List of Blue Water Navy Ships Exposed to Agent Orange (Interactive Vietnam Map) (2024)

Attention Blue Water Vets (and families):

On June 25, 2019, the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019 was signed into law. The law defines service connection to veterans who served in the Blue Water Navy. We’ve built this interactive map to determine if your ship was inside the zone.

List of Blue Water Navy Ships Exposed to Agent Orange (Interactive Vietnam Map) (1)




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Please select a ship

This list is NOT yet complete.
You can submit information from your own research on this page. After you enter the coordinates on the TEST COORDINATES form, you’ll find an “Add to Database” button below which you can use to submit the ship name, date and other information for inclusion in our database.


Enter the coordinates that you want to check. Our map will determine if you were within 12 nm of the zone created by the law.

If you’d like to save your map for later, click the Save button and save the URL provided.

If you have any feedback, please contact us.



° ' N

Please enter degrees and decimal minutes.


° ' E

Please enter degrees and decimal minutes.

Degrees (0-180) and decimal minutes (0 to 59.9999) up to 4 decimal places.


'} else {message = '

We\'re sorry, there was a problem saving your information. Please try again.';}var response_content = $j('#response').html();message = message += response_content;$j('#response').html( message );scroll_to_something( $j('#response'), 200 );}});}});});$j(window).on('load resize', function(){size_form_area();});$j(window).on('resize', function(){setTimeout(() => {adjust_form_area();}, 500);});function save_point( lat, lng, result ){var theData = [{name: 'security',value: 'f6e8277215'},{name: 'lat_degrees',value: lat },{name: 'lng_degrees',value: lng },{name: 'result',value: result}];$j.ajax({type: 'post',url: '',data: theData,success: function(resp) { }});}function display_ship_points( map, date_id ){if( date_id == null ){date_id = 0;}var ship_id = $j('#ship_select').val();var theData = [{name: 'security',value: 'f6e8277215'},{name: 'ship_id',value: ship_id},{name: 'date_id',value: date_id}];$j.ajax({type: 'post',url: '',data: theData,success: function(resp) { // see if this ship has been selected previously...$j('#ship-temp').html(resp);var id = $j('#ship-temp').find('.ship-information').attr('id');if( $j('#ships #'+id).length ){// remove the markers$j('#ships #'+id).find('.point').each(function(){remove_marker_by_point( $j(this) );});$j('#ships #'+id).remove();}$j('#ships').append(resp);$j('#restored-points').html( $j('#ships .ship-information').last().find('.ship-points').html() );display_ship_points_on_map( map );update_display();$j('#response-container').fadeIn();//scroll_to_something( $j('.ship-information').last(), 200 );}});}function display_ship_points_on_map( map ){var count = 0;var total = $j('#restored-points .point').length;$j('#restored-points .point').each(function(){var lat = $j(this).find('.lat').text();var lng = $j(this).find('.lng').text();var result = $j(this).find('.result').text();var ship_name = $j(this).attr('data-ship-name');var ship_date = $j(this).attr('data-date');//var ship_time = $j(this).attr('data-time');var point = new google.maps.LatLng( lat , lng);var ddm_lat = convert_decimal_to_ddm( lat ); var ddm_lng = convert_decimal_to_ddm( lng );var contentString = '

'+ ship_date + '
' +'Latitude: '+ddm_lat+' N Longitude: '+ ddm_lng +' E

'; var id = addMarker( point, lat, lng, contentString, result );$j('#ships .ship-information').last().find('.positive-point[data-lat="'+lat+'"],.negative-point[data-lat="'+lat+'"]').each(function(){if( $j(this).attr('data-lng') == lng ){if( ! $j(this).find('.remove').length ){$j(this).append('


');return false;}}});count++;if( count == total ){// center the map on this marker//map.setCenter( point );offsetCenter(map, point, -100, 0);}});}function display_date_selection( ship_id ){var theData = [{name: 'security',value: 'f6e8277215'},{name: 'ship_id',value: ship_id},];$j.ajax({type: 'post',url: '',data: theData,success: function(resp) { $j('#ship_dates').html(resp);if( resp == '' ){if( $j('.ship-information').length ){scroll_to_something( $j('.ship-information').last(), 200 );} else {scroll_to_something( $j('#response').last(), 200 );}}}});}function check_coordinates( region_of_interest ){var lat_degrees = $j('#lat_degrees').val();var lat_minutes = $j('#lat_minutes').val();//var lat_seconds = $j('#lat_seconds').val();var lng_degrees = $j('#lng_degrees').val();var lng_minutes = $j('#lng_minutes').val();//var lng_seconds = $j('#lng_seconds').val();var theData = [{name: 'security',value: 'f6e8277215'},{name: 'lat_degrees',value: lat_degrees },{name: 'lat_minutes',value: lat_minutes },/*{name: 'lat_seconds',value: lat_seconds },*/{name: 'lng_degrees',value: lng_degrees },{name: 'lng_minutes',value: lng_minutes },/*{name: 'lng_seconds',value: lng_seconds },*/];$j.ajax({type: 'post',url: '',data: theData,success: function(resp) { $j('#response-container').fadeIn(200);//setTimeout( scroll_to_message, 205 );if( resp == 'problem' ){ // report error to user$j('#response').html( 'Sorry, there was a problem processing the point you entered. Please check the coordinates and try again.');}else {// plot and store the pointresp = JSON.parse(resp);var point = new google.maps.LatLng(, resp.lng);var contentString = '

'+'Latitude: '+dd_to_ddm( )+' Longitude: '+ dd_to_ddm( resp.lng ) +'

';// remove the map intro, change the Plot button and clear the input$j('#map-intro').fadeOut();$j('button.plot-position').html('PLOT ANOTHER POSITION');$j('.form-coordinates input').val('');var negative_response = '

Sorry, the point at latitude: '+dd_to_ddm( )+', longitude: '+ dd_to_ddm( resp.lng ) + ' is not within the region. Please enter another point.

';var positive_response = '

Excellent! The point at latitude: '+dd_to_ddm( )+', longitude: '+ dd_to_ddm( resp.lng ) + ' is within the region. Feel free to enter more points or go ahead and file a claim. You may also use the SAVE or PRINT buttons to preserve these results.

';var point_info = 'Latitude: '+dd_to_ddm( )+', Longitude: '+ dd_to_ddm( resp.lng );var result = 0;var id=0;if( resp.result == 'empty' ){// determine if it is in the region and set the markerif( google.maps.geometry.poly.containsLocation(point, region_of_interest) ){result = 1;id = addMarker( point,, resp.lng, contentString, result );report_result( positive_response, point_info, true,, resp.lng, id);$j('#points-object').append('

'+dd_to_ddm( )+'

'+dd_to_ddm( resp.lng )+'


');} else {id = addMarker( point,, resp.lng, contentString, result );report_result( negative_response, point_info, false,, resp.lng, id);$j('#points-object').append('

'+dd_to_ddm( )+'

'+dd_to_ddm( resp.lng )+'

');}save_point(, resp.lng, result);} else if( resp.result == 'true' ){result = 1;id = addMarker( point,, resp.lng, contentString, result );report_result( positive_response, point_info, true,, resp.lng, id);$j('#points-object').append('

'+dd_to_ddm( )+'

'+dd_to_ddm( resp.lng )+'


');} else if( resp.result == 'false' ){id = addMarker( point,, resp.lng, contentString, result );report_result( negative_response, point_info, false,, resp.lng, id);$j('#points-object').append('

'+dd_to_ddm( )+'

'+dd_to_ddm( resp.lng )+'

');}// center the map on this marker//map.setCenter( point );offsetCenter(map, point, -100, 0);}}});}function offsetCenter(map, latlng, offsetx, offsety) {// latlng is the apparent centre-point// offsetx is the distance you want that point to move to the right, in pixels// offsety is the distance you want that point to move upwards, in pixels// offset can be negative// offsetx and offsety are both optionalvar scale = Math.pow(2, map.getZoom());var worldCoordinateCenter = map.getProjection().fromLatLngToPoint(latlng);var pixelOffset = new google.maps.Point((offsetx/scale) || 0,(offsety/scale) ||0);var worldCoordinateNewCenter = new google.maps.Point(worldCoordinateCenter.x - pixelOffset.x,worldCoordinateCenter.y + pixelOffset.y);var newCenter = map.getProjection().fromPointToLatLng(worldCoordinateNewCenter);map.setCenter(newCenter);}function size_form_area( second ){var map_intro_height = $j('#map-intro').outerHeight();var the_form_container_height = $j('#the-form-container').outerHeight();var the_ship_form_container_height = $j('#the-ship-form-container').outerHeight();var the_form_container_container_height = $j('#the-form-container-container').outerHeight();var max_height = Math.max( map_intro_height, the_form_container_height, the_ship_form_container_height, the_form_container_container_height );var additional_height = 0;if( $j('.buttonized').length > 0 ){additional_height = $j('.buttonized').height();}$j('.proximity-tool-inner').height(max_height + additional_height);equalize_column_heights( $j('.form-banner-button') );size_map( the_ship_form_container_height, the_form_container_height );if( ! second ){setTimeout(() => {size_form_area( true );}, 500);}}function size_map( the_ship_form_container_height, the_form_container_height ){var map_height = $j('#map').outerHeight();if( the_ship_form_container_height > (map_height + 50) ) {$j('#map').height( the_ship_form_container_height - 50 );} else if( the_form_container_height > (map_height + 50) ) {$j('#map').height( the_form_container_height - 50 );}}function make_map_form_dominant(){var ww = $j(window).width();if( ww > 890 ){if( $j('#the-form-container-container').hasClass('coordinate-form-dominant') ){$j('#the-form-container-container').removeClass('coordinate-form-dominant');scroll_to_something( $j('.proximity-tool-inner'), 0 );}$j('#the-form-container-container').addClass('map-form-dominant');$j('#map-intro').fadeOut();$j('#the-map-container').fadeIn();collapse_the_rest($j('#the-form-container .the-rest'));show_the_rest($j('#the-ship-form-container .the-rest'));size_form_area();} else {$j('#the-form-container-container').removeClass('coordinates-searched-last');$j('#the-form-container-container').addClass('map-searched-last');show_map();}}function make_coordinate_form_dominant(){var ww = $j(window).width();if( ww > 890 ){if( ! $j('#the-form-container-container').hasClass('coordinate-form-dominant') ){scroll_to_something( $j('.proximity-tool-inner'), 0 );$j('#the-form-container-container').addClass('coordinate-form-dominant');}if( $j('#the-form-container-container').hasClass('map-form-dominant') ){$j('#the-form-container-container').removeClass('map-form-dominant');}$j('#map-intro').fadeOut();$j('#the-map-container').fadeIn();collapse_the_rest($j('#the-ship-form-container .the-rest'));show_the_rest($j('#the-form-container .the-rest'));size_form_area();} else {show_map();$j('#the-form-container-container').removeClass('map-searched-last');$j('#the-form-container-container').addClass('coordinates-searched-last');}}function adjust_form_area(){setTimeout(() => {var ww = $j(window).width();if( ww > 890 ){if( $j('#the-form-container-container').hasClass('map-searched-last') ){make_map_form_dominant();}if( $j('#the-form-container-container').hasClass('coordinates-searched-last') ){make_coordinate_form_dominant();} } else {if( $j('#the-form-container-container').hasClass('map-form-dominant') ){$j('#the-form-container-container').removeClass('map-form-dominant');show_the_rest($j('#the-form-container .the-rest'));}if( $j('#the-form-container-container').hasClass('coordinate-form-dominant') ){$j('#the-form-container-container').removeClass('coordinate-form-dominant');show_the_rest($j('#the-ship-form-container .the-rest'));} }}, 500);}function show_map(){$j('#map-intro').fadeOut();$j('#the-map-container').fadeIn();}function collapse_the_rest(the_rest){the_rest.animate({height:0}, 300);}function show_the_rest(the_rest){the_rest.css('height', 'auto');}function show_see_results_button(){scroll_to_something( $j('.proximity-tool-inner'), 0);setTimeout( function(){ $j('.map-see-results').fadeIn(); }, 500);$j('.map-see-results').on('click', function(){scroll_to_something( $j('#response-container'), 20 );$j(this).fadeOut();});}function position_coordinate_button(){var top = $j('#the-ship-form-container').height() - 50;$j('#the-form-container').css('top', top+'px');}function dd_to_ddm( dd ){var degrees = Math.trunc(dd);var decimal;if( dd < 0 ){decimal = dd - Math.ceil(dd);} else {decimal = dd - Math.floor(dd);}var decimal_minutes = decimal * 60;decimal_minutes = decimal_minutes.toFixed(1);return degrees+"° "+decimal_minutes+"'";}

');return id;}// keep all the markers in an object so we can remove them when needed.var markers = {};var currentId = 0;var uniqueId = function() {return ++currentId;}function delete_marker_by_id(id) {var marker = markers[id]; marker.setMap(null);}function remove_marker_by_point( point ){var lat = point.attr('data-lat');var lng = point.attr('data-lng');var marker = $j('#markers .marker[data-lat="'+lat+'"]');marker.each(function(){ if( $j(this).attr('data-lng') == lng ){ var id = $j(this).attr('data-id'); delete_marker_by_id( id ); point.remove(); $j(this).remove(); }});}function validate_form(){ var validation = true; var scroll_to = ''; var field = ''; var fields_to_check = [ $j('#lng_minutes'), $j('#lng_degrees'), $j('#lat_minutes'), $j('#lat_degrees'), ]; for( var i = 0; i < fields_to_check.length; i++ ){ if( field = check_for_blank_field( fields_to_check[i] ) ){ validation = false; scroll_to = field; } } if( ! validation ){ scroll_to_something( scroll_to, 10 ); } return validation;}function check_for_blank_field( field ){if( field.val() == '' || field.val() == '0' ){field.parent('.form-coordinates').addClass('show-validation');return field;} else {return false;}}function convert_decimal_to_ddm( dec ){var minutes = ( 60 * ( dec - Math.floor(dec) ) ).toFixed(2);var degrees = Math.floor(dec);return degrees + '° ' + minutes + "'";}function convert_decimal_to_ddm_arr( dec ){var minutes = ( 60 * ( dec - Math.floor(dec) ) ).toFixed(2);var degrees = Math.floor(dec);return [degrees, minutes];}function isNumberKey(evt){var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : evt.keyCode;if (charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57))return false;return true;}function restore_point( point_div ){var lat = point_div.find('.lat').text();var lng = point_div.find('.lng').text();var ddm_lat = convert_decimal_to_ddm( lat ); var ddm_lng = convert_decimal_to_ddm( lng );var result = point_div.find('.result').text();var point = new google.maps.LatLng( lat , lng);var contentString = '

';var id = addMarker( point, lat, lng, contentString, result );var point_info = 'Latitude: '+lat+', Longitude: '+ lng;if( result == '1' ){report_result( '', point_info, true, lat, lng, id);} else if( result == '0' ){report_result( '', point_info, false, lat, lng, id);}}var results = ['negative-point', 'positive-point'];var results_message = ['Negative', 'In the region'];function restore_ship_point( ship_point_div ){var lat = ship_point_div.find('.lat').text();var lng = ship_point_div.find('.lng').text();var ddm_lat = convert_decimal_to_ddm( lat ); var ddm_lng = convert_decimal_to_ddm( lng );var result = ship_point_div.find('.result').text();var ship_name = ship_point_div.attr('data-ship-name');var ship_date = ship_point_div.attr('data-ship-date');var ship_time = ship_point_div.attr('data-ship-time');var ship_id = ship_point_div.attr('data-ship-id');var point = new google.maps.LatLng( lat , lng);var contentString = '

'+ ship_date + ' ' + ship_time + '
' +'Latitude: '+ddm_lat+' N Longitude: '+ ddm_lng +' E

';var id = addMarker( point, lat, lng, contentString, result );var point_info = 'Latitude: '+lat+', Longitude: '+ lng;if( $j('#ships .ship-information').last().attr('data-ship-name') != ship_name ){$j('#ships').append('

Date: '+ship_date+' Latitude: '+ddm_lat+', Longitude: '+ddm_lng+' Result'+results_message[result]+'


');$j('#ships .ship-information').last().find('.ship-points').append('




');}}function report_result( message, point_info, result, lat, lng, id ){var point_info_wrapped = ''if( result ){point_info_wrapped = '

Result: In the Region




';} else {point_info_wrapped = '

Result: Negative


';}$j('#point-record').append(point_info_wrapped);update_display( message );}function update_display( message ){if( message == undefined ) { message = ''; }display_message( message );display_plotted_points();display_ships_points();}function display_message( message ){$j('.response-content').html( message );}function display_plotted_points(){if( $j('#point-record').html() != '' ){ $j('.plotted-points').html( "

List of Points You've Entered

"); $j('.plotted-points-inner').append( $j('#point-record').html() );}}function display_ships_points(){$j('.ships').html( $j('#ships').html() );}function scroll_to_something( something, above ) {var pos = something.offset().top - above;$j('html, body').animate({scrollTop: pos}, 300);}function scroll_to_message(){var wHeight = $j(window).height(),divTop = $j('#response-container').offset().top,divHeight = $j('#response-container').outerHeight(),divBot = divTop + divHeight;$j('html, body').animate({scrollTop: (divBot - wHeight)}, 500);}function isNumberOrDecimalKey(evt){var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : evt.keyCode;if (charCode != 46 && charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57))return false;return true;}

List of Blue Water Navy Ships Exposed to Agent Orange (Interactive Vietnam Map) (2024)


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Author: Aracelis Kilback

Last Updated:

Views: 6266

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (64 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.