Script samples from various games -  · Web viewScript samples from various games. Here are some lines from Call of Cthulhu - [DOC Document] (2024)

Script samples from various games -· Web viewScript samples from various games. Here are some lines from Call of Cthulhu - [DOC Document] (1)

Script samples from various games.

Here are some lines from Call of Cthulhu. Set in the 20’s in Innsmouth, a NE coast fishing village.Jack Walters is a smartass but cool detective and the main part.Zadok the grizzled crazy town drunk.

Jack Walters Did the Christian folk of Innsmouth not object to such blasphemy?

Zadok Allen with drunken slur

Not so mech escaped, as set free. Fer weeks nothin', then thet arful nite of 'forty-six'. Them's from outside reckon on it bein' a riot. But, I seed them… Swarms of 'em.

Jack Walters The fishfrogs attacked Innsmouth? Because the sacrifices stopped?

Zadok Allen Aye. My pa, he clumb aout the kitchen winder with his musket. Never heerd o' my pa no more.

Zadok Allen with drunken slur

'twas a massacre… the gaol thrown up… Maounds o' the dead an' the dyin'. Shootin', screamin' n' shoutin' all cross Taown Squar'.

Jack Walters But he escaped?Zadok Allen with drunken

slurCome mornin', the mess wuss cleaned up. Ol' Obed n' his family teks charge. Folks were tol' to keep shy o' strangers ef we knowed what wuss good fer us.

Zadok Allen with drunken slur, almost oblivious to Jack

'cept the ol' Cap'n wuss now deeper in debt to 'is 'eathen gods. They were hankerin' fer more than jest sacrificin'…

Rebecca Lawrence Rebecca is in her late 30’s and like her ancestors before her she is a long standing opponent of the Marshes. The only reason she is still alive is through a combination of luck and extreme caution when talking to outsiders. The hard life she has been forced to endure in Innsmouth comes across in her voice, although a strong woman she has become weary over time. Actors: Naomi Watts, Linda Hamilton, Cate Blanchett

Jack Walters He told me to protect whatever's in the safe… to get it out of town.

Rebecca Lawrence Jack… you're in perilous danger, you've got to get out of town. The Order is onto you… it's not safe for you in Innsmouth anymore.

Jack Walters I'm leaving on the next bus out of this nightmare. Tonight.

Jack Walters And you can rest assured doll… I'll be enlightening the relevant authorities with all I've seen in this crazy sh*t hole.

Rebecca Lawrence That's if they even let you leave. You've seen too much Jack… the Order won't allow you to go easily.

Jack Walters The bus is not going till morning. Seems there's a problem with the engine.

Rebecca Lawrence That's not good Jack.

Jack Walters There must be another way out of this crazy sh*t hole?

Rebecca Lawrence No friendly folk in Innsmouth have transport.

Rebecca Lawrence You could walk it… Though the marshlands that bound this port are a full night's journey, and more perilous than the streets and alleys of the town.


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Jack Walters Oh swell.

Rebecca Lawrence You've got to get out of Innsmouth Jack.

Jack Walters Any ideas?

Rebecca Lawrence The Gilman Hotel is your only option. But bolt your doors Jack, for not all outsiders that take board at the Gilman see through the night.

Brian Burnham (human)

Summary Description

Brian Burnham is the 18 year old manager of the First National Grocery store in Innsmouth. He was caught cracking a safe of his girl friend’s father and is now in jail. This is where Jack finds the terrified Brian, who is suspicious of anyone in his current state – even those seemingly offering a way out.Brian Burnham spoken with

hushed urgency

What are you waiting for Jack?

Brian Burnham They've spotted us!Brian Burnham spoken with

hushed urgency

Quickly, run.

Brian Burnham Are you sure it's safe now?Brian Burnham Let's go, Jack.

Brian Burnham What the hell you doing? Watch your aim.Brian Burnham Have you gone screwy?Brian Burnham Blast! They must have realised my escape.Brian Burnham We'll stand a better chance of staying alive if we try

to sneak past them... somehow.Brian Burnham That was too close. We need to be more careful.Brian Burnham The pathetic wretch killed himself... much longer in

that hole, and it could have been me.

Brian Burnham Just find Ruth. I'll meet you at the other side.


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Brian Burnham I'm not leaving till you rescue Ruth.Brian Burnham Well get her down... I'm not leaving without Ruth.Brian Burnham Just rescue Ruth... then we can leave.Brian Burnham confused and

upset but trying to keep his cool

Right... errr... get in the back.


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Brian Burnham Its going to be dangerous Jack. I'm not leaving until you're properly armed.

Brian Burnham It'll be in the safe in the front office. According to your friend over there, the combination is 1846.

Brian Burnham hushed Yeah... Henry Garrison, he's the crazy fella in the next cell... whenever he throws a fit, one of Martin's mob are all over this alley like a rash.

Brian Burnham hushed Just that he's off his nuts... if he lays eyes on you he'll likely throw a fit.

Brian Burnham hushed Hide you fool. Quickly.Brian Burnham hushed Why should I trust you?


Character Description

NAME: Jack


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Age: 23 Sex: Male

Personality: Jack is a loner Passive aggressive If he wants to do something, he does it with attitude. He is musically gifted (plays the guitar and sings). Confident, doesn't hesitate much.

Voice: Doesn't sound whiny, has a mature voice for his age. His accent is a low key British “working class accent”. He speaks almost lyrically with a sense rhythm, because all his life he has composed rock songs. This is a film noir style voice over. He feels betrayed, and run down. Yet, he will not give up. He talks in a low monotone voice and with a slow tempo. He sounds a bit hoarse.

Sample Dialogue:

Description of the scene:Jack lives in a tightly controlled city (think North Korea), where most of the citizens are

“sleep walking” through life. Jack's family member was arrested and now he must get him out. After a few bad choices Jack finds himself surrounded by the law. Desperate times require desperate measures.

This is a film noir style voice over. He feels betrayed, and run down. Yet, he will not give up. He talks in a low monotone voice and with a slow tempo. He sounds a bit hoarse.


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JACK (part 1, Jack's inner voice)The flames struggle, trying to spread through the back alleys of the city. The only choice I have, after I found the knife buried in my back, is to feed them.

The cops are moving in to stop me. They have me surrounded. (pause) I need some help and the only people who can, might be worse than the disease. The anarchists live in the Old Town, in their little gated corner.

They are perfect fuel for my fire. [Record the last sentence twice, different ways](quietly) They are napalm...

(arrogantly) They are napalm...

Description of the scene:Jack has entered the Old Town, barely escaping from the cops.

JACK (part 2, Jack's inner voice)

The smell of unwashed violence grows as I walk deeper into the Old Town. The cops won't follow me here, they have no say behind this wall. This slum is run by mad crooks and thugs - the gatekeepers of nasty.

Voice reference: Bruce Willis' "Hardigan" character from Sin City.Christian Bale's character from The Prestige.Brandon Lee's character from The Crow.


Johnny/Runt Challenge (Li’l Bow Wow)Johnny/Runt Challenge (Li’l Bow Wow)


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L’il Bow Wow Johnny character in game

This is a simple challenge that will be part of the ‘tutorial’ in the final game. You approach a “Runt” called Johnny and he asks you to show him how to do a specific trick. By doing it, you teach him and he succeeds in the trick and goes off to tell his friends.

Runt sting: waving and calling to player when he gets into range.

Johnny is practising while the player is outside of 'press square' range:Johnny (frustrated): C’mon, c’mon, c’mon…How hard can it be?

Damn! I seen Calisto do it… man!

As player approaches:Johnny: Hey! Hey! ‘Sup!

Johnny briefing part 1 - once the player has pressed square to accept:Johnny: Check out this kickflip. Check it out.Johnny tries trick and fails

Johnny briefing part 2, after he fails to do the trick himself:Johnny (disappointed): Aw man! I suck… Can ya show me?

If the player starts to move out of rangeJohnny (worried): Hey! Where you off?

If the player moves out of range completely then:Johnny (disappointed): Aw well. I'll just have to keep practising. Later!

If the player falls during attempt:Johnny (laughing): Lame, dude!

If the player succeeds then:Johnny (amazed): Tight! Check it out! How’ja do that?


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Then Johnny performs trickJohnny: Awesome! I’m takin’ this move back to my homies.

Thanks!Johnny skates off

ad-Ass/D-Boy Challenge (eminem)ad-Ass/D-Boy Challenge (eminem)

Eminem Badass character in game

The D-Boy challenge is to follow the gang leader around the district as he performs tricks. If you keep up then you win, if you lag too far behind, you lose:

D-Boy sting, waving to player when he gets into rangeD-Boy: Yo! YO! Yeah you!

***D-Boy briefing once the player has pressed square to accept***D-Boy: Locals only, weed! Hey I know you. Listen up. I’ll take ya

through but if you can’t keep up you better get the hell out. Hear me?

If the player fails to keep up (cannot stay within 30m of Bad-Ass Challenger)D-Boy: Better jet, Malibu Barbie! You don’t wanna be here when the

crew finds ya!

If the player catches up to D-BoyD-Boy: Yeah, props. Whatever. I got my eye on you, dawg. Peace.

The following are additional taunt/congratulatory messages from the challenger, which we may need in the future.

CongratulationsCongratulationsD-Boy: That’s big homes!D-Boy: Do it up!D-Boy: Awesome!D-Boy: You da man!D-Boy: Way to go boyo!


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D-Boy: You a D-Boy now!D-Boy: Give it up! (meaning ‘applaud’, not ‘give up’)D-Boy: That’s right!D-Boy: Stoked!

TauntsTauntsD-Boy: Look at the little yuppie!D-Boy: Locals only fool!D-Boy: Man that’s skan*y!D-Boy: You smellin’ up dogtown!D-Boy: Do I gotta watch this?D-Boy: Give it up sis!D-Boy: Go back to school, fool!D-Boy: Time to go!D-Boy: If style talks, you gotta walk!D-Boy: Beat feet wipe!D-Boy: Give up, clown! (meaning ‘give up’ and not ‘applaud’)


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Jackass/Hessian Challenge (Jess Margera, Jack Black)Jackass/Hessian Challenge (Jess Margera, Jack Black)

Jack Black Jackass character in game

The Hessian challenge is more complex. The guy calls you over and tells you to climb up a building using a ladder and then jump off that building - down 30 feet into a dumpster full of rubbish. The player must get off the board, climb the ladder, move a ramp to the edge of the building, jump on his board and hit the ramp. While in the air, he has to pull a Jackass Stunt and then aim to safely hit the dumpster:

(He's only interested in luring in another sucker.)

Hessian sting, waving to player when he gets into rangeHessian: Pardon me! Excuse me! Uh, Sir? A word?

***Hessian briefing***Hessian: Hi! How are you today? (no beat) Great! Question - Would you

consider – hypothetically – um… climbing up to the top of the ladder there and using the ramp to Cannonball into this dumpster? This one here. I swear it ain’t gonna hurt if you miss. I swear ta’ God! I do it all the time.

***Hessian fail 1*** (if the player lands in dumpster but does not perform jackass trick)Hessian: What was that? I don’t get it. You just fell. What’s the point of just

falling into garbage? You wanna try somethin’ this time… Like a CANNONBALL?


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Hessian fail 2 (if player lands outside of dumpster and survives, ie. does not get sent to hospital immediately)

Hessian: (feeling the pain, but not really caring about the player's safety):

Ooh! You hear the sound your head made? Damn!


But that was a real good try. I mean it. Go on - give it another shot. Be a man.

Hessian Win (player lands in dumpster)Hessian: (stunned, quietly):

Whoa dude… that was epic.


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Main Player CharacterMain Player Character

The Main Player Character will progress through various skateboard tricks and we need to record a reward voice sample of “yeah”, as he is very happy with his trick, and cool with his attituide with it. We also need to record a sample for when he is on the board and looses his balance. We should record 3 lengths for these. A short, medium and long sample.

Main Player Character: "yeah!" for a perfect trick & "woaa" (losing balance on board) on a sketchy trick...“Ooff!” and “Sonuva..!” for a heavy landing“Aagh ooh!” and “Woah ooff!” for a fall off the board

Pedestrian (Various White Race – Mid 20’s, male and Pedestrian (Various White Race – Mid 20’s, male and female)female)The moves that the pedestrians make are :- duck- jump out of the way- cower- can be knocked down - show interest in player character (exclamation)

We need to record various calls to respond to these, I have detailed some below, other additions in US street phrasing & character will help!

Pedestrians: Argh! – Hey You! – Watch it! – Oof! – Unf! – Eek!

Showing interest: Lookit that!Yeah!Easy kid!Nice move!Hey-heyyy!Wow!Woo!

5 extra phrases to be recorded by each of the voice 5 extra phrases to be recorded by each of the voice actors. These 5 vocal stings will be played over the in- actors. These 5 vocal stings will be played over the in- game music tracks as game mode changes and force game music tracks as game mode changes and force you to skate. And if you fail you die/your to skate. And if you fail you die/your dead.


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All variations welcome, tough ones, angry ones, hip hop style ones (very street), Skate punk ones, rude/puka ones, shouted ones etc…. :

- Skate- Go Skate- Skate Or Die- You Die- Your Dead

CHILDREN OF THE NILE GAME…Think mid eastern accents:various ages:

Female 4

Situation Script Line

Going shopping I'm going to drop from all this shopping.

(laugh) (laugh)

Personally dissatisfied (to peers) Do you ever feel like no one cares about your

complaints? I'm losing patience.

Harvest pomegranates My mother had more than 30 ways to prepare pomegranates. It's all she ever made. How I

hate pomegranates!

Harvest berries These are some really nice, juicy ones over here.

Good morning Beautiful morning, isn't it?

Celebrate I guess I'd better bake some honey cakes. I wonder if people REALLY like them, or if they're

being polite?

Harvest wheat Bronze scythes are the greatest invention since, um, since….

Get mugged Oh good, you have a knife. Slice yourself some bread. Oh! I see.

Good afternoon What a scorcher.

Barter You can't possibly expect first-rate prices for these second-rate wares.


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Going to worship (to husband) Shall I say a prayer for you, too?

Harvest onions "As much as I love baked onions, onion casserole and onion soup, I've got to try those ""onion

rings"" everyone's raving about."

Give to beggar We don't have much, but I suppose I can spare a little.

Comment to husband (mildly seductive) Maybe one night soon the kids can spend a night with the neighbors.

Pharaoh died I don't envy the king's wives now, those poor women. Think how they must feel.

Tend lettuce I can't stand the sight of salad anymore.

Monument complete Absolutely breathtaking.

Need healthcare (to husband) The good news is, it's not morning sickness. The

bad news is, I think I need a healer.

(peasant) dissatisfied Gripe, gripe, gripe. That's all anyone ever does anymore.

Tend barley People think barley is mostly for beer, but I actually like it better than wheat bread.

Refuse beggar You need to work on your "pathetic" routine.

Reply to child That's nice, dear.

Comment to child (by mother) When you grow up, you will make great things that

last forever!

Express concern Somebody had better do something.

Noncommittal reply You know better than I do.

Disagree What'd you do - hit your head?

Agree I can't argue with that.


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Good evening Warm one tonight.

Beg Come on, don't be selfish.

Flee threat (scream)


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Child 2

Situation Script Line

Comment to father Are monuments really built by little green men from the sky?

Flee threat (scream) Look out!

Celebrate (happy cheering) Yahoo! Hooray!

Harvest fish Spear, schmear. Wham!

Tend wheat Grain looks so good in the morning light, even I want bread for lunch.

Harvest barley Akhet vacation starts as soon as this job is done.

Reply to father Way to go, dad. Now I'm going to be in therapy for the rest of my life.

Disagree No way.

Agree Sure!

Reply to mother Awwww, mom.

Harvest lettuce I wonder why mother gets so crabby during Akhet vacation.

Donation response Oh, thank you, you are very ki-- Hey, is that all?

General greeting Hi there.

Tend onions There ought to be a law against keeping a kid in an onion patch in this heat.

Noncommittal reply Whatever.

Beg I ask so little. Oh, I'm soooo hungry.


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Comment to mother I am NOT just another mouth to feed! Someday when I'm Pharaoh's vizier you'll be sorry

you said that!

CAESAR –real time strategy game in Roman times


A funny thing happened on the way to the Odeum…

"Friends, Romans, Countrymen. Lend me your ears." Nah, no one would ever talk like that…

What's my motivation?

My wife just doesn't understand the wig and the dress. It's not MY fault I keep getting cast as Juno.Charioteer

Do I know how fast I was going? Not fast enough!

Would you believe it was the horse that was speeding and not me? I'm just an innocent bystander!

The competition here is fierce. You gotta be on top to get the good sponsors!

I always drive fast to outrun the smells!Gold Miner

Gold. It's what makes the world go 'round.

Who would have guesses so much dirty work goes into making pretty things?

My wife keeps asking me to bring my work home with me.

I do all the work, and someone else gets all the gold. Hardly seems fair, does it?


You'd think with all that hot water, bathhouses would clean themselves. If only that were so…

I'm not kidding! Brush your teeth or you'll regret it later.

Nothing like a good bath to ease away the aches and pains of a working man. It does wonders for the smell too.


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Good health is worth more than the greatest wealth.

Livestock FarmerCow tipping isn't so funny when you're the one who has to stand them up again.

For some reason my wife gets mad when I compare her to one of my prize heifers.

Beef. It's what's for dinner… on a good night.

I don't worry as much about the mad cow disease as I worry about the mad bull after me.Patrician MaleIf all roads lead to Rome, then why does so much riff-raff seem to find its way here?

As long as you are wealthy, you will have many friends.

I love the little people… so long as I don't have to talk to them.PraefectWould you like to buy tickets to the Praefect's Ball? No? What was your name again?

Yes, where there's smoke, there's fire. Why do you ask? Oh! I gotta go…

Putting out fires is a risky business, but the ladies love the uniform!

Crime doesn't pay. Of course, around here, honest work hardly pays either.Choose any type of advisor and any line from the ones below please:1) Chief Advisor 2) Labor Advisor 3) Legion Advisor (governmental advisor outside of Rome) 4) Imperial Advisor (governmental advisor within Rome) 5) Ratings (public relations) 6) Resources (all crops and goods) 7) Finances 8) Population 9) Health10) Education 11) Entertainment 12) Religion

Sample Advisor Lines

* We need to stockpile more weapons in the armory, if we are to send out enough cohorts to destroy Carthage.

* Food supplies are running low -- you should allocate more resources to agriculture to have a sufficient harvest for the remainder of this year.

* Word from Hadrian is that construction of the blockade in Northern Europe is on schedule and should be completed in the time allotted.


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* Your citizens are quite content, but Rome is less than pleased with your progress.

* Worker productivity is at an all-time high, thanks to the flawless education system in the city.

SPELLFORCE GAME—Fantasy role play. Think Lord of the Rings

Jandrim, dwarf, male, 35, blacksmith, good hearted, strong, friendly.

In the Westguard, safety

AVATARJandrim? What brings you here to the Westguard?

JANDRIM I have come to serve the Realm.

AVATARThen your right place would rather be Sevenkeeps.

JANDRIM No! The Realm does not have a treaty with King Ulf, the Realm, that is you! You have brought our people together again, so I will serve you!

AVATARWhat can you forge for me, Jandrim?

JANDRIM Ha! I knew you would ask that!

JANDRIM First off, I brought you some good pieces from my collection. I put them right over here, for you to choose from.

JANDRIM If I may ask you just for one thing though....

JANDRIM I am always on the lookout for new knowledge in the art of forging.

JANDRIM If you happen to come across


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such knowledge on your journeys, I'd be very grateful.

JANDRIM And if you also bring me the necessary materials, the first piece of work I produce will be yours.

JANDRIM Niethalf's strength!

Ylia, elf, female, 40, calm, wise, mysterious.

In the Westguard, safety

YLIA Will I find accommodation here with you, my friend?


Make yourself at home, Ylia. Stay as long as you want here in Westguard!YLIA May the light

always be around you, my friend. I feel that I'm more needed here with you than in this disgusting town.

YLIA I see you do not have a healer in your village. If the people here are not scared by elf magic, then I will gladly take care of their sufferings.

AVATARYou honor us, Ylia. May our country find Elen's blessings.

AVATARWhat would you, as an elf, change in the Westguard?

YLIA You have to form your country to suit


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your own needs, my friend.

YLIA But if you build a well or a monument, then I can cast a spell on them.

AVATAR I have built a well.YLIA I will perform a

cleansing ritual on your well and ask for Elen's blessings.

YLIA From now on whoever drinks from this well, will be cured of all illnesses.

AVATAR Thank you, Ylia.AVATAR

We have erected a monument, Ylia.YLIA Ah, I see. You

want me to cast a spell on it.

YLIA Well then! I will cast the spell of the Oak Heart around your emblem. So whoever comes close to it, will be given fresh courage!

AVATAR Thank you.

[DESCRIPTION] Hedwig, human, female, about 40, Scribe/Magician, determined, aggressive, hurt deep inside.

[SITUATION] Near the exit fo the castle, Hedwig aprroaching avatar, trying to talk to him alone

706P302_DLG_HEDWIG_001 HEDWIGA child of Malacay! Interesting!

707P302_DLG_HEDWIG_002 HEDWIGNow tell me: Did Uland really ask you to find his two little plague spots?

708P302_DLG_HEDWIG_003 HEDWIGThat's not a proper task for a Shaikan! I, on the


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contrary, can offer you something worthy of your blood!

709P302_DLG_HEDWIG_004PCAVATAR I'm listening, magician.710P302_DLG_HEDWIG_005 HEDWIGFind those wards...and

destroy them!711P302_DLG_HEDWIG_006 HEDWIGThose two not only stole a

cult wand, but they also overheard some things... that mustn't reach the Baron's ears!

712P302_DLG_HEDWIG_007 HEDWIGI want them dead! And in case you find my wand with them, you can keep it as a reward.

Twiddle, human, male, around 50, slim build, a weird porofessor, chaotic, distracted but friendly

Near the portal to Sevenkeeps after Twiddle has come from the future to save the Avatar, Avatar is a bit staggered.

PROFESSORTWIDDLE Excellent! We've been lucky, haven't we, dear companion?


Now don't look so dimwitted. It doesn't suit a genius! Four Iridium Geodes and a moonglass...I NEVER would have thought of that!

PROFESSORTWIDDLE Uh-oh! It's starting all over again! Farewell and many thanks!

Zacharias, human, male, 35, sinister, mysterious, rash.

In Sevenkeeps, safe. MAGEZACHARIAS

...Seven ways into the fire... Seven dreams full of remorse, seven are the all-consuming flames... And sevenfold is your desire...

MAGEZACHARIASWhat? Cover up your ears, stranger! Or do you want to go mad? What do you want?

MAGEZACHARIAS You again! Now what is it?AVATAR I have this delivery for you.MAGEZACHARIAS

I do not sense a trap... Indeed, this delivery is for


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me! I will tell Alyre about your honesty!AVATAR Do you have a task for me?MAGEZACHARIAS

I am looking for mushrooms for a poisonous potion, an old dwarven recipe!

MAGEZACHARIASI would be grateful, if you could try and find the missing mushrooms for me.


I still need: Poisonous Stinger, Yellow Spouter, Stomach Turner, Elven Straddler, and Brown Forestus. Here, take this basket.

MAGEZACHARIASNot at the moment. Come back some other time.

Windhammer, ghost, dwarf, 60, was once a great blacksmith and priest, determined, epic.

In the mine, enemies nearby. AVATAR What has happened, ghost?WINDHAMMERGHOST

I was fighting with Iuan, the Firemage striving for the Heart of Niethalf. For a long time we fought in the mines!


In our last fight the tunnel collapsed boulders rained down on us! Our bodies were shattered, but our ghosts keep fighting on!


As Iuam has robbed the Heart of Niethalf! I have sealed the mine so he cannot escape, but I can only rest in peace when I have wrested the Heart of Niethalf from his ghost!


Bring me back the Heart of Niethalf, so I can defeat Iuan for good and Underhall can live in peace again!


BATTLE VOICE 4 different voices



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"Stay back, he's got a [grenade launcher / Hydra]!""Keep your head down, he's got a [sniper rifle / Widowmaker]!""What the hell is he firing?" (ER, LR, LG, T)"This guy's packing!"[Other weapon-specific phrases]


"He's hiding over there!" (Player not moving, no LOS from enemy)"Here he comes!" (Player charging at NPC's)"He's up there!""He's down there!""Grenade!""Incoming!"


"Flank him!" (When merc starts strafing)"Pin him down!" (When merc starts firing)"Move in and take him out!" (When merc starts charging)"Covering fire!" (When merc starts moving—strafing or charging)"Fire at will!""Blast him!""Blow him to bits!""Take him out!""Saturate the area!""Defensive protocol!""Open fire!""I need ammo!""He's everywhere!"


"Roger.""Got it.""On my way.""Yes, sir."


"He's over there!""Over here!""Let's go!""Get him!"


Script samples from various games -· Web viewScript samples from various games. Here are some lines from Call of Cthulhu - [DOC Document] (25)

"Contact!""I got 'im.""He's over here!""Got 'im!""Move out!""Target acquired!"


"Where is he?!""I lost him!""Stay alert!""He's still around here somewhere.""Is that movement on your flank?""Target lost!"


"Take cover!""Get down!""Hit the deck!""Stay low!""Down!""Incoming!""Look out!""Take cover!""Hit the deck!"


"Man down!""Nooooo!""Medic!"


"Retreat!""Fall back!"


Script samples from various games -· Web viewScript samples from various games. Here are some lines from Call of Cthulhu - [DOC Document] (26)

IN-GAME DIALOG one voice each


Acheron_10_002"Let's go! Move out by two's!"

Acheron_10_003"Command? Tiger Six. We're topside."

Acheron_11_002"What's going on up there? Report!"

Acheron_11_005"Who is this!?!"

Acheron_11_007"Intruder topside! Phoenix Two, move out!"

Acheron_12_002"He's at the bottom of the shaft. Look alive now."

Acheron_12_003"Forward units down. Stay alert."

Acheron_12_004"Who is this guy?"

Acheron_12_005"Hold your positions. Let him come to you."

Acheron_12_006"Now! Attack!"

Acheron_12_007"Open fire!"

Acheron_12_008"He's got the artifact. Don't let him get away."

Acheron_12_009"Intruder has the artifact. Intercept and eliminate."

Acheron_12_010"What the hell was that?"



Script samples from various games -· Web viewScript samples from various games. Here are some lines from Call of Cthulhu - [DOC Document] (27)

"Whoa! What was that?"Acheron_12_012"Evacuate! Repeat! Evacuate! This thing's alive! Get the hell out of here!"

Acheron_12_013"Everyone topside! Now!"

Acheron_12_014"Who's left? Report in!"

Acheron_12_015"Two more over here, sir!"

Acheron_12_993"I'm trapped!"

Acheron_12_994"Look out!"

Acheron_12_996"I'm hit! I'm hit!"

Acheron_12_997"Man down!"


Acheron_12_999"I can't see!"

Acheron_13_002"Get me outta here!"

Acheron_13_003"Damn door!"

Acheron_13_004"Freakin' ... door!"

Acheron_09_002"Lemme get this straight... They're desperate to get this thing, so we're gonna blow it up?"

Acheron_09_003"We're just gonna give it a nudge. Pry it loose."

Acheron_09_004"And they don't think the creature will mind?"


Script samples from various games -· Web viewScript samples from various games. Here are some lines from Call of Cthulhu - [DOC Document] (28)

Acheron_09_005"I guess we'll find out."

Acheron_09_006"Then let's get it over with. This place gives me the creeps."



Script samples from various games -· Web viewScript samples from various games. Here are some lines from Call of Cthulhu - [DOC Document] (29)


Janus_07_002"We know where they are. Tell us how to get in."

Janus_07_003"What's the code?"

Janus_07_004"You're not gonna like this."

Janus_07_005"Talk, you bastard!"

Janus_07_006"I've got all night. You might as well talk."


Janus_07_008"Tell us!"


Script samples from various games -· Web viewScript samples from various games. Here are some lines from Call of Cthulhu - [DOC Document] (30)


Waterfront_10_008"Give up, you marine bastards!"

Waterfront_10_002"Give it up you suckers! You're pinned down!"

Waterfront_10_003"Both of you - come on out!"

Waterfront_05_002"Where is he now? Is he dead yet?"

Waterfront_05_003"I don't know - I can't find him!"

Waterfront_05_004"Can't find him? Where could he go - he's locked in!"

Waterfront_05_005"I'm looking! I'm looking!"

Waterfront_05_006"Security detail, report in."

Waterfront_05_007"Security detail - Report in!"

Waterfront_05_008"I don't like this!"

Waterfront_05_009"Shut up. Keep looking, he must be somewhere."

Waterfront_06_002"He's in the ceiling!"

Waterfront_06_003"Up there!"

Waterfront_06_004"Get him!"


Script samples from various games -· Web viewScript samples from various games. Here are some lines from Call of Cthulhu - [DOC Document] (31)


NaKoja_06_002"Have you been down to the site lately?"

NaKoja_06_003"Yeah. Have you seen that... whatever the hell that thing is?"

NaKoja_06_004"I don't even think Tezuka knows what it is."

NaKoja_06_005"Well, that hasn't stopped him from hacking at it like a Liandri coconut. What the hell is he thinking?"

NaKoja_06_006"Hey man, I've been with most of the guys in this outfit for years. Whatever it is down there, we can handle it."

NaKoja_06_007"Yeah, right."

NaKoja_06_008"What was that?"

NaKoja_06_009"Uh... perimeter clear!"


NaKoja_09_010"Threat eliminated."

NaKoja_12_002"Damn piece-a-crap scaffold keeps breaking. I'm gonna need more bolts."

NaKoja_12_003"That you down there, Sal? Hand me up that toolbox, willya?"

NaKoja_12_004"What the... Who are you?! Stop right there!"

NaKoja_13_002"I'm not goin' back there."

NaKoja_13_003"C'mon! How bad can it be?"


Script samples from various games -· Web viewScript samples from various games. Here are some lines from Call of Cthulhu - [DOC Document] (32)

NaKoja_13_004"Whaddya mean? There's dead bodies everywhere."

NaKoja_13_005"Must be something special though. I'll bet the auto-defenses are all tapped out. First man in gets the finder's bounty, ya know."

NaKoja_13_006"Forget it!"

NaKoja_13_007"You scared?"

NaKoja_13_008"Damn straight!"

NaKoja_13_009"OK, then... Coulda been a hero, coulda been a hero..."

NaKoja_13_010"Shut up."


NaKoja_14_003"Hey! Who are you!"

NaKoja_14_004"What the...?"

NaKoja_14_005"Where did he come from?"

NaKoja_14_006"How'd you get in here?!"

NaKoja_14_007"Who the hell are you?"


NaKoja_14_009"Advance and be recognized!"

NaKoja_14_010"Stop right there!"


Script samples from various games -· Web viewScript samples from various games. Here are some lines from Call of Cthulhu - [DOC Document] (33)


NaKoja_15_002"I got point."

NaKoja_15_003"Secure the area."

NaKoja_15_004"Area secured."

NaKoja_15_005"Area secure. He must be further in."

NaKoja_15_006"Intruder last seen in this sector."

NaKoja_15_007"Any visuals?"


NaKoja_15_009"Advance on me."

NaKoja_15_011"What is that?!"

NaKoja_15_012"Oh God!"

NaKoja_15_013"It's got me!"

NaKoja_15_014"Can't see!"

NaKoja_15_015"Get away from me!"

NaKoja_15_016"My arm!"


Script samples from various games -  · Web viewScript samples from various games. Here are some lines from Call of Cthulhu - [DOC Document] (2024)


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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.