Classic Thumbprint Cookies Recipe (2024)

I love the sweet simplicity of classic thumbprint cookies. Each bite delivers a blend of a buttery cookie with a sweet jam center, a combination that’s stood the test of time.

One of my favorite cookies is the simple and classic thumbprint cookie. I hadn’t had them in a while, but then a friend brought me a tray of her homemade Christmas cookies. I LOVED all her cookies, but I couldn’t stop eating the jam filled thumbprint cookies. I devoured them.

She shared this old time recipe me that she had on a stained hand written recipe card. When the card is stained you know you have a good recipe. With just a few simple staple ingredients you can make these to share and to enjoy!

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Classic Thumbprint Cookies Recipe (1)

What are Thumbprint Cookies?

Thumbprint cookies are buttery and a bit crumbly and have a very simple ingredient list. They are similar to a butter cookie.

After you make the dough, it is then rolled into balls, then an indentation is made in them (often with your thumb) – hence the name thumbprint cookies. You can use your thumb, the back of a spoon or a teaspoon makes a great indentation too.

The little well that is left from your thumb is then filled with jam. However, there are many variations on these cookies from being filled with buttercream frosting to chocolate ganache to lemon curd. Really…you can fill them with anything you want.

Classic Thumbprint Cookies Recipe (2)

How to Make Thumbprint Cookies

These tasty treats couldn’t be easier to make. Just gather your ingredients, make the dough, roll them out, add the jam, bake and done.

These are a great cookie to make with young children too as they love to use their little hands to roll the dough.

Classic Thumbprint Cookies Recipe (3)

Gather Your Ingredients

These buttery treats don’t require a lot of ingredients; just six in fact. These are easy and delicious!

  • Softened Butter:The base for that rich, melt-in-your-mouth texture.
  • Egg Yolks: To bind everything together.
  • Vanilla Extract:A dash for that sweet, aromatic flavor.
  • All-Purpose Flour:Sifted, to create the perfect cookie structure.
  • Favorite Jam:Homemade or store-bought to fill those thumbprints.

We encourage you to get creative with these essentials. Try a different variety of jams to make these thumbprint cookies uniquely yours. This easy recipe welcomes variations, so feel free to mix and match fillings to your liking!

Classic Thumbprint Cookies Recipe (4)

Jam to Use for Thumbprint Cookies

These cookies wouldn’t be as tasty without the jam. The buttery cookie and the jam go together like two peas in a pod. The cookie and the jam are equally important.

You can use any jam flavor you like and it can be seedless or have seeds. This is all up to your tastes. My favorite is raspberry or even blackberry, but there has never been a jam filled thumbprint cookie I have ever turned down.

Give these flavors a try:

  • Raspberry Jam
  • Orange Marmelade
  • Strawberry Jam
  • Apricot Jam
  • Blackberry Jam
Classic Thumbprint Cookies Recipe (5)

Since the jam is what really adds flavor to these buttery cookies, it’s best to use a good quality jam. I like to use homemade jam or Bonne Maman preserves.

The Art of Making Thumbprint Cookies

  1. Prepare Your Dough:Begin by creaming together softened butter and sugar until the mixture is light and fluffy. Beat in an egg yolk and a dash of vanilla extract to add richness and flavor. Gradually mix in the flour until a cohesive dough forms.
  2. Shape the Cookies:Next, roll the dough into small balls, about one inch in diameter.
  3. Create the Signature Indent:Arrange the dough balls on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Press your thumb or the end of a spoon into the center of each ball to make a well for the jam. If the dough cracks, simply smooth it back together with your fingers.
  4. Add the Jam:Select your favorite jam and spoon a small amount of jam into the indent of each cookie. Remember not to overfill to prevent the jam from spilling out during baking.
  5. Bake to Perfection:Bake the cookies in a preheated oven at 350°F (177°C) for around 8 minutes or until the edges are lightly golden. Let them cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely.
Classic Thumbprint Cookies Recipe (6)
Classic Thumbprint Cookies Recipe (7)
Classic Thumbprint Cookies Recipe (8)

Thumbprint Cookie Variations

Feel free to experiment with different nut and jam combinations to make these thumbprint cookies uniquely yours. Instead of jam you could try chocolate butter cream frosting, lemon curd or salted caramel sauce or Nutella.

Add almond extract to change the flavor of the cookies. Add in 1/4 or 1/2 teaspoon of almond extract and the rest vanilla extract to get to 1 teaspoon. You could also try orange extract as well, but make sure to use some vanilla extract even if changing flavors.

Check out these other posts!
Moist Dark Chocolate Cake Recipe
Mixed Berry Cobbler
Easy Berry Banana Bread Recipe

Perfecting Your Cookies with Expert Tips

  • To help avoid cracking when making the indentations; ensure the dough balls are very smooth on the outside, press into the dough very gently/slowly, smooth small cracks over with your fingertips.
  • Baking thumbprint cookies at precisely 350°F yields the best results—cooked through but still delightfully tender.
  • A lined baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat is your best ally to keep the cookies from sticking
  • Add about ½ teaspoon of the jam into each indentation; too much more and the jam will spill over.
  • If your cookies run too much while baking; pop the sheet tray with the indented dough balls in the fridge for 30 minutes or so before baking

  • Ensure the dough balls are not too large. Use about 1 1/2 tsps. of dough and rolled them into 1 inch balls.
  • Careful not to over cook the cookies. The perfect timing to bake these cookies, at this size, is 8 minutes.
Classic Thumbprint Cookies Recipe (9)

Storing Thumbprint Cookies

Once the cookies have cooled, store them in an airtight container to maintain their freshness. Whether on your countertop or in the pantry, they’ll stay delicious for up to 5 days.

Classic Thumbprint Cookies Recipe (10)

Freezing Thumbprint Cookies

For those of you planning ahead, these little gems freeze beautifully for up to three months. Start by letting your freshly baked thumbprint cookies cool completely; patience is key here—warm cookies will result in condensation and sogginess when frozen. Once they’re at room temperature, arrange them in a single layer on a baking sheet and pop them into the freezer until they’re firmly frozen. This prevents the jams from sticking and cookies from losing their shape.

Next, transfer the frozen cookies into an airtight container or a resealable plastic bag. Layer them with sheets of parchment paper in between to prevent them from sticking together. Seal the container tightly; it’s pivotal to push out as much air as possible before sealing the bag if that’s your chosen route. When you’re ready to enjoy them, simply thaw your thumbprint cookies at room temperature for about an hour, and they’ll be ready to savor, tasting just as fresh as the day you baked them.

Classic Thumbprint Cookies Recipe (11)

Baking Supplies

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Classic Thumbprint Cookies Recipe (12)
Classic Thumbprint Cookies Recipe (13)
Classic Thumbprint Cookies Recipe (14)
Classic Thumbprint Cookies Recipe (15)
Classic Thumbprint Cookies Recipe (16)

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of jam do you use for thumbprint cookies?

My favorite is raspberry jam, but. you can use any flavor you like. Strawberry, blackberry, apricot or mixed berry make great thumbprint cookies. Or do a variety. Ensure your jam is thick and not runny.

Do you fill thumbprint cookies before or after baking?

Filling the cookies with jam before baking ensures they set up in the oven.

Why did my thumbprint cookies spread?

The butter should be at cool room temperature when making the dough. Ensure it is not super soft or greasy. Most importantly, make sure to chill the dough! After you form the cookies, place the unbaked cookies in the freezer for at least 30 minutes before baking. This will prevent them from spreading.

Can I free the dough before baking?

Yes, if you want to prep the dough ahead of time that is fine. You can freeze the dough for up to 1 month.

Classic Thumbprint Cookies Recipe (17)

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Yield: 7 dozen small cookies

Classic Thumbprint Cookies

Classic Thumbprint Cookies Recipe (18)

I love the sweet simplicity of classic thumbprint cookies. Each bite delivers a blend of a buttery cookie with a sweet jam center, a combination that’s stood the test of time.

My friend shared this old time recipe me that she had on a stained hand written recipe card. When the card is stained you know you have a good recipe. With just a few simple staple ingredients you can make these to share and to enjoy!

Prep Time45 minutes

Cook Time8 minutes

Total Time8 minutes


  • 3 sticks butter
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 3 3/4 cup all purpose flour
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • Jam or preserves


  1. Cream butter and sugar until fluffy
  2. Add egg yolks
  3. Sift flour and salt and blend into butter mixture.
  4. Add vanilla extract
  5. Chill dough for at least an hour
  6. Shape into 1inch balls and place on ungreased cookie sheet
  7. Make indentation in center of cookie using tsp.
  8. Fill the well with jam or preserves of choosing
  9. Bake at 350 for 8 minutes or until lightly browned
  10. Cool before serving
Classic Thumbprint Cookies Recipe (2024)


Should you fill thumbprint cookies before or after baking? ›

Thumbprint cookies should be filled before baking. This gives the jam time in the oven to firm up and set a little.

Why are my thumbprint cookies cracking when putting thumbprint? ›

Thumbprints crack if the dough is too cold or pressed to aggressively. I recommend using your index finger and pressing firmly but make the indent slowly. I know they are called “thumbprints” but most people's thumbs are actually too big for this task and will crack the dough!

Why are my thumbprint cookies falling apart? ›

The dough should be chilled for at least 30 minutes, so that you can shape it into balls and indent without falling apart. Check that your oven temperature isn't too high.

How do I stop my thumbprint cookies from spreading? ›

Storing your dough in the fridge helps to harden the fat and prevent your cookies from spreading. Allow it to chill in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Do I need to refrigerate thumbprint cookies? ›

No. After baking, thumbprint cookies do not need to be refrigerated. To store them, simply save in an airtight container at room temperature. You can store them in the refrigerator if you prefer, but it's not necessary.

What is another name for thumbprint cookies? ›

Hallongrotta (plural: hallongrottor) is the name of a common Swedish cookie. The name means raspberry cave in Swedish. In the United States they are known as thumbprint cookies, as well as by many other names. Similar cookies sold in Australia are known as jam drops.

What is the shelf life of Thumbprint Cookies? ›

When does Thumbprint Cookies expire? Thumbprint cookies, whether homemade or store-bought, generally maintain their best quality for up to 1 to 2 weeks at normal room temperature. If you store your cookies in the fridge, you can extend their life to about 3 weeks.

Do Thumbprint Cookies mail well? ›

Do Thumbprint Cookies ship well? Yes. Firm and sturdy cookies are the best type of cookies to ship, so our Thumbprint Cookies handle the trip well.

Can I freeze dough for Thumbprint Cookies? ›

Absolutely! Thumbprint cookies will either have their indentions made before or after baking. If that occurs before baking, you can do that before they're frozen so that they're ready to go when you're ready to bake them.

Why are my thumbprint cookies dry? ›

Dry – “Dry” or “Crumbly” dough is a product of over-mixing or using too much of any ingredient during the mixing process. This can be reversed by adding one to two tablespoons of liquid (water, milk or softened butter) to your mix.

Can I add an extra egg to cookie dough? ›

They are about 75% moisture, 12% protein, 10% fat and 2ish % sugar. The white provides strength, stability and moisture. Yolks, where all of the fat is in an egg, increase richness, tenderness and flavor. Therefore, if you put an extra egg, you will get a chewier cookie.

How do you add moisture to cookies? ›

Add Molasses or Honey Another way to add more moisture to your cookies is incorporate a tablespoon of molasses into a standard-sized cookie recipe. Don't use any more than a tablespoon, because it will make your cookies very sweet and runny. One tablespoon is just enough.

What makes cookies fluffy and not flat? ›

Baking powder or flour in excess will cause cookies to rise more, making them more fluffy and cakey. Increased sugar will make them caramelize more and increased fat will make the dough heavier and richer, all increasing retention of water in the dough- these all add up to chewier cookies.

How do you make cookies thick and not flat? ›

A low proportion of sugar relative to flour reduces spread, keeping the cookies thick. A high proportion of mix-ins helps thicken the dough. Blending chocolate chip styles creates a more dynamic flavor. Overnight refrigeration hydrates the flour, again helping the cookies stay thick.

How do you transport thumbprint cookies? ›

Can you ship Jam Thumbprint Cookies? Yes, these ship quite well! For optimal freshness, wrap the cookies tightly in plastic wrap. You don't have to do them individually, but try to stack them in groups of 3-4 so there's not much air around them.

What is the correct order when making cookies? ›

Generally with baking you mix all the wet ingredients, then all the dry, then incorporate the latter into the former. This prevents clumping and helps make sure everything is mixed uniformly.

Does the order of ingredients matter when baking cookies? ›

Incorporating ingredients into the dough in the wrong order can entirely throw off your cookies. It's not just enough to mix the dough for the correct amount of time — the order that you incorporate ingredients into the dough matters.

Do you smash cookies before baking? ›

If the dough is chilled before baking then the cookies will be slightly more rounded, so if you want slightly flatter cookies then bake them as soon as you have mixed up the dough. But we would not recommend flattening the cookies completely as this will affect the texture.


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Name: Errol Quitzon

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