,1\<1. R MIII('r ~)f and n ,.. 1 L R' • D I 0 C': ~dl \\11h ,",OldlCISjThey ha\[' spe· \\alstLme s\'\.ept mto a t\\O-" I'd ThC' eJdlrl\ ~\{1( ... h<id "lfJ g"ldc!U1H (,1 Ihl h,,.:::h."'-1.J \. .•-1 l)

=IClal plaN>!:' to sit m the theatres tram Thp net flOgel.tlp \ J! :aldlC'd and both IJ\ed'~ Beemer I school \\dl count amon£; ill'" mo'! QUICKLY REPAIRED• and cPl1ain hour::; to S\\lffi In thel\\hlch fell flom a coron('1 of IAlt'x S\et(l,. \\ho hdd co e to Bee- chcrlshed (hrJ"lm.I'-. pOo.Se"SlonS

Ifor T'iJ'nk Wagon Bbth proved b,\o-- thousand~ ·1 t I I bi h d m( I' around ThanksgJ\ m:;:: time thl" 'veal <l md"lf'l 01 <-Irt,., (11 'rlCI Se~lVice . . . '. of u~ers and abs,Ulutely :1


pO~I'~~o posts ca mot be l'ntered I ~;~:1e "so~:~~~'". \~)~J:!C\\~'(/ l)(:~ !from '(an1,<ton dl;k"d bl" tathpr 10 Br~J(tk\\i-l\ \\hr) has !I{I'11 li-ikm:::;AI T· I A PI t d : wlthou! d pass ur10g tillS tlmbllongmg to heI ~'='unl 1\11''' Flmell':( Ompdn) iI;m 1'l trw Frank \'.rJrk Ht (olrn,Hio Stal{ of

n lme - ny ace guaran ee , .Iof CIISI" e\f:'n the alnn per;sonnel Meyer She "Of(' a pearl npckJac\ IS\ltc fdrm fhf"') found Mr and Educatlon Grcplp\ \\IJI be'[ III I ~ , . : alt? nol allowe-d 0 the docks \\lth-' a gift of the hndegroom, and car_ 1M. rs S\l'!C Clnd llttlc sor In a fIeld ed the dep"pc \\Jth .th~clO"C of 'he.. E' 1M" 'h t ' .: out speCIal perrni~sion. ried an arnh houquel of Whltl' 1:\1r. Svetc cllggmg an lrng-atlon quarter ~attlr(\<JY, Th'CQ !lei 13., ~r . ere an· :!. Aloha ~loes not isHke army life 'roses and :o>tevia. \\f'll. In arcol"danc{' \\ltn (' tahltshpd

. '. 1 .' ' .: because of these restriction,;' but Miss Ruth Wolte sst f th '. Alex haC.I. brooded °Ft'rer ihe ar- {Jnllt'}-,. ttl(' f'oJh'gp b. r<triU<l 11',:" at lhp:; ~' ,. 'i i'" ,i :irather likes life tan army'post brlde~room. was ~~'ldlS~;~ono~irangeft)('~tby w~ll::h ,rank ~amc clo:..e 01 each quar:ter all thosf'~'I ~'" I, ,. :,' r ' I h b "h "j' j'£ ~ lllto pbssesslOn of thl' ~arm so he who ha\"(' complcle-d th.' wQI'k,•••• '1i1ll ••" •••••• II....Il•••••••Il••••••••••' •••m•••• ·I-tnuc etter~ t a CIV1 Ian. I e, and worp a f1oor·lf'ngth gown of: d . df'd to s tlle the \\1hole affaIr ..' I;) F I

m-',-7:i;·T,--;'~I'7.~',r-·-::;-::...:-:-----~~~:-'.,-;_·'-' ;..,:,,,.'" " -.- gold taffe~'a. She carrll.>d a hou· J~;:-lshnt Fr;l~k at the- \h.\I ~nd th~ n(,c"hs~a:;~' lor; (' B.'~ t~ ~t"(:quet of Johanna Htll ro~('" an'd :.: . . " . . In t ( c d~:; (I 10l ,\\ dX ISsuntan snap4ragons. I OWCIS: as the) ~ta_rl('d .to _1_ Ull. ;-~ I~('mbel'. uf thl:.. n~mhC'I' ,{() \\"tll

M~~~~~S~~~di~IS~~·~~~ld~~~sMr~:t;~:~ .. 1Sto~k Is -shipp~-(i ~~l{~;'l~~ t~~~ ~~'~!~~~~~.1 ~r':;~~.g~(~~:cous'os 'of ·the bride. They wore I T City Market ,'ec, .___ __ ilong matchmg- gown~ of hlue taf- I 0 . r\"clghbors hU... kerj ('om for r~ub- "[{'ta, arid carried b~.uquet~ 01 yeJ-l Farmers n[ Wayne lind nparhy Nt Stahl ca.... 1 I,f 0()l·lolk, WhC'n' ,HEill..1J11NGSOI'''' R. G.Ft-:ELBER-ntlow pams 'pom,; tlC.."Ci W1t:h" hJ!:fei·'("'-o"mt.l(>!>'~":"E'!.1.~ wpll r"TJrp,;pnted on Stahl retumed home . November j RADIO SERVICE! _ ~tulle. , . : 1hI'" SIOUX. (I!Y. ::tock market the :!f} he found ilb ..\ lfe dt:Cl:d of a i '. _' . _ I Phone- 486 'WaYDe, :"<ieb•.

Llttld JUdIth Ann ;vJeyer. ("ou:~m I pa::<t wcek. .f.nc Thdmpso.n s,olc~ I h{~art attack. . ,I '~est Ist St, \la.yne. 1\ch. !~~.,j'~.....~'....................~...".~of the bndc, was I I(m'cr girl and,: ho;::;:!' for S9.H;'; Lem rJonp;.:, hog" 1_ - _ , . __ .~ ---'---~------~---~_ ·I~_'

ca.mOd i a no<e-gay 01' ,wectrea'. ,foc,'W",;:W C Sf",lth"". hoc' fm'

l".:...~:""!".i""!~'''''!".'''''!".:~~''''!~'''''!".'''''!".: ....~.... ".'.... ".,....~.... l''''.... l'''i.....~.' ....!aiM..•.,.

~~;h d~i~~ ~~~.s\\~:~t{'tt~t?tJ~u~X;;:~i~~~r~e~~~~a~=,~~;f,~~ff~~~~~~:~~ ~ ~~,: :~~(-:.:!S\~: :t~''''~::e:\(~::B~~~: ·t.....,·~:h·:~~: ~~f:.'-::~Y-:'-:· .....·~d;-:·:~\~M'·:·:~,~: 't-~'~:S:~\t~: :~~~.~~-

ROb"!,,, H",gl. henth",. of the! .~~noltl '""udtholl .. ,>,'PC< for! 9.! US om ucering an ea ora-6 ~,"bndp, ~i'r\"('d as he:.-t man. and i S12 .1(1: RudOlph Harner. ho;;;~ for \i,i S'" iw:Lloyd fflue.ger and l\1el~n Smth¥ I $!=l.85: Henry. Rudcbusth . .ir.. ,hog~ '#:;! " ~mann. COUSinS cif the hrIdegroom,! for )39.8;;; Augu"t RUd,:,hu;o:chl -:: ;;«ushcl'(.ql st(,Pl"-" lor SolI: CJau~ \\ mth!'!'1 ~ Let us do y-our butchering now "~

The :bndt'-s rnOlhf'.I' .... cIres,'; \\"il," slp"r,.; hr .~.].l :-10. qu,; :\IIH'r--1 Iii so you'll have a supply of ~,sdk crepe (jf pl'can ('(jlm and she slf'!'I'\;; lor $!J, Antrw \\ mtllPd ~ quality fresh meats for winter "5!!.WOH' a corsage 01 nN'1. Iwtfpr:- j(lI' :i'11,~:-1~_ \VallC'I' Hi.lg~ )--: FiL

A rg(,op!lOn Wi{" hl'ld a1 tlH' lund. hog;; lo!' ~9.1.): et;\'o. .]r·ll.';cni Illi months. ;O~home ::hler th(' C'(,!,l'mony lor aboLlI hllg" fnr S9$1: Emil Tlarnnw. ho~!' ~ Save 'by buying "a quarter of ~70 rplaltl\'C':i and In!'nrl- Thl> for S9C1(). Emil 1-laJs~rom. lamh!'lilif ~was clfi<'Ol'alpd Wit h ;-1 fOJ" Sll: Reynold And(?I',.;nl1. ";('('1'.5 :' :~ beef or pork and storing your :li\ve'ddlI'h:: cab, and billt' I for SlO.4lJ. . :~ meat in our convenient frozen .J!,-"c-'------ ---~-----IM! lockers. })

111'IS' :'-1' Fresh meats and Jowls of all ~.',i,'

I~ kinds, We have what you want :~

,M1 at a saving. ~

, I~ • ~I 1M! ~. I,~ Lutefisk i!J.

Suvn to i1if (31"o kn()\~11 110.; Chri..trnao.; turkl'.n ,T~

'Pl~~se t~ THIS THURSDAY ~I~ A Real Holiday Treat! ;?t

E,verybb,dy' IIff J'l\

I~ J h 'QUICK f d M k tilIi 0 nson s.FROI(EN 00 ar e i.~l?:~l?:~;I?:~l?:~t?:~l?:~I?:~t?:~l?:~l?:~~~~~~~~-'~!r:~


1H~WAYNE Need Large SuotTJH~ldHe;~ingLig~ting.C~ntest ...newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950...· C:;;~:&#039; ~;~ ~-~~.:&#039;-~~&#039;;J-~~.. ~-~~&#039; ";;;~~~-~;~;;" - [PDF Document] (12)


_.- ---'~-_.""_._-'




(than Chevrolet's low prices)



(than Chevrolet's high quality)



, I


:1:;I'.I'Y:I'II"I:~:lli:'~j:.., I,'".:",:~.'" I, '. ,I I. : lilllJIII!

"I'tl'. ,:' ",,,,', I'" i :'1': 1,1, Ii" ,i!, . ,i. '"~ i. ,I, " '<li:.Il:" i II " ,I :1' I 'I 'I " 1'"':61]c:liVe~y:~:S[~n~V'ic~=~;~"~'Jit~::~5~~~~~~,~~~~~§~~~~~~§§~~~§F~~~~~~~~g~E::=~~~~~=:;-=.=C::::~=dl"'1 i.~~\~i1~~~~~d 1 :L~~,lPm~~aryd-'bni:ejhsUpeba\vpiSe;~p;:i:~:Jirl:3;i~.~~F",':, , p,i.'..... ... .1 '!'. . .1' arc planning ,t.o mon~ from, Car~ III

' · I' 11 t v\' Do Surber I, Ibe, proved and allow d as the last three suc.ceSSive . weeks prior to".. '...• s·tlt~ted tOn" Cl·tY'I'~~~iIl.~newar:~d~h~tiandcJ'At!dns . i Wlllan~Testament f said Henry said day of hearing., , ',' a new callie SIlC'cl ... George Cook I Lage, d'icc0<lS0c!, and that the exe- (Seal) '. J; M. CHERRY.;;.J) . I I " will resume his position with Ed- I~~~:it~~ci~~l~l j~"~~U1P~ntLrr;ag

Ye baes d~t.3~" Coun1y Judg.('~

." '. _.~._ ' $ __1__ ' wards 8:: Bradford lumber corn-. S B I [ (" C'xecutor. I

',Weat er Works Har~3hiPS . " ' paJ;1Y .... herman [l <('I' 0 , ~ar~'.' WI' .' .• elude the followmg: Rev. and l\I1'~. roll, suffered a fractured leg when, OREJERED. That ecember 14, D T T J r.,I, , ~h"Sn,o:w a~~ Col ~ " ,Goy L. Stager, a daughte.r O~- his horse fell with him ... Mr, and 11941

, at 10 o'clock a. m:, is assigr- r.. ,. ones.'.,' ~ .',' . '" f.a.',Il':. p"".'.od.• ".', ee"m1?C'..r 4, 1.~2~; _M, r..and Mrs. P';,ric_ Mrs. J. L ~hnterburn org"ariized Icd for hparing s<1id etltian, \vhpn;r "Ib " D b 7 ]"25 Iall pe . t t Osteopa.,th,ie.Physician .

E~lrl 'Days from the '~'aync ,.H. • (>~l', "S?~ ~CC?l, er ,;:7," Royal, Neighbors, at Em9rson. . ,rsons In eres e may appear ITlt'raJd 'lor D.ecember 10, ]9'1:"" 'JlDl~C·'e·mlObcl(trl\~(1.Sl·9~»).~).c,al Mann, a ~OI~ F.~r,un.c\vork. ai, tilt.'. n('\v dorml-I 'Iat thp county' COlrt room in Eyps Examined - (;Ola~ses'Fittf"(l,_ II d I 'Vaynp. ami sho\v cusp \vhy theJ Post 1'«(5'!IVery service w s in-, ,." . . ...,. tory at the co ,cge I:> up an 111:\ I"Wayne, Nebraska

:-<llUled 'jn ,Wayn Decembl>r 9 \\u)~n coun1;y fair <1S.'iO;lilt,l~n building i!? re<ldy for pl'astel: ' , . prayer of Ihl' pplilio er should not ~\....itli,2~ )00, personsrbeing,SerVfct 'on elect€d 1. .~. Mm;,r, ..II. B. C,rall,( n, .Miss Charlotte Whit,C' has been Ihe grantC'd; Hnd tha notlce of the I;;;~~~~~~~~;;;:==:

" ·1.lll~ 'Iv. 0.' roue Les. The !iCI.lp.d~le .of Ia~..: WO[I·'('JerY.... aJ~c;:l \t\. L. VonSEggcrn el.~cted,'~oLl:nty.suop.erm.tC'nd.e..nt and I: pend~ncy of said PC'titi?n and" the

1""" 'I 1"":""es'I'n the buslnc',"s S"C- 0 '.. .0._ ••. •• \\-Ill bcg1l1 dutles In Janu,lIY . hearmg thrreof. he gln'n 10, all G A Lamher"onv~ <.: M ss 3,Ollm. Hess will ]:(' IlJHl 11.)(:'r8ons inl(·re~tpd I "aid matter •• >CI

i in)) il "d two in thC' n~sjdencp area ripd \0 khlOT!l( DI"~l~c of '}~(:'lrl'lC'Y- A. P.,( Childs, H'teran newspapc:r by publishing a copy of thJS order Real E,tate and All K,'nds of'\\,ill,l)l curri('d out daifyt'xct.'piing ,>,')~) (')'- ~" manlicr'(',planslomo\,c'lo'IVIaql- h \\' II 11llil ~lllC1HY:':;..The nrst. pcrs0m; t.o pC'AC(:rlb';h~.:; \~'~~;);)om 10 Ml', ~lI1d ~on.. tq (:dit ,thc) I?,.p,OI:t('r, '.An, r In. t e ayn{!' . er~ f . .a \\'('C'l<ly Jnsurance Except Life -lw St'l t'd WJth postfil dpli\'(,l'V ," ~'-':" >' " ,., ,I > dCClctental dJscharge ~)j a gun IJemg nc\\,spaper'wmtC'(l l~ :";Jld county,\'1'1'1'1' 11<1).'tlI. W, M. 01'1' .and Pl"e~..l\I~~, .1, ,~, N( :~n of \V,tl)( !1 t Jd, ck'anorl lon' on(' of the hands of :~~(~('c];:~('~~.J~'l\·fl \\·T k

.-; prior to i::::=::::v.~'":Y:n:e'::N::e:b:r::-=:::::~C: S., (~()~1Jl: Gt'O, BC1'r~s. jr." and Df~7::;:~\~. ~~)l~~~~~: 'hOUE~ht tvrl'~. 0\ s~n of O. P. ~nd(,l.'so~ of ;"',ir:- IS'pal) -ltH:hmtl.Baniste}' ani tilt' cqrders. , ., ".; . '"J", SIde ': ,f{n[JCll AIllls1rong ele-

Cn', 111 imd milk flowed lin Ihe :dfrH I~:l1l~ I:i hO,l~::;e In. \"",tl({ ,I~I(~ ceptc'd a position Hl a glov(' rnanu- 6' "V ""N "'UCI [.'r .,',' \ ~ W" Th> '".<6 " dllcllllO\(d II to a lot south 01 Jts .facturltlg plani or :111 uncII' in PR()B.'!TF,OI'\\'II.r. '~..d'- i-'- .<.1-\. I

t'l/lll[' '; H~l rTlJl~)~~~1 Cl'~'/l~a~ ;;li\;~'~Y'':i fO,I'n,lel:., ,ln~"lt,i~JIl, He, :yil,l ::r::t'1. a Jobnstown, N. Y MJss Tbl'O ~ INS,URANCE AGENCY

";). "'>.. 't'" Ill.\'\ .dI;HI1Jng ani the Slll \,lU.!tCCI. State, Miss )lr,'al'l J{('vl1old.':, Mi.':~ (,I' ~,'hL-I',ka, \\":iyne,1.1111 ,\ ft,W,( n IUY. Wr;n. W~b 1 cOl- Nl'lson bl'OlhC'l's of Oakland, ,,' " '.",,' , C(Jlml y, ~", ' All Kinds ~f InsuJ;a.nce

':~I(k(l vlth Harry GranQIUs 's c~r. nourht th(~ Wendpl Mat'oWe at MalY Mason "lntl MISS ,B?SSI(' :Vm - , Al a county ('our!. hC'kl Rt 1he I'1'1)1' ~J1ill consisted of 30 quarts of Tt, ~ ,f' ,I J " I "" 1urhurn beg!!.n tpuchmg wmtr>r Phone 84 : WaY-fie. Neb:~hllk'! nd rlO pints of cream.. .' \vakc.1E (. ... ' f l.l, " \. terms,.). A sidt'walkl IS being count.".. court room, 1I1 find for !;<lid ",::=::::::::::±"::::=====:\:: Tl ~ b' "" . 'I(-. ']'1 .' Rc\. J. A. l\~arlm ,0 Wakdl('ld. huilt. neal" the Methodist church in coun1y of Wayn(', on t:hp :2nd rla'y~ I,. c:

l ,\\.lti'~~" Pj)6:er l)ola~l~rt w~~St:~tj,~dd .,IT'dt l·(;'cf'ivcp.. wOL",1 of' the~d~th ()f his Carroll ... Mr\,. Milt 1 Jorws' of 01 I>I'crrn!Jrr, ,1941. I

J "motlwl" 1-n eh10nt !ll R d I In matlpr of the ('st<11(' of D E H D "{ij'('\'l'd AbJ(' to, carry 11he load Miss Alvena L()~gc ;ind HprmaTl an, olp~~, _f~I'm(":ly of Car~'.oIL wa; I A. ('avanour.;h, c]('cC'<:!sc>d, I...... nt,sollJ'I.('ViO.US'IY d.iVidf'd J,clwf'cn t \Vo 1 I • y f}')" 1 \"... '"_ tak( n CtJllca,~JY Ill,. , , :\'I1 S'. A. Vv. (.n'l<l('hi' os. I ~rUdlg~r; 0 :-,,~Ll{( 1IC.I~, \( rc mdt C'ha[f('(' r('CPlw(l \yonl' 1 hat ill'l' )n ::Inri f!llnt.; t hi' put 1- I EYESIGHT SPECIALIST

l\'Il'S C. W. !(ing, 83, l'c>sident of j 1~pd .e< :e~b~r 9, . ]9~.). " . siste: and hlJsbatl~ w('r(' ]ollt'd JI1 IJOn (If ,\. Ca\'am~'lJgh, praying I .\\

'[";n' ,"ome Y'~rs', dl'e'd' Novem- I MI~s f,1l".1 SChlllz,.,qj WIS,",e.,r, and a nlliroad \,'rpck In lmllana . . . lh8.t tIll' In"trum('nt",fdrr! on 1h£'"..",,.-a Rudolph K ly of Pt neier \\( It mar Lnd ol" })ec(>mher, 1~4J, and I Wayne, NeQra~k~'fa:I' f:, Hn5

rat. CounciJ Bluffs. l'ied Decel~lJl'r 5, 1!J:23, ' r - A~JOUl :,000 !~I,~hl~ilS :It:,d ~jU~il,h~l\:~ [ II' h0 Ihl' J'l.~t "-:11 and ~:::::::;;::S======:

N()l'lhd~!,..,t, ,Nebraska ·minist.er!;, " ,p> ' ., ,lJ(en jolled Within a ladllb 01 11\l IJf ~aid mBV •lllr'e'tit g 'in Wayne ejected as of': ,Ernest. (tcrson oj Concord, had miles of Wayne', ~nO\v h(,lng so I )' I \ 1 he' prO' Pf! mrl allowed t hp las~t I 1\1 . I R"(k."l'."i Itev"vVl:W,'HuJ] oi:Carroll , hIS lelt (')C' aCCIdentally cut an~1 deep that 11Unkrs' ha\'r {'aughl 1 I I a tlItl'\, Coy L. Stager·0f.Wal:1ne, and he was taj{rn to SlQUX C~ty 10 a them f'<lsIly A srJPclal traIn r 1 I\VJ1I.Hnd lt~l<.m(nt of s,ud Grace I ~ .. n -J. 1l1gPl·HI"\' 'n Keckl"'"" of WI·I1f'.·~ . speCIalIst t.ook 15 C<lrs of stock to (Jm,lha for I ,LiIi IA

(d\anaw..,h deceas('d and that REAL ESTATE FARM LOA.:-JS, • -',. 0;;" Slue, 'rhe dramage nl1cr norlhfl'lsl of ~ i5~'t) Ihr (Xf'CUIIOn ol Sdld In"'trumpnt('()d~ .F~:lJows.,.en~;tm~rn9pt elec~ Waynt:> IS bemg jext't>ndcd _,<along ~~~~e~7~{~(~' ~~laJf~S 6~~~~~:s~~~~ -----~ ---- ma:, !Jt' ('I)rtlmlllrd 10 ;'\('\d J I \VrJte~ evcry ki~c.1 of insul",Jllce

j ~ I , C". Hostetter, ,}larry, Mc- Dogtown creek ' L"}' I , ' /HE MILE RUN iHI17 ENDED IN A SIX~WAY fAD H~IS.'" Ca\ IndU!!h ''- f \('('Uttl\: except life.' Special attention to!\'1I1h Hel'nl'W Lundberg; Frank I Jdmes SlraJ1rn and AI (Ialk I ~ """""" ~ Farm and Automobile lnsurancej-(orff ~nd -Fr~nk,'~.der~tr~m offi- C E Nevm ll leased hI'S; LaurP11 Dixon ('ounty Xf'\\S I WITH ALL THE RU cRS REPRl;$ENTING DIP. 'ERE-NT,SCHooLS I l' '4'11{l)LRr I) f hat Decem\)t'r 19, ~~~:;::;:~~;;;:::::=::::=:

f' ,. . paper 10 P R AlhslJn and he 'md' ~" ~ fit 1\) o,lock a III ~ assign-l

('e,r.':, ('W of Icers ,of ,tne loc~l Mrs Nevl~ piAn a tr~p to Honol~lu F10m Pon¢,l .10UJ nal 1m Dpc('m- (,,1Y OF CloillRGO P BLie ~'H()()l..$ CHfUY/PJONSHJPS MAY,/f/o) WHO Service, iC'd f('l lH'illlng s,nd 'tltJon \\hpn I

1.~),dge al'9 o.s~rI' Jonson. '4~,ex Jc1- ,,' J u., I • I bel' 17, 1881 lIog cholera su.'ms -~---~ -- cIlI pi r"ons ml' ,Ic'rd rmn <lPOf';lt" I Dr. E. L. IIal"""'yJI'(')', L I\V~ T.t;oy and P. L. Mab- Earl3' ayne Events. Ito bPldYJng~out TUE'sday waSI nt~ court loom In I ,-hoil.. .' " From \va)~e Herald for DC'- "... arn1 and It>a.sant SlC'lghmg the ('emeteI~, lhe cccn cs arc sale, f.11\((n pr'l (cnt cash on day IS thre£' months from Ihe 121h dt:ly !\v,nnr and 'iho\\ (,Ilh(' \\h\ 'ht'l Veterinarian'. MIR..: ¥.a~.Y. i~.~hm~:r of Ijf~kins.~ .cembl?l' 9, 187 Snowfall Decl'm- and v.agorl'l garb n ..ow good . pla~('d on Ihl:' .t~)m,bstoncs nd lefl 0.( salC', 11dUln(e onlconflrmatlOll of of Decemher, 1941, and the time pr<l\! r (If Ifw pPllt!on( I should not I 122 East Second street-".nd 1- :.1.r~Jd Johns~m- of n.e;~r, St.an,- bel' 1 measure a foot on the level Sunday m. or!l'llng the thermometeI to UI n ~hem5clHS out. sale Iml1ted for pa)ment of debts IS oneIbe grantee! <lmt 1hat not '~f' of thC' Wayne. Nebr. ,,.o.n, "eN; :ma~rJ.ed ill December!,1 ... W.' H ~CNcal has been ap- \\ent.10 10 ~eJow zero .. Some- .Mr G. tambruno bellc\es Italy IS HARRY E SIMAN. year from ~aId :21st day of I\o- pendenc\ of -;aId WIllIan and th('J,Q:J~. ,.' . ' pOll1ted pos: aster In Wdynp ... Dod:y is goinig to get ,riFh from the h.lghJY ?c\cloped from th ~duca: d4tr::> I Referee \'ember, 1941 hpR.rmg lhprpof hp gi\pn 10 all ~;;;::D~a:y:p:h:':7:5:-:.~N:;:g:ht:;P:h':4:G:O=, r..... G',Marotz and MISS Rosie J. R. Manmo of Carroll, has 500 minerals~fo'u'nd in thc Missouri tlOnal standpol~t. Incl~ded!n tht: 1 Witness m~ hand and the "eal pPT"ons mtere~tpd to salCi matter I

11(\'jIf{ o:f Hoskins~ were marriep head of caul on feed ... Every river:blu[f~, COf\.1 veln~ eight inch- 6t~ grade currl.cuJum lS the study 1'\OTIT'E TO pREDITORS of said count). c((urt, thl~ :l1st day ~ . I .. j.)l'(~~'mbcr5,1925, . ,sleigh and cutter in the country es thlck C!'op oul and iner{'a~c in ~f"LatJ.n. ~,u.b1IC sclj100ls are ~ot Thr s1H1/" of NI(.lJra~ka, Wayne. of NO\'em!Jpr, 19',11. 1 \ B-1 kl-I"1 t

11tr~~s:1 reported In Wayne m- has been, in u~e the pa,st fC'\\' days IthiCkn.C'ss as tht' bluff pene~ \( I Yr:: ex.tcnsJ~e, In, fatC.l, folloWlllg coun!'y, .":-:, (i),:all J. !'of. CHERHY, I I ent laC O~PI a....,.. :-:---.i~".------"-"-~------'--_._--~"-I~---.----tl'ated. But {'on I is noj onl,y the ,)tl,l o,r 6th gr.Hlf's" one, mU.st In tIl(' ma!1pr ~}f the estf:lte of In:!Jt3 Ii County Judge. I

I '\A'eal~ h III Ihe; bluffs. ,A 1 1-1 d('plh I~~'tl;~~ i~l;ti~~~;~~~ educalJon lJl pl'l- IOscar !tcJnhardt,' Id('cea,'if'd. i _ -;-:--.:-,." -- -'~~=- ------:', ' I Phone 20?f 50 ,to 60 IS a mltlpral, which ~ ' ~_.~ Credlt.ors of s<lull eSlall', ~ll'(' here-'I :"l?TICE. 01 1R~ATF~ 01' \\ ILL 320 Lincoln St. Waynp:, Neb.IS cIFJ.ln1ec! tn silwr, Jl IS also I LOCAL NEWS by 'notlflcd. that ;1 "",'Ill Sit at t~e fhe state of Nc rasJ\a, Wayne IasscZ'1ed that (;OPpl'l' and lead are I ~'~ county court room In Wayne, In county. ss. I~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;:::=::===arc to b~ found. Ul1 abo :-;naks the Dt;'. L. F. Perry, dpntist, phone ~aid county, on ithe J2th day of I At a county cauri, h(,ld at 1he I~----~------ -rock::;, Coal, ,~J1ver, copper, lead I88:W. n17tf IJ('cemlx'I-, 1911. at 10 o'clock a. county ('ourt room. in and fnt' .':;lId Dr~. Le'ris &, J-.lt"\'iSand kerosene ~houJd "tlmUlate the Miss Dolores McNatt who m.,. and on the 12th day of March, leounty of Wayne, on the :!5th day II CHIROPRACTORSeXPIJec I teaches in Scribner, \vas bome for 1942, a1 10 o'clock a. m., each daY of November, 1941. , ... _'._-~---'-'--J. I tht' week-end. I 10 receive,and e¥amine all ~Iaims In the matter of the e;;;tate of (Est. 1914')Sf dent Here A, V. Teecl. and Clarence McGinn -aga.inst s~ld estate, with a view to Henry Lag.e, decease,d. I The . Neul'ocalometer Service ,

• '. ' \1..'('1'(' j~ Omaha Friday iN connec- their ,ad.1ustmerl, and allowance. On readmg and filing 0e pet'i- B k h S Phone 49 'Wayne, Neb.EnJOYS Tliree loon wl,h'K\Wanis work. The 10r- The lome lim,ted, [or the pr"enta- lion of Matilda Lage, praYtn~ that ec en' auer ervice I 112 East 4th st.

Vis'its to aly mer is pre.sident and ·the latter 1IOn of clalffis against said estat'eelt~h~e~tn~'~tr~u~m;~e~n~t~f~'I~ed~0~n~th~e~]5~t~h~;~~~~~:~~~~~l'===~~§§=§~~===secretary. -,---- I ..

An extensive tcavcler is Jo"eph 1\lrs. W. W. Lippold left Friday' CN E'IROlETGiambruno, Sioux eily, student al. for San Francisco to meet Dr: -

Wayne SIal" T,'ach"" .."!leg,,. III' LIj,polci "ho loft Honolulu Friday THEFI N·EST. . OF ALL "TIMEhas been abroad 10 Jtaly In 19~7" on hIS horne. H(' had been1930 and ]935. (sen.jng Hl Philippines and \"'as

ilk Giamh"uno's 1ravl'ls ha\'e drlainl'd in the Hawaiian i,land' 1 •

~~O~~~(.;~'~tG.,i~.~~:~;~'~~~~'.1:1(;~:i."~r~'1~:~ ~~~1~:n \.W hapP~~l~d d~~.t~; t:~~~r.;~ j"~o1JnI and the lat(' POpt' the at the which followed, Jim- I,12th, saw the ruins uf lht, of mlC Lippold remaillfd here WithPompell and ":..;moking" Ve"m'Jus, hl:"; grandp1lrf'nls, Mr. and Mrs. J.

~~~~ ~~~;~~'.dc~~;~.(" Kaph'.", Florence .J. AIH'rn. l~ _A broad [)l'!Clge IWl\\'eE'n ()ffjee in Hos-pitaJ.

rural and city lift' ill IL-l1y, \Vlule Dr. S. A. Lutgen has his officeItali,m urhan lift, IS comparablr to in 1!1e \V<Jync~ hospital. Phone Gl.that in Americil. tIll' rural l'XISt~ --- --~---~-

~~~~~/~;'n~;~~lI~:~~':)\I'~;~~I'I\~J(,r~~c:a~~~~~::~'~ )1: X changespita Is, ;JpartnH'nt huildings, roads A 11)(' rl 'Winger, ;>,1, died at Hnrt-cmd the 1Jke a,re ]('admg Italy to ingtol1.morc convcniencc's. Bicycles are Mrs. Anna NeJ.<;on, '71. of I-Tart-the pea~1:lnls' mode of transp~rla- ,inglon, died Saturday,tlon, and ('veil in lhe city it is only Cuming county reports a totalthe very rich \vho 0\\'11 <lulomo- of $774 1I1 the Red Cros~ drive.biles, An odd sidelight is the fact' Madi~on 'County Agcnt Wm, Fa-

i PHIU:p Jr. 7' ~~~~ ~'~~,~~s\~\;~~~7~~~~~;lt~T:~~: ~~rrygO;.;:g~~i~~.isconsin to edit a" . Lars!" 7, I ~u· Mf ()r~ for YOllr I~f~i]y , Oversize Free,: "ot. St{l~age C~P",,'t g~~ator dollar.I ian, the songs of rnu~l('al" remain

, ' La~$e Slidjn f}Jnlt. Mt'<lt St{)r~' S~d(:'·Mounted In English. By \'i~I~:~~F':;:SO~~:'fEof Sale':t ItS ,P(JJ1.~hed Chr g .IISpCI' Drawer .of' [ray~ Extra. T,hc various and numerous fcast to me directed, 'issued by the'iF; orne Hardware T ' , egetable Bin ' days and religious holidays were . .,Pi ; E.vaporator Doemperat~re COntrol: a great source of enjoyment [lnd CI('rk o! the DI.'11rlct Court of


,. - (":~nor:. Phi1w $' or" A.(ld'Re~isfjng interest for Mr, Gi.ambruno. "All Wayne unty, Nchra~~a, upon a"I' • oth:r ft.atures ystem. Many ~1' Soul's Feast:' is no'iongrr c('lp.' (~('(ln\(' 1'('tl(J(>red th(']'('111 at t~e,.g ,tCCt/Oll Pbn.' , 5·Year Pro" 40.00 hratcd, at least during war limf', ~p ltf'm.HT. Hl39.. ter.m t,~~rcof, m

because of air raids and 111(' 1'('-1 <in ,Ion pc~dll1g In said .court'fr, lJe-;n ' Up .':ultant "blacl<outs" around Naples. wl~('rCtn lh(' CIty, of ~<\~'ne I~ t~er' I But ordinarily on tlw ('wning of ~t<ltr>;" of ,Npbraska :\as plcpntlff

II rovembcr :2, tile npusants take dnd Lmmd I-I. ~ughes, et aI., were

1 ELMER M"E candles, Which are maldf'd into d{'fpndants, I will. on the 29t~ dny, , "' ... ER variou~ shapes, baskets, ·crosses of December. 1941, at ,10 o.clockand f10wers to church, During the a. m., at the do?r of the o~flce of

. I' '. servi'ce t'le~ .light the~ . dl the Clcrk of saJd Court, 111 the'Electri~~1,an~~.~fri~eration Wayne, N, b. an~, in the p~ocession t~eth~~~m:~ court ho~se in Way~e, in. sa!d

_., -T-~-'-------'._.."__.__~_. , tex4y tha~!ollows, carry them., At ~~~n~~~hsC~lh~of~h~\\~I;:e~~s~~~~:~_lr:~I?!~II~g!~ll?:~I?!~I?!~I?!.~I?!~I?:~1?!~~:, ,11?!~1?!~1?!~1""!~1.~n;;;1;;'-'~?:~1real OS';'."' to-wit: " ..~ .: •• " ".. ~... ".:~w'!::~C1:!::~'1~::~~:~ Lot Three (3), an? the Southf ., '/( ~ li! Half o[ Lot Two (2), Block

::', . " , '~I Seven (7), Crawford and... '( ! ' SST r:1i Brown's Addition to Wayne1l!, : - ., .. , ~. in Wayne county, Ncbraska.

\'i; U ~RE'S A T P i'!\ Ea'i of the 6th P. M., Wayne·iift n ' I Iil. county, Nebraska,..r.r::. I ~ ·to satisfy the afoJ;'esaid decrec, the,~,. I':~amount due t.hereon oeing $1,-Sl _I. ~ 004,l~ with interest and costs and~ L ~ accrumg costs.'.~, I i~ Dated at Way!ne, Nebraska this

',W! ~ 21st day of No\'embbr. 1941.!~ Please Hi'm with a ,,,,- 14,4976 JAMES H. PILE,'.~ 1i: n27t5 ,I Sheriff.

.~. L~at:hell' Jacket: I ~I NOTICE OF REFEREE'S SALEi2! Make your seleetion early ~ Notice is hereby given that by~ from our Hew stock at', I !I 'virt,ue of an order lof, sale issued.~, ~m' by the district' cO\lrt of WayneTa: ' . l1i595 :j\12'75 ! ~ c{)unty, Nebraska, 1 in an action~ I to ~' ~=-- pen~ng 'in sa~d cpurt, wherein i ... '" •

~'I I t! 1if. DonaldD. Gildersleeve and others • •";;. EVERYTHING fo,.'MEN !It. are plaintiffs andaart'Y Dale Gil, •., FOR THE •~ " ;~ de~sleeve, an i'nco petent person,B! . . Shirts and, Ties II ~ aI!9 others are de..f ndants, direct~ .. SERVICE OF ...

j ~ ! . GIbves 'Mittens I ~ ~ ing me as refe~ee- to sell tne fo1- .... I AMERICA ...r ~ I I Overcoats I ' ' ~ ~~~ng describeli' rral estate, to- . -1'1 ........

I ~ I J' Belts and, B~ekles I lI: The west one-h~lf (W" ~ of

I ' ~~'" " I Socli:~, 1 " .. iii. out Jot SIX (6),qrawfordand ,Ir·.. PAYS .TO, BUY HIE LE,ADER AND G£T THE LEADIN,.,I..,G S,U,.IV

I ,..: ..• 1,•...•. ',·,' ,

: III~ ·:'.~ni~D III BIAIIR =~12t~:~~~n~~~~~tt~~~~ I Jii ,t:;. ~ l1\\ I w>l1 seU ,.id real estalp at the /1'401 RY'EWL .AUTO COMPANY~ ~ WAYNE'S LErcDING CLOTl;Il~R' ii(1'C"denee 6n t~e ~remls~ above . ,;..... '.. ~ . . . . "". '.1.

~ .. i I Ii· liIli{"ll\WI~~li~~.14i~~"~WJ~~~ifJ~~Q~~~i1Ulidg~~e~~~do~t!a':,;~~r~~2,"I'at;1 "",';P~H;O~N;;E~'l~S;2~...._,:",",~ ",,_'_"":"_~"/~.,1l,;:_.-·---· ._...__._·_~_: W_...A.Y.Il!...f:,~..tI...~_.....'"'.~\uhHI! I i I I I[ II II jrf ~~l I" 11.1 qii I,fl 1[1 1 1"1 fll,\IIIIII,I t' ~l r I ID .• I·' •• I· I .. <'~ ~ .o~lQ1k,p. m? ?fl~~U1 daYt,!enn

s or,. ""~'< 1.1r\~ r to ~ I i-:~~J~~:l~[d~~l~~~[~I!~;/t~Jj~:II~;~IE[lli

1H~WAYNE Need Large SuotTJH~ldHe;~ingLig~ting.C~ntest ...newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950...· C:;;~:&#039; ~;~ ~-~~.:&#039;-~~&#039;;J-~~.. ~-~~&#039; ";;;~~~-~;~;;" - [PDF Document] (13)



Stirnu1ateebuild u .gg production-and{eedi P }our meat birds by

. og unground hogr~lQs and PiUsbu ' ~eMJx~ Mash and PeIIery s NochOice .styl TIt • ts, (ree~

their OlVn ::ario:}'ll balance~ur ~ash oUdart-.and CUt

o Grnzding_No MIXing!


,Coffee Will Be Served




) ­

Sat:urday, December 13.Fl'OlTl 10 a. m. to 10 p. m..


Free Gift Calendars!


nistrid 86.(Mahrl Fredricbon, trficher'~A colortul Pilgrim couple car­

rYing a t urkt>y and busket offrUlts decor~tes the COver of theNO\'f'mber Issue of School Ncw:->,pl'epared by teacher and pupils.A ThanksgIving verse IS also Jn~

eluded.Lucile Brungardt and Dorothy

Schwindt won prizes in lastmonth's contest. The fartherraised her average mOst and thelatter had the highest average.The awards""will be I made forthese a.ccompfishments agamtlllS month. '

DOIUla and... Shirley Neitzke,Luelle Brungardt have had per~

f('et attendance for the year.Merlin Kleinbach missed onlyone day. No pupils have beentardy.

Pupils enjoy working with themagic boar;-d. They· decorated

, the board by puttin~ the ques­tIOns and ansWers oJl. turkeys.

Merlin KJelnbach land LucileBrungardt are worjking on acork poster, the tl1eme ~eing"Anchored to Dem~racy."

har;~:~!~w~~~~\i~=~binations \'\those sum does not


Di"trid fil,(J3(Jnn~l(kll !tll(' 1(',(( 111'1 \

T('n of tlH' )llIllll" h;lil l>Pdl'I'!~ll!l'nddnr(' Jo!' 111· ... nlllnill

Thanksgl\lnl'; \lloll! (1"('Oldl('d11](' wlndO\\ .. Ill ... t lIlonlll

Thpnksgl\ rn!=:' SlotH'., \\'('rf'st udlPd hy 1hI' 1,,1 and grade'languag(' c]as~. TIll' "TheFIrst, Thank!'gl\ lf1!=:''' wa" pn-acteQ by 3nl ,H1t! 4111 ~r:.H'l(' lan~

guag~ cla~s,

Mrs. Glady<.; rtO!H'l't.<.;, .AAAfwldwom;Jn, \'jslll'c\ NO\'l'mh('1'17 She gav(' a t.1I\{ on C'onsen'­lIlg SOl] 111 \Va) I)/' ('oulll y Clndthe n,('('d of InC!'(',ISO In farmjJl'oc1u,clJon for na(lnn8.1 d('fl.'n!'('progrnm She· dlustr<l.tc'Jl lln~

-portanl POlllt>; 01 Ill')" 1}llk hy>;howing [liclur('J:-i l~lk('n tl[ IIl­lI'lt'st In V\'ayn(' count} .

()th('r vI~J!or~ 1hlS monthW('r(,: MJ1clr('(1 Fuoss, L('Roy andLOiTawe IIi'rl'\' ilnd' (\11'01 i\1e­Intosh,

The chl1drrn dtd \ ('rv ¥. (']1\\ Ith thc'I1' C'hn"lmns ,,1,:11 salt'

PI'C'rmraliorl" prl' lwltl;.'; m:l{]l'for a Christm~l ... r 11l'fJgr;1!l1 1k~

('('mh~r 19.

" I,I, ,~

, ,

I', 'I .".', '.,~

~~I I ", (

__ .~Ill]".:~~!;~~~--,,-~V~Y~EB~~A• D,,~l.":~~l ~ ~~_=='_:,-' ~ \ J f L _, PAGt: THREE _

I S h 1 N~ J ' '\ a longer viSit In the ColeY hnme II af[prnoon guc"s last week - t Carl

I . 'J and Emmott goes: 'to Kansas Cit). Frevert's. ! •

~ ura C' 00' ews l\Ir and M!'s. Do~ald Baird of I EmIl Har(<:en of Correctionville,

I • I~~«~~'~~.n~·Pl(:st\ ~'~'e~l'~~'~(~gt~l~~~(~~:~; ;~., h\::l~ea(~gt~~r~ve;l~S~nd:o~ h~~:

\ I ~ ~~l;~f~;:~~ ~~m;~~t'\~:;:'r:~~ ~~~~~ ilSC~~·r and Mr", Walter H~bcrcr- ~ ~ --- - --".......---- - -~-- ~~--~~-~---~ I Iennc>, \\·yo. flnd are ·to be there and sons of Crofton, spent Sunday

.. Unive:rsity Museltnz 'nlstrl<'t 41. I exceed 10. Qonna Neitzke is Dec('mber 12.' last \\eck 10 the Peter Haberer

Acqrlires iJfanunofh (~:l~~;;:~~n~;~f~::g~Jt:~Cdhae~~c ~~:~~~n~u~~:r~~;~i~l;~C~:I~~~:~ I· To \lave Program. h ::\1~' and Mrs. John Benjamm andOf Ice Age Period 1hc past month are Herbert and ;5th grader, IS adding fractions. . Dl"tl"ld 81 ""til have a program d<.iughtcr Epent Sunday ("H'mng

l]\Janln Klc'ensang, I\ly;ron RI~~ viJ[~r~,,~('r and puplls mVJ!c more IFr;(LI)- l'\ enmg _ 1hlaosnt,pw.eek in the Albert BlehelLincoln, Neb -- VISItors tn thr gl'r·1 and Carroll \Velchf I

Umverslty o[ Nebraska's JamOl)S l\Itu'VIn Klpf'ns'.-J.·ng ~md Car- f i J. O. H, Club Part~. :\11'. and 1\lrs, Emil Barclman andhaH 01 ('1,'phanLs III l\1ornll llall ,loll \Nl'lCh wI'n' cnptall'Jl s Qf two II I i J, () B club \',111 h8H!'a hirthday I famlly were Sun'day everting ~uestsare fmdlng: a glltnt ~ww ~rH'(,I-, "'drs In tJw Iv'ullh conlr.st. l\Tar- I BRENN.i\ Iar.d Cllll"tm,l<.; pnr1) ~aturday Ila~t week In the Dr. L. B~ Youngmrn awalllng Hlspcct)on. An 1('(', \In';.; sh*t- \\01} ~o \\as t~eatf'd by C\'('nJng In the lhnj·~ Schnllti:, JI.:.. home.age wooly rnammol h a]Jprox)~ ul hf'r<;. j ........... i I (By Staff CorrespondentJ ' I hOnK'. ,::\11'. and :''Irs Geofgf' Bock nnd

f II I I I ]:unic"'(' Buss won 1!"JCO rf'nding I - I Adeline \\ ere Sundav afternoonmakly]~ l'N, 1;1 lS ), I{'\!'I, , •10 b{' Ill(' only comrle11' mounL r'()nt~'sl for 1h(' month, r(,C'l' lvi Og I For ( HI Troutman. IguC'ib, la~t \\eek In the Rcn ::\'5-of its kmd 10 til/" Ulllll'rJ,Sldtl'" 11](' most lurkf'y" I J\Ir and Mrs Bud LUlt \\('It'I;\1 d"\1 Cl t 1 lJtm I <;en hume

1-:lInl('(' Buss. 1i"it ~ra(](>r, hn~ Tuosdl1) OH'nlllg gues1s last \\l'lk 1 r an T 1-" 111 10 an :¥lr ana '115 Ro) BenJarmn Lmdth~\};~~t~I~'~~'nJ11/:~s(' t~1,(,;IS1~'~I\I~~ nj'iuly ('ompJto1ed tt\{~ primp}' 1:1 I WIll T('sl s f ~7:;U~~1~n\ 11 ~llnJ I \~7nl_~~::' J~;~r~~ famlb of La~rel \' ere Saturdayturf'.'; wanclfon'd \,1,.110 0\"1' thl'i ;ltHI l'I'lld sl'\('ra] prp~p~'imf'rs. 1\11 ,jnd 1\11s ~hlll Vag( I "prnt TlJur"d~" (>\l'Oll1g 10 tlw Carl dfnnrr gl;('sts la~t \\e..'k at JohnsC'ctlOn oj tht' counlr)-. Dr. C TI1f' room was d{'cntat<>c! for \lc,lst ",:edn('sday cvenlng In th(', Tlnutma'n homc lor !'-lr' -rrout- I R('nt~lmln, ~ .-

I Bertrand SchuIL.-:, dlllOC10l o! ThIlOksgl\'log. LmJllhleI'lIJomt'." 11'.20'::' bllthda~. I ::\lr an 1 _,!:s F>l Long(' otldthe mu~eum, Iwlll'\!';'; 111111 tlH' MI'. and Mrs. MelVin \Vert and I ' _ 1 da'lghtel's called T~('stl_,y (,\pn:ngCUI'HJUS :-.Lory 01 how 1lll' lI1dfJI- Dbtrld 33. Mr and Mrs. Donald MJlllkl'O Wl.'r(' 1 HaH' Party Friday Ilast \\·cck In the \\. If. RLlc-hor~mol h sh'll,ton \"'1-- j (Jund and (Guinl'verl' Lyngf'n, teacher) IIn Norfolk Frlday. n C cluh hac! ;] 'rart; ,Friday: haumor hnme,acquH'f'd IJy 11\(' UI1)\I'I',)I) 1:-> (ltl0 Junior Tpsl, Lowp!J Ba- Mr'. and M,rs. Gilhf'l't Mdu and afll'rnoo!1 III tht' F. I I\10:-;('" home I Mr<;;' Gy"nf' .r~d ~nct ~\:t,h~requally ullw,u,ll. kl'f, Verna 1\1a(' Ml'IPr and Man- IJan('1 "ppnt I< nday ('\'('nmg 111 1hl' \\ hen !Jar1 of 1hr club pntl'rtamrd ' l')l)k :\larl m ()~ t(',~~n ,,0 I :iJ.. tJn..,-

I f !vn Te:-il hud !wrfp(,t a1tpndancp Henry 11au, Jr, home, 11h0 otlwl'<'; Thl' cnmmrl.l4.'.l' was, ton Sllnda~ la~1 \ If'k '-<fttr plck-"Vhlle sp('ndlng ''I:'Ill' WIllI PI' () 1!\(' pa~1 month. Tlw 111r:-;t two MIS" Jfl'll'n Harper of \\'In!-.ldo,, ;'III" Carl TIOlltn',lll. :".1r0Car:os ling ("Ol-n around"hcrc ,

~~;'-r~~a~:l'~~:~~lf,\:'~~l ~17rkn~::ul::l(; 11(1\'(' lwrf('Cl l'l'col'fls lor throe spont \\('ck·{'nd 1)('101'(' last m the Marlm, ::\lrs Cha... Rllrd, ~1r~, i :"11' <lnd ~lrs. 1">\.-1" I'~J3.nd ~penthistory In KI'w Ymk C'1t:-, Ill' lllonlh", Jal'ob \Vaggoncl' home I \\'m \\"\,]1(' ::\lr" P\'ltt Rhulh,' ~l,~n(lu) In"t');"( ..n 11f' ErnfndSchu'Hz h('ard rumor'" lhal a MarIlyn Hnd FlaJl1P ~('<.;t won Maxltll' Udf'gaatd \\<1." a i\lon- :;"11'<;· B(:ln:ll'd Spllt1~:L'I!)('r, :\1I'~<; ,.IIl\rll(horr~'yl'{': ~~',te(lr:~t Dal-barber' Jl1 Kt'wHnl'l', ill, had til(' arl1hm('lw racl" ('ath kl\Jl1g nay afl(>rnoon gut.l"t last v.l.'f.'!{ Jl1 Muh... (-Inn I\!r" ~!O"'('''' l\lrs J B i Id;1GI,fn~d ;1 1l1 ~h(' .( 7J~~, dfound a IRrgo fo;.;~J1 1'll'phanL IX gl'ades abovt' 90. Glenville lh(' Ray Gamble hom*o I \Vyltc' Hnn ~Ir" :'(f'lh(' CollH~r werc l' 'dJ nn d-;; ~~'lR~( ~ "I' An f

Fr'c\'l'rl hnd 17, Lps1er Mpler JunIOr Hanna of PrlgC'r. spent gu~st,; hl'sldes tht> 11' m~'ers I : y an r::>. _ '" ~ I~'-:' { . .a.~kf'lc'lon nl'llr ll1dt lown, Ha<;tmg<; Ia y (' rl--jur~d'lV

,Ind Junrur T('st {'aeli Ilfj abO\ c 111t>;t \\'edncl>day aflernoon Jll 1hl' : ThC' ('hnsl mns flRrl" for ('cq1'tI-' " " . ~ .... (-Drlvlng hlrck In NI'!lrn:-.ka III !IO. I .1<1('ob \\'aggnnpr homl', I hl't 1') In thp \Vm. \\':vltp omr was' guests 10 the ge:1 "'1~"(''1 ~h()m~,

MllY, 1!-j~:1, Dr Se!lul(/ 1I1'Cldl'd I\.L;lrrlyn and Ehllnl' tt'st Wl're Mr and Mrs ~lll lllgglnS spl'nt pl:1nnf'd lor d 1 o'clock ILtnchl'on I )'fr. FInd, Mrs. 3op_'1 C:-lthJ£' ofto slOp Ht Kl'\\'anl'(' find lll\{'"tl- Ilrl Ill,' 1I.IlIm\l'I'1l pa~ty com~ Tupsday Ja,,1 \\('l'k In till' C\1(':-.lt'rl Alter,j <"OCl<t1tlmt', lun<I!I'I,n \\<lSI Ifubhard. ~1r. FInd :!\Jr:; nll",,!'llgall' lIpon rf':w!lrng till' ('rly \Ji'n"pn home at Cll]('r'lllw' o.l'n"IJ I DI'l'kman and baby w('rl' Tl1urs~lImIts, 110\\/'\('1, l.l' dl'(I{!I'd 111<11 JnIJ\\;~llm>;, turkrys and Than¥;s~ MI'<,; Fn'r1 Illlrd and chIldren I __ _ _ day Oiupper ;~lIf'<;t' In tllf' 1'd G'lth-th(' KC'WaIWl' POjJl11111rlln III 17,- f'l\lng IJo<.;ll'1's \\('1(' madl rn Hrb, Ispelll Friday aJI<'rnoon last \\I'I'k tilt' hOIne.000 j\\ H,S too Jan~I' III I'XjlIW( tI\(, IIn 1he Elm('r Pf'l/'rs homl'. 'I' - 11 Juhn Lo\' 1'1' <111'1\ I'll l1(1n1(' Fn-ave*agf' man on lh(' stn'('~ 111 Dh.trid 82. ;-"I! .• tnrl [\.ll's Wll] HIggins went Southeast,," 3vne day In,,t \\ll j{ f~om ',~h.lll11'l',ldln

~n~~:l\<~~~ll~::II;l('//I)r~I"I~;'I~ll;;;~)I~I~'I\;'~ (.T,ln('! Bougll11, teacher) I :l~/~a~~' l'f,~~u~:lc~<?t~i'~:ltr:l:)7~c~l fl'w (By Stntf correS'pond;~t) I ~~l~\l I~~jl ~'~~~1E'~' :.~~'~~! ~ ll:l;'l~i.~~al:Wo hIm from lrynw to tl~](" Sf)'i;~;nbo~~~~lI'~:'(;;~~d~~\~~)~ I\Tr Hnd Mrs, Ah'Jn Vog!'1 \\'1'1'1', . day lJlf\.ljl."


r. r 1'0\\_ hy \\':-IltH'1', Gf'o1'gf' SchmIdt, (IunllaYTlgu('s~:'i l<Jst l\\~(t In the I 7\1.'1" :'~vl ... t.'n \\0':> In Ctirrulll !\Ir. ,lrf1 i\IJ'.; A1T.',ll :;-TalWkrOn hlS W,ly nul (, John Sohler, Hans BtJrmp.ster, l'my 11('1'; loml' n I v(:r Tu(",d<l}' lust w('('k i and "('11. :\lr :'Inc! :~1l"., I 1,,'Jk B3.I'~·

f'V('I" Iw <;Iopp"d TO \'l'1'I11'1l (Jllll'l"ding:, M«rwn S{,I- 1\1r and I\lni RlH!olph Kay :md I ::Vll and .:\1r:s Umor Harrison' haL,. And fal:,'ly "n~~ _1 '1.' .Fr,'!n-rarel s A ]lollr'!'ln;m \\rl:-; sLlnd~ lon, Ros(>dna Olbprdmg, Mary family spont Idst \\l'dnl.'<.;rI<J) ('\(,:- \\('1'<-' m SlOUX Clly i\londa}. zr>n ~'r(' Fr.drt}' e' 2rJ'rw ,'U(~l",lIlg !WSH]I' t!)(' mall hox, :111<1 Ill' Ann O]lJ('nlinl; ami Mprle- Rohde nrn~ In tile' Otto ;\!ryr'r ho~1('. 1\11" and :\[1''' Otto LUll tlnd D('~ IFrn(~t Gcpwe')';.Sh~"ll~flll'Ole'llh,·u,:,I,II~I;I',','~(n"ldd\r~).::~'(~~~~ had Tn'r[pct nltondancl!' for the I\1r [lnd 1\11"<';. Hnymnnd ::l('h01s loro" "pent Fnda)- ("\pmng at John VI' and Mrs T-IPIl ....\· 01!, I' 'H'r

,. ttl . mon1h, nnrl daught('I'<; \'11'('1(' LI<.;I. \\Nlnp,,,-, Lull':-; , {In-d~ Hobert. ~,{~.' anJ·i\J.-, C1Jllon"Jheard of 11"" ~,lld tl](' nftl- An Arml ... l1ce progr::tm Wll~ dny (>wnlllg gu('~;<; at \\JlI T('<;t" ::\11'. anu ;\11''' Lou. RCl,l<f'r \'.f'H' i Thomas of Hartingir'n. ~·r1. ~ll1d

c('r "'S<I:-, rill t1l(' tnoln 1h,d f;]\'en No\'cmhl'r 11 lv~r \~~~C'I\1~~ll;~:;lla~e>;t~:~~~lr~~:~L Thurqla) ('\ I'nmg bUl',~l." d tr Frank 1\lrs Hl'''ma':l.Obe:rmfl?' or Co1e·fDU~d it." \'I'l'tH'J! Ol!l('l"(ltng ,brought ' •. - 'k f II BakN s. I rrdL;1' \\('H" ~unday dl et gucsts

wlh!'n hI' ]('('()\"u'd fl'oll1 1111' trpat!-i No\,pmlwr 13 for' her 101h g-u{'<;ts at Gll,;t f(,,,j s III \\a J~ I~ (, 111" and ;'111''' Hamkl C·]:"t('r of I hst ~\'eek 1II the Jo .BenJammsUr]~rlS(' of pH'krng Dul ... oj ,l lllrthday TIll' bltthclay song was 1\11" aod Mrs Clar('nc(' II {'I'. Ppnl!l'r C'rtllt'd Thurl:il!a\ at Ht:r- I home

~Gprald and J('uneUe Wl~re Thurs- I' IF' '\ "r t'~ . l'

grot I! of Ii,OOD Iwt'"IlI1S 1111' OIl{' "unt.; and ghnws played fora half dav SUnlJl'r gUl'sts al \\'rll Tcst's nl n" ", F 'I !\.Ir and Mrs. Otto Lutt erewho 1111' WlslIl'd III S('l" Ill'. hour - . I' J 1\11"'; Gt'orgl' ()X :-.pen' Ji):i(a\ \! u 1 k 1 l'" ('7 inSC'huliz aCl'oml) llll(,il tIll' IIUllcl'- ,John Sl'llon vi~11('d Novemher ~lr and 1\1rs. Ru"<'f'll Lu1t nnd; ,tf\Prnoon lil"t \\ed< l\1 the ).:m;l I _1')n\\'I~11 a'dt '::,el " 'K

e '"h'("~l;l'ues IrsD\\'<Jlnt' \\('n' l\1ondnv afil'rnnnn I 1 11{, I ar v uc en. . .

man to 1110 llom(' 01 /lIs Ilrotl11 1'- ::.!U gllc<..,(s last \\'of'k <It R I·ymond Flnr- B:H'l'lman homr. '"II d J I Will Lutt, 1\1n;, Virgil 110so lan1Il-1:l.jv., lho h:lI]H'r 01 \\liom Ill' l\1e"s·' i 1\1rs GIIlH'r1 :nL ;In an('l! awl :\h~ Kenn..th Dunklau \\-'crt:>

~~~dt~~~r~\l:~ ~\(:~\ r;~:::1kl;~I:!"~'l(~111,~~ Dlstrkt aG. .M;'. und i\h~ .Tohn Finn, LOI"" t:',nntk ii~lt~ ,!~l ;~\~n~~1,...rnoul1 III the I thpre In the afternoon The ~l'nR\Vlt1l'mllll~ In II UI dJnal~1' c!llr!J on (Ar

na Fl'l~~I't~k~on, tf'a~h('r)ld ClHlrl' and Janpt \\ ere ~unn<lY ~ '~Ir a~d :\1)" Hw>ell Lutt and I ~~~elldi.'d the sale of La", 1;:,nce \ lC~<1 1arm Ill'flr town \\Ilt'n thE> 01_ H(alth ~n • ~ e1Y1~IU t~4 dlnner guests last wl,pk at Fr{'dls:on \\·eI'C' Thur~day ('\(,llIog guestsl .flC'('r rec(~1\f.'d a gn",;!l on hI" ;Jlm rlwctrng<.; ovpm )f'r a~r... . I :It Hl'rbert 'Frc\'CTt's I At Erwin F]per'".1ron~ 11 ~hu'1']l bone al tlw 110t- Fn'I'·hand. draWings 0 tur~ :\11'. and 1\1r<; Claren('(' B{'l"'k nnd I Ml' and \11'<; J;tilLph Au"tln:tom I Dlvmg dO\\-n, tl]('y dlSCO\- keys and a harw"st seem' were Linda were TuC'sday e\'E'n.j.ng call~, "pent·' la-t ":l'dn('<;day ('\'enin; In-i.~ In honor of Mrs. Otto Flp('r'~el'{'d I till' ~;roup Ilf !)(lnl'S ,lnd In<l.rlf' for rtl<;play on thl!" bullC'tln er'i last week at Harry G1'an-: the Adp~ Austin hom*o <:>: hlrthday of ~o\-'emb('r 30 c:: od

flllalJy pulled th('m (Jut of til., hoard. Otl1('1" Tha~kSgl\lng PIC- qtn <:t'" .1 1'v11' and ~Irs ()tt" Test and, JalllC'S Hr_nson s ~: ,\~:~O~~~~ll\-:

~~I:II~~)1 ~\;:t;f';~(l:~~:~'~':~~~:;:/11~;~/,~111;~~ tU~~'(~n~'t~>tr~ Yr:l~~er,' Stanley Ow- w::'~· SaUn:d;~~r~tn~~~:J ~I;n;~?l~;: I ~~;I~rt~~l~;iJ~~~~<:I~I~~;\ elllng in' ?~nt~:E~:I~SF1~eT h~me wer~ :\1;:staDel "I' IJCr((I·t!v I'\'en llnd,1' en". Mary Ftillh O\\'f'nf;, ::\11lton. guC'sts last week m 111l' Ray Gam-' D(I'.Olh" Splltt,-",prbflr wa" a and ltlrs. Otto Christensen, James

Hil~ dn, LO\\ ('ll and Ruth Owens bl.e horne, I TUf'-"l1[1\ ~\ ('rlllghtguc ... t hst w('{'k Hanson and Thomas, and :\11SS1hls hHlgh tn"ltm, nl had l){'rJ'('cl attendance In No- 111' and 2\1rs Otto S,lul, :\1erllll 1Il th" Ben :\'l"<:f'n hO\11e Pearl Larson of Hartington" Mr.

DI·. Schultl \\,1" tiL IIJ.',hl{'d to' \l.'mh{')· and Lorrnln" ".1'( ,"r'llday ~'\L'- ;"I~' anl\ :'lr<.; Al tlnlr Lonr:f' Rnd and 11rs. Otto F~eer, Mrs. Matll-find 'till' pldL!l(dll,., compl(':!.' ,:\ldlOll .an(:. Lo~\'l'il OWf'ns nmg gt;ests la:,;t \\L'l'k In th(' F rt'd L\'n,,!lp (~:':' ~n('nl Siln i<1:'- ('\('nmg' da Lage and Lome, Mr, and Mrs.skell'lon ltl 111(.' lla<.;rm('nt and moldo n postel sho\\mg til(' need I Thun home. Ia""t \\l'('k at Yd Lnn("O'l''' Ill'nry Fleer and AJ;:U:j;~r, the lastIo::>t .rhO 1ltn(' III sC'cunn~ t!l(' 101' care of tN'th. I I Hugo SplJltgNber rdurnvcl to I \1 <l1nd 1\1~" Ef\\7n FlcE:'r \'is~ of WrnsJde, Mr.. ,,,:"d',+~Mn, FredlJon('c\ [01' tile !\1nn ill hdll C'ol~ Stnnley O\\'en!' and Kenneth 'Iivan Tassel. W) 0, Sal ul'da) aftn' Ited r;n th(' J~me<; Hanson home \\'acker and EliluJJ:.ICCtlOin. Kov. comp!l'tely mounl- Hamer completed a booldet of spendlllg 1U day~ 1Il the Ern('s1 ot HCl,rtmgtnn ThlJrsda\'. ' ~"'~ed, 1hc mammolh elands In <Ill :\1otht'r Goo~e rhymes. ISphttgcrbf'r h0111(" I 1\11' and Mr<:. LOll Lu'-t and fam- Celebrate illrthday,IllS rcasRcmbll'd g]ol'Y Il1 tl1<' l\lflry Fruth. Milton, Lo\\'ell, I Mr. ahd Mr~ :\il'hm \\'('1'1 nnd Jlv "I)('nl FndHv Jl1 the John D NIl' and Mrs. Otto Lutt, u,:tC'rtlrm'cfs)ly musl'unf ,lmnng 1111' lIaydn and Ruth Owens wrote family W('I'O Sunda)- dlljnl'l' atld Fi I'('](.:h~ homf' ~t Coleridge nnd Delores, Mr. and ],1'r::: Ge(Jt.::gedi!o1tll1!gUlshed comjl."Iny 01 till' (lrIgJnnl Tllflnk~gl\'lng poem~. :';Uppt'l' gu(>st" ]as1 WQC'k In the AI-II :'\11' and ?l.Ir" \lal'\lIl Vlctor'and Bruns, ivir. and Mrs. Fred ~nm::;lnrg{'st ('01l('c1rnn uj mount ('(I belt Gamhlt:' hOIllt', \·arnpr IA'l' \\L're la:-t \\'cdnpsday' and Larr) , 2\11'. and !'.lr", \\lllardfoss1l f'll'phunl" ltl, \h' \\urld Di..trict 21. Mr, and :\11's G<2'llrge erun.s dmnl'r gUl'-..iS at Fred Vlctor·:-. I Bleck-e. Ronald an~ G:ry T \~'£'re

rLorenp Langenberg. teHcher) wcre Sunday aft('rno,)n b"ucsts la~t' ;\!r and .:\frs Adolph Henschkf', I guests Saturday e\enHie. :No\Cm-, VIsl1or~ wc'rC' Mrs. F:rwm U1~ week 111 the Herman \'unSeg~l'ln,El-n:.t·and PdU1. :\11' and ~1rs Her~ Ibel.' 29,10 the DDT'] Lutt home for

ncb. M('1'wyo Gene and Verne honlP at \\'est POint. I helt Thun onti daughters. YLr!i 1\11'. Luti's birtllday_ Q;tn.l:; \\l'reL'!I1ch, Mrs E\'el"ett Lllld"ay, 111'<; Will Dan Dolph and son~ were Sunday followed by luncheon.

fJarlenp nnd I Mf'lvin Meier- Higgms and 1\lr~ Frank LlOdsny, ~_-~_-- _

~l~..~t'~~'I~';~~'a~.II~f' h:~~r11~g~~I~~~c s~:~ call('d on Mrs r::d Lmd~ay at a \'\"Wayne hospital 1,1::;1 Wl"dnesddy \ II

numb?r of pC'rfpct papers. afternoon, Id('~~;~~~on~ade Thanksgiving Mrs, HC'rbert Bnrelman and I

~1arlan and Mar\'in Schroeder Junror \'lslt('d Tuesday aftornoon

~:{~~;df~~P:~~eira~~rt~~~~~crN~~ ~~:~'I:e~~s~n1:(~~~~~~11 T,~~('h~~lf~ ,\'('mber 2. them nnd ri?malnl'd until 111(' In~1

Hazcl UlriC'h brought chry- 01 the wpek.snnfhf'Jnums, Mr. and Mrs. F~d RN'g and

I )arlpn(' 1\!l'u'rhenl"y s(,r\'f'd as Raymond, Mr and ']\11 s .Henryrll'('~](l('nt, 1Iaz('] {'it'lcll \lCe R('('g tinll fa.mlly. 1\11' and :\11'<';Jlre~ld{'nt, Man'ln Scilroedpt' HI-'rman R('{'g Hnd family Wl'lTf;('CI'('tary, Duane Neary trcasur- Sunday dmnel' gUl'sis last wCI'k In

l'r, Ml.'lvJn Moierhenry librarian thp Adam Rp(lg hom/'.fur lIappy Youths' Hobby club, Mr. aud Mrs, John ~ Brudlgam

Apl'x Boo~t('l' cluh m('t 'No~ and Eleanor Mal', Mr and Mrs\'rmber 23 at 11w ,<.;choq1. Virginia Arnold Hamm('r and DlcklC', 111'Troutman gavc an account of and Mrs August Brudlgam and('xpel'lence$ Il1 Porto Rico. IMarcella. Mr. and 1\1,·s. MarvmRhythm hflnd pll1yed numh('r~. I Brudigam, 1'11' and Mrs. Kenneth

Puplls gaY£, a program No~ Bak('1' and BiIlll' \\I're Suncla) drn-\,pmber 26 and n('t procPl'ds ner guests last \\l"pk m thp \\'111\',~'re 812. ~. Test home.

'PUPI\:; \\rth pel'P'('ct attpndancc Miss Franc~ and Emmott \\'yll(,for 1hf' past mon1 h an' Duane of I\.loont R,d£::l', Knn, arrl\'NINt'aly llazp] Cl,nd DWight Ulnch. Ivlondav IH:,t \\l'ck 10 \1:-.11 III 1lll'l\Llnan and \1.11"\·ln Schroedf'r. L. E ('olt'y homp ThP:o \\I'n\ till):lllpIH,' and 1\!eh'ln 1\lcJ('l'henry. the Chrs1er \\'yllt> lwnw at PI)Jlca

T1WS(Ln lasf \\l'ek ond will t.'turnIlf.'r{'. 1\llss l'~rnnc('s Will remain lor ~ _



For Dinner, Party, and Every Day. , .

'" You'1I Like Our Fruit Cake1)1'11('1'>; /.:i'·I'f) (':lr,~llll att~'l1tioll al\\a~'s

U.fllitlJ B«ked (;ood8 f1nd Pmilrie.'i

Iii lori('al E\/'nts.jl,t' 1\" I:d\\.rrd VIII a!J111­

", 1q;~ I,1 l~'l· I" \\'1\ ('11 'ss Il'lp'';1 d ph

1'1 ,,-.. ... ,\ 1 d n t re, I ~lt d.IJl't', I:~ 13:11111',11 Frl'rlt'rkk,,­

1II'h~' 1;';11'1.1)('(' 11 (;('0 \\'fI~lrngl(1n

lI'd, 1~ ~l~J

Il,(' l:' B:l1!Ir' {If N:ls!l\'iUf',K(;1.

Ill(' 1l

'tHE U~I ERSJT~ OF NEBIlRSKmucl!Urn'" n..w 121001 wooly rna ­molh ,'<; b",nQ HI peeled abovlI yDr. E, 11. Bj;lrnour, d,reclor omenr ~

01 'ho mUs~um Ii",ny R",dcT, p~.paralo. who mounfed fhe specl*tic .and Dr C. B Sc uHz, mUll<lUm I."",1o,. The skeloton IS IIle mosl .('cenladd.llon '0 tl~" mu lIum s famous holl01 er..,phanl" vlfnt.,ld cach Yllqr bythouSlInd'. 01 pf',snhs

BellevI'd to b" the only rnommo~01 h,s IO,nd C1mPI1"1'Y mounted .n IIIUn,rf'>d 'Slcrl <;. t., ....,anl O",rn Iroan1(,d 'hI' ""nt,o plaInS of NOllRmcrlt;o dUTJ19 th gleei'll penod atthe Ie'" A'I". AI lhe nqhl .s It p'"nl"¢

~,,:~~~o,~~n,nO,th~~: b;;~;~:~l~ona~ar~~,,I '

Ili~fJ'i~t lB. ]H"lrlet 10.1]."1'111 ,1\ Iltlljd. ,t(l:rf'lH'r) (Alnlll 1.11"('I\I'n. l('a(')H't'l

I ]){']\',}ll SOn'l1 ('11, FIOl'lCl' :md '1IHI"P lJH\lIJL: p('rfect al1l.'nc1-.111tl1l' ... 1':111~1('1' \ <ir! pPi'1('('l .It- <lnr,' till: illl' 111'''t three monthslendan('I' t{H' thl' !l1onlh III "I'Jvlol fll'I' Maryann C1R.u<.;.

,J;[m,'S Kahl,'\' rs B1<1klllg a Mardl,lll' Fll'f'I" I Ralph ROI('r-Ilo(ll\~(,t Oil rn nlll'lh ll1d 11 11. l\)erlln ['kH'I·mann and{'I'nll,!1 :\lannn Fool(',

'l'hnrlt'''~;I\'lng bonjl'ls Ilnll Ralph Bl'rprmann has lheHu.<;llill Tea PaPly, )losll'r" \\('1'(' mad!', Pumpl<llls. 1\10"t 1ll1ks III hIs cham In H

(orn ,,110('1\<:, dnd 1urkl'y;,; mHd" I)J :-,pl'lllllg ('llnll'-..1 Ilmol1M lhC'- ~nd,

put1lplulh \\'l'l'l' {ltl 1/w sHnt! 1.1- .lId dnd ,Jill grnd,'s,11~\rlhdl1:\H of Famous PI'Oll'If". IJ11' 1:IllHlll' FllOll' Ip~, COfl1IJ]C'todi 1 II'(" 11 G.uy 1::mIJI'y, "U\('r l\1r'" (;)ad.\" l{ollf>ll<:, <.;IHl\\I'(~ 111'1' :~nl grath' rf'Hdlllg hook.

,1I;)t J;,I '1 1, , I~KS~\J"t !lUI' Eri<.;!Ji!IlI'. {{I)~nll~I~'lll~I;~/,~~~~:;,ll r:I,~.'<1~ r,{)~\\~I~Yt ~~1~)~~:;~"~~~:,ml~

1\'111, I, li-iiL ,M)<.;.., \'I'lna Al'ldl'I~()tJ "l1m·1 lwogram lor ('ntpr'tarn~

I J,:c 13 IlJ-..hnf! Pflllllr1S 1l11'lJ ,'\'1r" I{tl!ll.'l'l". I llll'nt EAhl\lll~ of "('\\'lng and

jlr'IIO!{<,. 1 :tJ i !Jatr,I/l, {Iny \\(j" olJ<;pn"ll ('(lfJlng :->lll.V wOlk \\'l'l'(' shQwn.'

Ih'(' II'· .ldlll' <'0\\1, [t(lle '" N()\('ol!l('r :!:J i\lr<' \\'1l1 Bl'udd P1'I p8l'a1lOnS "Hf' ut'lng madf'~X~L ',,1

1,', gam and llarolrl I.ef'. :\11s ('ha", fllt\}l (hn~tmds plOgrdm to be

f)('(' 1!1,--Alf'x LIlm\Jprl, pliy~ Fran/{'n, Mrs Claren('I' Kdhll'jJ _ ~~r\ '11 D( (clnbf'1 .!:1 ~SICI.lj!. IH;1. Mrs. Albl'rt HPlhold and Lar1'. 1 ---'

lli c. 1( 11('('1 hn)('n, comp'l-- and Mrs R. A. NImrod werf' \-l"" ni~tri('t 51.h, 1770.' I" ,. ~lorl" Af!f'I' das~l's, PllPI1~ g'~\lJ ~ (Donnlf' Lou OV.PIIS, 1f'ad r)

Ik(' 17 All'x Agus"I7., n;11111"- /:-1 Jll'ogram and lunc!H'on WHc;l 1 hI 3rd dnd 4111 grado tum~

hll ... t 1:-1'1 "ern'd by lhe",tC'achl'l'. pie-led ,I stud:-r of Indldns. In.m;Ii';l!i:-uusIlilK.iiilrifilliDri..-Elllilail".; ii-••lIl.-ti conrWC(1011 wlllt th~ proj('cl chil-

idn'fl l'll't'I~'d a \.\Igwdm m one

II cornl'r (Jl t!){) roo\ll TIH'Y ('n 10Y~

~ ,-<=, 'ft.e~r, I "d hold",g (·Ia.,,'in ll'Onl of the___ " ., til 1cnt Till' Pllt \I'l' ~'('hool madl' In~

"""-- '~(J'(OIIM ~ ;1 d";.~~,~I:~d"~~~ln'\~'::;n:~tPo'Pi>hil~l::::',~{r(.Ii,~~:-<,,' ~ ~'~','- _ _ .,-,, - _ and IJ,<I'I,'II Fn'n"h !led lor flr,t

.. • Jil tIll' .:;!wllmg contc."t held ill

• ~o\('mli('I',

:.J~{ll)~~ . ~') ~.... El Pupil .... \'.11h pNf('ct allenet--.. ,y_\ I anCl' flit' till' )edl <lll' Darrt>B

, iii I Fn'lll'll, ,J,!n('t ILlmsl'Y, l\lernJlF' r : H<Jl('l-, Fd\\.ln1. Rono.lrt and

S't.-= \..-~-. CIHrPlIl'I' f\1.rTln, 1\1anrn :InrI La-C \l'l'n 1,()"pl~hJl and Dale Ulrich• J\ IlI'W plano and song honks: 111\1' \)I'l'n ndd('d to 1114' room.• J'Upl!>; ('ntPllll111Pd th('rr molh­:: ('l'~ :\'l\' rn\wl':!J After n lew• I t'l.ds('s, ]IUprls gI:l.V(';'\ !"hor·t play.

Phollf' :~;) 51 MISS ()1,\ !'IlS 'i-;('f\ 1'0 luncheon.

•. ~~;~'lnt~" ~~H';~~,c;~~r~ndr~:('n~~

Johns'on's Bake'ry :,,- Cia'" called al ,chool December1 \\hen ,'-;,Inta gave tickets to

III.IIE .. JmIilIlll.Ji•• ,II•••B~II•••••••JI•••••II'~•••••• II.II••••: plctrlrl' "hov..'s In Wayne.

11-•••• UII~.;Dtl!riB.'W-•••-"""".iliri~.·;~.;.-•.II... ' District 32... I · (Rona]d Grcenwahl, teacher)): 11111. 1II~l:IiK ••IlIiI•••••" ••••IID•••••III."D...........:' A lurkpy holdmg a hatchet L')• :. ... = )tll(' (lm\\ lng IJll t hl' COVE'r 01 the

ill • .:\"o\'{'rnbl't' I~SUl' o{ Thp BeJis::" 5-1)( , Toll. TIl(' dt'srgn \Va;.; drilwn by

GI'OI g" ijl('rmann,VI"ltor:-. 11le lla~t mon1h \\'('I"C

ill MI" Ilpl'l1lan Dltlldagl', Mrs.

. : I Earl I-:~!>man. J)orolhy Bu,'r·, [Dollars ~"~"~~'T,:';:~t~~~r Blclmann andt A bnrhmt'll'l' tlll~ lw·pn con·

et: ' .' >!ruct"u 10" "a<lIre ,tudy and all

• h<J\I' lll'tl'ri \\<lll'hlng 11" J'('H('tlonPer Year to 111(' \\ea1Iwl',

1t\rmls1ICI' ""a~ (Jh~(,l\'cd

----- wl~h Ii shUlt p](J,l';ram

~,\11 llll\" 1)("'11 \\or!<Jng hpnl

'\ '1""" :,IW 1:,',",:1111,'",:,:',',",,1''''1'01,1 'I'Jl~ (11"h"ct' Hi ... t rid at. ,HT'II ~'f <,. J.. ,tl (SOllhH'll,Ul1JnI',1t:i1{'}Wl)

• V\' 1 l'en it nlC'~ 1 e\V rozen SPOl'I' <It 111(' ('nil o! ('Bell monlh La<;t mnn!h tll(' I.}th gradl' hal

S. meat loc "el' WIth no extl'a dl~ ldUlt' \\<ts (Ol1<,\ruc1t'd rn ~~;~.I~~~~~l J~C~~~c;1 r~h~,h\t~H~~'at(clll~• If' h rul'!wys of pUlP conrs and usru tll1e tallk lor a Thanksgiv~: C 1arge '?l' uSlng OU1~'R atp 1hn?p log hous,'s ul'ouglit by pu- ing scenl'.

: fl'eeZer <:11' the eoolinp; and • i)I~:~ [~~~ct~~e~~h~he" sand table 10\Y,~:~1,4~~;;~~~~:~'\~~:d~~Il~~~I;:': h A d"J1r('s~]()n plant, compmed gIVing pagE'S to the Itolu:iny bool{-:, pl'OCeRR I'i,oms. of salt, b]ull1~ and coal. has ]('t they are making.• bpcn started JO nature study. Happy Hour club elected: I Educatmn wrek \vas ob!-lerved Joyce aaier president, Lois Wie~

-:-' ;~I~;~ ~~Y. educutlOnal prograi ~~~~ ;~~~ei;;;~d~~ll~ ~ta\~a :;:::~: EJ Maril) n 11ar('}man an? Ka~ cheer lead!'r. \\'aunl'l~NIckols_ d Bowser had ]00 In spC'Ilmg f npws reporter, .Jrm NIS ('11 nurs{',: ; l thiS year. Evert lj3aier and Duan Erx.lebe.n• :JaJ·ger nes . Pt~pill:J brobght arid mounted decora.tion committee.; If Needed 85 wmter pictures for use about l.-aV~nne Nickols al d Karen• thC' roo'm. . June L:onge were gues s at' the

: . e I'0:Ul~~~~~ :~~~ f~~e~is~g~;~~~et~ " ~;~:~~veeannsark~~om~~il ~{ingr~~;III i ed, and diSCUSSIOn of the demons were eapecia1ly enJoye '. On the

! ril ' I is 1ei~r:~~hoi~i~~:~cntvarieties ~~lt;ri:~~m~~~/o~~it~~.~~~• of tree branche!'; and shrUbbery land and Lorraine Nickols.: G" A'HAMI'" has been part of a 1st and 2nd Pupils with perfect attendance

_: grade project, records for the month are Eu-~ • ,George, Ellen, Paul and Her- gene Baier, E\:Cl't Baier, Junior

•_ , I II - ,bert !liermann. Harold !lchulz. Baler. ~uane Erxleben, Lorl'fline

I = Freddi~ and Herman Dmklage Nickols Dorothy Brudigam,:' ±W(tynp I = had perfect attendance for the waunel~aMae Nickols, Lois Ann• I • Iv • monthJ Wielan , Jim Nissen and Neva:' I A IjlilrafY ~y,stem has been or~ Wi~~ _ .-.:: •••••••••••••• ..r:•••••••••••~........... ':. gan1zeli with a new librarian in Pupil -gave a Christmas pro-••••, !Il1I•••••••••~.. • i.............. Gharg1', every two weeks. gram ~CJember 5:

'::,1;::,1",1,'1 :, ,: :, 'jll " "I'" '.', " '1 1,1"'1 1, !r' ,!~!'irI1~t~4!IW!,djldlllf~"Jlhl'ljJIi~,,~Jr.iiL,,1 " ',I, ' l. _ I , ,"~ ,

1H~WAYNE Need Large SuotTJH~ldHe;~ingLig~ting.C~ntest ...newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950...· C:;;~:&#039; ~;~ ~-~~.:&#039;-~~&#039;;J-~~.. ~-~~&#039; ";;;~~~-~;~;;" - [PDF Document] (14)

Wayne, Neb, ,, I


ThJ:o., n<'w ,~u ,h'rn ('olllblnation mill hus a ('tit tin~ ('ylind<'f tlmldoes most! ~jf t~)e wor:k. R.t tlw tlmr rou~hag(' rea('h~.s thE'!'hammprs, t~P f.hro has heen eut hy thp kn"es and it is nf",e "-'j('usHy redlj'('~d to lInifonn meal. F'irst it ('uls, then it litrinds.It wm~han~lr twi('<, ~s murh rou~haJ:;'e as a plain mill with thesame J)Ow~r, Handlcs nil fecds-rougha,:;e. car corn be grain.

1 i, , ' I




Phone 62/

savil~ real money With .Studebaker Champion'




~~g::Stl(deodfmC/mmpiOnMany special Studebaker features at no extracost!.'.

• Finest materials and c~aftsmanship! :' •.. Remarkable gas an~ oil mileage!. . ,

.. Low repair cost ! Top tr~de·in value! ' , .I ' ~=~ :::::;~:;~:.

Farmers & 1IIcr hunt O"Z C fn y ;~~~":'~.:~':;,;;,,".:;::.."~~r,1;'r="C S 1 0 pun, ,,, ,.",., ~<~ 0" .~, ",c..

rhone 486 IL G. FUELBERTII l ~Wayne, Ncb. ~~~r"::rn:~~:ltZ~G:~~~;r I.1y

WINSIPE LOCAJ..SFred. WIttl<rr was m I WlJync

S,t!nnl.Jy.. GC'olgl' Lush of Ol1ldlHl, "llenl5:l1urday ht>fC.

SJ(~III~ ~:;~ l\i~~'n~;,~~ Cdl y \\t'l C III

CI,II'('I1(,C' new o( SlOU:-> ('ilv,spcnt salurchlY ht'I'(' .

i\ll' and 1\1'~ l';IIllI'1 l:i1ll'SPIC\', er(' Hl SlOme! C"II y SUllda}-"

Mr ahd M*s. Edward Nelsonmovcd to Om~ha Saturday 10 live.

Mr., and M~S' Arthur <:ih~ss orCarroll, Mrs. Mary Moss ,of Pen­der, MISS Dor then and MISS Bess

Morn MettlC'1l VISited the clmi.';,01'1 ntatlOn class l'S study 109 \0­

calm a1 RIgl1lficancc of high school, ' thea Anderson gavea replrt on "Tomorrow s a-n-lm­porla t Day," Jl'om Jhl' rmagazllw"You Future," Arlene Cary l'on­ductc<ll a lesson on sccrelapa! wOl'k

Gilbert EckertJdf the GreatLakes trlining cam~, arn\~d homeSaturday evening for a nmc~clay

leave. B~causc of the war condi­tions hig.1Ivisit. probably will beshorlened,

Rew and Lenniell Mjte Bormg were Troutman spent Thursday evening dinner guests in (;k- -('~J-r J

Sunday sUpper I gursts of MIss in the CarllTroutmari hpme ~or his home. Mr. and Mrl:;. Adr;lphElsle'lHornby. ' bIrthday. I and family. were aflPl'no(}!1 ( .II, J

August Bronz~nskj and Arnold Mrs Ma]Y Pfeiffer was a Sun- M~s O. ~. Davenpfll'f 1111111)(r!

were in Norfolk ~'ll:esday last day dmner guest ill the Mrs Lena to SIOUX City Frldar 10 1,( \\ilhI week. BOJens ho e. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mr. Davenport, who has hppn in .......

'0 Ml". amI, Mrs" I Werner Janke pre~ffer and Ruth of Wayne, caU,' pt~ee~~:::1 a~~ut ;,.~o \\ ['I l'~ \\ II h ,',,1S I II I h S I .. \ spent Sunday evcrung at Otto cd In the afternoon. J • 'I . JJ~venpn'l. \\111,

e " .,ea.t. ets Wil1,SiddeIs~'Wil111erKant'" Mr, and, Mrs, Wm, Janke and' remam m the hosp,t,,1 " '''''1''''

I W dMrs. Otto Schneider spent Fri~ amIly, Mr. and Mrs. Hermafl Ja~'- more weeKs.

I 'IIlSI e Sell olOverB m ,rTealll day 10 the Rufus Mann home at gor and family and Miss Martha Mr. and Mrs _Hfmry CII,lill

'~ Norfolk. I Krueger were Sunday dinner and f~mlly spent Si'lfunlil) Itl lhfl

I -', ~- . Rev. H. 11,. J-lilp('rt, who w'?s guests in the Henry Gehner home; ~mil Stcfrpn /hom n In \\d\r\'"nt resting Projects Are Gam~'s wi h Carroll 8.;d qtllle slcl< last Thur&day, IS 101- Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schneider Dorothy Carslen remcl]fl('d 11\1'1.

It;?nducte~d'in Class~s ' (~aqrel chedu ed for pravmg. and Mr and Mrs. Alfred Koplin night Mr. land. 1\11:-;, Sldt('11 "ll'f

By Local. ,Groups. Boys is eek. Mr.,and Mrs. Af Spiders spent and family, the last of Wayne<- EUl.lne Pet('rson \'lslkfi ....ll (Il-I , Sunday 10 the Ar~ Likes home tl were guests In the ,Leland Waller sten's Sunday evemJilg" ~

W nSld~ high school grade l'llJI- . Featuring fast-breakmg of~ Waterbury. ' I • home Sunday cvenmg for oysler. Mr, and M.n; FClIdm,md \'()\,~_ ~

?ren,~old Chrlst~as sealS al!l0unl- fense and a )Jather light defense, ,.., p,M'nrds,:"gMathry"c" ~,~sc'.sk' o,In

P'h"endCe'I"e,J"ns stcw. and M<rrgaret and Bll11(·. 1\Ir ...mg tu,about $30 last lweek. Wmslde high fhOOI ba~keleer3 dE'~'" .. .-.. n<.- Frank Weible was a ~unday John Rohlfr' and f;tuby Stl'ffpll 1111'A~vanced elVI s class made a f~aled Becme m the openmg Hflmm home. dmner guest of Miss Morna Mett- last two of Wayne, we'nt tf) \\:hh-

special strtdy of 'Federal SecurIty skirmIsh of t e seclsbn here last Mi' and Mrs. Carl Niemann re- len jp the MISS Gladys Mettlen ,ington county Tl,lesday mOl 11 Illl.:and federal Works'dgcnciQs" last Friday, 88 to 1 E\(~ry boy on the HH' 'd home Thursday evening home. Miss PaulIne Marty of Nor- last week ard leturnf'd IdSI \\pd­weekr Ida Jensen, who IS an NYA Iheal tram sc red at If'a~;j onJe, fro Omahoi., h folk, was an afternoon and supper ncsday evemng after \Is!tlng Ill;,.

l,mn,uHu'l Rcfor\'l1ed Church.~ worlr, gave a report on '!Edur'u- whde B('emer was limited 10 l'iIX Mr and Mrs \V () Smlt!;J and guest. tlves. I '0

fRev. Chas. Riedesel, pastor) llOna AId" and "Out-of-School fIelD goals dujmg thf'[Cllmg son spent SunddY In the I· 'Olaf Mr and Mrs. Gllbrrt Jochens Mrs'Otlo Grapf !ll'('Orillllf1I!!1ServICcs at 9.30 a, m. Sunday War ProgIam of NYA." ,John wanC'n~JaC\fhSCn, ga lC (,dptam, S\\c'ru'i~)O home, and daughter of Pierce, Mr. and her aunt Mrs AnnH I!Pln" .r

school a1 lO::m a. m, Lync , who was In the CCC camp led the \V nSlt hays to vle{oory 10 Rev r <-Ind Mrs .1. n ~Ylle ?f Mrs Casper Walker, Mr and JVIrs. R.S Norfoik Sat urday rm.J.h"1 ;:~lH~r!]:-over year, told of the vocatlondl th,C fl~Sjl am on 1lwll schedule, Hooper were at the L E Col9Y H C Falk and famIly were Sun~ to her home at Fort t-.lorgdTl (''lIn

the I tral ng and duties of boys I~ n( lllOg 11 pOI Is.on fo I' fleldells home ThUIsday day dmner gue~ls m the Erwm «('Olltlflll' <I ')n l·~g. I", .C)1to Uh'lch home rind thlf'C f,rlthrows a d playmg Mrs Leonard Norlmg, I\.lrs MI~- Ulrich home

rl \ery fine d fcmsIH' g!me WIll~ drf'd \\hlte and BJiI1l' were In MISS Loretta Voss Mrs Georgel,t,1' and Cary COFllrlbutc d 10 and Wavne Sdhtrday: WICSP and Arnold, thc lasl two of E W H(lg h1, pmnlf' t th0 Wm Id0 jot~l J{)(, Whllnpy of Bel\'C"- CiTy, Stanton, and Archlf' Muhs ",ent to ..- ~rper"hIle til" dcfcnsn.C' work of John ('dmp Siiturrli1Y lrf"mmc hiS housc- K F d t'" t A IeRit~(' and thC1floor play of Jack holQ goods Sunday , u~t~rn~~;nd;~ ~~('~~;n~~~h °T;J~ly I l 'TIO~Eli)llNC'c Iy v..~re 0 lS1anJ~1~g l\jIr and Mrs AlffNl ,Jug('/ were V,/i('se In the hospital \\ inside Xf.hrasl~a

Bf'llmg, for ard, v. as--ihc. \\ hole SU~ddY dmner g:uc'sts HI thl' Henry!';how fot 13('e 1('1'. He amassed 13 BU~h home elt Carroll 1\11' and Mrs C"orge F<l.Iran .'pOints, cnshm In on SP\cn of hiS MI lInd Mrs Oscar S\\anson left Thursday for MeXICO Ito VISit I . I('Ight frpe loss s, dnd cO\1tllhulmg anc] falmly viSited at 1

1• S\\an- d fe\\ \',('cks TheIr grandson, I Farm Sales - Live Stock

Ull~(, fl(lld goa s, one of v.hlch "'as son s Sunday afternoon - George HarriS Farran, of WinSide, Ia slulc!: from 1hq ccnH:Of of Ihc~ Mr and Mrs OUo Clnl arW and Kenneth Prmce of Pierce, ~c-

courl Bhtmg I' was host de- f,um!y spent SatuI<lClY ('venlng En Icompamed themlto help drl\c I !'ilH' had sIW('ial trainlll/.:fenslve man on t1]1:' VISitor's squad lh!' "F'verl't t Wllte home Mr and Mrs. Martm PfPlffer

Wmslde bOYl \\er(>..... ~l much Im- Walter' faPblcr and I\frs J G and famIly. Mr 1 and Mrs NorriS] Call Winside St~te Bank

~~~~l'~h~u~~I~n~r~le~'lt~~~~~\'~;~~c~ ~('~:l~ ~e; ;i~enh~~~ :~~n('~r guests Weible and Judy were Sunday dl1t~p\\Lek l)(>fOle jMOfo;l notahle lrn- .LJPi ov{'mcnl wa lIT P8-SRIJg, whC'rc Mr and Mrs. Louie Willers a"d

11 famIly \Vf'fC' Thurf'r1ny I'\('nin~1Ill' \\ork was (lx(el!('nt I fOl 1he gu('sts In the Otto Kant home,fll ,t g,un{' of t!l{' ~·;r:lson The' ho}s 1\1Is (~('org(' GrllJ1Pr .Inil MrsfunclH?lwd hpt ('r dl'f.. n~IV('l\:. too,

J Rolled r~o1Jl1Ing am] Ilohna \\('10 IholdJng Bremer wIlholl d fH,lrl In Norfolk Tuesday last we(l.k.fl(::~lrl~~I; ~~;~/irst 14]~ Inules hf , Mr, and Mrs Davo Nf'lson \Vcrp

p ~ SalmdrlY (,\('l1lng suppC'r guesls In I\\('1 ~:I'~~';~~~(;~J:~ ~)~:~;;~~P! ;:'::~1\':1 IllC' flasmw; H.dsmUSS('n hamp.Johnn.1i RItz!, !had il p('~f('C'f ('\1'_ 11r' dnll 'TI'''' E,I l>amnl(' ofBing, tlakmg olnly one Ish01 and SlOUX Cily. \\{'It' Sunday dll1nmmill<ln¢ It. Car~' hll 500, ~vith four gu('~~s ,111 th.. II S Moses ?ome,bllC'kcl." In prgml ('hanc('sl Wltt!('t' Ml. dl:1d ;\Trs Chc'sler \\:o1lc nnd:1X'J Will! 11\,(1 hlSkf'!s n 1~ 1 I t;ln1JJ,Y of P[)flCd, we/"{-' SumlrtYtl'lll11I,;, TI',llll jl\(,',,;tg(' \\;1:-; .1~1:~1~ hll('~h Jrl Ill{' I' C ..1C'nsf'n homC'.17 lJaslwls III $1 IrH'';, ne('nH'I' hlf ;\[1 ilnd i\ll" r\ ,11 II<wS('ll of I

~I IlgIl.1 "fW~SdllJf(ldY and Sun­dd\ In ~lf' CI l)l-';I' (;,jIJIr'I' IHlIllt'.

i\11" tind i\lr" ,JdTllt'S NI'1S011 Hnd

;~d(:II~~ \~'~'~'n;II~Il(i{~~q;~~lt:~(::~ ~~~lsMls~ !':ISlC' I-Imnhy, Mr~ Bert

HOI nhy ,Iflrl LC'nnl(' 1\1.1(' Punng\\ 1'1 f' III \\'<1,). rll' Fndd-;' dftt'l noon, I

Mrs LOllll' \Vllkl s ilnd l\1r,f;,lIar ry Sui'll! calIPd last \Vcrlncs­c!;IY ,lftt'rtHlull tn till' Cl..ls Hoffman!lOlTIl'.

1\11' ;lnd 1\11'<:; VlggO Hah<:;en and1lc'nl' \\('r(' Tucsddy c\,(>nlng g-uests1'1' I \\('l'k III thp P, C, JensenIlll!nt'

1\TISs Ann .Jorg<,nspn rt'turneu toNorfolk 1"1 lrlny (l\C'lllllg 10 hE' ['m~

~:~~I:~l al Ow hOSPltdl a couple Cjf

Mr. ami J\Ir<; Henlilan Frese,

1H~WAYNE Need Large SuotTJH~ldHe;~ingLig~ting.C~ntest ...newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950...· C:;;~:&#039; ~;~ ~-~~.:&#039;-~~&#039;;J-~~.. ~-~~&#039; ";;;~~~-~;~;;" - [PDF Document] (15)

~ )1'




, ,

Way"ne. Neb,

Meyer (4 Biehel


Winterize your car today. Fill your lank with Derby gasoline. It sta~ls your

car instantly, it gives you more milbs for less money.

Drain and refill your crankcase with Nourse Friction-proof oil which means safe

lubrication. It flows freely at 30 below zero. ft reduc~ the drag on all work­ing par~s of the motor. It gives your motor that qui~k turn overllin .coldesl wea­

ther which means. quick. instant starting_ Give it a trial and be conVinced.

11-'- ~--- - -----~~~- -"---~- H- -- ~c1 st~dt home. r-:-~d Mrs BasIlIMrs, Dorman and Mrs. Au ust Iwere oveInlght dnd Sundrty guests

a)1ne era Osburn and [amliN were evenmg Kruse were hostesses. In 1he Mrs JeBelgt dod IIer-callers. _ bert Bergt homes

I Mr. and M~s Fred Flcge, Mr For Mrs. Draghu. l\1r~ and :r:.-1rs Clyde A:..;hpy, Vlr~I I I, and Mrs. F ranklrn Flege and Mt and Mrs. August Do glOm and Kathleen, Rev Nelson

l1 I daughter spent Thursday evenmg and family, Mr and Mrs. Dan and Rev. Kunz of Norfolk, MIssm the Everett Hank home for Helthold and family !';pent F Iday Ida Lor(>nz of PIerce. Mr. and MIS.

and ~S. Fred • Ac\crm~1 n, M~. ~:~dI~~t~~'~lv~~~:~~~y and ttpeIr ~~:n~r~.I~~~~h1j~k~I~~~~~~ orne ~o~~e~~It~ ~~~~~~~?~;o~~~,tsand 1'\ rs Herman G~ewe, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. VIrp'11 Kar-dell,Mrs. m. Brudlgam, ene and Harold Carlson and Arthur Carl- At Hobert Auker's. 1 EXCH 1 ..TGESHarold of Wayne. l\l~ ..

M W son, thq last of WIchita, Kan, Mr. and Mrs Hobert Auke f'O-LIS. m. Prttchard and Mrs,. were Sunday afternoon and lunch~ tertamed at a dessert-eveIlmg Sat. Thulslon county has $2~5 do~conHld,Pr1tc~atdWete \~Ith MIs. can guests last week m the Oscarl urday hononng Mr and Mrs lAo It Rqd ~ 11 11 th

Arthur Gla5:is F r4.day IWhll~jthe men Kardell home at LCljurel. Nettleton of Des Momes. G esls m~orriplcrc~ss1'0 ca WI reportsat~~7dcd a sale ne~r ShO!~ Carl Gun,narson and MISS Vhna, were Rev and Mrs; W F D erk- lItIlss Eteanor Madllmn of PIIg('r',

d <rnd Mrs. Maunee,1 sen Mrs'Mlarence DahlqUist and La- mg. Dr and Mls~ John A M are. and MarVin Fuhrman of Norfolk,~~ sons and MJSS carl'le~Bansen Rue, rs Orrin Swaback and Also m honor of the Iowa olks wcre marl'Jcd November ;n. .

WI~l~ldc, spent Salurd y c\e- IDwig t of Concord, Were Tue~day Sunday dmner gU(>sts In the A ker I"tank Sch<tffer, Jr. and Mau-mng In the Dave SYlVan!S home after~on and lunche~m guests m home were Mr and Mrs. W EI-

Mts, Wm. PrItchard, om and1the A bm carls~home last week hs of PlamVle\\. Arthur Owc s of ~~~nl<it71:1;; ;~:tc~~~r~~I:nhe~m~~~!~l1an Pritchard. Mr a d Mrs Mr and Mrs rt Holt and fam~ Wakeflelo, Mrs Alma Nyc. Hartmgton I~eond~'d Pr,ltchard and *rs Ella i1y of Daltort, and Mrs John MISs Cluudla Irene Daker, for-IGlas:-; had Sunday dmner In the HOrst an and elpha, Mr. and i;>-'__-,-,...--_-'- --:: mer \Vayne "tude-nt: ,and JlimeSjAlbert Jenkms home I Mrs. ndrew Parker and Mathies I'" G I

Mr and Mrs Don B~lOk and Holt, sr, werc Thursday supper 11-LTONA N~\}ee;h(je[rS~~~xl CIty, were marl'lcdDonna Rae, Jean Webber land Mrs. gubts m the Mathies Holl, Jr.; b MISS Nelll<-....JDalc of Hartmglon,Forest Waterman, the ~last of home. . y has ll'lluce from her garden mWalthl1l, were Tuesday 1 st week Mr and Mrs Art Holt and fam- Staff Correspondent DpccmbcI Th~ pl<tnb slarted 111 asupper guests ot Mr. a d Mrs. Ily of Dalton, Mr. and Mrs Her-I L ! hot bed necu her home tram seed~

Otto Wagner. t man !Schneider and family of Nor- Mrs Alfred Test helped Mrs R. of lettuce planted last-summer.JVfr and Mrs Frank Lo em:, Mr. foi' Mr and Mrs John Horstman H Hanscr) cook for corn sh~Hcrs _ _~~_

and Mrs Fred LOlcnz, Mr. and an Delpha. Mr and Mts Mathlcs Thul'sda~'. WINSIDEMrs Earl Shlplcy and 1\1 ss MabeJ H It, sr. Ma-thws Holt, Jr, and I Mr'. Frcd !:"re' crt calle" on

Dd U /l·""lllIlI.d I '''"l 1',..::-,> r"ur)LOlenz of Norfolk, spen Sunday nnp- Mac. Donnabellc Ranslem Mrs OSC~lt Peterson last Wednes-I---~-,..---'.._--:_at Cao.:tana, 1<1, \\Ith Ithe fm,;t were 1~t Wednesday supper guests day after'noon Mr~ II('lns had been VIsiting her

na~ed's son, Fred. m -M~~ :n~dr~~s p~~~~r ~~~~'rstell1 'Mr. and Mrs AalOn Helgren sl~ter. Mr<.; John Loebsack. andSupt. and MIS A H. Jensen and Th d d spent ThUrs~a) afternoon at Os- othf'r rCili1l\es here about a \\oek

son spent the \\eCd(~end~'lth Mrs. ~h~eAlbl~r~:~SO~n?l~~:u~~t\~~lear Petersons and a h<l, r ' .Jcns{'n S p~r,ents, Mr. nd Mrs afternoon Mr. and Mrs Wmter-I Mr and Mrs Ralph Au.stm \\ere e:.n~I~f :1~xt~~I'~,~i~~\,s~~~s~n~~~AndrelJl, ~dson. at Pie c,e Mr stein and Mr and Mrs Carlson Thu~sday evenmg guests III the AI-NeJs~Jn has beqn III Jea ette Jen- Jeft for Texas to stay until AprIl fred Sydow home. Da\e Lucker I~om(' Saturday aft­scn {vas IAlth June Whit ey fMC I I lIt! 111 Mr. and Mrs Ferns Bennett and ('rnoon The ColOl'ado folks had

MI' and MIS Oberlm MorrJ;<; en- s~~nt ~hU:.<;~~~n~Igh~em ~hc l\~~ family of IPender, 'spent Thursday been >~n \VHshlOg"~on ~tc andmOJ'l1lng at 1

9 '30 to practice for the tertalned at dmner Fl'ldalv e"enmg CaJrlson home at Polk They.,\vere at Earl Bennett's. Mmn( ~I:I i-l.nd ""( I~ on th;lr \\a;Chrlstlmas program All \\ho are for Mrs bave CummlOg~ of Van- Fr~day overmght guests m the Mr and Mrs Fled Fre\(,lt were Ihome 1'Idnk Lphm,In of \\ashmg-

I pl,mnmg to lak(> pal'l ~holJld make comer, B. C, Mr and MIl'S Harry Byron RUlh horne at Wichita, Monday e\emng guests lasl \\cek ton, ~ccomJl,ml('d them homc.\'" ith Mts. j';d. rcnny. If a pomt 110 hi' pl'cspnl Gl'llflth, Mr. and Mrs. C H. Mor- Kan and also \isIted Arthur Carl- at Alfred Sydow's I\Ir and J\Irs Cha.s. Jorgensen

Catlio Ie Aid mh vVcdnesd<ty Sunday .sunday sehool II 10 and rJS, MI. and MIS Clem liarmeler. s0'\1 there Mr and Mr!'i Fl'ed Frev-crt Were and family and GdbC'rt Sundahl

With MIS ~d I·cnny. senJce a.t ~O 43 The Leonard Blecke fa,lml1y call- . _ Sunday eVcnlng guests m tlie wal-I ~t~o~uenn~~~ (~I~::,~r ~~es~~J\i~~C -I -'I I 1 - cd Sunday e\enmg and the Clyde I ('or !\Irs Draghu. frrd CaI'l~on home. J.' g/".Mrs. o~lens Entf·rtlains. Mf'ihodist ('hur(!. Wa~k(>rs Sunday aftern Ion In the ~r and MIS D<w Helthold and I Mr and Mrs Clarence Carlson Roy Landa~gcr,and family. MrMl s !e('o 0aS

I cntcllamcd (Re\ CG, Stevens, p stol) Henry Wacker, Jr, ho e. Mrs. fa Ily, Mr and 1\1rs August Dar-I ~pent a fe\\ da). s thiS week 111 the and Mrs \\ m Sund~hl and family,We·F'u, Ijfuc'sday crhoon Rcgular pen ICC~ Sunel, y morn- to III omo~c mtercst Il1 the Luth- Henry Wa-cker returne Wednes- m nand famil} sp('nt Fllday ('\ c- Fred Frevert homC' ~ A.r~hur Brummond dnd sons, Mr

- lIlg The SlInduy sthool I shOWing eran hour Rc\. Dcck('r ot Batt~c day last \"eck from a Wayne hos- nJ g In the Mike Draghu home for I Mrs Alfred SydO\\ \lslted \\Ith 1an l\1l*; :\I,lUncc H~nscn andPllrt:l ~~ Gi\cn. a good att~'ndHnc(' Let, kC'('p It Cleek, sp kc on young peoplcs P1t,t! v.here shc had und tgonc an M s Draghu's birthday. Mrs Carl Pfeil of Page m the Ed II sons, .:\11' find Mrs Ross Van Fos-

Fl'lc~blY NCIgh Jots ('nJoyed n up nncl md~e oUt elllollm nt rcach work. Thp gloup dJscussed t1Pc£sal- opelahon. . _' ~ ,Lmdsay home Sunday e\'cnmg. sen and falTl1l> were afternoonChrlst <is party edne~day wl\h 100 ary of paslOls and tCclclwr~. e\. I Mr. and Mrs Ralph AU~llIl \ IS- guestsMd rrlr-y Bens oof. r Chnstmflls pr(lgr,lm Su lday, Dc~ W. A Gcrdl's ot Wal(efleld, sake 'I Ilted III !he Albert Eichel and Dan ---_~_- -,....c-,

i -'j cembpl' :21"1 Thc.' pag('ant, "Thc on stc-wardshlp Rev E II. OCI-I I WILBUR Balf'r homp Sunnay afternoon """"'U~II,,\(, ~lllJrV Sho!,,'r, Slclr-L,glll<id !'dlll ' wdllille gnen 'lOg 01 1'1<,1('<" 1<'!l0l1"'! on IhJ ncl· NOi'theasl Wayne 1 I LIne" and Arnold Siefken leU I ENJOY NEW"" 1Jf,

Itll]l'tl ahs held ,I. pi-lntly <.;110\\.01.'1 by tl1I' Sunday school tlOnal convPntlon at Fort Wf,yne, (By Staff Correspondent) IMonday mOrflmg last week for St '~7)O'~6'/ •Ttwsdd' t'\t nlng JOi MI,s Nm<l A group?1 }qung [11>01111' \Venl 10 Ind H(> dlso ;llscu,sscd the 1lethsIOn (By Staff Correfipondcnt) , LOUIS. Mo:, to be emplo).cd In a II FREe;l "!/'.H.bb('llll \\l1osc 1<llcl1en \\a~ tlle- H LPdgll(' [1111y ul Bloomfield Nlon- lund Rt'\ l'IPdlu.:ksl'n gavel the faelmy. _ )..J'l lhY I.>d by lue 1<1 t week. -\ ddye\cnmg I m.splriltlondl addles,; Lldles o~ the J Mr, and Mrs HO\\al~i\!au were Mr and 1\11" Bluno SplJlt;.?;l'I- HAMI."ON BEACH--, - 1! 10(dl conglt'gdtlOn ::;cl\('d dllnnel 1\11 dnd 1\1IS / __ )o).d I o\\ers a~d SunddY dm~el guests t \Vl111 bpI and L}netle srlPnt 'IhUrSdd}'! THE •• ~(df'hl"~tl' Blrthda~. Pre+;Vh'rIJn ('11 ·h. <1t nuun. I i/mil) spent lllday q\enmg a~ LUtt s, • ,\('('nmg m the \\",J!ter Spliltger) ~FOOD MIXI•. rhc1li,Johll Grclnl<c~, Delll,ud (nC'\-:S1 N IIq.Jlton Idstor) r ,lIlY Kays .1. Mr and Mr<.; Jo'rc'd !IelC'l', Jr. bel' hom(', 'D<llt0'l ,lnd Gpo Wrl(.J..CIS \\('1(' Sunddy ~(ho(ll elt 1 utjlOn <.;( 1\. rrj(h'rJ{uf-'s 0lwlation. I \iiM<:Ircella IIolll11dn w'r a M~n- antI famJly spent Sunday In the MI' nnd !\lro.: \\":1IIf1r Sp]'ttgpr-at ,rUrl I~ L1dlldI(/l t,S f.'nnelY {l\(', J(l' .II .! \\'ltI1 Oh<';I'I\<lD{(l of I;ilJl(' MIS,", Leon,1 IImlz ddUgl1tOl of I fly o\clnlght guest Ja::i \\eclt of \Vm Ilclcl homp hpI dlH! f,lmII.:> \\('/(, SlInda,:.. (Ilnn( Inll1g f<lIMrs Llcll.lldl:-:; bUlhddY SlJndd\ H('\ ( (, Sh'\llns <';11C'dk- MI ,md l\Ils Albell I[lIllz lIfTldl'l- Dplpl1<l IIOI:;tm~n Mr dnri MIS Rudolph GIl'unJ"c gw'sts 111 111(' .:\Ils Armel FllctJ"crl


~ I Il1g [dnlp~l1t;J)(II<';llllhd'('\('nlllg \\CnldnOp(ldtlonfnldPlw'nc!ltltls f.('tdlclmp I'rodrleks \\<1S d <1ndf cunJl)\lsl(('dSundd,Ye\Cnlnl; hOml'dIEml'l~()n 1

:\lrl HI(I, Hostess. II 7'\\l!yHI'\ S N ~IOltOll In 'JhU1Sdd). /..'\l'Illl1gll1,1 Waynelhm;· Ih\lt~ddY o\unlgllt guciSl In Ihe III the \\i11 Lult !lome l\-Tt ,inrl ;\It<.; \-,\1('1111', n,iIlHnclJJ () CI 'IllPIlllWrS \\ PI I' g(J( <.;1 s 01 (Il,\rgp lit tl II\l~~l J I'ssm'~7 homp I\lt ,inc! i\1I s Rudolph Cl t lln!>.r tnc! Jo,ln dnd Lor ett 1 \\ ('I (1 ~un-

l\lls G '0 Bock: 'hllt'dtly }tflPI- Chtl(h('nlpl II tltl' 101 Ilhl' ClltJc,I- --- 1.-I.:l)fdl~~I~ ("<:I;I~'d(.~~~~ls(aaSCLlI1~P;~~ and sons \\ere Sund<1y dfternoon ddY e\cnll1~ ccllloIS In the \valterl110011 f( I' so<],t! tJ e <111£1 lun( lH'on I1l,lS prngl,ll1l S"tulfld" ll~ Piling 11 CARROLL LOCALS ( 'r Mil Y gu{'sls at Wm Beben~ee s SpllUgerbel home

I ' I - . p, r ' I ·f'0l1~(' r)iN lome . M R H II ' I h Il\1t~ 8nI) BusJl enh'ltnJ1S <It d I 1.1\<1 rl"tlC't '1J1l111( L II {IWt'!', 1\TI' ("\1 IIUllbelt \\dS 111 NOl'~ 'Ill(-' AltiHIl lloll fclmdy of Dal- Mr and Mrs Alhert Watson 'lOd Je:. ~ an<.;en aIIl\C{ orne

Chtbll laS Vdtty In t\\O weel<s. I,fllS ,1('nklOs 1\, M p 1\ orr)s dnd lolk MnnddV 1 It"'" I I () f l' fl famlly spent Sundrtv In the WIi- Tupsd<l.Y last \H'pk from Chicago---.l- Il(,lll(}1 J()[l(~ C'OInlll<;(, thc l()!tl-I IIIH' h,,('1ll1lth EddlC's \\CIC III 1(ll~f't \(I~\!IIl(: I~~~~11;~s ~:;~y noon la~d Watson home cZl PJele(' "\IH',JP sh(' had.\JSllrd he) daugh-!

Honor JllIlls Bl'b1ren. 11llH('(> . JI IWd\ IH' iVIoJl(ldY Mr And !Y.7rs Paul Le.sman und MI and Mrs ellas PJerson and leIM'rslll~~1t~frsll;~l~ ~ef,~~~ erb0r j

HLl.n~ Bro~lerl.. JI , W,l, Iemem~ Ldcll('" i'prl mol \\If'dJlll~d"y noon l\Tr .Inri 1\11 s D J Del\ 1.:1 \\ el C III t;lI1111 s ('nt Tuesda ev nln I st D an f Wakefleld ""ere Sunda a..,. p gbcrpc1 0 1 hiS lnrth :ia) Sund<1Y \.\hf'n I fOJ ell\ oreCI rll",h dlljlIH'l LeM II Ii SundH,)- . I Y ~I f I SY Fad e 0 t t R' P . y and family l\tr and Mrs. R H.anum )el ,.,;pe\l! d sdqJdl t \ Pillng I ' - ~ f 'S " , \\ PI (111 1(' • \\ III ... amp on lomc wner gue!'> s a oy Ierson S Hansen. MIS Oscar Peterson and

'lIh,rjINU'ltl> HOIIll. \\Jtll hill Am(ll; thl' L..tH'st" \\'I'fr ("1 'I I -.1; I y DOlldh,l IIorn ,I SUllt!,IY 1\11 dnd Mrs AlthurlIlolt and Mr and Mrs \VIIl Blcek(' and Mrs Carl $1'C\elt spent SundayIh,. Stll gl It!P]S all'l slurlY Jl1 h the ('ljltoJ'd P;~?ken; and EdWIn ~OJJS I Ill, Il' 19J eal1l :I:,;UO;( <-II, LIJ 1\~nJlY, ' LiIlHI~ of Dalton wert'lIhanksgjNL sons were Tuesday e\'E'ning- guests afternoon ~I FrN'I Frc\ert's The

sOlllh(lti S(d ('S IIll! :111 dnd 11h BJngld~<.; Takes Rzg I! OtlO,.8 11~~\1~~( I~I~~tIJo sJl(n,t SlllJd<IY Ing ?1tl11('1 guests at John Horst- 1a,t week 10 the WJII Lutt home. womenwerequlJtmggldcl('" S~drtld <l >~tudy of tldn~- :t OIll\0l'l.;,lb of N hla a ClOpS I ~I:s ~~lh L' J~llll,~,",a~~;~I'I('U 1'11- mans.. I Mr. and Mrs R A Nettlelon of Mrs I1aul Muller and FrancesIJlIIldtlCHl IFfH' 1\f.lu'l{ s\\illIIrt. Judgmg !c'am, WJth walllTen Sdhs I f I;'\; J ~ l\ Mr dnd Mrs. Alvin Rpcber and nbs MOine'S Ia. spe'nt SalunldY of Thd.:>el. MISS Esllll'l and :\11'"

lilt' .1tc! ,I d 1lh g-Jdde!l' ,liP The (;ll'lll1 J('~kllls and] \all pi IlllS pl,H'c' cl ml'IlIH'1 look fIrst (dY'h 1I~~11 d ~I;l Ill, ()l () t II ,lellt lkdn \\-CIC TUl'sdfiy ('venmg and SundHy In Ihe IIobett Aukc'l 1\Iilrlred I\Tul1er of Lincoln. attend11"IJlll11L; 1~11 \ , "1.IIlH'1 J~I(l\\Il" II llnCl fdlllllic's ·Jnd R.olwll PC:ltln <it tltw Kansd~ City INdl'~mdl grdm D(' ,U~(, ~[,~nsonJ" \\tll'.l ,11- guests IdSt week at W. <r. Echten- home pd the \~'eddlng of MISS TwJ1a

t 'I '"Il ,. 'I' I" " ~, ;;;{ t 'I h ty eneSld S nut':-;( ,Iy P\('lltng 1<i1mp's' h ~~\;l~ltt)It';·sg~'~O(III;i~J]-~ .. ~ll(llIOIJZmg \\0('1'(' In Ill(' M II Sv\hall hom(' JUd~lhg contest dr1l1

sec d ,1t the MiS Art MODIC' dntl N11~" Carl '1\11 'dnrl Mrs IIcrmhn Geewe IMr ami Mr" Aug-list Kruse alnd B~~er~::~t_~s~a~tu~r~d~~~~__~e~ve~n~m~g~.~~~_~,,-~y~:;;;;_;::=:;;;;:;:;:;;;;;;::;;=;;;:;=~P<'lltlt ~1 lllng ~caI('s \\(i'r~ Si-j-tuld,nh 10l S,U){JI(",' m honor of gl~rtld1IOnl~1 ~how InJFCh:Ci~g;) J,I('ollsen \H-'IC III Wmslde Sdlur· s{lpnl SaturddY c\('nlni~ast week M~rIan werp Sunday dlilneI and ~

If J ,1 ,M~' S\\I dIlls IlltH,lY Ml S\\l- ! orson ll"eanrlle 'll{ d <1<1\ Ih'G R t h f h" luncheon guests In the John Ben-l .II llCC )y ,J Inl~ c' l.l'llln1l'll, G,~ne h 11 t IS ImpI 0\ 1l1g aFtel bemg 111 leI son of ReynQlds cn MundO! fl " 1 In ( .eorge eu er 0Vtc or IS !n hellHamptqn HI ssell ,knl\m~. lIa\~Jd ~,:,el,ll dd s of ('Jay ('('nler, M'( rJl'll Pldtll/. of ' 1\1rs Pc'I Jy .J()hn~nn .II d Du,lne hlrlhrlay nJ g orne near ~rro GOOD BUYS INl",hngf"l~ (~!l n Wflllw'y ItobN·t) I I II'!I C II tid ~p('ntP!ldl}-(\t'llIllgdt'\ II .IL'n- 1\11 clntll\Ils 1\lanlll~lctol'and Mr and MIS I<,.cnnelhDunklauIlt'ypICI' 1)(',; 1 1"11"('11, PUrln(' Bon· For '1'\\0 lhrfhd'IYS. Y:rct\ :{'l~ (I;IIL(~~~I 7:;~ :m )~'~ .\'~S\),~_ St'll s I V.lrner Lce WC1(> Sunda evenmg and'Mr and MIS Virgil Moseman U d T1,\ ,1oyeQ (elllIlwll dnl! Mprll' "Jl Illd M,s rtIJ 1'\ III VI' I III ,"',' fin Irlll.lh In ]lIdJ--'Il)g <11 C!Jl(d '() 1t('lH' dllll I.ll dllOl Snllth \\\'Il' gllC'st~ Id,~1 \"l'( kill Ihe I ollts \VII· \\Cle ::VIonda,)-, c]lIln('r guests 1,L';l . se ra~tors\\'Iuim'j t "I Ill' \\ IS III II III "I wild the \\lcgk, d! \\ 11 \\dgnc.1 s ;";undlly ,l(ltl- ll:-J.ms hnme \\eek In thl' \\111 I.utt homl' ..

. \'dllll'l l\1r .Ill( MiS Jlrdll" \Vl1- noon M j '[ If G M d M V L dIn I' Inial'., UOOIII I t'nd III the A <; S..hs il~nl(' t ant lV IS Clrnan cewe r. an rs ernw arson anII ChrIslm<lJ.; bplls dlHI holJ~ ItjdH'S II.ltlls ,1Ild Mdrl 5, MI1. dAd Mr~ --- I MIS John G<lslull an~l B(,tty were Sunday e\enmg ~uests last baby, 1\11' and Mrs. George Otte d C Sh IId('COldtC' Ih(' WIllclm\s S,lt1I~1 (I,llus jG('I'h<lrcl Wdcl«'I, Mil <Inti, Mrs IPlan Bible Sunday spenl Sunduy 1'1 the John R Jones \\('{'k In the John Gee\\e home for and famJ1y \\I'rc Thursda) ('\cnlng an oro e ers,mel Chllsln~d:; 111I'S die lwwg H('ln,ll(~ l:clltnn! \\('Ie <II GCOIgr _ _ I home. hel !mthclay guests m the \Vm Hansen home.Ill,Hle tOI a )olclt'L Wrlck{'1 s SatUlddY e\Plllng for lh(' Services In If/hu,.ch MIS. Lloyd Halliday antl son \IS- Mr. and Mrs \Vm A :l\lcyer and IMrs. Carlle Workman of Olllda,

PCllt'ct <.; ll'llrng v.ere hll'\hdd).'s of GC9' WclC~{er and Mr Unl\ClSal BIble suniay \\-Ill be 1tt'(j m Laurel from T~esday to son of Pender, were Sat¥rday eve- S. D, came Tuesda) mornmg Idst • FARMALLS AND TRACTORS REBUILTobscned nQxt Sunday y the Con- FrJc!Ll.,)--. I nrng guepts last week 111 the Geo. week and Visited ·untll Wednesday (F~20ts and Regulars)

~~~7~~~~na\~llha~~ecJar ;~~~~~~~I~~ fo~r~a~~~, ~~:~~er~:;~~J~~~~i~~ M~~ra~~(~rs Puul Le~sman and ~~:~~g rn the Fred Beckman • SANDWICH CYLINDER CORN SHELLER~he Pre~/J::ytemm c!lulch, Re\. C oy<.;ter supper. • family Were Monday e\el1lng Mr and Ml's. Art, AukC"r ofG Stevensldchvds thel!o;crmon at The Amg Fr,lnzcm; I \\Cle at guests last \\eek 111 tlie !MIS. Mm- Sprmg\le\\, and Mrs Carl Ph'll • FOUR-HOLE JOLIET CORN SHELLER:L Rc\. S IN' Ildlton ~lcakS and Adolph Dorman s at Wayne, Sun- nw MIller home. I of Page, "\ere Monday dinner I •Shows stel'eoptlCon pIC ures at 7. day dfll'l'nqon. ~ I I Mr and Mrs Paul I.1c~sman and glJests 10 the Hobert Auker horne.Will RQCS IS pre::;lde I, Edw10 Mr' and l MIs Otto W<J.gner ,tnt! Bonme wele SunddY e\enlng 11hcy came Sunday and were o\'er-Jones 'I(el !Jl"eSl<!ent, !S. J II. daugh"'", ,had ~unday dihner wIth guests last week m thF Herbert nfght guests m 'he E II Merchant Conlplete Stock of Repai,. Pa,.ts fo,.OIACill~ scd('tal) dnd R herl JOBes W W Gar IJI, ood. IIltlncl'lchs home 1 home. They came ()('cause of thelrea~urer ~ext yt\lr E[lIl Jones Melhorilst dmnor and! hi-LimaI' Mr dnd'Mrs l1-¥m IGomg of 1~lness of Mrs Edwm LIndsay. All M k f F tl . 1 -"'nil 1)(' IHCSldent lrWll1 ones \J('C SntuldclY \\('re w('11 clltc~ndCd and Pendel', Well' Monda.y dlllner I Staff Sergeant Jtlckson Tnppj a es 0 arnll ac llnel·YprcsIdent, Mrs Owen I scerolury a good sum ""'as eIL'dl'l'd guests last week 1O the:! Mrs. Anna irIVed Fridayev~a viSitancl Robert Jo~('s trca~~lcl Mr dnd Mrs L('IAIS Jo nson and Lubberstcdt home..L 1 the Frank Gnfflth home o\er-t----i Ltota \1.sII(dIIn thc Alt~UI Glass Mr and Mrs Maf\m Ylclor and t1e Christmas holidays. He cameSustains 'Inju ies II10nw S Jlultlay e\em>ng I Varner Lee were thl< Sunday dm· y auto from San Franel<co and McCO~MICK-DEERINGFARM EQUIPMENT

I I\T fnlk~' h MI and MI::; W II \\ Igncl and ner guests In the Leonald Dersch y the :way of Salt Lake 'City andn 11',Or '1 lS ap Blll10 Jim spent SLlndcly'aftl'i;'noon home at WakefIeld. I heyenne. Mr. TrlPPY completed

Mal ,ronefi, Norfolk lCdr sales- WIth James Gncr al Wayne Mr. and Mrs, Freemar Lubber- IS one-year enlistment m the U. _,mdn, son of Mrfi W : Jones of la1n1dI01"pn

hd, ,M,efr'e L.ate'(I),e"OBeW'haUgnneer~: stedt and faml4y were S~mday aft- ~ army, sen mg at Fort McAr­

Carroil, S~ffered culs rrd bIuIses ft '" erooon guests last we~k m the ~hur. Cal, \\Ith the lJ S. clrm,)-- ~Ig.

~~~~~a~ :~~~r,~: ~el~u~~ frJ~IS~~: ~l~(~ 'V~~7~~~:a~U~~lf"I~lIrgv~'Il~~1 \~er~~nke M:l~)h~n~~\~~I~~:(~~I~~(t~~~;e of nul COl ps

(11) dnel Jollll Ro~ackel \\C'IC Sunday Pendl:'l·. MI and Mrs Dearl Meyer I ''''Ubllr ProjN't ('Iub,Nmfolk liS chest H.n f supper guests aIIG('o Wilcker's of EmerS¢n~ were Mortday after- W lb P t I h h d a

Mr and Mrs Geo \\{acker ~nd noon guests last week at George ¢hrJ~t~~s p:~J;C Tu~s~ay ~fter-Mal'lan WCle In th(' E 0 RlchaJds Meyer S noon 111 the August Dorman horne.11On1(' Tuesd<ty e\enmg Ilast \\l:'ek Mr and MIS Art HolI, Marcella'~ ~ ~ , _

l\!I and I\lJ" nOh('1 t Cdmphcll dnd n,lllds, l\h dnd l\1rs Andrewand daughters of L<l.Ulrel, spt'nt Parker and MathIes Hd>lt, sr. \\"ereSUnddy aUl"I'noon dt Geo Gas- ThUl"d,l:'o- dmO('1 guests <It Johnkill S HOI ::;tman ::;. I

The FOllcst Neltlctons wele Mr. and Mrs" Erno:-;t Echten-Sunday dmneI and suppcr guests kamp spent Thursday evemng In

111 thc In\ III Wittler 11OhH-' at Ran· the E\erctt Hank horne for Mrs.dolph, ' Hank's bIrthday and their weddmg

al~~~~ie~t~ rv~~el~1 \o~~~~~~~~s:~ an~~~:.rs~~~~ncth ~cickman andRc" C F Dodtor's ncar 'Va,)-~nc, Keith of Beaver Clt~', Mr" and IIruesday. Mrs. John Beckman were last

Mr. ,and Mr~. Henr.v Lage. Mr. Wednesday evemng guests In theand Mrs Alex EddIe ¥{lsifed Sun- E. F


Shields home. "I H' Makersday In the Hcmy TH.'tgell home at 1\1r. and Mrs. Ahm Roeber and ome 'Battle Creek. I' MerJe'Dean, Mr. andlMrs. Gilbert f"'""'1 ~

Mr ~nd Mrs Ned Taylor and Krallman and Gary spent Sunday Do you heat your hom~ with oil? FiJ! ;V0,ur ~ank with a 38·40 P. W. cold te.t dis- •Phyllis of'Wmner, S D. were Sun- evening last week IIi the G~drge I tillate. It is a Derfect fuel for any clrculatmg beater or furnace burner. It bu,.rrts 1day gues"ts 10- the horne of their \VIschhof. Jr, home. r clean at all times. It gives you as much heat as--'any first grade fuel you can buy. ICOUSII1, IDon Br:mk. Mr. and Mrs Marv,n Vlcto~ and I A first quality fuel at a rock bottom price. _

Mr and Mr~. AlvIP Beaudette son were last Wednesday dmnerl -CO Eand famdy and Mrs Pearl lIen- guests In the Fred !vIctor ~ome~ PHONE 305-W FOR TANK WAGON S~RVI_CE ANY\~HEREANY TIMrlckson

l01 Wau~(l,'J I$pett Sunday m They were evemng guests id ththe Floyd

lAndrews h me. Carl Hmzman home. I • I

Mrs. ,Mlnnte Jenn weln eame Mr. and Mrs. John S,everS an Anti-Fl'ee,zR _ Tires _ Accessol'leSfrom Om.aha Fhday to \'~jt over fa.mlly left Saturday tior Lanc~ste I I , ;~~sh~i~a~Sri~~~~~n~let~m~~Ughtcrl ~~, ~m%S~ts~~'e~!~lveU~:lro<~~~11 CORYELL AVTO--OI- CO.M~. ,lI1d Mrs Gust IJdllnson ('n- thcM'rt.."a'ndofMllrs,e. 'B'ea,.Jrg-lr Me'.er' anf-:I !'-I

terta~n~d lat ThankS~lVmg wooer f '" JOE We Aim to Please COLLIESunday' evenmg... Gue ts Were Mr. Denms were FrldfY afternoo 1i.1IliI_';';~_._';'_.;;''''';~';'_~,, ~~~~~~~~and IMrs. Frank Brudlgam, Mr. caners in the Mrs. nna Lubbe _ I 1

::;":iiWiiIJliimi:ti;,'I,:],JI:j;J',!I;:i,;;(i;.:i:;::I ;':,'C:i"'(,i.":':". ',::,,":'I < 1' ' ., i I I I' I ; '. ' I I ' I


1H~WAYNE Need Large SuotTJH~ldHe;~ingLig~ting.C~ntest ...newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950...· C:;;~:&#039; ~;~ ~-~~.:&#039;-~~&#039;;J-~~.. ~-~~&#039; ";;;~~~-~;~;;" - [PDF Document] (16)

Trade youI' troubles fol' carefree motor­ing. Let us show·you how you qfn g~t ~

[bettel' cal' at ]o\\'est possible costA Pick'fl'om OUI' lal'0''e selection Of fine llsedlb.cal's. It's the money-saving time to bet-ter motoring. Used cars wiI! be higherin a shol't time.









l"nd Box and Grain Box

I ,

Coryell Auto Co., Phone ~52 Wa~~, N~~,~



1H~WAYNE Need Large SuotTJH~ldHe;~ingLig~ting.C~ntest ...newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950...· C:;;~:&#039; ~;~ ~-~~.:&#039;-~~&#039;;J-~~.. ~-~~&#039; ";;;~~~-~;~;;" - [PDF Document] (17)


COD(>onl Phone 43


Most of our soldierS Will be giv­en an opportunity to go home forChrolstmas The arm~ officers areanxlOUs that the boys go home andtell their folks what they haveseen and what they have been do­mg, They are anxIOUS that theseboys dress neatly and make a fa­vorable lmpression at home. Holl~

city I,":vel WJIJ ~ heav~.

lThat part of South and NorthC8.r-olma where the maneuverswere held, '15 famous horse COWl-,try. It was settled by SCotch-IrIshpeople. VlEiltOrs were t<ild thatAmerIcan history does not gh ethis part of our country due creditfqr rls part in the Revolutionarywar, In fact, there are peoplethere now who told V;sJtors thatthe PeoPle around Camden, S. c ..and th<lt loGahty "won the RevQ­JutJOnary war:' All thOse c-om~

mUOltles haye monuments an

Washington, 0, C"November 26, 1941,

of~~~%el'~c~;'~~~:~~~ea~ero~~~~n~~war are dIscussed.' After each day'saction, the officers get togetherand d1~CUSS the etrors of the day'sactl"ltl;es and make eorrecuonsand Jearn a lot 10{ lessons. Gener~

als In tlhelCarolina manehvers told

The senate ('ommi1iee now ISdevotmg lIs attentIOn 10 100(>Stl­gatmg alleged waste and extrava­gance In ~ht> bUlldmg of munitIonmdu~tll(>S The senators state thatthe re\'el~tIons are "shoeJ'nng," ,soshockmg Ithat the aId of the de-

i~~~~~{~~:1!~:~~~tl~~ ~~~lcb:~~~'~~~~perpet rat aI's ot the causes- of theshocks The commlttpc dIscoveredt!1al u munItIons factory projected10 Tenness('e at !,l. cost o[ 20 ITuI·llon~ ha~ cost 51 ~Ihons and stIllIS not cqmpleted The detaIls ,oftht' wastl and ex ' vagance arebC'lng dl';: \\ n out but s[owlX, buttlwy Arc of a kmd both sordldfndre\ oJtmg The army officer howas 111 cI arge has been I emo 'ed,at ottlf'r IOvol\(>d may face curtt ab T e Vmson commltteQ ISc amwd tb ha\J saYed mllhom! onnaval constructIOn by Its worl{ ofthe past ~ew months These com­mlltpes are to be commended forwha t thE''Y arc domg, TllCre IS nowOIse form of Impedmg natIOnaldl:'fense lIMn that of mlsappltcu­tlOn and waste of funds approprI­ated for the purpO~e of makIOgthat d01€jnse adequate and Invul­nerable I

"t:~~1~;fa~\~IJl~!~t-::~~~1;:=j;:=~===+=+:±~~~J:~~J:===~~:~---!.~-~1 ...,"'~-'t'i -- -btatue:~~femor~ aj Rn~~lut~~n-Imat1<etmgs su~gested'''''''b~~ary and Cl\lil "'ar heroes. .Dne na- United S~atcs department of agn- _.tIve told a t,'lS'1tor who asked hrm culture are obtamed. then num-

IL....-----~-~t_--;..._+---------.Jho\.... he llke~ the mancmers. "\Ve bers should IJlOt Increase next year.I had a mCCilJttlC war gomg on Cattle'numbers In Nebraska arc

dmyn hcrp ntll you dCrncd Yank- roughly about th,rC'c-fourths asees came d \\ n and spOiled Jt." l many as were on hand In 1934, and

t - In many at eas of the state the de-An area \cr 100 miles \\Icte and crease> has bC'C'n mU'ch more than

npa! [J :,WO 111('s long \\as used In the a\(?'ragc for the :;tate. Suchthe Carohn. maneuvers, The pea'" area~ can profItably lOereaRe then'ple on the ~rms and In the town's numherR If f('cd supplies are acte­coopern.ted excC'llently lNlth the quate and If numbeJ s arc Incr(l:\~­Iarmy \\ hie had appraIsers In the ed by grmvmg them rather thdn

Ifl(']d man:,. monl hs before aetl\ J- paymg IHgh pnces for foundationt IQS began. Perm1SSIon to use the st-ock .If-md and r ads \\as gJ\l'n and an:,.- Stocker:,; 'amL_ feeders moving:damage elo (' to f{'nC'('s, hrJ(lgcs, Iinto Nf'lmt'i-kn from July througheld.. \\as re aired and claims were SpptefTlbeJ:,: totaled about 7.\000"pUled on hl' ground Some (':-;tl- thl:-; )l'<l.l eompaH'd to about 9&000mate that he cost of a maneU\er!head a ~par ago. indlCatlOg thatItke thIS on~ \\ III be somethlnp- 0\ er prubabl} k\\ er ea t tic \\ III be feda millIon ~ollar~, hut army Uf11~ 111 the stall" thIS fall and wlI1tr-rcers say ltlls well \\OItll the eX-llhnn a- year ago Some authorltH?spense. f('('] thaI f('C'd('r cattl(' hought late

I . .:...... 10 NO\ f'mhpr or ('arly 111 Deccm-

I, Re"l \\'lfJam Nl'sIJl1 "!nCCOLI bel' <It cons('nall\p pncf'S and 11'0pastor 01 t (, l-Astern PIl'S'b~tC'llctn for til(' August mal,ket Will makeIChUlCh of astllngton, opened the good plohts Yearling sl('('rs or

Ihou"t' pro<.: edmgs the other day II h(>l[(') r'R.h(>s are fa\or('d for thiS


\\lth thc ally noon lJray.er. He SOI'l of program • 1then got a~lIUamt('d .... llh m('mbeJ"::; I ----;,-of the 1\"e raska delegatIOn Re\ EXCHANGES\'mcent IS related to :-';pJllC and I\Vllilam N ,shlt of Tck"mdh \\ hl'lL' I -:";Plghbor<.; hu,.,kec] 1,300 "hushels

he o[t('n \ l,"ltS I~\fh~ol:nll~ol~ ~'1°~70~0~1~;' h~;~~~~~, I MISS Nf'\ (l Barnes of Randolph. ~Bc(!le\(' it or not ldtpr<; from and l\latlhf'\\ IIadf'sl1f'ck of Clm- '

home f.l.g'1 mst non-p,.,spnlwl non-


.-:on Ia \\Pr(' marrJed Thanks<7Jv;::

~~:,~;s~f~~j~e~~~~~»:rsar~'E'a~a~:l:~ 109 ,0

Ihe budget burpau IS startmg to t B~ll EeInanl of Ponca. \\as cutImpound some of 1he approp'tla-I about on<' sldl' when h(' slipped

I twns that .... elf> rpade for thp CUI- a~d tPTlh tnt7 [j r1a1 (' gla:-;s door-{it

In.nt f1SC<t~ )('aI Amon'f agenCIes It ". Hg" sC 100affected are 1Iw CCC'" and thc' \ l~gll 1f11\('~ and L('o Schl('cht

INYA The 1942\fiscal }par v. ill pnd I of \\ IsnlOr isUff"H'd lllJurl('s \\ h<'n

------ -- -- npxt June '30 Hf'ann~s on rtp-I th('ll' cal'S coJlll!"d at,.In ml<'r',{'{'-

Because they contain nIl nt'ce;;~arv Foods and l'Ulrition 'of tht" !\mpw'an propllat Ions fOl' the liscal )('ar i t 1(~f'I~~HI~(:;; ~u~~~~ ~\'~{;O hl~~~I1Plsammo acids, protClflflif am alongllJ Medlcnl AstodallOll. f'ho,\~ Ihe: rdatne 19,43 "'Ill hCglll m I)ecember lof corn for P..ud} 1Iack of Wesl

Prolei f in R(!ducing Diet hi;;I:~~' r;:~lt;;tj~~~ii~ a~~ e: :~~ll~~ t;~;~~lf~oJ:.h~~~<to;l~:~;;I~~1s;'~i:~~: lr(~anngs on addlllOnaJ drfcnse ap-I Poml \\ho h ill 1A1th h('<lrt Irou·Contrary 0 former beliefs that high "c(lmpJfte" proteins] alf of the lIa Iv Three stars oppOEJte a food IIIdicate that propntttlon<; rurmll1g mto bIllions I hlp , .

protem tllC't cause kldJ1ey dIsease, phy· protem intake sho~l be f anj~al lis prot<'in IS of high quality, of doll<.lr~ hUH' IH'('n In pl'ogrp~s 1 IJ Et I 'f P I~ICHins qow use sl~('h UlCtS In ireatmg ori"'·n GI dular meats ell a l' A lmfficient daily protem supply of Jor s{'\ ('r,1} <Ia~:-; Th('~f' aTe <ailed I of a('~~ \\' ~;;:~n' g~~~; IS ~~1~1::~~kldnf'y :lrlm nts, Dr. Leo K. Campbell, ani kidne~ contain pr~t:i~ -[ f ~x~~~: alllmal OflWlI IS rurni~h('d by 2 ervlfl"" supplemenlal appropnatiOn bIII~, Idistrict Concord, Arlen.:" New-Hush 1\1edl a1 CoUcgt>, Chicago, has tlOnaU)( high value. of meat, fir by 1 "l(f\lllg of ~eat. t 2ochO\\n Ihat on dIets lllgh m protem, rdn""es of milk and 2 Pgg" The atlth· 0 tt- -k F -~-bl IcCl.::'>tle, POn(d dnd Emerson WPTCoH'r\lt'Jg1Jl 1

)('rSOllS lost 8 to 12 pounds I SOlU'ees of Prole, IlOllal protern needed III the dlct llIay II 00 avora e Irepreo.;pnted ,It the orgaOlzatlOn

~~Iltl~~'({~l~i(tll:~ £~:~o~ee~g~~~eg:~~li:g~f a se;;h~tC~~~~~an::~go{'l~~~ ~~ ~~~i1 t~i~ be ohtamed from more uf lht ~l {1}(.Hls For Cuttle Feeders, ~::etmg 111 : !len. K, ;,: P,ll kC' ofllnd from C{'rcab, Jegume5, tLc. I B('ef cal~](' JI1 194::! .... ill probahly J _<1)0£' ~po e

_________~ n_ i aH'rage ,J hlq:h or.t Ilttlp higher IUl'm Not Ai.raid Nowwhich ha'F not heen announced,' to lay the now jemp,orar alrports slzpd the f.U1111tv of flghtmg \\Ith- than the ~r£'\ailJl1g PrJlPS In 19'11,1 Sift t' to' eh Iand' v.'hlcl~ Include many, of the hL'CdU~l' It IS more If'\e'ljha.n tCI- out an ~\cl'\\h'<'lmJnK superlonty accordmg to Arthur George, ('''-I h~;;('al;e:l~o.; P;;~~~1Kf m~CkInew po\\Ck'r Id('lorJ('s 11 l:-; plHn~ lam herp 111 tl1(' (',t~t he drmy In planes, tanks and mechanized tension speclilllst mfaI'm man- r~lie~('dpm(' <lnd m~ doct~ sa yned thdt 40 or morc ~uch plants" bUIlt an airport In 10 da s on the Units. It IS cl;:umec! that German agernent at the' calleg(' ot a~rlcul- t' II It 1 "Y,s R M'o;)shall he hulll at cost~ ranglOg from semel of South Carolma \\Ith steel. forc<:'s invadmg RUSSlal h~50,OOO lure 111 LlfocOln ' ~~; aA;~~-:lRI~:~~oda ~ AT-Y~UR50 mJiljons to RO mIllions for c,~ch maltJtlg Tfw run\\ay IS 150 [(,et tanks, Includmg many hpa\ tdnks TI1l' pre' etlt outlook for feedlOg'r DRUG STORE Yplant It lllay 11(' saId \\-lthout ('x- \\'Idl' dnd 3,000 Icel longl and the ~uch as Wl?r(' usod to OVPI'\ hplm callIe md catt'S that [C'('(h'rs, \\11I1 __~ _~ ~

aggPlalJOn IIl,ll hy the {lnd 01 h('a\It'~t of 1r;Jn>;]l0l1" al~d bomb-Ithll Ilghtl'J tanks of F'rdnL'f' The llill 11110\ \\)(11 l11drglll" (Jj Pldll"l194L th(~rn{'w mdustrl('>; brought :C'IS l<-tn~1 and t<lke' off tlHJI' II Cdn II}osses cl<unwd by lllL' nus~lans rlll'xt Y~':~11IJul Ilia! 11lll;,l fl'N1mgmto bemg for tht> W~tl and ddense' Ibe rollhl up andl cart d <tway have been Z2,OOO tnnko.; 10 dale. \, III n'l urn pnough to p.t:,. [01' theprog'rams \\ dl l1l' n<'arly t'qual to IqUlcldy A lJghlt'r (Ind IC' s expen- II Our ploduet Ion now 1:-; running feNl <lnd JIll'1 0\ f'1 hl'dd cosh such It (' entlr(' mclus1ndl taeliltiC's of 1"1\1 material "'hl(1'1 ma make It about 1 000 tanks per month, maJn- as ldbor, se of eqUJpmont. tnl{'r-ItH' country thlPe y('an; agp, po",slblc to l1Ulld « run\\A y In less lyoJ the llght<'r and mC'dlUm \ <trl- cst on 10\ stmpnt and other ltpms, \

- tIme IS bcmg test ~d. 1 'cUes, It IS proposed I 10 step up ac~ordmgI to Mr George ThoseRUI [or the tmce control btll the -j lank production to 6,000 p('f men \\ho produce their supply of Live Stock Farm Sales

('\\Iy Plopospd labor k,glslailOn, Prossurp for leglSI(\tlO hy con- month So also with flghtmg planes I feed and lalso theIr f('eder cattle A to1h(' demand fOl 0 bll\lOns mon~ for gil''''" agamst t;ll~lk('~ 1n alJ de- and bomber~ \\lllch no\\- 81'(' 1011- are In relatJ\l:'ly helter pO"'ltlon~ I DC lOneerdeff'nse fund ... and th(' general tens(' Industry haS! gro\\ ~trongcr 109,out of our factorH"s ~t the rate than tho$c buymg both f('('ders and ISltu,t1!on </t h6me and dhroad, the a~ public f;enttm&nt hU

1become or 2,OIJO per montfr. a large num- f~ed ('OS'('ORD aml \VAYXF.

commit teek of house and senate maoIfl'st No\. bJils ha\ ~h('('n 111-1 bel' of \\ hlCh alC' gOing to Brltam. Cattlp numbf'rs ~re ~tJll mcr('a~-I\\lllCIl H.IP] In\Cstlgatlng thr,-!px- 1trodUt:cu sonw of j1hem d astIC and \'dth lesser numbers to China and 109 and \\11l contInue' to lI1crease Ipendltul (' lof ~1('fE"n~(> funds O1I..;ht loth('rs c\('n 010Ie !)O M nJ "on~ Rus:-;Ia AI~o III th£> n(lW hIll wl[1 ~,"~19~4~2dl~,"~le~,~,~m~a~r~ke~t~,"~g~,~alrle.~~~~~~~~~~~~(mOlC'lroquc'ntly JigUI'L' In the Idel \\h) lhe pr<'~ldent do,('s not IS- be d !Jro\ISIOn for 120 mlllJOn" to :.::t!ch h(';1\II'I' lh,m ll()Jmtl HI ~hf'arlllO(,<; Th~' m<:>mb('rs 01 thf'sC ~u(' order or d('mand nt''/v IpglSla-1 arm our nWl'chant ves~eJ:., for • .' • • • .~l:!II~~l:!II~~~~"'~••'IJO:::!II~""'~"..:r l' "'-

tlllt'(' (()~gl'l'sslOnal commIttees, tlon but \\hClt to do and hO\\ to o.;('I\IC(' 111 the AtlantIC Lull'S 10 ~~~~~I:~n~~~n!§{~~~::~~;:~I~::~~::."";~'::~U'*'f;!J:each 01 \\hlc!h covers a sppalate do 1t sepms to bolher t~(' admml... Britam and RU~l'ila. .... , ' , ) ..I., l

sphere of Oflcrat lon, ha\ e. g1'\ en 1st ration 10aders Labor IS well- - ISh"· D -00" ••M11 '"Jr{'(ll) 01 till II tlmp dnd tOlfrd 31-lolgUmZ0d clnd mllJt::J.nt In tht, dl'- COllgll'so.;nH'n <11 t)l(' SOll111 ,Inri II opplng a'lsdUOIISI} In bnrgl(lg out lacts which f('ns(' Inilustll(':-; ncallJ all Idbo1' ;\01111 Calollnd nMiH ll\ll .... altcIlatel \\!ll hp ~le~('hted to congres~. IS 1111101l1Z('d The gUalJante('~ 01 four' days "'Jth th(' tlOOQii and aft- I!Thp} arc ,lSslstpd by large woups conslItutlOnal lllwrtIL'S Hr<' not l'l att(locling "ClltiqUl'S \\ith many r A H ,of asslstdnts drawn flOm the ad-1Pdsll Y gotten alound b:,. cglsldtl\C ,lIm:,. g{'npl'd}"', 1(1('11h<11 \h(' t'nll- re ere.mlnlstldtl\P dcpartn~('nts \\ho aetlon As command(,i'-m~c11Icl 01 ed Slates IS pi l'paled to If'pe! any ~

ha\'l' had expellenCl' gl\ 109 them the army and navy the jpresldent SOi t 01 Itlv:dlOn of our 0\' n coun-an dcq'ualnlan('(' \\Ilh tIlt' natule!PIObabl} has Ow gr('OlLttst PO\\Cl tI} but lh,lt 1)l(' <llm~ <lops- not Choice Selections Are Being "Wade.·...of 1h(' pro,wets 100ol\ed \Vhy such 10 deal wlih stnkes, b~l the ('x- ha\e suf[lcltmt matellal lor the I J td t'hugt' loss('s 11<1\(' ll('pn su:-;tamcd erC1SC of that po.... el· IS I \\Ithheld, IJob of 1H'llw:iphSll' prote<.:lJOn. Early Buyers Use Bette,. l gmell.and how other lqssps hu\c oC'en I apparently becau~(' a nlore dlftJ- -aVOIded b~ the llhlcstlgatlOn~, \\111 cult SItuatIOn might de\fe!op. T~e CongrpsslOnal ohsN\erS at th0 liSE lEeT LIS T{makE' IrIlterl's1mg accounts of same troubles arose durmg l~e Carohna maneuvers found that the.... hat has; hN'n gomg on as the flrs1 \Vorld" war. Vanqus cxpe· first army IS \ery ~hoJl uf tanks Toadmaster Toastersbdllons rolled out of the treasury. dlents v.'ere resortC'd td, and the and certam kmd of g.Lns AI~o, that Hamilton Beach Food Mixers

methods used and the Ijesults ob- ImitatiOn machme guns had to he I ftamed haw been careful~y studwd used becaus¢ of the shortdgc PIO- I Westinghouse Grins and Waf Ie IronsThe preSIdent, \\Ith alllhl~ po\\er ductlOh IS :-;tePPlng up and m d E~ectric Room Heaters Fancy Table Lampsand hIS determmatlOn t I keep de· short tIme It IS hoped that th(' re- I Fiesta Dishes I Pyrex Oven-warefens<;, lOdustrles gOing. has many qUired matdnal will be aval1a'hl('. Lprecfdents to crSlder'LInCIUdlIlg The morale 01 the soldIers "'as Fluorescent Table Lamps Automatic Electric Ironsthosf o[ I3rIlall1 ( nd of ~"rancc, found to be exel,llent, cJlthoughI' Coleman Lamps, Irons and Lanterns

I they compJall1ed about slnk('s mi. Pinking ShearsrThe capture 0 a Getman ship [latlOnal defense Iodul'ltn('s. I GirIsJ Bicycles Boys' Wagons Shoe Ice Skates

~~~I~:r~~~e~t~dba~~to~f~o~t~r~~~~ I Foreign nllhtal~' and all' al· ~ flO-gao Shotgqns Rifles Pocket KnivestIl cAptured and board!J\d. It was taches by the scorc clttend our Slicers II Keen Kutter.ShearssaillOg under our COIOl!S, It had army manel1vC'Ts. Only, a few F d Chbeen sabotaged, and only prompt European fnlhtal'~ attaches are I Camp St~ve6 00 oppersrep<:lIlS by the meChant'CoS of the prescnt Th[' aXIs ~rl's('ntatl\eS II Quality TOYi Sleds , FootballscrUIser kept It afloat un JIlt could 'arc absent Slam, Turkey, ChIOU, Punching Bagsbe tal<en to the neare

1t port In Serbia and Poland ar(' well rep- ..l. k d G

Puerto RlCO Included 1 Its cargo resented SO IS ,every country Chines-,= Chec ers an amesweI€' several thousand utomoblle south of the RIO Grande Gen, Lo- !! "

tire, made by the [act one' In thI' pez o[ Venezuela, once pre'ldent I Space do~1s not permit ~s here J Iecourttry, Wh1Ch were beltIg sh1pped of hIS country, IS the Venezuelan[rom Japan to Germ~ny. How ohserver. to tell yo about our selectionmuch other matelrlal !hade herehas been gettIng to the aXIS coun- Army generals are d"Ided In Pay Ts a Visif and Shop!tnes has not been'revealed. theIr oplOIons on horse cavalr}.

..I- Some say horscs arc t-oo sloW.The preSident has called for Others say horses arc mdlspensa­

aboJt ~(,\'l'n billion dollars morc blp 10 gettmg io plac('~ Hw('ces~for natiOnal defC'nse It IWill br10g Sible to tanks and panzers Onethe total of sucl,1 fund authonza- horse ca\alry captured one towntwos to about 661 bllllOnldollars. In m the CalOlma man<'U\cr:-;. Offl­additIon, the lent1 lease lauthol'iza- cers say RussIans gaJnpd t'lghttio~s for Bntam, RUSSIa, China miles \\.Jth hor!o>('<;; Horses dre notand South Amencan co~nlrIes ap- gomg out of our army lor someproXimate about 13 bJillions more. 11Imc to come,New l'hdustl'le~ authorl~ed for de­fen$e and aid to ot her cpuntnes 111

prevIOUs bills \\ III be ~ompl('ted,

and' shll greater mdustries e~tab·llsh~d Thus far only about 15 bil­lIo~s have been spent for our ~wndefense program, and expendit resnoW are runmng about one billonper mbnth. Of the 13 billions iforaId to Britain, etc" les$ than lonebIllIon has been expended. Stillanother year wIll elapse beforeexpanSIOns of mdustrIes W III befar enough along to brmg produC­tion to Its peak. In that cOlllJ.ngyear the funds w111 flow out to theamoUnt of 30 bIllIons, poSSIblymore,/

troops!and a good para~hute or. ,ganiza .dn. These new troops di3 Included in the requests of thegreat w6rk in the Carolmas All' preSIdent, whIch are based upon

Ithe demands of the war depart ­;ment, the n<J.~ department, OPMan4 other bureaus, w-iU be Ill.ori?tha~ two bJllio~ for army tanks.

e raskJ:!. IS an excellent nlace The battle of RUSSia has empha-~, C I • I i<' I

1H~WAYNE Need Large SuotTJH~ldHe;~ingLig~ting.C~ntest ...newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950...· C:;;~:&#039; ~;~ ~-~~.:&#039;-~~&#039;;J-~~.. ~-~~&#039; ";;;~~~-~;~;;" - [PDF Document] (18)



, i


'''''''''~~'' '


ct"1 ,'d" lhe hom~ fie r~ I . ',p I groups of, five lo iIIustrale por- ;1~l.ot~1~~1~~1~;;~.1~~1~~1~, r--! -1--:-'" " • .'. . • -' "~~v~~'~~~~ pa~e~s. , . I, : nstItlute atro ' lions of lfe Chri~tmas" story. p.!~",,::~rm:~"";:~"";,:~rI);. rI)::"':""::~",,;~~~";~~,';,~~~~~~~$!~~~~~~~ ,~ :mongrcl dqg now h,igh~h~ts.his 'p"I' t. S h I 80~~~gf~, t~:~. s~~~%. Night," "by I ~.c II ,I ":,,,,.' .' - , : I fi

'ped'"greed neighbor in CI~icago. 3.jD a C 00 Orig.ihfl: st.ories~ ,w~re written :;~, ' ' ,~. ~IWh n fire broke out in a garage .... a~d tol~ ·p.unng 'EnglIsh period, ~ f(' ~. !!l°llfO ~;d nuenigtllllbOh~OWOodk'~thhcI,~.Jnmpna~lr~rl Captain 'Is to "B~ Elected ' 10 s~lence class the pupils are II! .. ,.., ~

'" '".... '" ., .... studyir(g I~VhY 'liVing plants need ~~ .' ", ~Nwh summon~d help: 'rhel pcdi-· By Studenh at Special air and \\atef, '}§ ~. . . .~

II gre'~ dog slept through the Whole tJalloting Friday~' ~ Charles I Murphy enrolled in tho ~ . ~w{'lght pullmg down the wH'o and aU' II'. , I ' rO,om Monday. ~ ~ ." &, ;,;.

c,.H.lsmg shOlt CHQUIL Wh!eu the ! ,- Wayne city school's new yall' .1 l"ljom Third GTad~, I'W! f$' r.~! ~bll'Cls, were frIghtened away, serv~ tter making hundreds -of pal'a~ ::;ystem to prot<~ct dlllul'0n IS tak~ Safe Why.cIUb .. met Fri~I<IY when :;; . I~ \'~ 1 nl:icc z:-e:.;umeu. 'chute jump~~' and wasl1ing IlmaI1Y ing [arm t1?i.s week, An election IS Det:eale'tV()OdS, new president!~... it!

L - I,· windows Of),Lowerlng buildings sel1eduled .101' l:'riday when the Jl<:t~ took' e!'(a ge; Jacqueline 'Andersen\ ~ ~~_ ~"That hog h,~IS h,oen kipcd," rc~ wit out a sa ety 6cH, Wm. ~C~1Utz tl'OI capUlln will be .eJ,e:t.cd IJy ail read a st ry. Barbara Ley played ~ I' -~:.t:

markell" an (l1~11c{'r 10 trying to pi~ fell fro~ a st('pladdc~. andl lrac~ 11:g~1 s(:/1001, stu~ent"s, l,h~ ci.lptam a piano ;;010, and~ggy Rubeck .•~! ~tht' crime on son~one. A man tur d hIS sk IlL IS chosen 110n\ a group 01 1U {llck- sang a solo, Tr.~' ~

finillly co;nfesset! that ,he kil'lcd 1 -;- ii, ed uy the stUdclH ,counCil Fnday Cl~~lclrc~ \\'rotC:C'hristm~sstori~s~; ;9Lpiggy ,in an attempted theft. How ~ ootball, ta<:tie~ sav~d ::;~o for f~'o~n. 16, 1\,""0, reprc!;.cnUng each of and Illw;trated ~hc:-;c, ,A screen ·a I ~did the officer 'fuiow '? "A hog that a icago C~P10YCr and e ployC', eight home. rooms., Aftct' the cap- show wa~ held Thursday and Fri~ :~. ~Mdieu natural, has a straight tail A,S Ithe ~tor~'"owJ:'!cr felt a ,un, ~!1' ~~m is,s,el(>ct~d,' the other ni,ne Will day in the basem*nt dark room. ~ Cit. ! ~and 0Ill..' that meet!'i violent death hiS back WI h the command to serve as patrolmen, thre.o a week ,T~e :1rd ,and :~th graders arc I).! ( role ~~i ~.keep::; the kink," was ·the expla'na~ turh over the sack 01 imOney, the The six additIOnal students i,n the ~JngJng ,qhl'ls~mas caro.h;" practic~ 'il . , ;:

, t). tl" g, I~, ~(}pmno VOlCC \\[a,::; miss~ Uon. t!'o o\v~el' tossed the bU~ ove,r, his g~OUlJ of 1~ eJet:ted by ~olne I:ooms 109 togctlhcr In ,the 3rd grade ·Wf K.' i ~.' iug f ''bm the performance 01 of I he d to his clerk who ran to safety Will be on hand as .rbserves to room, \! Irr:: Ing S "','. '...... ~

~'Ma,1jt l,a'" at the Chicago civic A Chicago couple left a theatre in nearby store. ' serve if regular patrolmen a~e ab- I';irst Gr<;lde Room. ~ I~v,,' ' ':Ii.-, .:oPQrl-h lIck'11 JOpsOrll san~ the title dlU'll}g lIlternussion and returned ,- :-;cI"j~' The 10 arc Jim Strahan, Lyle . Thoma~"schradcr i!'i the fir:'>t pu~ M! $6

50~ I ~

I'ole b t Porky, her pet,plg, stayed to fl~el.theil' scats taken, "These Ii ,young man in camp received G'a"rnb1e, Stanley Gamble, Hodney pil whose name arrears on the W:' ,I \ «' ;NliomJ.. Someone ga\'l' t1,ie pig to are 'OUI" spats. We left our coats a' ~encil and flashlight\. from his Love, Fntz Elhs, Homer Bier~ dental honor roll for haVing all~~ - ~ I I

'M\ss epson und thought Porky Iand hats h('l'('" the woman C'x- gir~ :with thils note, "You can 'no rr:artn , 1\1erll11 F)'evert, DeWayr:te wor,k finished, 'I, M! ' ~ I ],'-., !would lend colb.r. to, the per~ plainL'd. Just tllCn the l'Urtai~ went IdniFter use 'b,l~ackout' as an exCUse TIlton, Royce Gildel'slcew, Mcl\'!n JI~my Hemm,ing~on hliought a ~ '~ < /fd ::

forma c~' Bul Porky sque'u,lcd in I~p and the two found they had rc,,; [4rlnot writihg.", Barl'lman. new howl 10 school for the fish.•Wi. \ f/ ~a hi&1 pItched ~ofle and dl'ow~edl"turner to an adjoining . twin ~ I 1:-, Joe Kessler and Don' Hi:lITey o[ Patty J('[[rey hrought mo~s and I-=~ ~

~~~ef, r~;ts~~y(~o~~~,L S~: he was th:~,~:'watlacc~ in il !ix,l~e reo ~lt~;'~~::jl~il;g~;3r~:~~af~J~~~ ~i:~:~~j~}~:;,~~n~~~i~~;~~:'~:~:~:~ ~nh~~~~~I~;~:~~F~~;~1~:Okl:hl~~ ! ~ 'i._ A ~~rnne:sotu mOlOI'~~t \\,u:i\(~n!y coived hi&a~'l1lY draft call t~e day duqtllon lOto the army, BrJ-'an, a and lanes painted ut thL: ~chool sold $1 worth. . ~ Gift Slips iW. '

i36 '!'l},eS ,1..rom the l'lgl1t IJohcc~ I he~hf;fll;i~tdd In the navy. Th~ navy diBt~nt cousin of the democ.ratic corners. , ' "Santa and the Mouse" is be~ ._'t ~mun. t police ileadqu~rter:s the ll:iaiJ.(l ~~hey, wouldn't take ,hm1 on pre!sl,dentiaJ' nom,inee, says his is Campal'gn s'/"'CClll'" al'C CXllc'c",led ing mC'morized f!nd illustrated. 111 Cht"nill{-'s. ('utto'n ('rr:llMi. ('(lt~ ~.-'d" I' d "1 t· d r 1 hi t I - t '" KI 'I te N N~ FOR CHRIST;\IAS tOil hrouddoth.... fl,uUted ra)'~ ;;Ni,'IYli!r (.'xp lllOl',,' , WiiS cn erll1g . c~ount a thL"(~rmy ea,.!!. The army a .~a'rd name 0 Ive up to, 'Friday' bo1ol'e the patrol c.:aplalO n( pr~ar:n Tp\\"S. ~ . un..... quiltf"d p(·reak"i add .sat~ ;;. "1:Mason City and slowed ,up when draft, l;Joard del erred him because , is elected. The protective ~y.stt'm Pupil~' color('(~ figures of Santa M! EVf"r~\\'cJcomf> ~-ift _ slips. ins. Full ('ul hOlt-"ie cOats ~.anotO~, (;~lr hit mit'!'e _ from the of ,the" navy enlistment. Then the': ~t makcB managers of an cast~ will be put into effeat within a [ew CI.uus w~ich Wil.1 be put together .;~ Tailored. lon~ 'styll"s ... Bra tha.t ... \\eep the floor. !Irear," Ifhe officer in Des Moines navy t.old him to report, ahd the e~ ball parl<. mad enough when days. ' \\~ltl~ ~trlng. They qre also making ~ tops, .. Fitted midri[[ tYIWS. 1 98 7 95 ::.1(

told h}pl he did right by repQ~,ting army Drderc(! him to report. ho es ,are du&'1 under the fen,ca each Nume Honor Captains. gifts for parent~. f3l Ra:yon ('rcpes. satin.... \Vhitf". • to. ibut asked \vhy he didn't repJH't at. -;- , ti e ql footbnll game is played by Joe Kessler and Rex Johnson SIudents are 100 p.cr Cent on the ~ ;~Z~:a3r;se,~ 40. 1.39 •.Mason lCity. "That is what 1 am ~Icad(lUal't(,l"s.at' South C'trolina th se wh.o get in frcc. But It burns dental hpnor roll. Nme had neces· .Wi: L d" 'c t ;;f.doihg,"! replied the ·dl'ivcl'. "But W~H' games l'l'CeIVed this tpl4'gl'am, th~m up' to h.avc to pay the carc~ WCl'e elected footbajl captains for sary work completed and others Tr..~'.' aleS oa s 1"',-'

B the [Jast season laffi wce~ by the~:, ;;athis is e~ .Moines and not Mason '''PvC' D, B.- BotheUc is 10J: from ta er, [or filling up the holesj aftE:!r . had no \~'ork to· be done. "\.'M FlJr fahrk ... o"r doth (.oat..... ;;.ity," \ ~lS the answer. "1 must be Co. M. Ph'a~e win' \vherea outs." earh game. ,-.:; .",quad. T,hey will accom}Jany Coach --!--------,~- M! BI k . hrown' I ~

lost,"" 'Ie <ldver r,cmat'ked as he It \"'as,,' signed Pvt. D. B. B,o'hctte. Frank Sullivan to' Lincoln Friday Cecilllensley Sale ~~. t\\a,f"~(I.~: ;\~':::~i ar 9" gan8,.~figur9d out that 110 made the - Chicago couple pro\"ed that for thc' all·slate fuotball banquet. H{Y"-h,ly Sllccessfllll~,'.f hoxell !<Ity!t·.... > • iil,:'.,~ron~ urn moi'e tl~an 130 miles "A HollYwood colossa)" i. )rob~ th~ "way 10 a m!U1'~ Iwart IS f~~;~~ \~~~l t1~~,~::dol~y j~~ea~li_I:~:;:~~ Jr.~ R'l:.distant. I 'allly an appropriatq way to de~ thfOUgh hi~ -, stomacl.1." A man The otfermg ,'at the Cecil Hen. lU.~ :~

, 1 - ' sCl'ihe -the' yawn that scnt tlifford agrce'd to (:a*.eel his request for a team, Coaeh Axe! Bungard \\'In slcy sal~ west of Wayne last ~P.! Bed Jackets i9D H I' t'D 6 ' f S d' h' 'I' '" I abo 'be in Lincoln Frid"a,Y ',0 at~ 1'h 1 I ' 72.can U IHg 0 CI1\"cr, j'cars 1'111n~on 0 ,IJokane, to a hospital lvorel' when IS WI e salu: i=::i 1e ,ursclH~' )rot1ght extra good ~: ~

. old, rea, s t.he l'llcyelolJcclw for hi~ witll a dislocated J'uw. ~ \voulct t~lke, cooking le"sBons. tend a ~la.tc hasketball cllnlc. prices lrom Ill(' lar'gc crowd at~ I~ Cht'nillp or lapp t.irnllwtl ~at- :~I "t , £tllnton basket ball tl'am COl1ll'S ' ~

hobby~ 1'IC'ctricltYt·anr.;overnment The crying o[ BallY Joan! sa\'ed An ,80:year-old man' dice!" while here this Thurselay (~vening [or,llhe tending~ ?om Hughes officiated. ·.f in, I.ollg- tIll ...hurl :;It·P.... t'_''i~ ~ure the] ~Ubjccts lie., I 05 best. f 'j I'll I" "fl"· t' Illannl'ng a Ch"I'slmas' \'I'sl't to hi'S season's opening game. 'VI'hc H(,''7-:-;\VI{'ysha~~'"tlol rvlolcate ad, MMt. 'WJ~ T('a rO.,I' and hh't·. , ;,;,.'J . - . , a aml'y 0 1rcc rom su 0f~IOn,. eroon, , as. vvl ayan r ~ . ~~,!r,Th~1 tClcg"rabhl comp,any is. Hellvy fog had cut off t.hC cI imney mother The latter is 100 !ycars Hold l'ep Rally. and Mrs, Arthur May of near Lau~ i1 98¢ 1 98 ~

,fightil'l wire troublQ in r Texas dritfl and;fillcd the home wi h coal 0;t' . 'Pcp clUD chose Myla Thomas, reI. .have rent0d . lhe Mrs, Geo, ~ ,to e :~y.oith shrlguh!,i, Ea~h afternoon the, fumeB :\vhile the family BlepL Bette Pile and Jacqueline Wigllt.~ Kilblsch' farm \!.'hlch the Hcnslcys .~ ii!Wire circuit \.",'ont bad an"d J'ust as .Joan's cdt,.,,; wakened hcr other 1 M W I man to' have charge of the Ilrst ':;acalccI, ~~ 1 1'lL,

myste:!'lously the trouble clear'cd who cal'led a doctor, Whii,' 1ele~ InCl·' .eyer e( S rally of the year tillS Thur:-;day. ~r DOLLS f CHRISTMAS ;;:ti~. ~o I,"r5 faUn<' that thousa',ds I phoning, the motre" ["inlod but 1,,1'1 We,~,'lerll ~:'hlll'ch The clu\) is sL'iling \Yayne 111gb IIIen ll'lay.. Enlist .0<••••: • 0 r .~....,of bir~: roosted on th'e ,wi~'es, t eir I the d,o~tor. he{lrd the t ahy'~ eriCH ..., J \.lA s;tickers this weck, an activily in 11'" ""

. , ~-~. I I i ch,tll'ge, ~),f ~~onIlJe Nissen a~eI Nan III NaVt;fJ ReseJ·ve ~ . I ~I.al\l' hd' tlr"ams ('Hill" t!u{'c illFiormer R~&ident and ..a·ride NICh{?lcll~~ .. I The na\"y department announce" !B! Dresse~~ Sets' With onl' of thl''iil extra "'IarRo ~


.1 Will M"Ike ~heir Home TH0sPI~~~hold n hanquet !10X\ thai enlistmen,t 10 all cl6.:'>sc:'i of i~ A thf('l'~lli('{'(' drf'ssf'r set !ooizp dul .... '~3 indw~ lon~. Fully r';'-,,' At Gaston, Oregon. ~~~et~) ~~~end~~ '~~~~ f~~~~~r~:.ok~mh~~I~he n.aval r~~e~ye ('~cept cl~sses .v-11i! done up in a J:"ift \, rUllpcd drl""'o,{·d. Fur trimJ1lP,il hood.... ~

P'l Ll'ct N . I " . d D oJ (pIlot, trdJnmgl and V~I (mld~ ..,~ hox. Stiff bristl(~ hru....h. bev~ F1al1111'1 ('oah. OrJ:"::mdi(' drl'!';~I',; MI

' F res on, 0)' ,CM {e,~ ,lf1 c- ~hipnnr1 t rajnmg) 'Ire now auth ~ ('h'd mirror 1 49 "I R~"-iss Ruth leisChhauer~',Gas~ \V.Clyne Tilton compnse the com~ ~rJZC(; [or a period' o[ two, thJ'e~ '·a and ('omh.. .\\Itlt. !'tlll~ t(;.~ match. uhhf'r ~

t "Ore., daught.er of Mr. an, lYIrs. mlt.1e(' in, charge' (If studC'nts or four years fnl' men bctnieC'n the :~ pantH's. Shm'''i and ::!nldets. A ~a ~'E~~~~~~k~~~"o:o~)~~,an . aa~~l to he imtmtc'([: B c t t e Pile, ages of 17 and 30, Men bet\'r'een ~ ,all.w to Comjmrl' v,ith any (,loll.. !tl

D.ukc Dl'rry ~,n d De:V ~ y.n (' 17 and 18 ).C";I!'S of agc may ('nlist 11M! G Oft Gl at :-::'~,!)R lind 1IJ1. WI' rnakf" no ~::..,'~o~~~~lyM~rerWO~y~e,lIl'~O~~~~ :Iltnn. con~pr'lsi-'. t!~e .1~lt,I'-~ll,O~ 10 ~cn'e during the .period of Jii 1 oves ;:llHlo~~f'''' for cluantitic::J ••. \\ •• ~.arried Sunday e-\'ening, Novcrn- ~[O~~~, 1~~~~~:an~;O(I~;;I;~lds.r~~~;(~,,~ n~JOorll~ un~I,~ their :dls,t, b~rthc1qy M! In' liA\,Slm , .. ,JU"it lurve 'CIl1~ fI

~er 30 at 6 o'clock 'tt a Fretl y ,I _ 11 they so clt'slre.·All men \\ho en. I~~ ('I"i\"fOd :~ III'W ...hilHlwnt for , OXLlt ~~s~ , '. ..' Bud BarON', P<:l.u! Pelerscn .and Ii...; t in the na\'ul reserve \vlll be ~ holiday. s{'tlin~. All new ) ~~hr~~~s~~~rt~;~ I~~~C~C~J~ Ut~~::1 nonna Pr('ston ;l.rc' on the, f;lr~ rl'quired to agn-'c to sene through~ iB! sbtlm. and ('0101'-;. ,\ l.:"ift sh(' ~ "':diatect at th~ si~glp l:ing SL;r\'iel'~ rangcment cm~1mltt('~,. ou( tl1('Wil.rornatJOnall'mc'rw'ncy, ,\y will apllrf"date, $1,98 !~I . . .. ~" I' _" I" I ,J)('hat,"rs to (OIllJlf"tf'. . Jl:-o \·cqUll"cu. Men lfnay apply at ~a ~., Palms, bdSI.(t" of \\1.111£ chlYSdn; \IClYl\C, hl!~h 'dehi,lIPt'S \.\'110 \\'111 1111' near{'st nil.\! l'ecruitlng station 1Jt=~ :N~e.mu~s, t\\~ sevcn~br~nCI1I c.an~ ('nt,1' the t.n-stH~c im'it,:tl.lOn mQct' for further information. ~ ~~?Iabra decorated. t·he alta~, .dncI at VcnmlllOn, S, n., F l'lday and ~" ~__~ ~ ~ ~~~mls' .~IU~ and whlt.e candles hned Saturday al'(' Opal Penn, statlley"1 ' Farmers l."nion .i\lf~t:"tS, ij:; ;.t e alslC'~, I . Ga 1ble, I10nWI' Rt-rmann, dUKe 'Quarterly meeting oC \Vayne _:t.. ~.

, I Preceding' ithe cer...emo.ny ML"~ De ry and Don TIarw'y. Duke \\:ill County Farmers Union will bo ~ M, oma" Ral]stdn of 1- ore~~ ,Grovc , als~'). coo;petc m (':\t.('rnpor~. MISs held thIS Thursday eYenlng al 7 in ~ ~

s nf? I LOVtYou Truly, ""Ccnn.1~ Ja ICl' h'I(ha~vs{,I' "',111 ;.Il."c'o~lpany Wil} nt' clly hrilL Locals \\"il~1 fur~ ~ _ 3\

1amed by B ric. Ramp, who al~o lh(' 1. Tht' dcbnle qUf'stJOn IS that 'nlsh pntpt'tainrnenL Herb.Cl't Burel~ :~ ;~layed t~e \\/~e,lmg. ma~c~e:" 'T 'C'ry able hodlPd malt' Clt izen man L" s('('!'etary. ~ ~.The hrlfle",g!\pn ~n mdtl'ldg( by Sh'!jlllf] han' Ollf' yc'ar 11l1111ary ~ _ • . ~~_ -a ~

~cr bro.ther"GIlY FielSchhau('l' of tra ning !l('!"Ol"(' atlalnJOg tlw pn,.",.1 Will He Tfansff'rr. d. 'r:': ~'I ~iE'ntra\Ja, W~~ISh,., ,wore \\"1,,' I'"C' S,,'ill~ (lnt dl'r,Ift agc'" Till."; \,,\'C'l'k'S war' p\,!. \\/al,I('I' Baier 'WItt'S 111;lt ~ ~_.i I,b ~~,wr:t flslllon~':l. \\'11h long df'\C'!oplD('nl Will some li..'- hi..; di\ision of l:2,()()O mqn will be 11lJ.i ~ ~s~ce"(ls, Iltt?( !Jodlc(l ,md lDscts of vi~ on 10 handllng Issue. moved in January from Ft. Knox ~ ,~ ~

, glf~~~. tri:~:7~j~le~l:~'~ \"~~I~'oo~,n{;ri:t~ To ,'~"':"ii"it .Stud~lIts. . I ~~y., to C'3]~fornia. Th.ey arc IJYin~ .~ ~.; ~'I' ~d gl " a arents 01 pupils dOIng. unsatlS- In tent~ now and Will have new J':'~ / ,,' ,. ~9I USlon Was e get WIt h lac/':' and ". I k' C I" . l\:~ ",t. i!JII.

b fl' . faCltory work Win receIve notIces Jarrac s In a Ifornra. ~ ,~'."T. ~leri ouquet Was ,0 cal a ,llb?s. to hat effect within the next few -- '.~ .. - . _.~ ---~ ·I~ .. ':J. I ~..

i J.. ~r~, fEj~ Iba~~lcl< of Sherbdan, d~ ~,Principal Milton If*ckman I Is Fined in, <,'oUrt. tY ' / il~I~no~ 0 She e ::e e, 01das

mat dn ~~ asl s the cooperation o[ parents And(ew BloomqUIst was fined ,._ l , : ~ / ~

t·'' '1 . rose ress an schQol in an effort to secure $10 and aB~Qssed. costs .of $:L.45 ,~ ;r-.;CW !'lplel'tion of Illlttf'rnS ~~=-~:,J.;.rl.tJ '::li~ ~w~f~h~~:t~ec~l~ne and'~I'h~r~ better \vork ~rom th('~e students T~ursday aftQr pleac;ling guilty in ~t\! for holhlay !'tellin~. ~anfor- I ~ . ~

fu a' ',:-c-\e,S" et OUqU~ \\as in the future. Next'\veek parents' county· court to charg~ of failing 'Wi: iZl"d, with !'tand~UI) ('ollars. £1/ 0" t T~ !)\stets MISS Luella eyer Jt:~ Ch(wks. stri()('s or plain ('oF' \.; U lS IllaS les

ridLsmaici wo're pale blue gow~ of those doing' q~tstanding work to halt his cap at a stop sign. com~ ~; ()rs in blue, ~Tecn, ~rc~' and Thp ,If"rleet oUt for the honu'. +i':f t F ,I 10 . d . d will be so notified. plaint being filed by Patrolman H. ~ white. ... 1I11ntln'ds 01 Uf"S to !jl'lcd ~_

4m?e:,a~e bSlgn

a~ i~r~lCl t~e A gUidanc{' l'Jrogram is antici~ J. Brt. 'ii! ~,r~~ht:hneselll~('\tOl:'~Jlo~~~ro~~~~ ~'()lIr J)atti'rns and colors ~~~tse w~~e' 0 h(~~l~~~~'leng~ha, ~~il~ patdl in I~i~h 'School. Complete .- -----,---- ~ 119 1.35 1.49 s(lr'ead'l. ()\"f'f 100 new silreads from. ~f"\.\' 1l1l1tl'rns. lIiK~ iil.Jireld with 1'0. e asters. Snirle~ Ka -_ l'ec<H'd,s willi he kept on all st~~ APvrceiution. "a· to ('hoose from. Sanforized. Vat ;,:-radf" quahts, Ra.,:rons, wools. 'R!L..IJIl' k' f tI b'd If! S dents 11l an ('ffort to help them dl· I wish to tuke this opportunity ~~ dyed (lark ('olllrs, llastl'Is or 25C 49C' 98C ;;a:,r~c 'iTe~h~' 1('" I'I fl' was'_If{);-:~ rect lIwir devclopment to,best ad~ of thanking my helpers, Dan .~ \\:hlte' backgrounds. I'~ulI bed ' . Ii'-

~T~ I. r'€dtWOl

.C ye ow a eta wlOtag:(', , Leuck, Frank, Hicks and E. P. ,-a size. Sa\'e UIJ to 20~';" 011 the~e J ••

Isne~Oura" ~kl;:,tl a~~ carJj~~ .a Studpnls of thf' mUsic d~part- Caauwe,' ancl the public for, fine ~1t!: spreads. !il~sl'waso ri~<J~~~~r('ar s. uan, I el~ ment gav('. a ,publi(" concer.1. and coop,eration in the Red Cross drh'e ~ 3 98 4 95 1;.95 V!.

I i' d Ml C f B b k,l C d(~monstratJOn at school Tuesday, in Plum C~'eek precinct. :VII'S. A. If! • • u ~ "_'ser e~na~. beyt~ a ur1an

taI., L('onal'd Paulson took Mahel \'1. Dolph. ~ ~

ttalph NIS

eI{O d ('rEas /te\In.~an. Lu..;cllC'n. Ruth I1ammc, Elain"c -'"--_'~"-,-----.------- -- ~~ _...


$[ f..T·Il'l or I_an d ;;vcrc E ·fl~CS B('nthack, Eug('nc Sahs and Dick Firu'd on CJ;tnrges. IIW:~ ~~f i-f~~ t~?h~o\:n • ~cr, .,rx c cn Gilford 10 Fremont lfl:-;~ Friday. Floyd Stornll'r pleaded guilty In ~ iiiI 1).1 :ee~ Jtlon ero

er ~~ocrs. 's w The al1~school ctcu~ce \vas chang~ county coul'~. Decemher 2 to 'f;.:! fit '

Ilr ld' t~ ¢h h' jguesfc/l as eel to December 19 from December chargc~ of glVmg 1\vo no-funo~; Gift Slippers \ ;.:11

~:te'r~n ande ~~cre~~~i~~r\\'eddiow 10. _ . ,.'. c!1ecks, each for $2, one to Fr.ank ~'~ . eakJ. decor" ed the t' ,n

g lJ~lqlor ]ill~h ~ews. F leer and t~C' ~the: to Roy WItte. j! Felt sli()I)f"fS thllt arc com- '. ~·e~. " i.,lf 'd abl~: I, ~rs, Thc.student.~ listened to p.resi~ Stormer paid $10 fmc and costs of ,.~ fortable to .slip inti). New Dress Gloves ;;-. ~xl:~~ cleo~~r :,~u;e ~ 6Mrs. dent F. D. Roo~evelt's m{'ssage to $6.37. 'He al~o made restitu.tion for Tr.~ ('OIOTS - hllw, grf')', 39¢ , '1 ,. I ' ..~.

e ca e, aOle ae congress Moticlay in which h(" re- the 'checks. I ~ braWl:!. Sizes 4 to 9. • :'tII'n ~ It'nthf'r (rcss ~ (~'f"s. ~II(Ie;yer presl ed at the guest ~OOk: '( 't "1" d' 'I ... I' [.. b '.w:a Fin., J,;"T;u!e ('al,:skin, I..m('d ;;.Ma.rkella' Myel' had char e of lues (l( a, l'C al a IOn 0 \\ar c~ - ----,---~--, - 1Jr.~ or unlined. Bh'u'k, 1?9 ~giftI ;. and rs, Guy Fleisch 'au' tween [1,Japan and. the Unit.~d . l\Iarr~ed III \\e~1. ,I j\\!~ Immn, natural. .... ~a 'silted in ervin. ,er Stat~s. Th!ey also listened to ctlS~ MISs Lorrame Graf. d~ugllter'~ . ::-

~Members of th~ families! we cusslOn.$ and con}ments ?y the of nIL Clnd .Ivp'S. Herman Gr~f of li1 Gift Towel Sets if

g est' 'tntiliff t 'P . I re members 0[' the house atter the ncar Sholc~, and Donald WJik('l~ ~ md 11;h.

ay 'r ~om:~P er 11 the sp('C'ch. I~ . b;:~ll(,r. son of MI." and M~·s, Joseph "ii2i BatJI size, Imnd SiZl' and wash 1:K

~~~s. 'I' is a rad' S~\'et'al ill~ grade girls drew a \~ul,"eil_rweI' or ~~oles, \\e~e n~a~- ~t l'IotiJ. Extra Cill(~ flualit)·, Xmas ~C~~~rali~' hIgh selin i g

, ~1tel\ 0,( Chl'lstmas fnelt' on the black~ ned Novcm~cr :23 at S.\. (.Jabr~l'l s ~ wraplwd. 79C to 1.09 ~~~eyer \vas I radua~ed an ~ 'It. board., . ) church In San FranCISco, !")oth Ii! ~U\ni~'ersity ~(gN>b 'k frA051 th: Paqy F[kklc is a new pupil In I have be\-'n employed In San l'ran- ~~ ~

i f. eras a. liter a th Btl d . '0 'lOce OctObCl' '~ :OMhiP'1 to Cali ornia, the couple will e 1 g~'<l ~'. ~ I CISC s .,____ .~ Women's Slveaters iilIi e at Gaston, The hride ,wore ,11 ,Sixth .(,.ra~ (': ,~: rA."g e&n velvet sllit fqr traveling. vv~n, the. ~rltlm1("tJc, I el:,y InCC, p\.t. T~u~~j~~i~~~I:1I~s~~1I~~~·s here ~ Gh'e sweater!'l- for ('hristlllas _ ::-

~l" and Mr~. Paul MeYcf1.'· of ilJn(" 11Igh team \\on. 11:(' mem~ -fit ~~ All wool rardili;ans or slip onr~. ':II"

Si ey, fOl~erlY of Wayne. I Were bers o[ the team are DaVId Huff- fr:om Fort Le9nard Wood, Mo,; the !~~ Ion~ or short !ooll't'\"t'~, t.'xtrllJung ~.a ng g~e ts. man, 'Marlene .Mcnu*tt, Bobby la~t of the week visiting hi:,> par~ .~ GlOft SOX waist length _ all colors. ::-: " t' Bath~~, IC~1arle,~ KIlY, 1'fy1a Gran~ ents, , tiw Tom Johnsons,. He left J! iii

PI ' en I t quiet ana June HOl'rell ' Sundily. With two others from the "" FOR 'IE." . , • Ankle or re". 1.98. 2.98 Gift sets "'"", ,an , r;, ~as Senic ',: Humorous stories h~ ve been camp he was ~ent Tuesday to ~ J.~ _'I... , :':lI(

he ~~lah ,IS the subje ,t D~., read. Ii' : i I r Camp Shelby, Miss, :Bf ~t~('k~~~~:~;"s.E~i~t~~tt~~~~ Wrislp)-"_s ('oIOji;De. bath ~Its if:CH. s't qt1f

In has DChosen f r hIS Grade ..~ive News. Eugene is in engineer \vork at ~ and' t'olor!O. (i-~ve him several Take Advant!lge of an~l p"'li,~e~ ','.. La~s~~: f§f m~, rm~:m ecember' 21 at J'ac~{y,-Fickle 'and Margie Rei- camp, In recent weeks he has been .n pairs. Gift wrapped. . nal po SaL se.s, • : . ~

~~ r: P~~:~hrtan e~urch, I~' ,:on- bold enrolled in' the l room Mon<Iay, lcarning h.ow to bu!ld ~ontoon I!-:~ f OUR FREE B~~qllct IJO\\2de5,r;,n~, 9lo8tto~, ~._wi .Ibn ~ ed 't

eservIce reco~dmgs making lhe enro~lment *2, bridges, roads, etc., In qU1C~ ,01'- i._' 15~ 1ge 25¢ ~GIFT WRAPPING ~e !O. . to ' _:_

fr t~el~tato~oP~~~~t e1~rpt,~ . Bi1ly'B~nthad~ and Ftenee Ber~ ll~r. The men constru~,ted In 40 1 .~ ~ " ifa U hi" a. B '1" h he. Me. lah, rrdge helped construct $. fireplace minutes a block-long budge capa~ \§ . I ..

S ng"'\1 h rl IS Call' Wtth ae4

in the room A nllma~ure sleIgh hIe of carrymg 40 tons of \\elght .6i A R SON'S;«co pamme t bY,the London sJm~ and lClnoecr'wlth Santa \\:erc ar~ ThlS they dId \\Ith the use of boatSI -=~ L .~ph Y orchestra. ,rangl'd on' the mantle, Other alld planks. \'ii !!l

( I 'Vill Be 1\la . Christmas decoratlOns arc bem~ The MissoUri fort IS like a big 'ji . iil J'-J d rned. made for the room Chrlstm<lS'IClty \\ Ith Its 33,000 men In tIaln- II·: .. rI

mll Mol enhauer of Nqrfolk, poeIll~ and stories a.re lttemg wnt- mg. \I' I ;.!M: )an MlSS taverna BrueckTJler of 'ten and Chrlstni.a", carol~ sung L •• ( ~ •• ...... ....... .......';. ••_ ••• ~ tHO~kms, ",Il be mamed Decem. W;ih Grade Fa"r. Dlek Etankme,er, Pendor pw· ')'·.lI!ii;"lI"'::"'~;"'~iiJ~;il,:;"'~ii1~ii1j\lH,,~~Uil:~n;l':lijUil.~jiiii;rlU:~:~~,~iP'l~~1li:;.be 12,by ~ev. Mr. Blttorf.1 Th~ Iclass I ~~as divided into neerl dle.Q In prange, Cal. I'Jiiiiii'Il. T--~-'jI:il"·"· ~---~ "11'. I • I I • ,, I I I I)' ,II.! I I I I 1 I ¥i.

Lil Wayne (:

Wayne Liquorman

Pengujian Berorientasi Obyek - Gunadarmakarmila.staff.gunadarma.ac.id/Downloads/files/...· Metode desain test case oleh Berard nTest case harus diidentifikasi secara unik dan eksplisit

Wayne Creaser

THE WAYNE HERALD - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1971-1980...· Pl': M:W hospllal to serve the Wayne area, The Herald will ruo ,1

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Wayne Herald. - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1991-2000...· ___ Wayne Herald. DECEMBER22,l992 ... 1977: John R. Dahl, Waterbury,

AHS DEGREE AUDIT WELCOME. Presenter: Harold Warren Wayne Madry Wayne Madry Wayne Community College

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nTest Lung - Babi.Plus

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Wayne State University School of Medicine Information ...· Walter P. Reuther Library Wayne State University Archives Wayne State University, Detroit, MI Wayne State University School

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WAYNE HERALD t'l Home Demonstration Weeknewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950...· Celeb WAYNE HERALD I , I , Section One, Eight Pagas WAYNE, Y, MAY 4,

DokaVe eYVh ,lsV QaM - Mutual Fund€¦· 5 4 1 2 mRikn yscy Ldhe dk uke DokaVe eYVh ,lsV QaM ¼,d vksiu ,aMsM QaM v‚Q QaM~l Ldhe½ nh?kZdkfyd iwath o`f) ,oa orZ~eku vk; fjLdksehVj

รายชื่อผู้เข้าสอบวันที่15 มถิุนายน 2559 09.00 - 10.30 ...regis.kmutt.ac.th/nstudent/std159/Ntest/SIT.pdf· 17 591201010320

Fort Wayne Postcard 2020-01...2020 Fort Wayne CAMP GUIDE 2020 Fort Wayne Register online: THANK YOU TO OUR PARTNERS: 3 Fort Wayne Camps!

Lill Wayne

1H~WAYNE Need Large SuotTJH~ldHe;~ingLig~ting.C~ntest ...newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · C:;;~:&#039; ~;~ ~-~~.:&#039;-~~&#039;;J-~~.. ~-~~&#039; ";;;~~~-~;~;;" - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.