The Lexington Herald from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)

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The Lexington Heraldi

Lexington, Kentucky

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Page 6 THELEXINGTONHERALD Monday Morning May 29 1950 Kentucky Deaths Blue Grass Gardener Pastor Tells Eastern Seniors Inspired Teachers Are Needed Americans Endorse Mishaps Prove Fatal To 766 By Associated Press Accidental death cut short Memorial Day week-end for 166 Amerl cans with leu than half of the four day holiday spent -The toll stood Sunday night at 119 traffic fatalities 27 lives lost hr drowning and 20 persons dead of miscellaneous mishap Fair mild weather over mueh of the nation boosted the holiday traffic of motorists intent on outings visits or just spina around the countryside The National Safety Council basing its estimate on movement of some 30000000 cars -during the holiday period has predicted 290 persons would be killed In traffic accidents alone Deaths by state listed by causes traffic drowning and miscellaneous: Alabama 4-0-0 Arizona 1-0-0 Arkansas 0-1-1 California 8-0-1 Colorado 1-0-0 Georgia 1-0-0 Illinois 10-0-3 Indiana 6-1-0 Kansas 3-0-0 Kentucky 3-0-0 Louisiana 1-0-0 Maine 2-1-0 Maryland 1-2-0 Massachusetts 2-1-0 Michigan 16- 1-1 Minnesota 4-1-0 Mississippi 3-1-0 Missouri 7-0-1: Nebraska 1- 0-1 Nevada 1-0-0 New Jersey 3- 2-1 New York 4-5-0 North Carolina 3-0-1 Ohio 5-1-2 Oklahoma 4-0-0 Oregon 2-0-2 Pennsylvania 1-0-1 South Carolina 0-0-1 South Dakota 3-0-0 Tennessee 2-2-2 Texas 5-4-1 Utah 1-0-0 Vermont 2- 1-0 Virginia 2-1-0 Washington 6- 2-0 West Virginia 2-0-0 Wisconsin 1-0-0 District of Columbia 10593 Persons Seek Public Assistance FRANKFORT Ky May 28 The Department of Economic Security reported today there are 10593 applications pending for public assistance There are 2231 applications from Jefferson county alone The requests for help are strong in Eastern and Southeastern Kentucky also Break-down on the applications shows 6120 for old age assistance 4186 for aid to dependent children and 287 for aid to the needy blind The department Is whittling down on the applications There were 12330 on file In March and 14137 In February compared to the 10593 pending at the last count During April 63444 persons received an average of 82077 in old age assistance compared to an average of 82082 for 62562 recipients in March The 1950 legislature removed the 830-a-month maximum for recipients of old age assistance The department said 3800 persons received 830 in April and only a part of those would be eligible for more than 830 a month Pairings Are Listed For LCC Tourney Pairings for the President's Trophy tournament an 18-hole medal-play handicap tournament -t the Lexington Country Club were made yesterday The 16 low net scores qualify for the evenL in which the first round must be played off by June 4 the quarter-finals by June 11 the semifinals by June 18 and the finals by June 25 Queen fired a net 69 yesterday to win a five-man qualifying playoff and Joe Dunlap and Robert Odear have until Wednesday to meet in a qualifying playoff to complete the field of 16 The pairings with the qualifying score are as follows: Tom Underwood Jr (10) vi Jos Jobert (47) Cls? Simpson (S) Reeved (SSI John Krause (S3) Tommy Renta (S7) Bill Rains S7) vs Queen ISO) Chester Myers (S3) Olenn (47) Robert Stlls )SS) vs Willis Haley (61 1 Charles Bringardnar (S5) vs Barney Stall (SI) Tucker (S7I va Jos Dunlap or Robert Odear B'nai B'rith Installs Officers Af Banquet New officers of B'nai B'rith were installed last night during an an nual banquet at the Lafayette hotel They are Norman Wide president Dr Franklin Moosnick first vice president: Ben Shraberg second vice president Hugo Bloomfield financial secretary Ben Cohen recording secretary and Marvin Meyer treasurer Wides sue ceeded Hyman Levy New officers of A A B'rith youth division also were installed Erie Levy succeeded Sandy Bederman as president Other officers are Alan Fred Bloomfield vice president Leslie Aberson treasurer and Stanley Levy secretary Principal speaker at the banquet was Rabbi Selwyn Russ-lander Dayton Ohio who stressed the responsibility of the Jew because of his heritage himself and- all mankind in years to Others who spoke were the' retiring president and his successor Rabbi Sidney Ballon introduced Rabbi Russlander and Dr Irving A Gail a past president of B'nai B'rith was toastmaster Move To Oust Officials Planned WASHINGTON May 28 The Commerce Department will shortly start proceedings aimed at the ouster of two of its officials who have rejected Secretary Sawyer's request they resign a department spokesman said tonight The two men whose loyalty has been questioned in Congress are William Remington and Michael Lee both 810000 a year men in the Office of International Trade Both announced they will fight Sawyer's efforts to oust them The loyalty board Is currently considering their cas-e but Sawyer said Saturday night that his request that they resign is no reflection on their loyalty He said he acted the interest of good administration" A department spokesman who declined to be quoted by name said as soon as Remington and Lee formally turn down Sawyer's request the department will prepare administrative charges against them That will call for closed Civil Service Commission hearings Missing Man Held Victim Of Amnesia MT STERLING Ky May 28 (Special) William Thomas about 50 ML Sterling plumber has been missing from his home since 8 pm (CST) Saturday and la believed to be an amnesia victim Sheriff Charlie Wilson said toinght The sheriff said he traced Thomas aa far as Ashland Police there and at Huntington Va have been 'notified to be on the lookout for him Wilson said Mr Thomas told him her husband left their home on Johnson avenue Saturday night to go downtown and get a shave She said he asked her whether she wanted to go with him and when he left he was still wearing his work clothes dark green trousers and a shirt 'with no hat and walked to- town instead of driving Wilson said hia investigation disclosed that -Thomas did not get a shave but went instead to the railway station buying a ticket for Huntington and left ML -Sterling on the 9:20 train Saturday The conductor sheriff that he saw Thomas get off at Ashland where he would have had to change trains for Huntington but he did not know whether Thomas boarded the Huntington train Mr Thomas told officers her husband had less than 310 In his pockets when he left home and that he had no relatives or close friends in either Ashland or Huntington Two Madison Raids Net Liquor Arrests RICHMOND Ky May 28 (Special) Two raids were made today at dawn at Farristown 10 miles south of Richmond by the sheriffs force and the state police The first raid was made at the residence of Mr and Mrs Charlie Jsaac Sheriff Charles Wagers said Mr Isaacs was charged with possessing alcoholic beverages in a dry territory for sale She was released on 8500 bond Also raided was the residence of Ned and Edna White Negroes She was charged with possessing untaxed whisky and was placed in the county jail in default of 5500 bond Wagers said Returned From Columbus Wilma Mae Hutsell Negro 21 was returned to Richmond tonight from Columbus Ohio where she was arrested Friday night at the request of local authorities County Attorney Salem Moody stated that she is charged with concealing the birth of an Illegitimate child She was apprehended in connection with the discovery of the body of a Negro infant in a rock quarry here Friday Israel Agrees To Pay For Bernadotte's Funeral TEL AVIV Israel May 28 Israel said tonight she will pay 854628 for damages in connection with the assassination of Count Folke Bemadotte The United Nations Palestine mediator was killed in the Jewish-held sector of Jerusalem SepL 17 1948 The government said in a press statement it is apologizing formally for the slaying of Bemadotte and pledging continued search for his killers UN Secretary General Trygve Lie in a letter to the Israeli Foreign Ministry demanded damages for the funqpral and other resulting from death: Western Retains Title In OVC Tennis Play BOWLING GREEN Ky May 28 JP) Western Kentucky State College won both singles divisions and retained the team championship of the Ohio Valley Conference tennis tournament which was concluded here today Western accumulated nine points to duplicate its team triumph of last year Tech finished second with six point Marshall and Eastern each scored two points Final summary: Clae slnglei Royer Ottcn iWrxt-m del Temp Oillesple (Marshall) 6-0 6-0 Class finales Arthur Anderson (Western) def Clyde Jones (Tennessee Tech) 4-3 4-3 Bill Martin end Bill Hinds (Tennessee Tech) def Bruce Hamilton and James Snow (Eastern) 6-3 4-0 RICHMOND Kjr May 28 Special this free nation needs is Inspired teachers who can pass on to their pupils the basic faith In Cod and man and the moral principles upon which our freedom the Eastern SUte College graduating class was told today In the baccalaureate address by Dr Edward Stimson pastor of the Knox Presbyterian Church Cincinnati "Go forth with a sense of God-given mission to teach the whole truth Including the basic religious truth which supports democracy'' be urged The lack of religious training In our schools has been the conspicuous blindspot in much American public education Dr Stimson declared Causes for this lack he said are religious differences in our communities a large growth of secular humanism in certain high places and the misapprehension that religious teaching is out of place in public schools under the principle of separation of church and state Dr O'Donnell Eastern College president presided at the baccalaureate services Music was furnished by the college choir directed by James EL Van Peursem head of the music department at Eastern The Rev Perry the Rev Oliver Carmichael and Dr Frank Tinder local pastor participated in the program At the annual alumni dinner Saturday night new officers of the Alumni Association were introduced by the retiring president Fitzpatrick Jr Prestons-burg Ben IXord Louisville was elected president: Miss Madeline Carman Covington first vice president and Clarence Rail Frankfort second vice president Miss Mary McKinney member of the Eastern faculty is secretary-treasurer FOP Officers To Speak In Middlesboro Tonight City police SgL McCaw grand lodge trustee Fraternal Order of Police and Radio Dispatcher Hensley vice president Blue Grass Lodge No 4 FOP will address members of the Middlesboro police department and other peace officers in that vicinity tonight They were invited to speak by Guy Harrell Middlesboro police chief They will discuss the possibility of an FOP lodge in the Middlesboro area Burial Services Set For Mrs Chenault Committal services for Mrs Minnie McCormick Chenault 71 who died Saturday In Eustis Fla will be held at 11 a CST Tuesday in Machpelah cemetery In ML Sterling Mr Chenault was a sister of Leslie McCormick 108 Irvine road 0 Farmer Motor Go Allis Chalmers Sales and Service 333 East Main St fHJUiUESTj -T a- -0 MOREbtlSHI Harvest more clean unda maged grain alice harvesting costs to a minimum with a dependable John Deere No 12-A Straight-Through Combine YouTI appreciate its eacel-fent work in all combineable craps itk simple full-width straight-through construction Its ease of operation its light weight and low ewer requirements its asting strength for field dependability and many eaturea which offer you maximum satisfaction throughout Its long life See us soon WILSON MACHINERY AND SUPPLY CO Service ISS vr 4th Si Phone 3-1455 Farm Store Matthew 8 Sampson MT STERLING Ky May 28-Funeral services for Matthew Sampson 74 who died at hia honie here Saturday will be held at 2 pm (CST) Monday at the Mit chell-Douglas funeral home conducted by the Rev Frank Shield Burial will he in the North Middle-town cemetery The body la at the funeral home Mr Addle Belle Speger OWENTON Ky May Funeral services for Mr Addle Belle Speger 84 of near Bromley who died Saturday will be held at 2:30 pm Monday at the Concord Bapt 1st cnurch conducted by the Rev Ollie Hale Burlap will be in the Jonesville cemetery Donald Elwood Criswell CYNTHIANA Ky May 28-Funeral services for Donald Elwood Criswell who was drowned Friday afternoon will be held at the Smith-Rees funeral home at 2:30 pm (CDT) Monday conducted by the 'Rev Frank Buck Dr McClure an dthe Rev Smith Burial will be in Battle Grove cemetery William Earl Marshall WILMORE Ky May Funeral services for William Earl Marshall 29 High Bridge who died unexpectedly Friday night at the home of a brother Charles Marshall 149 Carlisle avenue Lexington will be held at 3 pm (CDT) Monday at Union church at High Bridge conducted by the Rev Harry Wulfcamp pastor Burial will be in the Wilmore cemetery The body is at the residence at High- Bridge Mr Mary Elsie Leach BERRY Ky May Mr Mary Elsie Leach 89 widow of Leach died at her home at Marcus Pendleton county about 8 (CST) today Survivors include two foster daughter Mr Cleveland and Mrs Bradley Gillespie both of Berry and several nieces and nephews Funeral services will be held at 5 (CST) Tuesday at the Woodhead funeral home conducted by the Rev Forrest Taylor of Jonesville Burial will be in Pythian Grove cemetery here The body Is at the funeral home Henry Carl VERSAILLES Ky May Funeral services for Henry Carl 85 farmer of Woodford county who died late Saturday night at his home on the Paynes Mill road will be held at 3 (CDT) Monday at Duell'a funeral chapel here conducted by the Rev Morgan Radford pastor of the Mt Vernon Baptist church and the Rev Tom Nix pastor of the Mackville Baptist church and former pastor of the ML Vernon church Burial will be in the Versailles cemetery Pallbearers include Fred Faust Ben Ford Clyde Knox Nave Henry Bell and John and Richard LeMas-ter He is survived by his wife Mr Fannie Dalton Carl four sons Parker Carl Fayette county and Charley Henry Jr and Ernest Carl all of Woodford county three daughters Mrs Clyde Knox Nave and Mrs Henry Bell both of Lexington and Mr Ben Ford Versailles one sister Mr Theresa Kohl Cincinnati one brother Martin Carl Sr Brooksville and 12 grandchildren The body is at the funeral home Mr Eva Mulberry Winters GEORGETOWN Ky May 28-Funeral services for Mrs Rye Mulberry Winter 84 widow of Charles Winters of Georgetown who died Wednesday at her home in Orlando Fla will be held at 2 (CDT) Monday at Johnson's funeral home conducted by the Rev George Jacob pastor of the Georgetown Christian church Burial will be in the Georgetown cemetery Pallbearers will be Lewis Baird Honaker Sr Henry Moss Winter Neal Arthur Kemper and Charles Fields Survivors include one daughter Mr Grace Winters Jone Orlando Fla one brother Bob Mulberry Corinth and four grandsons The body is at the funeraLhome Charlie Puckett WINCHESTER Ky May 28-Funeral services for Charlie Puckett 79 of Winchester who died Saturday night at SL hospital Lexington will be held at 2:30 pm (CDT) Wednesday at the Scobee funeral home conducted by the Rev Roy Richardson pastor of the Pharis Hill Christian cliurch and the Rev Blanche Burru pastor of the Wesleyan Methodist tabernacle Burial will be in the Winchester cemetery Active pallbearers include Robert Newkirk Sheridan Williams John Aldridge Wilburn Foster Charlie Morton and James Willie Crim Honorary bearers include Scrivner Snyder Wiseman Dr Scobee Dr Eugene Snowden Clay Hodgkin and Bowser Sr The body ia at the funeral home Hugh East LANCASTER Ky May Hugh East 48 died unexpectedly at hia home near Buckeye about 6 o'clock (CDT) tonight A son of the late Owen and Lucy Gayley East he was a member of the Liberty Baptist church Survivors include his wife Mr Pearlie Hurt East one daughter Miss Ida Mae EasL at home two "son Howard and Lloyd EasL both at home two brothers Rono and ssr Two Tie For First In Picadome Event Ed Inman and Mr Hanson tied for first place In the 18-hole blind bogey tournament at the Picadome Golf Club over the week-end Each tied the blind number of 79 Inman shot a 91 and his 12-stroke handicap gave him a 79 while Mr Hanson had a 65 handicap to go with her round of 144 Everly tied the second World Boxing Unit MADRID May 28 A world boxing federation to control all championship bouts was pro- Eosed today and was immediate-r endorsed by American ring official Nat Fleischer editor -of Ring magazine and a leading author ity on the sport called the proposal in the highest degree" CoL Edward Eagan chairman of the New York Athletic Commission agreed with Fleischer The proposal was made by the European Boxing Union meeting in congress here Hoe Still Best Weed Killer As the garden begins to grow in warming weather so will the weeds Weeding and hoeing are chores that most gardeners dislike Chances are that a good many home gardeners will be considering easiest- way" They have been reading of the marvels of chemical weed killing that have been developed in the last few year Why not they will ask try a chemical? Uncle Sam advises waiting for one or more seasons Spraying with 24-D to rid the lawn of dandelion plantain and other broad-leaf weeds is effective and a work-saver if done with care to avoid injury to vegetables and flowers Chemical weeding is going to be helpful to many truckgrowers this year But chemical weed killers are most useful when the area to be treated runs into acres and labor expense is high Truck farmers will be applying results of research and will be using different chemials for different crops onions beet carrots and other Their treatments will be applied tq broad acres of a single crop Even so there is danger that a chemical used to kill weeds in one crop will drift in the wind and injure a nearby crop In the home garden rows are close Several of the favorite garden crops tomatoes and bean for are highly sensitive to 24-D Chances are that in any garden of less than a half-acre planted to a well assorted variety of crop the damage from a weed killing chemical used on any crop would be greater than the gain to that crop Then too the Department of Agriculture weed specialists point out it is a good deal of a chore to load a sprayer with the precisely measured spray mixture do the -spraying and then clean up the equipment thoroughly In family-sized gardens the job of using a hoe or cultivator would probably take less time than to spray with a weed killer Weed eradication research is active It is but not that a safe garden weed killer may be developed But gardeners had better wait forit Official Says Gaming Situation 'A Farce' COVINGTON Ky May 28 OPh-City Commissioner John Moloney said today that the gambling situation in Covington become a farce and some officials are continuing to make a burlesque of law enforcement" Moloney added the people of Covington are aware by now that some officers of the city government are in alliance with gambling interest" Because of thi the city commissioner asserted the officers support conditions that "can only be to the detriment of the It was Moloney who just a few weeks ago put himself on record as favoring a lid on gambling in the city Fire Calls cur 13 31 ss TOO block East 8-renrh street First eld run False alarm Vernon Pick IS of SSI Brecklnride street reported drowning tn quarry Fack was wading In water eecklng fishing corks 4 33 34 Merino street First aid run Howard McXar I treated tor hiccoughs Oxygen need Coast? 750 Cooper drire and Zldemere road teported on tire Out a arrival Dwarf fruit trees are becoming more widely accepted because they take up less space and make the job of gathering ripe fruit much simpler BOTTLED GAS INSTALLATION and SERVICE Blue Grass Buiane Co (Incorporated) MS Cast Hish Sfc Lanin? ton Ky Dial 4-1450 By John 8 Gardner It's time for putting In another planting of beans and corn and it'e a good Idea to look toward surpluses for canning and freezing and make these plantings double Tender-green is a good freezing bean and Golden Cross Bantam ia the sweet corn sort to use as It tends to mature its crop in few pullings Because of the long-continued cool and wet season trouble is being had with poor stands of beans and loss through root-rot The good news Is that trouble is generally restricted to the early planting and as the season and soil warm up It will disappear Insurance against it and sensible too for any planting is dusting the seed with Spergon which most seedsmen now handle Spergon would help corn stand too but there is a special treating material called Arasan slightly better for this crop Much trouble with cutworms is reported Although this insect disappears as the season warms up Insurance against it would be had by wrapping with strips of newspaper the stems of the tomato plants soon to be set for making tomatoes for canning Dusting squashes and cucumbers (and melons) should be continued until the schedule of five suggested here earlier is completed always in the middle of the hill The dust may be of three per cent DDT straight or six per cent combined with three per cent DDT the copper tending to stop loss of lower leaves by blight (favored by cool wet weather) and giving measurable control of mildew (favored by the same weather) This goes far in preventing the untimely death of plants of this family Late cabbage for winter storing should be started soon Very good is sowing three or four seeds place" then thining to one The final spacing should be 24 to 30 Inches the rows 30 Inches The variety should be Wisconsin All Seasons resistant to yellow the main cause for late cabbage failing in so many garden Soon the Insects will he here in full force and taking control measures now will save trouble and possible los later blind number of 73 with his 98-25 73 Judson Cramer fired a 72 for low gross honors The event drew 33 entries Next event on the Picadome schedule will be a Memorial Day flag tourney Tuesday for men and women FAYETTE COAL FEED CO Sole Distributors 885 West High Dial 2-1626 I I I 1 I I I Nationalists Admit Leaving Islands TAIPEI Formosa May 28 The Chinese Nationalists admitted today that they had abandoned the Lapsapmei islands near Hong Kong (This was a backhanded method of acknowledging withdrawal from the Wanshaw or Ladrone Islands where they had proclaimed a great victory over Communist invasion forces only two days earlier Lapsapmei is the key Island in the cluster of a dozen or so dots of land in the Pearl river's estuary which generally are lumped together as the Wanshans but sometimes are dauified aa different groups (A British naval spokesman In Hong Kong disclosed Saturday that the Nationalists had pulled out and had landed their 1000-man garrison on little Lingting Island 10 miles south of Hong Kong as a temporary haven before leaving for Formosa) Man Shot Four Times Following Lemar Mosley Negro 30 of 214 East Second street was shot four times last night following an argument at Second and Dewees street city police reported Police arrested Matthew Simpson Negro 27 of 204 Spruce street on a charge of malicious shooting and wounding with intent to kill In connection with the case Officers said the two men were involved in an argument and that Simpson drew a revolver and shot Mosley' who turned and fled Simpson' continued firing wounding Mosley three more times' Attendants at SL Joseph's hospital where the victim was taken by city police said one bullet entered right abdomen one pierced the left thigh and two entered the left hip He was admit-ted to the hospital for surgery- Barney East both of Garrard county and aix sister Mrs Myrtle Hardin Edinburg Ind Mrs William Pollard Madison county Mrs Bert Moberly Boyle county Mr Luther May Lexington and Mrs Amon Lemay and Mrs Ray Moore both of Garrard county The body was takeii to the Mil-ler-Cox-Ramsey funeral home Arrangements for funeral services have not been completed Mrs Mildred Ann Wsrth CYNTHIANA Ky May 28 (Special) Mrs Mildred Ann Warth 81 died at 9:45 o'clock tonight at her home on Graya Run road in Harrison county She is survived by two daughter Mrs Elizabeth Robard Lexington and Miss Martha Warth Harrison county four son Robert Lee Warth Noah Warth and Thomai Warth all of Harrison county and Verle Warth Lexington and two sister Mr Wesley William Cynthlana and Mr Joseph Gannon Cincinnati She was member of the ML Carmel Christian church Funeral services will be held at 2:30 pm (CST) Wednesday at the Whaley funeral home The Rev Roger Gardien pastor of Broadwell Presbyterian church will officiate assisted by the Rev John Dawson of Lexington Burial will be in the Battle Grove cemetery The body will remain at the residence until Wednesday morning Headquarters For I CASE FARM MACHINERY Parts and Repairs COAL LUMBER FEED Mountain Dew Coal Co 362 Georgetown SL Dial 2-4074 WANTED: DEAD or ALIVE HORSES ZM each CATTLE M0 each HOGS 25e Per Cwt According te Site and Condition i CALL COLLECT TO LEXINGTON S-5Z77 DARLING COMPANY Skill In Hals Found Making Handy It pays a woman to be skillful with a needle particularly when she has a flair for -making hats and accessories says Mrs Lucille Warren home demonstration agent In Clark county She cited the case of Mr A Ecton who has a dozen costumes by using a basic dress with different accessorie The dres beige in color was a wise choice for practically all other colors may be worn with it Here are some of the accessories this member of the and Homemakers Club made or bought to wear with the dres several of them serving in more than one combination: 1 Reblocked green felt hat with brown veil green scarf brown shoes and hag 2 Natural color straw hat which she retrimmed straw bag beige glove and violets worn at the neck of the dres 3 Red velveteen hat with matching cuffs' and collar all of which she made 4 Taffeta jerkin made from a skirt with red hat shoes and bag 5 Brown felt hat brown and gold scarf brown shoes and bag beige glove 6 Brown rough straw hat alligator leather bag and shoes and natural glove 7 Black straw hat black patent pumps and purse natural glove pearls and matching earrings 8 Navy suede shoe broadcloth bag and glove and navy and light blue scarf Gene Wenz Captures Skeet Championship LOUISVILLE Ky May 28 UV Gene Wen Louisville cracked 150 straight targets here ts-ay to win the all-bore title in the first annual Kentucky Blue Grass Open skeet championship Wen Kentucky amateur champion nosed out Capt Roy Rolf Fort Knox for the GenJ Fred Miles trophy Each had cut down 100 targets before going into a shoot-off Wenz bagged the next 50 with Rolf getting 49 The all-around championship went to Henry Koehler Detroit He bagged 289 of 300 targets at the sponsoring Jefferson Gun Club 'The Louisville five-man team won the team title getting 482 of 500 target Paul Jordan president of the local club took the 20-gauge title Saturday with 100x100 Hawks Beat White Sox The Aetna Hawks defeated the Winchester White Sox 5-3 in seven innings at Legion Field yesterday afternoon for their fourth straight victory Jack Crowe and Jimmy Current formed the battery for the winner while Beil and Gatewood opposed them for Winchester 11 Chicago Livestock Market Statistics Averep? Mess Cattle Hos Sheep Lambs last week 9TOJS fit OS 1000 3400 Pte? 3000 19 00 1100 3640 1040 354 1040 11XO 104 33 50 3350 1135 Receipts Clsttle Calves Hope St Saturday 300 5100 Last week 3005 451 58768 Pre? week 30074 1481 frtois Year sso 37176 4051 5505 SEED Fertilizer Baseball's Big Six Associated Freso LEADING BATSMEN DaDDDHBHDDniiaanDQBDBDIlHB DO YOU NEED A NEW ROOF? We are in a position to quota you the lowest price on asphalt shingles or asbestos shingles NO DOWN PAYMENT NECESSARY Cet our new low prices Jos Harper Sons 750 Short Dial 2-1518 Eft BnnnnBBBnnnBBnnBBBBnnnna 7 Times 1 Equals $400000 And Children WalkAgain! Shriners Crippled Fund co Lexington Herald-Leader i Lexington 15 Ky The Shriners Crippled campaign is a great in I understand that only $50000 needs to be raised in Central Kentucky to obtain $350000 from the national Shrine organization for the building of a new $400000 Shrine hospital in Lexington 1 enclose $-- to help children to walk again and to help Central Kentucky claim the $350000 so generously offered by the national Shrine agency STOCK COWS 25 Native'Angus Cows and Calves 15 Native Hereford Cows and Calves 11 Angus Heifers 600 pounds FOR OUR SALE TUESDAY Blue Grass Stockyards Co (In the Center of the Blue Grass Packing Industry) Lisle Road and Old Frankfort Pike LEXINGTON KENTUCKY Dial 3-0717 Dial 3-0787 FEDERAL LAND BANK FARM LOANS (Net Government Leon Farmer Owned and Controlled) 4 INTEREST LONG TERMS NO FEES REPAYMENT ANYTIME WITHOUT FORFEITURE DIVIDEND PAYING STOCK Lewis A Maury Sec-Trea Blue Grans NFLA 620 Broadway Lexington Kentucky Dial 3-5088 PLANTS Insecticides KOHLER LIGHT PLANTS Full Automatie or Hand Cranked AC or DC Current Wisconsin Air Cooled Enrines Thermoid Endless Farm Belts Fractional Horse Power Belts Garden Suction Water Hose Flat Transmission Belts Worthington Sheaves WOMWELL INDUSTRIAL DEPARTMENT 240 Clark Street JOHN KING JOHN KING JR Personal Servlet General Insurance 4 Long Term Farm Loans Low Interest Long Term City Loans 125 Cheapslde Dial 2-6155 NAME Address City 208-210 West Vine Dial 2-9851 nTnii nr 6000 SEEDS yjiojitfj IE1 ill:.

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.